View Full Version : NO accessories work whats wrong??????

12-09-2010, 01:05 PM
hey guys i have a 1990 240sx with the SOHC motor in it and a while ago all my accessories stopped working so i thought it was my alternator so i bought a used one and swapped it on and everything started working until a day or 2 later when i was driving and all of a sudden all my accessories stopped working again, and by accessories i mean windows, speedo, tach, engine temp, and signals. so i put a new belt on the used alternator cuz my stock one was squealing bad, still nothing worked. so i swapped batteries and still nothing worked i cleaned my battery with water and baking soda and now i think my battery is ruined. so i swapped the good battery back in and nothing works still, except now for some reason my wipers work even though they didnt before. i dont know how to test my alternator fuse since i dont have a spare to swap in. also i did the test where the car is running and u pull the battery cable off to see if your alternator works and the car stayed running so i think the alternator is probably good. and at this point i have no idea at all what is wrong with the car so if anyone can please give me some advice or any help on this problemn i'd appreciate it alot cuz im really pullin my hair out over this.

12-09-2010, 01:59 PM
check ur fuses and relays? idk maybe grounds

12-09-2010, 08:20 PM
i put the ground wire eyelet between 2 washers and tightened it down and idk how to tell whether the fuses are bad cuz there not the normal style fuses.

12-09-2010, 08:22 PM
check the fusesin the kick panel in the driver side....

12-09-2010, 08:27 PM
This is going to sound stupid, but play around with the key in the ignition. The points in the ignition switch could be shot.

12-09-2010, 09:46 PM
check the 75amp main fuse in the fuse box under the hood (near the battery). Id put $$ on it being blown. its easy to check, just pull it out and look thru the plastic cover. if the tiny wire isnt there or isnt connected its bad. thats a dealership only item iirc, and its alot cheaper to find one in a junkyard off a 240 or an altima

12-10-2010, 08:11 AM
thanks for the help guys, yeah another ex-nissan technician told me about the ignition switch maybe being bad so i'll check tht out a little closer. and is the the 75a fuse the alt fuse? if so how do u check it just by looking through the clear plastic top and seeing if the metal strip is broken? also does anyone know where theres a pic or a diagram of the fuse panel cover by the kick panel cuz my car didnt come with it and i have no idea which fuse is which.

12-10-2010, 09:59 AM
It's the ignition switch... ask me how I know.

Anyways, it's a cheap replacement, easy install. Do it.

12-10-2010, 12:41 PM
how do you know? lol plus i think i agree cuz when i went to start it nothing still happened but when i went to turn the car off like literally right before it shut off everything worked. one question i have tho is if i get it at a junkyard or something wont i need the key that came with the car. or where can i find a new ignition switch with a key.

12-10-2010, 12:50 PM
The ignition switch is just a double end plug w/ wires and shit. You don't need the whole ignition assembly. Just get one new from an autoparts store for $30-40

12-10-2010, 01:01 PM
True but how do you know it's bad? u said to ask lol