View Full Version : Cops Gone Wild

01-05-2011, 08:43 PM
please be civil. if you post "fuck the police" you're part of the problem, kthx?

video of a cop in my city beating the shit out of some dude is making the rounds.


a couple years ago this classic happened, this is in a municipality between my house and the highway:

(lol he's listening to the tokyo drift soundtrack)

there was this great thread on a cop forum about how that kid shouldn't have been taping and blah blah blah. he went to my high school, said for a week or better after the incident he'd see cops parked outside his house for whatever reason.

anybody have more cops on video they'd like to share? anybody in law enforcement care to voice their opinion?

i know that the police have a tough job. i know that any person you pull over could have a gun and be ready to start shooting (look up the Dinkheller shooting, or better yet, don't, it's pretty horrible). but this kind of shit for not presenting a completely limp, willing attitude, i don't really think is acceptable.

01-05-2011, 08:52 PM
should have put in the thread that hope people dont go crazy over this and get this thread locked..

anyways, that first video is tough, and his friends or whoever where just chillin to watch it happen. If i was there I would have pulled the cop off him.. they have video proof so i mean if someone pulled the cop off him, they where just defending the victim. But im sure you put a hand on a cop and your in trouble.

01-05-2011, 08:58 PM
I would never let my friend get attacked like that by a cop. I sure hope that kid did something pretty serious to get that treatment.

01-05-2011, 08:58 PM
you wanna try me? YOU WANNA TRY ME TONIGHT? they're both ridiculous. as much as i respect law enforcements, there are the few dirty ones out there. disgusting

01-05-2011, 09:01 PM
But im sure you put a hand on a cop and your in trouble.

you'd get tasered, beaten, and have to make bail. and without a video (who knows if the guys outside the car knew it was being taped), you'd be dealing with assault charges, too. maybe somebody at least asking him if it was really necessary would have been nice, but yeah, that cop has a gun. if he wants to go apeshit on your friend, that's just something you're going to have to watch, unfortunately

here's the news article about video 1:

Video shows beating by St. Louis police officer (http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/article_61a185db-74b7-541b-a5ab-88476fc95124.html)

ST. LOUIS • Police said today that officers who use force are required to prepare reports explaining their actions and who was injured or killed.
No report was filed and no arrest made in the New Year's Day incident involving a patrolman videotaped hitting a man with a baton and spraying him with pepper spray, police have said.
The police department said it is investigating why no reports were filled out detailing what happened. Police said internal affairs detectives are trying to interview everyone involved in the 2:30 a.m. encounter at a Shell gas station at 1815 Arsenal Street.
The gas station owner identified the patrolman as Dustin Ries, 37, who he said was off-duty and providing security from a substation on the property. Police said the officer was put on administrative duty Tuesday, though the department has refused to identify him or discuss details of the incident unless the investigation results in charges or disciplinary action.
Ries, who could not be reached Wednesday, received two one-day suspension from separate department rule violations in 2005, a police spokeswoman said. She would not disclose details of the incidents but said they were not the result of citizen complaints.

01-05-2011, 09:06 PM
Theyre all just pigs to me anyways...And I dont want to hear shit for saying that because ive been ruffed up by cops before too..

01-05-2011, 09:07 PM
The video of a cop beating a guy in diabetic shock came out this week too.

Video: Ohio police use Tazer seven times on driver in diabetic shock, dislocate his shoulder — Autoblog (http://www.autoblog.com/2011/01/04/video-ohio-police-use-tazer-seven-times-on-driver-in-diabetic-s/)
Lawsuit: Diabetic 'pummeled,' shocked by Hamilton County deputies | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com (http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20101230/NEWS010702/12310331/Lawsuit-Diabetic-pummeled-shocked-by-Hamilton-County-deputies)

01-05-2011, 09:08 PM
i sure as hell would want to do something to help my friend too. and as long as i knew someone was video taping it i would (if my friend was innocent.. haha). otherwise, you touch a officer and your ass is grass.

second video, you can obviously see his turn signals. good way to ruin a douche bags career.. and yes i know a cops life is difficult. so is mine you choose your job, so did i. just because you see the lowest of the low doesnt mean your allowed become immoral. and if you reach that point, you need to retire.

01-05-2011, 09:10 PM
he did use his turn signal.

01-05-2011, 09:10 PM
The video of a cop beating a guy in diabetic shock came out this week too.

Video: Ohio police use Tazer seven times on driver in diabetic shock, dislocate his shoulder — Autoblog (http://www.autoblog.com/2011/01/04/video-ohio-police-use-tazer-seven-times-on-driver-in-diabetic-s/)
Lawsuit: Diabetic 'pummeled,' shocked by Hamilton County deputies | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com (http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20101230/NEWS010702/12310331/Lawsuit-Diabetic-pummeled-shocked-by-Hamilton-County-deputies)

east saint louis officers killed a guy by tazer a while back. i really think the billy club and stern language should make a comeback.

BREAKING NEWS: Officers cleared of wrongdoing in Taser death | taser, death, officers - Top Stories - The Telegraph (http://www.thetelegraph.com/news/taser-8178-death-officers.html)

01-05-2011, 09:20 PM
I love how most people on Zilvia and most other car forums post only the few "bad" cops, yet never praise the rest of the millions of good cops who are out protecting your guy's ass day in and day out. with little to no thanks from any of you, yet your all quick to say.

"fuck the police."

01-05-2011, 09:28 PM
I love how most people on Zilvia and most other car forums post only the few "bad" cops, yet never praise the rest of the millions of good cops who are out protecting your guy's ass day in and day out. with little to no thanks from any of you, yet your all quick to say.

"fuck the police."

hey, feel free to make a thread jerking off people who do the job they signed up for.

01-05-2011, 09:30 PM
^Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-05-2011, 09:30 PM
Yeah the law enforcement these days is soo corrupt. Theres always that officer that thinks that badge give him the right to do what ever they want.. really that badge just protects them from getting a real ass kicking.

01-05-2011, 09:50 PM
maybe you people havent seen videos with cops getting shot at when walking up to cars, or getting shot while walking into places.

i guess while your boring ass desk job lets you troll zilvia like a e-thug you can talk all the trash you want towards them, i wish cops knew how most people thought of them, so when there in need they would just say "fuck it, let him fend for himself" but no they go and help everyone.

01-05-2011, 09:57 PM
i respect cops for the job that they have to do, but sometimes theres that one guy who has a power trip because they have a badge. just about every cop that i have encountered has been cool.

01-05-2011, 10:21 PM
maybe you people havent seen videos with cops getting shot at when walking up to cars, or getting shot while walking into places.

i guess while your boring ass desk job lets you troll zilvia like a e-thug you can talk all the trash you want towards them, i wish cops knew how most people thought of them, so when there in need they would just say "fuck it, let him fend for himself" but no they go and help everyone.

are you talking to me specifically? if so, reread the first post in this thread. last paragraph.
if you're not, your anger makes a lot of sense, because just about every other post in here is the usual ignorance.

01-05-2011, 10:45 PM
i work pretty close with cops here where i work at (won't disclose locations or work). they all think they are greater than a human being, the mentality is more of: i got the gun and badge and u ain't got shit. therefore i can do whatever and most likely get away with it.

not once, i open a newspaper and not read about a cop killing someone wrongfully, or beating someone up, and raping and etc.

its fucking pathetic that i have to be afraid of someone who is suppose to help me or us. thats their job to protect and serve, but they are not close to doing any of those.

there are some cool one however, not all of them are bad. but the majority of them got balls and must be high of their ass thinking they can treat regular people like fucking cattle and shit. fuck those bastards!

01-05-2011, 10:57 PM
Yeah the law enforcement these days is soo corrupt. Theres always that officer that thinks that badge give him the right to do what ever they want.. really that badge just protects them from getting a real ass kicking.
this. there are plunty of good reasons for police to use force. But so many are fucking corrupt so they have a bad night and go out looking to fuck people over for hardly any reason. or to "make a point/ example" out of a young person.

COPS ARE NOT HEROES. They signed up to do a job to protect and serve civilians. some rice rocket in a empty lot or drunk guy in a car mouthing off does not warrent force to that degree. I thank those few officers who do a great job on a day to day and use the force they have been allowed when its actually needed.

The state governments and police force have it so fucked up in the system that they can basically get away with tons of shit they shouldnt be able to. (different debate for a different tim)

01-05-2011, 10:59 PM
People are assholes plain and simple. It doesnt matter if you're a cop or not. Dont tell a cop to shut up and you wont get your ass beat. I think if cops were allowed to beat the shit out of people there would be less crime. If you say fuck the police, than dont dial 911 when you're getting robbed.

01-05-2011, 11:14 PM
^there is a difference between saying fuck corruption and fuck all police. i bet in most cases people are saying fuck corrupt power drunk cops/ people who can have authority over you. abuse of power is a scary thing and honestly you cant just let it go unchecked.

also on the whole "dont tell a cop to shut up". yeah if you talk back or disrespect a cop is fully justified on tearing you a new one, but asking real questions like that kid did in a non threatening tone does not warrent getting chewed out or beat lol. if you think that is acceptable your insane. You are not auto guilty as much as cops would have you believe, but like that cop that was screaming simple put it "talk back again and ill find a reason for you to go to jail" its bs but so true and the cops own admission of it when he knows full well he is on tape is scary very scary. they think they can do what they want. this should not be the case.

01-05-2011, 11:25 PM
COPS ARE NOT HEROES. They signed up to do a job to protect and serve civilians.

Actually, they are there to uphold the city's laws, not necessarily (or directly) protect civilians.

There are assholes in every job, be it behind a desk or a badge. But when you're allowed to use force to subdue someone there are going to be haters.

Regarding the posting of cop-bash-videos as opposed to videos praising them, it's shock value. Of course people will glance over the praising videos because they expect these people to do their jobs.

If people are so angry over an individual cop's actions, they should do whatever they can to get justice. The badge doesn't give power, it gives a title which the community upholds, until they begin abusing it.

01-05-2011, 11:25 PM
I though in the video he started back talking thats why to cop went off, i cant really hear shit. I respect cops, because they deal with fucking assholes all day long. So yea they can go off the handle once in a while. You expect cops to be all perfect when most of you at work are probably surfing zilvia and not doing your job. I dont know, this whole cop beating thing is out of control.

The same asshole that probably kicked your ass in high school is probably a cop now, its not hard at all to become one, plus they are in need of cops. Maybe there should be higher standards when they're hiring assholes.

01-06-2011, 04:39 AM
people react in different situations some are power trippers. i try to stay away from those type.

01-06-2011, 04:47 AM
My stepdad's a very high ranking la sherriff and you wouldn't believe the stories I've heard of what other leo's are capable of, after the years and adding up information I would say over 80% of people who have power abuse it.

I've had cops try to make me confess to false statements with stupid trick questions, just a heads up to anyone answer either YES / NO or not answer it at all.

(story below was from the past-different mindset and all that good stuff, keep it off the streets)

I was pulled over for exhibition of speed/reckless driving when my girlfriend and I were doing some tandem figure 8s near my buddys old shop. To cut the story short, the officer kept trying to trick my girlfriend into answering questions to help his case if he were ever against me in court.

He would ask Does your boyfriend always drive like that? What kind of speeds were you going while you guys were racing? = Questions that bait you into saying something.

I yelled at her to keep her mouth shut and she did. I won my case - private property FTW.

Police play that I'm your friend game, no officer is your friend while you are being pulled over or investigated.

I have a lot of respect for my family members and their close friends who serve law enforcement so don't get it mixed up.

If there's any advice I can offer car enthusiasts, its to research your rights and always remember the police do have a quota for tickets.

01-06-2011, 07:01 AM
maybe you people havent seen videos with cops getting shot at when walking up to cars, or getting shot while walking into places.

i guess while your boring ass desk job lets you troll zilvia like a e-thug you can talk all the trash you want towards them, i wish cops knew how most people thought of them, so when there in need they would just say "fuck it, let him fend for himself" but no they go and help everyone.

Show me a case where a cop has made it on scene to do anything other than write a report up? They dont come to anyones defense, they come to the aftermath.

01-06-2011, 10:07 AM
I love how most people on Zilvia and most other car forums post only the few "bad" cops, yet never praise the rest of the millions of good cops who are out protecting your guy's ass day in and day out. with little to no thanks from any of you, yet your all quick to say.

"fuck the police."

unfortunately when there is power and money involved ( the money we pay to them) one bad cop will make the whole law enforcement look awfully bad, the reason why is such a big deal when one cop goes above the law is because we respect them and hold them to a different standard with that said,

i think cops you should be held on a totally different level when they mess up something like Army standards it is such a BS when you hear about a cop shooting somebody that is innocent then they keep on the DL for a couple of months "investigating" and later down the road some judge rules out the case saying that " it was JUSTIFIED "

just a side note.- Cops changed their names from " Peace Officers " to " LAW ENFORCEMENT " this means they wont take care of you! they here to enforce city laws, actually a cop dont even have to help you if you are in danger unless there is a city ordinance or law being broken

01-06-2011, 02:23 PM
Actually, they are there to uphold the city's laws, not necessarily (or directly) protect civilians.

not according to the LAPD


01-06-2011, 04:10 PM
not according to the LAPD


Serve what? Justice (with judiciary help of course). Protect what? Laws...
It sucks to know, especially since all of our adolescent lives we were told to believe so. An officer's decision to defend you is at his own discretion. All the more reason to protect our dwindling 2nd amendment, but that's for another discussion :)

01-06-2011, 04:22 PM
I'm sorry, but if that was my friend I would have been taking a beating too. I would not have stood there like that and watch my friend get his shit smashed in. Actually the first swing I woulda told one of my other friends to start video taping, and then the other to call some more police. Then I woulda tried stopping that mother fucker. Even if I would have gotten beaten down too. I just could not have stood there like that.

Cops do have dangerous jobs and I'm sure that can put you over the edge. But there is no excuse for some shit like that.

01-06-2011, 05:33 PM
Man killed by Long Beach police was holding water nozzle, not gun | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/12/man-killed-by-long-beach-police-was-holding-a-water-nozzle.html)

This happened recently in long beach. Dude was ambushed by the police because they thought his water hose nozzle was a gun. This happened at 4:40, so it wasn't even that dark. With no warning, a man on his family's property was murdered for holding a water hose gun...

There are way too many accounts of stupid mistakes and plain out abuse of power by the police. The fact that some of them get away with it makes it sad. Police are here to enforce laws (some just some unjust), but they are never above it. Even when they break the traffic laws they deserve to be punished. Citizens get punished for them, why shouldn't the police?

Honestly, there should not be so many laws that need to be enforced by the police.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin

I though in the video he started back talking thats why to cop went off, i cant really hear shit. I respect cops, because they deal with fucking assholes all day long. So yea they can go off the handle once in a while. You expect cops to be all perfect when most of you at work are probably surfing zilvia and not doing your job. I dont know, this whole cop beating thing is out of control.

Dude...Seriously??? So they can go"off the handle" and kill someone? They are allowed to do that?

And if I was in that first video, I don't know what I would have done. If I knew there was a video being made I might have jumped in and get hit a couple times and make of couple million dollars. lol.

01-06-2011, 06:03 PM
Serve what? Justice (with judiciary help of course). Protect what? Laws...

....no. to protect and serve the people. that shit's black and white like cop cars used to be.

01-06-2011, 07:08 PM
....no. to protect and serve the people. that shit's black and white like cop cars used to be.

not quite sure if that's sarcasm... if it isn't, how about some evidence to show that law enforcement officers are legally bound to protect us.

01-06-2011, 07:17 PM
edit, for if the post below was refering to me, im 22 and my bro is a cop.

my friends dad does undercover law enforcement and he has told tons of horrible stories of police going to far with something and creating something out of nothing. he has also been in law enforcement for about 25 years.

one of my own personal stories from about a month ago:

i was walking down a street in a town in Pa with two of my buddies (one of which is on zilvia) and i noticed that the police department had just got a brand new charger police vehicle which was all black with police on the side and low profile lights on top and the driver cop was slighly reving the motor up a bit (awesome RIGHT!?) while the passenger cop was standing next to his vehicle

Me walking past the new vehicle "thats a sick cop car!"
Officer "shut the f$&k up and keep walking"
Me still walking "wow okay, it was just a compliment"
Officer "Alright thats it, get the f&$k over here!"
I stopped, turned around (looking confused) "what?"
Officer "what the hell do you think you're doing?"
Me "i was ju...(interupted)"
Officer "i didn't tell you to answer!"
Me (confused again) "then why did you ask me a question?"
Officer "i said don't answer! don't even look at me!"
Me (at that point i was so confused and also mad about how this all started, i just started looking up at the sky)
Officer "oh now you want to get smart with me! you're lucky my partner and i dont beat the shit out of you infront of your friends right now!"
Me "Officer, i have given you no reason, which would make what you do illegal and...it was just a compliment"
Officer "you think you're real smart...start walking and if you turn around and look at me, im arresting you"
Me "thats fine, that would be illegal but whatever" (so i got up and left with my friends)

but seriously, i couldnt have been more pissed about how it started. Ask anyone that knows west chester police, they are ALL power hungry! i have yet to meet one that isnt. there are tons of great people in law enforcement, such as my friends dad, but then just one gives them all a bad rep.

01-06-2011, 07:21 PM
not quite sure if that's sarcasm... if it isn't, how about some evidence to show that law enforcement officers are legally bound to protect us.

this is an idiotic argument. i don't think the catchphrase on the side of a cop car is legally binding, either.

this thread went retarded right off the bat. somebody lock it, too many angry teeners in here.

01-06-2011, 10:21 PM
"To protect and serve, and mainly to generate revenue."

01-06-2011, 11:12 PM
Im sorry, but that guys friends suck. If my friend is getting his ass beat like that for saying shut up not even a profane word. Im A. calling for another office. B. knocking that officer out..admitting what i did and showing proof (video) to the press/ police thAt my friends life was in danger. As long as your not effecting the life, liberty, property (original principles) of someone we should be left alone. What happened to sovereignty

01-06-2011, 11:14 PM
Everybody needs cops in a big way.

01-06-2011, 11:15 PM
Im sorry, but that guys friends suck. If my friend is getting his ass beat like that for saying shut up not even a profane word. Im A. calling for another office. B. knocking that officer out..admitting what i did and showing proof (video) to the press/ police thAt my friends life was in danger. As long as your not effecting the life, liberty, property (original principles) of someone we should be left alone. What happened to sovereignty


couldn't agree more

01-06-2011, 11:39 PM
Good ol' St. Louis....

01-06-2011, 11:41 PM
This thread is what i expected. Bottom line. Dont fuck with the cops. Even if you think your right. It doesnt matter! They dont care they will take you to jail any way. Its their job. they are right and you are wrong untill the judge says otherwise.

01-07-2011, 03:30 AM
I remember seeing "Fuck tha police" (among other things) scribbled on the walls of my high school bathrooms from time to time, and couldn't help grinning while taking my leak.

01-07-2011, 06:00 AM
....no. to protect and serve the people. that shit's black and white like cop cars used to be.

Actually, according to some court rulings, the police are NOT required to protect the citizenry.

As retarded as it sound (and is), the police do not have a duty to protect you.

Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia)

01-07-2011, 06:38 AM
San Fransisco man in wheelchair shot by police, twice. Really?
YouTube - Footage Of San Francisco Police Shooting A Man In A Wheel Chair Caught on Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyUQamT33vk&feature=player_embedded#)!

01-07-2011, 08:40 AM
Cop: Do you feel this?

Suspect: Yes, sir.

Cop: Do you feel that? That’s my …

Suspect: Okay

Cop: … Taser up your ass.

Suspect: Okay

Cop: So don’t move.

Suspect: I’m trying not to. I can’t breathe.

Cop: Now do you feel this in your balls?

Suspect: I do, sir. I’m not going to move. I’m not gonna move.

Cop: Now I’m gonna tase your balls if you move again.

(A full minute goes by)

Cop: Okay, I’m gonna take this Taser out of your asshole now. Are you going to fight with me?

Suspect: No, not at all, sir.

Cop: (to another cop) So far, for the last two minutes, he’s been cooperative. But then my Taser’s in his ass.

Man sodomized with Taser will receive six-figure settlement | Pixiq (http://www.pixiq.com/article/man-sodomized-with-taser-by-boise-cops-will-receive-six-figure-settlement)

01-07-2011, 09:15 AM
but if you keep reading in that post, you see how fucked up the cops really are...

"But the incident is far from over. One of the cops involved in the sexual assault has filed a claim against the city for $ 2 million alleging that he was “singled out due to the negative publicity surrounding the arrest incident.”

01-07-2011, 09:49 AM

20 til 3
01-07-2011, 10:34 AM
actually what a cop is suppose to do is to make sure there is peace throughout a community... a peace-officer

and cops dont follow regulations ever.

and the first video wont even hold up in court because it is ILLEGAL to record the police with your own devices. Sadly, but honestly if a cop was beating the shit outta one of my friends in front of me while he was cuffed laying on the ground, i would personally attack the officer and restrain him myself because i know human rights and a civilian can take an officer into custody if they are overstepping there boundries(people can arrest cops if they are found snooping around there property)

i've seen a cop get fired over unlawfully searching a friends car(window got shot out and the cop felt the need to search in his glovebox, inside a eye-glass case to find the bullit, but weed that was in there).. but he had another officer on his side that was there durring the search that testified for him in court

20 til 3
01-07-2011, 10:49 AM
another little funny cop story

Court Documents Suggest Group Of Rogue Milwaukee Officers - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee (http://www.wisn.com/r/26393435/detail.html)

01-07-2011, 11:05 AM
actually what a cop is suppose to do is to make sure there is peace throughout a community... a peace-officer

and cops dont follow regulations ever.

and the first video wont even hold up in court because it is ILLEGAL to record the police with your own devices. Sadly, but honestly if a cop was beating the shit outta one of my friends in front of me while he was cuffed laying on the ground, i would personally attack the officer and restrain him myself because i know human rights and a civilian can take an officer into custody if they are overstepping there boundries(people can arrest cops if they are found snooping around there property)

i've seen a cop get fired over unlawfully searching a friends car(window got shot out and the cop felt the need to search in his glovebox, inside a eye-glass case to find the bullit, but weed that was in there).. but he had another officer on his side that was there durring the search that testified for him in court
What law is this?

01-07-2011, 11:19 AM
yea i don't think the video would hold up in court as well..he's more resisting then ever..i think all they wanted to do was to escort him outta the room, but instead of making a bigger deal than it actually is.. if anything they should have tazed him sooner. haha..all in all know your rights. Recordable devices work..you just need to find an attorney to provide it in court. .if its big enough case and its worth suing the city out of, lawyers would hop onto it because they know the city would more likely to settle because its expensive and takes up time to continue through trial.

01-07-2011, 11:47 AM
it is ILLEGAL to record the police with your own devices.

what the fuck are you talking about?

20 til 3
01-07-2011, 11:57 AM
In Illinois, an eavesdropping device cannot be used to record or overhear a conversation without the consent of all parties to the conversation. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-1, -2. An eavesdropping device is defined as anything used to hear or record a conversation, even if the conversation is conducted in person.

In addition, it is illegal to disclose information one knows or should have known was obtained with an eavesdropping device. Violations of the eavesdropping law are punishable as felonies, with first offenses categorized as lesser felonies than subsequent offenses. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-4. Civil liability for actual and punitive damages is authorized as well. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-6. However, not disclosing the contents of the illegally obtained communication is an affirmative defense to the charge.

Standard radio scanners are not eavesdropping devices, according to a 1990 decision from an intermediate appellate court. Illinois v. Wilson, 554 N.E.2d 545 (Ill. App. Ct. 1990). A camera is not an eavesdropping device. Cassidy v. ABC, 377 N.E. 2d 126 (Ill. App. Ct. 1978).

It is also illegal for any person to "videotape, photograph, or film another person without that person's consent in a restroom, tanning bed or tanning salon, locker room, changing room or hotel bedroom," or in their residence without their consent. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/26-4(a).

Read more: Answers.com - Is it illegal to record police (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_illegal_to_record_police#ixzz1ANSJsuFL)

and there are a other states that uphold the same shit and more are trying too(it was in the news recently)

01-07-2011, 12:13 PM
My stepdad's a very high ranking la sherriff and you wouldn't believe the stories I've heard of what other leo's are capable of, after the years and adding up information I would say over 80% of people who have power abuse it.

I have a lot of respect for my family members and their close friends who serve law enforcement so don't get it mixed up.

If there's any advice I can offer car enthusiasts, its to research your rights and always remember the police do have a quota for tickets.

It's funny that you say they have a quota for tickets, when not all stations have quotas. So maybe you should be more specific. And usually it is the higher up ones that are the corrupt ones ;)

Show me a case where a cop has made it on scene to do anything other than write a report up? They dont come to anyones defense, they come to the aftermath.

It wouldn't be news if the news didn't have someone to make look bad, obviously they aren't going to report every good thing that the cops do, it doesn't get the station ratings, what gets them ratings is all the publicity from a few fucked up cops. Not to mention cops can't be everywhere at once, you wouldn't believe some of the stupid things people call for(like little Johnny won't listen to his mother and go to sleep) and other bullshit. Nobody needs to show you the good things they do, you can look for yourself, hell some of the idiots on here that street drift and shit are part of the problem and it makes me laugh when they get busted and bitch about it, what if one of those dumbasses runs into an innocent bystander or bike rider? Good thing the cops busted them, but then someone will say "Can't you go fight real crime." I could rant for hours on your post but I'll leave it at that for now.

this. there are plunty of good reasons for police to use force. But so many are fucking corrupt so they have a bad night and go out looking to fuck people over for hardly any reason. or to "make a point/ example" out of a young person.

COPS ARE NOT HEROES. They signed up to do a job to protect and serve civilians. some rice rocket in a empty lot or drunk guy in a car mouthing off does not warrent force to that degree. I thank those few officers who do a great job on a day to day and use the force they have been allowed when its actually needed.

The state governments and police force have it so fucked up in the system that they can basically get away with tons of shit they shouldnt be able to. (different debate for a different tim)

I wouldn't say its so many that are corrupt, but more of its the corrupt ones that get media attention, which you watch, get angry and percieve all cops to be bad because of the media. Keep being sheep to the media.

And for you to say cops are not heroes, would you feel the same if they saved your life? Do you feel the same about firemen, doctors, military, etc.?Yes they all signed up for those jobs but it certainly takes a different kind of person to put someone elses life in your hands. You can bitch about it while you sit on your ass but it doesn't change the fact that those jobs are certainly more difficult and require alot more work than your daily routine.

I do however agree that police and government have too much power, but that is because we have allowed them to do so.

On a side note I noticed alot of these videos are dealing with cops in the midwest, is that most cops you guys run into out there or what?

LimeLite Racing
01-07-2011, 12:29 PM
yea i don't think the video would hold up in court as well..he's more resisting then ever..i think all they wanted to do was to escort him outta the room, but instead of making a bigger deal than it actually is.. if anything they should have tazed him sooner. haha..all in all know your rights. Recordable devices work..you just need to find an attorney to provide it in court. .if its big enough case and its worth suing the city out of, lawyers would hop onto it because they know the city would more likely to settle because its expensive and takes up time to continue through trial.

Yeah. You're right. He was resisting while leaning on that car. Let's beat the shit out of him with a baton.

01-07-2011, 12:56 PM
Yeah. You're right. He was resisting while leaning on that car. Let's beat the shit out of him with a baton.

I think you were quoting him for the wrong video, the guy you quoted was talking about the guy that was making a scene in a town hall meeting.

01-07-2011, 01:36 PM
I wouldn't say its so many that are corrupt, but more of its the corrupt ones that get media attention, which you watch, get angry and percieve all cops to be bad because of the media. Keep being sheep to the media.

right im a sheep to the media. Sir you dont know a thing about me. i severly hate and disagree with almost all television news providers both on their content and their aims. I dont percieve all cops as being bad, i very blantly said i know there is good cops out there that do a great job and i thank them for that. As far as watching videos and getting mad? no, no, no my good sir videos and articles only strengthen my perception i have gained from being profiled numerous times for the car i drive. I dont talk back to cops ever cause i know they can do whatever the fuck they want more or less and thats what pisses me off. I cant ask a simple question without being angry or claim anything except guilt to a cop without risk of being beaten and yelled at (and called a boy and other purpesfully degrading comments). Before you say oh he must be a ricer running around speeding and difting thats why cops are rough on him. No im a medical courier never been pulled over for drifting and only had 1 speeding ticket in 5 years. Yet ive been pulled over maybe 50+ times simply for them to try to find something to ticket me with for having a slammed, stickered ricer. I know right if i dont like it change me, well thats bullshit pure and simple TOO MANY even if that is a small amount of cops are abusing their power and states protect them PERIOD.

And for you to say cops are not heroes, would you feel the same if they saved your life? Do you feel the same about firemen, doctors, military, etc.?Yes they all signed up for those jobs but it certainly takes a different kind of person to put someone elses life in your hands. You can bitch about it while you sit on your ass but it doesn't change the fact that those jobs are certainly more difficult and require alot more work than your daily routine.

i highly doubt a cop could do much more life saving then i can do myself.
firemen yes heroes they run into burning building soley to rescue people, heroic for sure.
doctors in certain circumstances yes maybe, but they are more of a civilian that has good medical training to help people. So a civilian saving someone cause they have the ability yet they dont have to, yes could be heroic. Military? well i have numerous friends in the military and while yes i do thnk they deserve respect and thanks in most cases, but they will be the first to agree with me they are simply doing a job and they dont consider themselves heroes. They are humble about it something the police could learn. i dont agree with our governments use of them all the time and there are still corruptions in the military for sure that i obviously dont agree with. Military personal can perform heroic actions but in a civilian setting so can any of us.
If i wanted to be a cop i could pure and simple so dont say i can bitch while i sit on my ass. the truth is i wouldnt make it in the cop world cause i wouldnt act like many of them do just to make money. thus most cops would probably not like me and thus i would not move up their state (corprorate) structure into making more money, better postions blah blah.

I do however agree that police and government have too much power, but that is because we have allowed them to do so.
truth thanks for the agreement.

On a side note I noticed alot of these videos are dealing with cops in the midwest, is that most cops you guys run into out there or what?
this may be why we have different views, but yes cops out here are rediculous. I have only been pulled over a handful of times (2 of 3 out of about 35-40 having a car pull up on me) and have it be a pleasant experience. I'd say 2 of these times however it was highway partol. Note i still got a ticket one of these nice times but the cop was cool and when i asked what i did wrong he didnt flip and simply explained and i went on my way.
Every other time i was talked to in a stern manner and wasnt allowed to say much with out getting a warning or something from the officer.

01-07-2011, 01:57 PM
i like cops, i have never had a bad experience with them, but you are nuts if you dont think this entire country is turning into a police state. "papers please"

01-07-2011, 02:02 PM
In Illinois, an eavesdropping device cannot be used to record or overhear a conversation without the consent of all parties to the conversation. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-1, -2. An eavesdropping device is defined as anything used to hear or record a conversation, even if the conversation is conducted in person.

In addition, it is illegal to disclose information one knows or should have known was obtained with an eavesdropping device. Violations of the eavesdropping law are punishable as felonies, with first offenses categorized as lesser felonies than subsequent offenses. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-4. Civil liability for actual and punitive damages is authorized as well. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/14-6. However, not disclosing the contents of the illegally obtained communication is an affirmative defense to the charge.

Standard radio scanners are not eavesdropping devices, according to a 1990 decision from an intermediate appellate court. Illinois v. Wilson, 554 N.E.2d 545 (Ill. App. Ct. 1990). A camera is not an eavesdropping device. Cassidy v. ABC, 377 N.E. 2d 126 (Ill. App. Ct. 1978).

It is also illegal for any person to "videotape, photograph, or film another person without that person's consent in a restroom, tanning bed or tanning salon, locker room, changing room or hotel bedroom," or in their residence without their consent. 720 Ill. Compiled Stat. Ann. 5/26-4(a).

Read more: Answers.com - Is it illegal to record police (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_illegal_to_record_police#ixzz1ANSJsuFL)

and there are a other states that uphold the same shit and more are trying too(it was in the news recently)

moving on.

01-07-2011, 02:06 PM
I was referring to Los angeles county, I had a discussion with one of my dad's CHP buddy's and he said he would rather give as many ticket as possible then have a budget cut remove one of his friends from the force. He even got an advisory to not allow any "warnings", every person who gets pulled over by his CHP department has to receive some type of ticket.

01-07-2011, 02:59 PM
There are good and bad. Once I was speeding 60 in a 45 angot pulled over. Cop was nice and calm. Told me I was going to fast and wrote me a ticket and gave me back my license.(chicago)

Another time I got pulled over for speeding 50 in a 35 and a cop pulled me out of the car with his gun in his hand. He ripped my car apart because I aparently was a drug lord..... (ohio)

I got no problems with cops I just try my best to be polite and curtius.

01-07-2011, 05:16 PM
I was referring to Los angeles county, I had a discussion with one of my dad's CHP buddy's and he said he would rather give as many ticket as possible then have a budget cut remove one of his friends from the force. He even got an advisory to not allow any "warnings", every person who gets pulled over by his CHP department has to receive some type of ticket.

So that certain CHP station has a quota, gotcha. Yes I'm aware of LASD being los angeles county, however I have several family members who are LASD and none of them have a damn ticket quota.

There are good and bad. Once I was speeding 60 in a 45 angot pulled over. Cop was nice and calm. Told me I was going to fast and wrote me a ticket and gave me back my license.(chicago)

Another time I got pulled over for speeding 50 in a 35 and a cop pulled me out of the car with his gun in his hand. He ripped my car apart because I aparently was a drug lord..... (ohio)

I got no problems with cops I just try my best to be polite and curtius.

Note to myself, never visit Ohio lol

01-07-2011, 07:10 PM
I love how most people on Zilvia and most other car forums post only the few "bad" cops, yet never praise the rest of the millions of good cops who are out protecting your guy's ass day in and day out. with little to no thanks from any of you, yet your all quick to say.

"fuck the police."


Fuck them ALL.

If I am FORCED to give up my rights to someone else they have to prove themselves to me. Until then . . .
They literally are organized crime and if you try to muscle in or go against them they will crack your head.

I have not once had any law enforcement officer to a single good thing for me or a family member or friend.

01-12-2011, 03:35 PM
YouTube - US police wage war on cameras (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpCSfPUyfeU)

Guess you can go to jail if you film the cop doing wrong as well.. seriously fcck the law *when it is in the wrong*

01-12-2011, 03:56 PM
YouTube - US police wage war on cameras (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpCSfPUyfeU)

Guess you can go to jail if you film the cop doing wrong as well.. seriously fcck the law *when it is in the wrong*

Thats pretty rediculous, what kind of freedom is that when you can't film a cop if they're in the wrong? I understand the laws are there to protect the police but if they can't be held accountable for when they fuck up, it seems like some would feel they're invincible. Like that jackass who pulled up on the guy on the bike, was it really necessary to pull your gun out? I'm sure a simple flash of the badge would've done its job.

01-12-2011, 04:12 PM
so it's illegal to video a cop in the wrong? I wonder if it would be overturned if they found a video of a cop getting beaten by gang members. "i'm sorry judge, but the video pertaining to the death of officer X can't be shown because it is violating section code "go fuck yourself"....

anyone moving to another country?

01-12-2011, 04:23 PM
YouTube - US police wage war on cameras (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpCSfPUyfeU)

Guess you can go to jail if you film the cop doing wrong as well.. seriously fcck the law *when it is in the wrong*

That whole video is bullshit. The kids potential sentence, that cop that killed that kid and got two years (makes me sick to my stomach), and last the narrator sounds like he is partially retarded.

01-12-2011, 04:27 PM
im not familar with that news source, a friend posted it in facebook, seems like a low budget news source from looking at their youtube vids and the newscaster on that vid sounds like he is reading some cards

01-12-2011, 04:41 PM
This explains the motorcycle vid.. The cops really shouldnt have raided his home just cuz of the video and saying it interferes with wire tapping laws.

01-12-2011, 04:55 PM
Jeremy Marks "Attempted Lynching" Case Reaction - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly (http://www.laweekly.com/2010-12-16/news/jeremy-marks-attempted-lynching-case-reaction/)

Needless facts are. Filmed Cop being abusive. Allegedly shouted "kick her ass" or not. He's currently spent 8 months in jail awaiting trial and being charged with a felony. They're offering him a 3 year plea deal.

So unless you've got the money to pay the bondsman and have a lawyer, you should shut up and keep the video off.

Edit: reread the article. The kid that is filming is a "special needs" student. Have cops really stepped so low to lock up a retard for 3 years? If I was that mom I'd make that cop a parapalegic for trying to ruin her sons life. Felony convictions haunt you.

01-13-2011, 12:48 PM
Needless facts are. Filmed Cop being abusive. Allegedly shouted "kick her ass" or not. He's currently spent 8 months in jail awaiting trial and being charged with a felony. They're offering him a 3 year plea deal.

So unless you've got the money to pay the bondsman and have a lawyer, you should shut up and keep the video off.

Edit: reread the article. The kid that is filming is a "special needs" student. Have cops really stepped so low to lock up a retard for 3 years? If I was that mom I'd make that cop a parapalegic for trying to ruin her sons life. Felony convictions haunt you.

"shut[ing] up and keep[ing] the video off" is definitely not the solution. You should probably hide the fact your filming, but the only way these abuses will stop is if people film it and expose it. Film it and then release the video anonymously. Thats the only way to force cops to change their behavior.

Unless you are in a situation in which you are witnesses a cop abusing his/her power in that way though, i suggest avoiding them as much as you possibly can, especially because of the cars that we drive as zilvians. I have had my fair share of encounters with cops, never once have i dealt with one that was in the least bit respectful or courteous. "But thats not a cops job blah blah blah". Fuck that. They are humans and when a human interacts with another human in a situation as benign as a traffic stop, the LEAST a cop can do is act with a slight bit of respect. Does that ever happen? No. I've had cops mockingly speak spanish to friends of mine, giggling the whole time as we were handcuffed on the curb. FUCK THAT. In what other human interaction would conduct like that be acceptable? The answer is none.

Most cops (obviously not all) go into that job because they want to have power over other people in a way that they could not get in other jobs. Jobs of that kind inherently attract people that are likely to abuse their power, thats just a fact of life. The best thing we as citizens can do is observe and record their actions as much as we can in order to curb their abuses. We are increasingly living in a society in which this is possible, and we need to take advantage of it.

In response to the edit: that is the kind of response that we should have, god knows i would want to beat the living shit out of that cop, but since physically retaliating isn't an option, the next best thing we can do is record and expose the behavior. Thats really our only viable option.

01-13-2011, 01:14 PM
fuck the police.



01-13-2011, 02:53 PM
fuck the police.

That too...

01-18-2011, 12:08 AM
Police Kill Naked Man: LAPD Officers Shoot, Kill Half-Naked Man in Playa Vista - ktla.com (http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-playa-vista-naked-ois,0,4520035.story)

They shot a naked man who attacked them, killing him.

02-20-2011, 09:14 PM
Police Kill Naked Man: LAPD Officers Shoot, Kill Half-Naked Man in Playa Vista - ktla.com (http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-playa-vista-naked-ois,0,4520035.story)

They shot a naked man who attacked them, killing him.

So what should the officers do, continue to fist fight, potentially loose their firearm and get shot themselves?

I find it funny how so many would rather police just get their ass kicked, instead of keeping control.

I have ZERO sympathy for those who attack police, regardless.

02-21-2011, 11:06 AM
So what should the officers do, continue to fist fight, potentially loose their firearm and get shot themselves?


They have the training, weapons, and numbers. If there was ever a time that a tazer could be the right thing to do . . .

02-21-2011, 12:19 PM

They have the training, weapons, and numbers. If there was ever a time that a tazer could be the right thing to do . . .

If there is anything I can 'add' from the professional side of things, there are times where all of the training in the world does not make a single bit of difference in how you need to handle things. Who's to say they had tazers? Who's to say there weren't other things going on?

By your statement, you'd rather see a dead police officer, killed by a wild man in a fist fight. What sort of training could anyone possibly have that could work if you're being overpowered by someone else, or loosing control? It's not always so perfect as you wish it was. I only could have WISHED that people we detained reacted like we were trained 100% of the time.

If there is anything I find funny about people who comment about cop/enforcement/military stories, is that it's much like sports writers on Monday morning...everyone is a pro about what 'should have been done' when they have no experience themselves.

02-21-2011, 12:23 PM
the guy getting beat on the first one kinda looks like John Otto from Limp Bizkit lol

02-21-2011, 01:58 PM
If there is anything I can 'add' from the professional side of things, there are times where all of the training in the world does not make a single bit of difference in how you need to handle things. Who's to say they had tazers? Who's to say there weren't other things going on?

By your statement, you'd rather see a dead police officer, killed by a wild man in a fist fight. What sort of training could anyone possibly have that could work if you're being overpowered by someone else, or loosing control? It's not always so perfect as you wish it was. I only could have WISHED that people we detained reacted like we were trained 100% of the time.

If there is anything I find funny about people who comment about cop/enforcement/military stories, is that it's much like sports writers on Monday morning...everyone is a pro about what 'should have been done' when they have no experience themselves.

Your job is to make sure people see a trial for their crimes. That is it. If you can't handle that with out killing any one you deem to difficult you should hang it up. Despite what they tell you guys in the academy and union meetings there are plenty of others willing to do the job.

02-21-2011, 07:23 PM
LOL after he realize the dude had a camera hooked up... the cop says you started it..what a bitch.. And the cop calms the fuck down..omg. I would report this crap to the station..

02-21-2011, 08:12 PM
Your job is to make sure people see a trial for their crimes. That is it. If you can't handle that with out killing any one you deem to difficult you should hang it up. Despite what they tell you guys in the academy and union meetings there are plenty of others willing to do the job.

Did cops pick on you or something?

Law enforcment is just that; enforcement. Application of that veries between us all. If anything I've learned in life, is that only in America are criminals as 'cocky' as they are, as they essentially know they can't be harmed. Johnny Jihad in Irbil doesn't know a lick of english, but point a M16 at him and tell him 'down' and it's amazing how fast they comply. Point a pistol as John Smith in South Side Philly and he's gonna continue to run as he can bet 99.7 percent of the time that he's not gonna be shot.

...and people wonder why we have so many repeat offenders...

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting unwarrented/unaccountable behaivor of cops and so forth...by all means do I firmly support keeping them in check and on their A-Game. It's just a shame that a few bad cases ruin the reputation of so many good ones.

02-21-2011, 11:51 PM
Unfortunately that few is growing to the point that I'd rather not call the police for anything.

02-22-2011, 12:23 AM

chucky norris
02-22-2011, 12:30 AM
^^^i will keep that in mind

02-22-2011, 06:53 AM
Unfortunately that few is growing to the point that I'd rather not call the police for anything.

That's like saying you'll never drink beer again after having one bad one...

02-22-2011, 06:59 AM

I think that's a decently fair thing to keep in mind, and something that many of these 'fuck the police' people tend to foget when they are pulled over.

The biggest thing is to remain calm, and be compliant...but to know your rights. Regardless of personal opinion, if you just act accordingly, usually experiences with police will go quickly/easily. It's when people become 'street lawyers' that it all goes south quickly.

Much like those who think all cops suck over one bad one....think about it from the perspective of teh police....one crazy meth head at 3AM sort of can make a cop very very different for the rest of his 3AM pullovers...it sucks, but being proactive keeps you alive...being complacent gets you killed.

02-22-2011, 10:49 AM
^^^ I cant stress enough on not saying anything to a cop unless your lawyer is present or whatever. I got into some trouble and a frien ended up telling on himself and I wentdown with him becuase I had no proof to not be involved. When my lawyer read me the police report the officer had twisted it around so much but there was nothing I could do about it because who's word are they gonna take mine or the officers? All in all try not to talk it wont help most of the time.

02-22-2011, 12:21 PM
That's like saying you'll never drink beer again after having one bad one...

It's like saying I wont drink beer again after repeated bad beer over years of trying to get decent beer.

02-22-2011, 12:43 PM

I'm skeptical about the part that suggests you tell the copper 'DO NOT CONSENT TO THE SEARCH' (of your car).
Thought cops didn't need to have a warrant for that, and they could pull over & search whatever car they wanted.
Well yes, there needs to be a suspected violation, but any cop can & probably will make that up.

02-22-2011, 01:20 PM
I'm skeptical about the part that suggests you tell the copper 'DO NOT CONSENT TO THE SEARCH' (of your car).
Thought cops didn't need to have a warrant for that, and they could pull over & search whatever car they wanted.
Well yes, there needs to be a suspected violation, but any cop can & probably will make that up.

Plane view and Probable Cause.

PV is he can look at any open space that is accessible to the driver. So yes, he can tell you to get out, pick up the goodie on the back seat and look under your floor mats et al. If your glove box is unlocked a judge may let that slide if he looks in there too. He can't ask you to pop the hood of trunk without PC, a warrant or "emergency situation" (like kicking from the trunk).

PC is not "my feeling", but concrete suspension and logical reasoning.

Example, in his plane view search, he sees a bullet casing or a bong/pipe.

The casing could cause the suspicion you own or are in possession of s fire arm and it may have been fired in or near the car. Needless to say you may be breaking many laws, illegal possession, illegal carry, stole firearm, illegal discharge....so he'll be popping that trunk and patting you down.

Bong, pipe, tools of the trade to users and seller of illegal drugs...why else would you have them? You don't carry condoms when practicing abstinence. Enjoy the search.

Bottom live keep a clean orderly car, keep your paper work organized and up to date. Be respectful, coherent and if you look a stereo type (gangsta, hill rat, spoiled hipster, illegal et al) don't be surprised that your treated like the stereo type and try and break that preconceived expectation.

Also, don't go throwing the law in the pigs face and spouting off gibberish about rights like you watch to much CSI. It'll piss him off and he'll make your life suck that much more. Let him pop your trunk with no warrant, PC ect... It'll get thrown out in court unless he proves inevitable discovery in which case your dull going before the Magistrate so stop whining.

02-22-2011, 01:52 PM
It's like saying I wont drink beer again after repeated bad beer over years of trying to get decent beer.

You can skew it how you want, the reality remains. You can't say they all suck after just one. I'm not saying you always need to find the good in stuff, but you need to remain realistic about it.

Oh well. I'm glad I don't worry about police.

02-22-2011, 02:38 PM
According to my military police training (which, I'm positive is very similar to civilian enforcement)

Minimal amount of force necessary to have the subject cooperate, or apprehend said subject.
Use of force:
1. Verbal commuication
2. Show of Force (Extra officers on scene)
3. Unarmed tatics
4. Police Baton
5. OC spray/ Police working dog
6. Presentation of deadly force
7. Deadly force

In the first video, although, we don't know the full situation, and the extent of the seriousness, the officer still seemed to be unjustified in his use of force.

Now, take into consideration this is Military standards, and not civilian:

An officer can only upgrade their level of force if the lower level of force has failed to accomplish the objective, and may only be increased by 1 level, unless the subject has increased their own level of force, to which the officer may increase their level of force 1 step above the subject for self defence purposes. Ex: If the subject becomes physically aggressive, the officer may then upgrade to his baton, if it is within reason that the officer may need it.

According to this standard, the officer used excessive force to subdue and apprehend the subject. The subject, though, not fully cooperating, was not aggressively resisting. He was neutral from the type the officer attempted to apprehend him. At maximum, the officer may of needed to utilize his baton to aid with the apprehension by creating leverage to pry the subject's arm from his body (I say this because the video does not give a full view of the subject, and the full extent of his resisting).
But, certainly does not give the officer reason to beat the subject.

The use of his OC (pepper) spray is, without needing to even say, unnecessary.

02-22-2011, 08:13 PM
You can skew it how you want. . .

The same can be said for you.

Instead of getting defensive because I have an opinion counter to your own why don't you just be a good cop and prove me(and millions of others) wrong.

02-22-2011, 08:56 PM
The same can be said for you.

Instead of getting defensive because I have an opinion counter to your own why don't you just be a good cop and prove me(and millions of others) wrong.

You remind me of the guys who will argue for no other reason, than just to argue. Bottom line is, bad cops are an overwhelming minority. Again, thousands of 'good things' happen daily yet we never hear about them. One bad thing, and they are all of a sudden all bad? Having an opinion is one thing; failing to consider the other side is another (you're the later). I've said countless times I'm not in 'blind favor' of all police and their actions...I can accept that there are bad/oppressive ones. But the fact remains that one good police officer doing their job all day will NEVER make the paper. One cop gets out of line, and it's national headlines. I've got no issue with holding law enforcement to a higher standard, but please remember the human element of things. If you expect them all to be perfect because you read/watched about 'their' trainign, you are confused.

You keep this routine of 'there are many who would take their job'...well why haven't you since you're perfect? Not mad/disgruntled/upset...jsut find it overly ironic that the loudest critics are often the least willing to volunteer. Not saying you're less for not, just stating the obvious.

FWIW: You keep sliding my question. What did cops ever do to you? Somethings tells me you tried to be cute with them, and it didn't work out in your favor. I could be wrong, but I could still see you being that way. Again, I'm VERY glad I goto sleep without worry of police coming to 'pick on johnny citizen'...why are you so concerned?

PS: I'm not a cop. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and greet many freedom fighters in towns you couldn't point out on a map. Trust me, I/We dealt with people who honestly wanted to kill us...but detain them, and they were oh so willing to comply. I guess its' different when the 'police/army' aren't willing to deal with the kidy bullshit like tazers and pepper spray.

02-22-2011, 09:05 PM
The fact that I choose not to discuss what has happened to me does not take away anything from my argument, and no I did not get "cute" with any one.

I very much disagree with your overwhelming minority claim. At least in my area.

02-22-2011, 11:23 PM
False concensus effect.

Most cops I've met were nice. One cop pulled a gun on me for drifting (stupid on both our parts).

Lesson learned? Don't do wrong and there won't be a valid reason to get in trouble.

02-23-2011, 02:32 AM
Ok. I'll try to not be brown and drive next time.

02-23-2011, 05:53 PM
He Fought The Law And The Law Lost Video (http://www.break.com/index/he-fought-the-law-and-the-law-lost.html)

02-23-2011, 07:42 PM
I remember seeing this a few years back. I'm curious as to what happened to the cops and the man.

Power to the people!

Unless by power, they mean pistols and "FUCK THE POLICE!"

03-16-2011, 09:55 PM
damn that's fucked up

03-17-2011, 11:09 AM
Act respectful and know basically let them know you have knowledge of your rights.
These two things have gotten me off the hook up to 10 times and ive never even seen the inside of a police car.
But there are times when you eventually run into the rookie or cop with just a bad attitude. Learn to deal with people like this respectfully and that helps also

-coming from a person of color

03-20-2011, 10:13 PM
That whole video is bullshit. The kids potential sentence, that cop that killed that kid and got two years (makes me sick to my stomach), and last the narrator sounds like he is partially retarded.

I guess if you consider partially retarted a guy who is a hispanic news caster and has an an accent. Just because someone isnt from this country and sound 100% totally american style dude doesnt mean hes retarted, just be glad hes doing something positive instead of adding to the gang violence in LA

03-20-2011, 11:17 PM
Seems like a worthy addition to this thread.

Fast Forward to 1:22

Pro ViZIon
03-21-2011, 01:38 AM
Wow that was rediculous.

03-21-2011, 03:37 PM
The big white dude is a bitch. He was all ready to yell at a bunch of women but as soon as the cop hit him he went fetal. The chick who got slammed to more of a beating from the cop and stood her ground.

word sux
03-21-2011, 07:14 PM
I have always been super respectful towards cops when being pulled over. Pulling over to a safe location for the officer to come to the window, shutting off the car, then keeping your hads in plain sight on the wheel can pay dividens. Though I have met a few cops who were 100% power hungry douche bags.

The problem is that the power given to the police tends to be very attractive to people who are power hungry and like to abuse privliages. To be a local cop you pretty much need a highschool diploma and your in.

03-21-2011, 08:00 PM
i thought that white dude was a lil bitch too, if i was with someone *could be sister, friend, girlfriend* id honestly try to stop em from fighting .

Cop got the wrong people though, but when your telling someone to stop and they are just yelling like a lil bitch you gotta take action i guess.
But i see a problem with all the people wanting to watch and instigate that fight.

Whats worse is these people probably getting charged for the wrong shit, and you got these people who filmed it, who probably wont go to the PD and show em, but THROW IT ON YOUTUBE, THROW IT ON FACEBOOK. "YO some wild ass shit going down with the PD"

03-22-2011, 01:27 AM
The people who filmed it will get sent to the poky for wire tapping.

03-22-2011, 08:18 AM
The big white dude is a bitch. He was all ready to yell at a bunch of women but as soon as the cop hit him he went fetal. The chick who got slammed to more of a beating from the cop and stood her ground.

lol Take a few shots from a baton and I'm sure you'd go fetal too

03-22-2011, 08:25 AM
lol Take a few shots from a baton and I'm sure you'd go fetal too


A baton used in the right hands (like a trained officer), can literally shatter bone.

03-22-2011, 08:59 AM
I'm sorry, but if that was my friend I would have been taking a beating too. I would not have stood there like that and watch my friend get his shit smashed in. Actually the first swing I woulda told one of my other friends to start video taping, and then the other to call some more police. Then I woulda tried stopping that mother fucker. Even if I would have gotten beaten down too. I just could not have stood there like that.

Cops do have dangerous jobs and I'm sure that can put you over the edge. But there is no excuse for some shit like that.

i totally agree with everything you said. im sure hes not on the force anymore lol and prolly didnt even get charged that scumbag. i woulda took his name and find out where.... well u know where im going

03-22-2011, 11:15 AM
lol Take a few shots from a baton and I'm sure you'd go fetal too

I've been hit with one before(one of my cousins is a cop) and all I can say is pain is pain. It doesn't matter what the source is. Either you can take it or you can't.

That amount of pain isn't enough to make me stop defending myself, and going fetal just gets you hit in worse places than the lower leg.

03-22-2011, 04:09 PM

A baton used in the right hands (like a trained officer), can literally shatter bone.

Actually it's the other way around. You don't want to strike to break bone. If you hit bone or a joint there is a good chance to break your wrist.

A person trained to use the Baton to armlock or immobilize the person. Striking is only to block and parry a attack. If you are on the ground and they are striking it's a gross over use of force.

03-22-2011, 08:04 PM
Now look at the video posted above and watch the cop come wading in swing for shins. lol