View Full Version : Valentines Day

02-09-2011, 01:40 AM
What are you and your significant other doing for Valentines Day?

Any gifts?

To start off,

My girlfriend of over a year has something planned for me (I believe she is going to try and take me somewhere)

I, however, purchased her a coffee mug with her favorite TV show character (Daemon Salvatore from "The Vampire Diaries") printed on it (Vampire Diaries "Damon" Mug: WBshop.com - The Official Online Store of Warner Bros. Studios (http://www.wbshop.com/Vampire-Diaries-Damon-Mug/VDEZPMUGDAM,default,pd.html?cgid=vdvday)). I will be purchasing some lingerie for her tomorrow, as well as ordering some roses. I will also make my own card.

We have Friday as our day to celebrate V-Day (conflicts with school and work on Monday). But, I will be giving her the roses on Monday (surprise at school).

So far those are whats set and stone for my plans, still debating on the dinner :)

What are your plans for V-Day?

02-09-2011, 02:04 AM
I am also trying to figure something out.

Our one year anniversary is this week and with Valentine's day next week, I figured she prob. shouldn't get a double whammy. Haha.

I am taking her out to a very nice Steakhouse out here for our one year. I think I will be working on Valentine's day anyways so I will go ahead and send her some roses.

I did end up making her a valentine's day card/anniversary one. It's pretty cool. Also got her some earrings from Tiffany.

Figured I spent a hefty amount already so that's what she gets.

02-09-2011, 02:59 AM
This will sound SO weird, but we have been together for about 2 and a half years.
Every year around Valentines is when the circus comes to town here.

So THAT is our Valentines "date" every year, 3 years running.

02-09-2011, 07:36 AM
i WANT to do something on the 12th only since that's our 'month'iversary and with the 14th being a monday that totally sucks with work/school.

that being said, i do plan on taking my girlfriend to this awesome (in my opinion) restaurant in the city. which one, i don't know yet (haha) but i know that the wait time is going to be like 5 hours. roses + card are mandatory obviously.

02-09-2011, 12:39 PM
Since I'm broke and neither my gf and I have time to spend together on a Monday, she works during the day and I have class at night, I will just make her a V-day card and whatever budget stuff I can make from scratch.

02-09-2011, 12:44 PM
Just found out my girlfriend of two years likes dubstep, so im going to surprise her with RUSKO tickets!

02-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Just found out my girlfriend of two years likes dubstep, so im going to surprise her with RUSKO tickets!

good call, my girlfriend is big into deadmau5 , so when our anniversary came round i had bought her 2 tickets to see him in london!!! win win stiuation!

taking my girl out to dinner (her choice) have no idea for presents though! shit! dont think i can buy her another handbag!

02-09-2011, 02:31 PM
Hopefully, I can lose my 37 year old V-Card on V-Day this year.

02-09-2011, 03:00 PM
This will sound SO weird, but we have been together for about 2 and a half years.
Every year around Valentines is when the circus comes to town here.

So THAT is our Valentines "date" every year, 3 years running.

That's a cool tradition though.

02-09-2011, 03:04 PM
last year i bought my chick pink rotas for her honda.... she loved them... now that has a s13 and left honda for good... maybe a nice set of rims again or sr20... will make her happy :) lucky me.. lol

well i advise u buddy to get her something unexpected... u will thank me later. ;)

02-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Broke up with the GF so I'm getting myself an ISIS suspension arm package and an IWATA LPH400-LV paint gun. Ahhh the single life :D

02-09-2011, 03:13 PM
I'm going to take the wife out for a dress and tie dinner at this Italian restaurant my friend recommended. That's all I've got planned...

02-09-2011, 04:02 PM
ugh... idk what to get my fiance this year... >< he's the type that goes and buys whatever he wants. i'm not sure if i should get him anything though... considering he just stole my daily s13... (his will be up for sale shortly.) any suggestions?

02-09-2011, 04:03 PM
I absolutely hate going out on Valentines day.

IF you can even get into a restaurant, they usually have limited menus and the service is fucking terrible. Not to mention all of the crazies that are out and about, and I really dont want to see a bunch of 18 year olds making out at their dinner tables.

With that being said, my girl and I usually stay in and make a nice dinner ourselves. Its nice to have a few drinks, chill out, and just be alone. Cooking is a pretty fun way to interact and have a good time, and then we can actually have a good meal in a nice environment thats usually far more enjoyable and romantic than going out to a restaurant.

02-09-2011, 04:15 PM
girlfriend of a year and a half hates and by hates i mean she would punch me if i bought her jewelry.......... so i bought her a new ipod nano( the little square guy) took it out of the box and put it in a ring box lol.... im gonna have a black eye but its gonna be totally worth it

02-09-2011, 04:20 PM
I'm gonna be flying back from Hawaii for most of the day ;)

02-09-2011, 04:21 PM
Made dinner for an ex a few years back, maybe time for a repeat. Bought a fancy folding table, chairs, etc and planned on having dinner in this park overlooking DT Seattle, but was raining so it was in the living room :(

-King Salmon with Bento sauce
-Homemade hummus
-From scratch chocolate cake with from scratch Mocha buttercream frosting. The cake took 3 hours to make. I say go big or go home, dinner at home is way more romantic than going to some steakhouse


02-09-2011, 04:31 PM
the gf doesnt like to celebrate valentines day!...says i shouldnt have to show my love only once a year...and that vday should be everyday lol...so i just bought myself a set of cusco tie rods with her present money...maybe ill just make her a card...guys save ur money!!!!!!!

the a3k
02-09-2011, 04:41 PM
i WANT to do something on the 12th only since that's our 'month'iversary and with the 14th being a monday that totally sucks with work/school.

that being said, i do plan on taking my girlfriend to this awesome (in my opinion) restaurant in the city. which one, i don't know yet (haha) but i know that the wait time is going to be like 5 hours. roses + card are mandatory obviously.

take her to NINJA or jeckyll and hyde. nyc has some really cool themed restaurants. i took my gf to ninja last year and we both loved it.

anyway my gf didnt really like v-day but our 1.5 year anniversary is on the 12th also so we're going to this cool little place i found in nj called archetypus. gift wise im just gonna get her some flowers. ill try and differ from the typical red roses

02-09-2011, 05:20 PM
This will sound SO weird, but we have been together for about 2 and a half years.
Every year around Valentines is when the circus comes to town here.

So THAT is our Valentines "date" every year, 3 years running.
same kindda thing here. there is World of Wheels car show that has been coming to town for years, first valentines day we went and have been going every year since, this will be our fourth, Also the following weekend we will be going to Chicago to the Auto show and to see The Dan Band :D

02-09-2011, 05:40 PM
Me and my lady climb the mountain by our house. takes about an hour or so then we have a little picnic and bust out a little vodka and kick it once we get to the top. She seems to love it

02-09-2011, 05:41 PM
Well my GF and I are cool about Valentines Day, she's taking me out to this restaurant some where in the city. I got her some flowers that are being delivered tomorrow. And I also got her something from Tiffany & Co.

Tomorrow because her cousin is coming over for the weekend and they're going to have girl time together; which I don't mind. But Sunday we're going out. Glad that the day is almost here. It's not even over yet, our Birthday's are both in March.

02-09-2011, 07:05 PM
anyone got a suggestion for somone who is gonna be a few hundred miles away...?
no mailing address since shes gonna be moving around...
usually i have something clever but this time i got nothing...

02-09-2011, 08:06 PM
Shit ive never even had a valentine.

02-10-2011, 02:00 AM
Bought my girl/baby momma tickets to go see her favorite band 311 on the 21st

02-10-2011, 02:21 AM
Buy myself my s13 VH45 mounts then I don't know maybe take my Gf to La to see her real BF

02-10-2011, 04:54 AM
I'm stuck in Afghanistan, the wife is in Japan. There is no valentines this year

02-10-2011, 05:55 AM
I'm stuck in Afghanistan, the wife is in Japan. There is no valentines this year

Mail her a spent shell casing with "I <3 U" scribbled on it.. :love:

02-10-2011, 06:27 AM
Having sex with a friend probably. valentines day is lame.

02-10-2011, 08:04 AM
anyone got a suggestion for somone who is gonna be a few hundred miles away...?
no mailing address since shes gonna be moving around...
usually i have something clever but this time i got nothing...

go visit? :D

02-10-2011, 08:06 AM
Mail her a spent shell casing with "I <3 U" scribbled on it.. :love:
USPS wont let us ship shell casings. FML

02-10-2011, 08:44 AM
keep it simple with a rose n dinner. But yea, iono if I should be makinga reservation cause fcuk waiting for 30min to eat in a loud ass place.

02-10-2011, 09:30 AM
Buy her the murs cd "melrose"
Betsey johnson bag
gyu kaku for din but idk she likes mexican food. i dont know any good places.
Maybe roses
were barely dating but its going real good. Shes old school classy. My first compared to the usual i date.

02-10-2011, 11:09 AM
girlfriend of a year and a half hates and by hates i mean she would punch me if i bought her jewelry.......... so i bought her a new ipod nano( the little square guy) took it out of the box and put it in a ring box lol.... im gonna have a black eye but its gonna be totally worth it

lol. this is legit.

02-10-2011, 11:20 AM
I wasn't planning on doing anything since I'm currently single, but a "friend" wants me to take her to see the Viginia Monologues and then get drinks while her boyfriend works the nightshift. I'm still considering whether or not I wanna go and be 'that guy'...

02-10-2011, 11:29 AM
I'm stuck in Afghanistan, the wife is in Japan. There is no valentines this year

respect to your sacrifice

02-10-2011, 11:33 AM
I've been cursed with being born on this day chicks always wana do the lovey dovey thing. I just wanna party and enjoy my bday and not buy someone else a gift. Its my bday dammit lol.

02-10-2011, 12:35 PM
respect to your sacrifice

X2 thank you.

02-10-2011, 11:45 PM
Just bought the lingerie for my gf today, damn $75 didn't think it was going to be THAT much. Oh well, in the long run it will be worth it :)

Also bought her some pens I found that she was looking for. Turned out those were $4.99 a piece! For a little Japanese pen, "Rilakkuma" pens. I was about to order roses off of ProFlowers, but they wanted a grand total of like $63, screw that I'm going to go buy a dozen for like $20 or less and show up at her house before class on Monday!

02-11-2011, 12:39 AM
My gf and I are going out to a nicer seafood tasting dinner on Fri to avoid some of the crowds.
Sat, we will go on a day-trip maybe in Huntington Library & gardens in Pasadena, CA.

Mon just isn't practical for any sort of celebration for us with work & school.

02-11-2011, 10:11 AM
For National Singles Awareness Day, im gonna find a girl to smash. If shes not with a guy, shes probably DTF.

02-11-2011, 10:53 AM
that day is a day to guaranteed hit a home run.

02-11-2011, 05:27 PM
i have jury duty on the 14th! how shitty is that! haha

02-11-2011, 05:57 PM
More than likely taking my girlfriend out to dinner at our favorite Japanese BBQ place. Shit is expensive as hell, but so worth it.

Not really one to buy her presents and such for Valentines day. I save the real presents for birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas. Bought her a diamond necklace for Christmas. Took her to Vegas on her Birthday.

I've been with her for 6+ years now. We both decided to keep things simple a long time ago. I never listen though. So, my presents always end up costing several hundred dollars. Haha.

JayDee M Rolly
02-11-2011, 05:58 PM
For National Singles Awareness Day, im gonna find a girl to smash. If shes not with a guy, shes probably DTF.
this, i approve

02-11-2011, 09:52 PM
More than likely taking my girlfriend out to dinner at our favorite Japanese BBQ place. Shit is expensive as hell, but so worth it.

Name of place and location please.
Not for stalker purposes...........my wife is Japanese and am just interested in this place

02-13-2011, 10:49 AM
Jason i know one if your interested and if im right its probably this place hes going to
gyu-kaku.com. Place is fuckin bomb!!! Pricey as well.

02-13-2011, 11:14 AM
my gf loves meat ;P so im taking her out to a all you can eat jap bbq place. she also loves chocolate so im going to put out a trail of chocolate outside her front door and make it lead to a boquete of sunflowers.

02-13-2011, 12:48 PM
Gyu Kaku isn't that expensive.
If you do their 'All You Can Eat' lunch menu, that's their best deal.
Not every branch offers this, so you have to check on their site.

I like the Pasadena (socal) branch "Big Value" lunch menu for $26/person

If you want 'expensive' Japanese BBQ, that would be Totoraku in West LA.
$100-$200/head, it's NOT AYCE.
Good luck with getting a reservation too.
Been here once a few years ago, and it totally blows Gyu Kaku or any other J-BBQ place away.

02-14-2011, 03:01 AM
Ohh it is when you go twice every other week not just getting food but cocktails as well. i usually order the geisha plate. I have TRIED the lunch menu but the rancho location gets wayyyy overcrowded. Totoraku i have been with my manager for our employee dinner. I agree with blowing kaku out of shore. Reeeeall good!

02-14-2011, 07:02 AM
Jason i know one if your interested and if im right its probably this place hes going to
gyu-kaku.com. Place is fuckin bomb!!! Pricey as well.

Nah, I was referring to Tsuruhashi.

Last time we were there, bill came out to be above $200.

I have seen Gyu Kaku though. Might try it out sometime next month with a friend of mine.

Gyu Kaku isn't that expensive.
If you do their 'All You Can Eat' lunch menu, that's their best deal.
Not every branch offers this, so you have to check on their site.

If you want 'expensive' Japanese BBQ, that would be Totoraku in West LA.
$100-$200/head, it's NOT AYCE.
Good luck with getting a reservation too.
Been here once a few years ago, and it totally blows Gyu Kaku or any other J-BBQ place away.
Totoraku - West Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA (http://www.yelp.com/biz/totoraku-los-angeles)

Sheesh. That's pretty pricey. Definitely worth trying though.

02-14-2011, 09:06 AM
Just found out my girlfriend of two years likes dubstep, so im going to surprise her with RUSKO tickets!
Nice, me and my GF saw him like a year and half ago in LA. Audience sucked, but show was great.


Im finding you next time I am back home, lol.
I wasn't planning on doing anything since I'm currently single, but a "friend" wants me to take her to see the Viginia Monologues and then get drinks while her boyfriend works the nightshift. I'm still considering whether or not I wanna go and be 'that guy'...
You might as well cut your balls off if your going to that.
Dont be the guy at Vagina Monologes, Lilith Fair, Margaret Cho, or any other demasculating events.

Getting her a I phone or Black Berry, which ever one we decide when she is there. Prolly a movie, bike ride, or a hike.
We do have our Universal passes and live downt he road from there.
Most likely stay in and make food and hang out.
maybe let her sleep in for awhile, or maybe go get her up now, lol.

02-14-2011, 10:19 PM
Gyu Kaku is good...small portions but very good quality.
Didn't do much this year...girly had a rough day and wanted to relax at home and read so I surprised her with some killer roses and the most expensive heart shaped box of candy i could find...oh, and a card with a message in it...she was happy. Simple things work well.

02-15-2011, 10:35 AM
Nah, I was referring to Tsuruhashi.

Last time we were there, bill came out to be above $200.

I have seen Gyu Kaku though. Might try it out sometime next month with a friend of mine.

Sheesh. That's pretty pricey. Definitely worth trying though.

Tsuruhashi is great, but it can get pricey if you work up an appetite.
I loved their beef tongue, their raw beef dish, and how they open a little later.
It's nice to live close to the Torrance area, as they have some of the best & most authentic Japanese food in the US.

You'll probably not be impressed with Gyu-Kyaku aside from their AYCE value if you're used to Tsuruhashi.

Gyu Kaku is good...small portions but very good quality.

That's why I think it's a good idea to avoid their 'a la carte menu', and shoot for their 'all you can eat' lunches.
If you're paying that price, I would suggest trying out Tsuruhashi or some of the other nicer J-BBQ places.

02-15-2011, 10:38 AM
I just got her some flowers lol

02-15-2011, 10:49 AM
You might as well cut your balls off if your going to that.
Dont be the guy at Vagina Monologes, Lilith Fair, Margaret Cho, or any other demasculating events.
Nope. My balls were very much gainfully employed that night. Female Empowerment + Lots of Alcohal= Sexually Aggressive chick cheats on BF... lol