View Full Version : Looking for cmj240t

09-22-2003, 06:50 PM
It's been...hell, I've forgotten how long...sometime around June. Anyway, I payed cmj240t $91 to ship me his used HotShot header quite a few months ago. I got the runaround about it being too big to ship to residential, have to ship freight, blah, blah, blah, for several weeks...then he just sorta disappeared. I've emailed him...no reply. Now, I could care less for the header; I'd just like my money back. If anyone knows him or knows of a way to resolve this situation, I'd really appreciate your help. I believe he lives in Orlando, FL and his email is [email protected]


09-22-2003, 08:10 PM
Just a little snooping around the net turned up the following links

Freshalloy profile (look at all his posts) (http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/showprofile.php?Cat=&User=16553&what=online)

240sx.org post with area code and first name charlie (http://www.team140.net/240sx.org/links/classifieds/detail3504.html)

Perhaps a member of this yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ims-dlp/) if you can get some of them to help you locate him more power to you

Regardless best of luck to you on getting your hard earned $$ back