View Full Version : protester murders

02-20-2011, 02:10 PM
140 protesters killed in Libya:

140 Massacred in Libya. Woman and children leap to their deaths from bridges. : worldnews (http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/fowtz/140_massacred_in_libya_woman_and_children_leap_to/)

military fires on protesters in Bahrain:

A Day of Massacre In Bahrain | UN Dispatch (http://www.undispatch.com/bahrain-massacre)

(yeah yeah, Kent State. shut up. it was 40 years ago)

02-20-2011, 03:43 PM
something isn't right about the bahrain one. they have riots almost every weekend (not protests, riots...like flaming/exploding propane tanks, spear guns, you name it they use it on police). i personally worked with/responded with the ministry of interiors special security force (ones that respond to riots) and they don't even bring live rounds out. i have lived/worked there and i find this very very hard to swallow. their has to be more to this story. and if their isn't...i'm extremley curious as to why the sudden change of policy. the ONLY thing i can think of is since they already have such a hard time with riots that they are cracking down even harder since the egypt incident.

02-20-2011, 03:53 PM
Used to care, but I am quite over it. For the past few centuries, nothing good has come from that part of the Earth. Kind of wish it would just be blocked off, until they resolve their differences and decide to become contributing inhabitants of this planet, instead of dragging the rest of the world down with them and involving innocent people in their personal squabbles.

02-20-2011, 04:12 PM
something isn't right about the bahrain one. they have riots almost every weekend (not protests, riots...like flaming/exploding propane tanks, spear guns, you name it they use it on police). i personally worked with/responded with the ministry of interiors special security force (ones that respond to riots) and they don't even bring live rounds out. i have lived/worked there and i find this very very hard to swallow. their has to be more to this story. and if their isn't...i'm extremley curious as to why the sudden change of policy. the ONLY thing i can think of is since they already have such a hard time with riots that they are cracking down even harder since the egypt incident.

Yea I'm guessing that policy changes might have happened because of whats happening in egypt, tunisia, libya, etc. I didn't know anything about the situation in Bahrain before this, but i feel like that is a logical reason. There could be more to the story, but from the info/videos that have been released that is all that i can conclude, ya know. The videos of unarmed protesters getting tagged in the face make it hard for me to side with a government, regardless of the situation. It sounds like you know what you're talking about though.


02-20-2011, 11:02 PM
Used to care, but I am quite over it. For the past few centuries, nothing good has come from that part of the Earth. Kind of wish it would just be blocked off, until they resolve their differences and decide to become contributing inhabitants of this planet, instead of dragging the rest of the world down with them and involving innocent people in their personal squabbles.

Yeah, because the rest of the world has nothing to do with WHY they are in such a mess.

02-21-2011, 08:36 AM
Yea I'm guessing that policy changes might have happened because of whats happening in egypt, tunisia, libya, etc. I didn't know anything about the situation in Bahrain before this, but i feel like that is a logical reason. There could be more to the story, but from the info/videos that have been released that is all that i can conclude, ya know. The videos of unarmed protesters getting tagged in the face make it hard for me to side with a government, regardless of the situation. It sounds like you know what you're talking about though.

YouTube - Bahrain's army deliberately kills peaceful protesters with live rounds ( automatic weapon ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwnUQcKXmMM&feature=topvideos&skipcontrinter=1)

I agree, and that has been my impression too.
Most likely Tunisia & Egypt just set off a chain of events in other countries,
where a large portion of the population have been fed up with their governments for a while.

Libya seems like an all out war

Uprising flares in Libyan city - Africa - Al Jazeera English (http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/02/201122014259976293.html)

I have a feeling we might be seeing more of this with other countries, like Iran.

02-21-2011, 08:48 AM
I wonder how many of those weapons were provided by us....damn shame.

02-21-2011, 08:53 AM
I wonder how many of those weapons were provided by us....damn shame.

none actually, they use french/german made weaponary. i'm not sure about their choppers though.

redline racer510
03-07-2011, 06:18 PM
The US government doesn't give a shit just as long as there isn't a wasted opportunity to profit financially, economically, politically. Libya has a lot of oil so I wouldn't be surprised if we go into Libya and do our magic like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan or perhaps we will sit back and influence future elections in the region to better suit our governments agenda. Either way we love making money while being shady at doing it, isn't that the American way? Lol I smell WW3

03-14-2011, 08:59 PM
man fuck bahrain. I hope F1 pulls out of there for good, borring ass races every year.