View Full Version : Your Opinion. Oil Changes...

Bill Roberts
08-28-2003, 08:55 PM
I have been an avid fan of changing the oil when it starts to change color. Light colored oil stays light for about 1000 miles then starts turning tan to eventually black (the horror). I do not let my oil get black and I like Exxon 10W30. I also like Chevron 10W30.

I change whenever I see the color changing...so I have nothing dark inside my engine. The inside is still very new looking..and I intend on it staying that way...and this is an N/A car..not getting oil to the exhaust temps of a turbo car.

So with this in mind...some observations:

My old Toyota would go 3000+ miles on clear oil.
My Mazda would go around 5000 on clear oil until it got to around 300K and then it would tarnish the oil at 900 miles.

My New Vette (94 ZR-1) would "black" the oil in 300 miles. It required Mobil Synthetic 0W30 per the manual. I got sick of spending 30 bucks every 300 miles.

Look at this..is this disinformation?


Black oil smells burned, clogs up the cars arteries and is poor lubercation since it is mixed with fuel and other contaminants. It smells bad and the new oil going in does not have this smell.

So...based on my over 1 million miles of driving cars and changing oil like I do...What is your thoughts about the color of oil for change VS how clean and nice the inside of your engine is?

Point is....When do you change oil and why?

08-28-2003, 09:08 PM
My oil used to change black pretty quick way before 3000 miles. This was using synthetic. Recently I flushed it with amsoil engine flush and used a non-synth and it actually stayed non-black for about 3000 miles. Still probably wont change it until 5000-7000 miles though.

Bill Roberts
08-28-2003, 09:16 PM
Very cool...Good to know a motor flush that actually works. I was scared to use one fearing the seals would come apart on mine...but it was "pretty clean" when I got it...but really clean now from what I can tell.

I have a sevice center next door to my work and go over there and BS with them during soda breaks. IO have seen 30K mile Cadillacs with sludge yoyu would have to scrape off the inside of the engine...and routine maintance was performed by the book.

I wonder if paying the 9.80 to d load that oil bible is worth a snitt or that I know enopugh already?

Hey, I want to do the best thing...if changing my oil when it turns color is the way I have been doing it for years..I want to know if other options are worthy.

I do not mind doing it whenever it turns color...but you must admit..when oil gets black..it is not doing as good as it does when clear...because it is contaminated with either metal particles, fuel mix or something else like heat breakdown.

I just want to gather as much WORTHY info as I can about this....as it stays with you as long as you frive and own cars..

08-28-2003, 09:53 PM
Theres definitely a connection between color and oil qualit. However I think the oil (especially synths) can hold a certain amount of particles in suspension without degrading their ability to lubricate. The point where it becomes too contaminated is probably something that only an oil analysis can tell, but changing it when it goes black sounds like a good idea, erring on the side of caution.

08-28-2003, 10:08 PM
I change it at 3000 miles like the owners manual says. The owners manual also says not to add anything but motor oil to the engine... The engine flush might be a good idea to some, but I was told it could wreak havoc with the internals

no If I changed the oil every time I waxed my car, it would be once a week or more....no need for that...but at least it looks like the attached pic

Quaker State all the way!

08-29-2003, 08:49 AM
Moved to Polls section

09-09-2003, 07:19 PM
High Mileage Castrol GTX, every 2,000 miles. Sounds weird, but has worked for the last ten years for me (other cars plus this one). Very clean engine. The oil blacked at around 2000+ plus miles, which is another reason I change early.

09-10-2003, 03:19 AM
Change mine every month, I'd be lucky to put 1000 miles on my car in a month (i'd guess 750 miles a month) and of course if I take a long road trip it gets changed right when I get home. It's so easy to change oil why not do it as often as possible :)

09-24-2003, 02:57 AM
I havent had this car long enough to know its oil behavior. Since purchase date, I've done two oil changes.

First Time: Changed Filter and refilled with Mobil Drive Clean 10w30. A week later the oil disappeared to nowhere. My car was very loud so I checked the dipstick and nothing was present. At least anywhere visible as there were no leaks.

Second Time: Ran engine flush. Changed Filter and refilled with Mobil Drive Clean 20w50 to see if the oils viscosity had anything to do with it disappearing. It's been 4 weeks and about 1,500 miles and I lost only about a quarts worth halfway thru. I keep it full. However, the oil got dark quickly but I know it's mixing with fuel. It smells like fuel.

Would this have anything to do with injectors or valves? gaskets at all?

I would appreciate tips on what I should try my next oil change. I'll be doing it next week sometime.


09-24-2003, 03:03 AM
From Mobils Website:
Product Description
Mobil Drive Clean Oil is formulated from quality base stocks combined with the most modern performance additives, including an advanced detergent system to provide excellent engine cleanliness. These oils protect against sludge and engine rust and corrosion under severe low-temperature operating conditions. Pour depressants and a viscosity index (VI) improver are included, where required, to provide the desired viscosity-temperature and low-temperature fluidity characteristics.

Could the oil be turning dark quickly because Mobil Drive Clean is "cleaning" the internals or should I be more concerned about the possible fuel mixtures?


10-25-2003, 01:38 PM
Every 4,000 since the KA leaked/burned so much oil.
Every 4,000 with synthetic on the SR, when it gets running.
Every 4,000 - 5,000 with synthetic on my Blazer if I do more highway travelling.

10-25-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
...It's so easy to change oil why not do it as often as possible :)

I hear you on that. Preventative maintenance always is a better idea than mods. It does add up though.

03-15-2004, 03:05 PM
I hear you on that. Preventative maintenance always is a better idea than mods. It does add up though.
yeah but not changing it soon enough can also add up alot worse:( ! I change it at 3,000mis.,I geuss you could say I am a stickler for well maintained cars.

03-16-2004, 02:15 PM
It depends on where you're driving too...
Most mineral oils are ver well engineered these days, and can provide you with protection through 80 or so % of what you ask of your motor. there's tons of guys who auto X and run track days, or drift, and run regular mineral valvoline, castrol, whatever.

However if you see lots of track days, or expose your car to lots of heat, then synthetics are great. But if you're motor is old and really tired, maybe not the best bet since the seals and gaskets are probably brittle and close to deteriorating.

I don't know if you need to change it as soon as the oil turns "dark" so to speak, but have a regular change interval (especially if you drive in motorsport events.) 3000-4000 sounds about right for daily driving. Remember to use a good filter though! they help out a lot too!

03-25-2004, 11:14 PM
last time i went about 7000 miles of daily driving with one drift event, an autox, and some really hard driving thrown in there. Valvoline syn-power... Let's just say it was black as all hell when that oil came out.

I change it when I'm not lazy and i remember that my car needs it...

04-12-2004, 10:20 PM
I do it every 500 miles more or less, do it the 4th sunday of every month or close to that. its a fully built engine so.... and very rarely sees street driving. I always use Castrol Synthetic Blend 5w30 as per my engine builder.

04-16-2004, 07:12 PM
Every 3k miles.....Lube it or lose it ! :wiggle:

04-17-2004, 02:43 AM
3000 miles or when dirty. whichever comes first.

04-17-2004, 09:25 AM
3000 miles or less for daily commuting
chaninge oil befoe and after a whole day of track event.

04-17-2004, 05:55 PM
every 2000 miles....just because.

05-04-2004, 04:36 AM
i do mine at 3500 , the oil i use "motul" seems to last awhile without any problems at all , and it doesnt turn black as quick as most oils ive used in the past .

05-04-2004, 11:19 AM
I always change it if its
a) blackened
b) been 3k miles

Mobil1 10w30 synthetic
Even KA-T my car doesn't really blacken the oil until 3k miles...

05-04-2004, 12:54 PM
I havent had this car long enough to know its oil behavior. Since purchase date, I've done two oil changes.

First Time: Changed Filter and refilled with Mobil Drive Clean 10w30. A week later the oil disappeared to nowhere. My car was very loud so I checked the dipstick and nothing was present. At least anywhere visible as there were no leaks.

Second Time: Ran engine flush. Changed Filter and refilled with Mobil Drive Clean 20w50 to see if the oils viscosity had anything to do with it disappearing. It's been 4 weeks and about 1,500 miles and I lost only about a quarts worth halfway thru. I keep it full. However, the oil got dark quickly but I know it's mixing with fuel. It smells like fuel.

Would this have anything to do with injectors or valves? gaskets at all?

I would appreciate tips on what I should try my next oil change. I'll be doing it next week sometime.


If your lucky you might have a leaky injector, Replace your injector O rings and see what happens. If that doesnt help you might have a fcuked ring(s). I am in the same boat as you, but I just went ahead and bought SR #2.


08-11-2004, 11:28 AM
hahaha.. i got you all beat.. i don't have a working speedo or odometer.. but i change my oil about once every 6-7 months.. and that is with driftin harsh and doing highspeed runs and auto-x... and my oil is black.. eh.. the last motor i did like that lasted approx 300k miles..

08-11-2004, 11:47 AM
I aim for 3000 miles, but I don't put a lot of miles on my car, and I always put fresh oil in before track events.. So I rarely make it to 3000. I use Amsoil 0w30, and it is suppose to last 25,000 miles or 1 year b/w changes with normal street driving. I figure peice of mind is worth the extra money. :)

08-11-2004, 01:45 PM
My Mazda gets oil changes every 5000 miles as per the owner's manual's "severe driving" recommendation. In theory it could go 10,000, since I don't drive it "severely" that often, but eh, for 20 bucks twice a year I'll spring for it. Besides, I just use whatever API SL conventional oil's on sale that week.

My 240SXs get oil changes... when they need them. Basically, if the oil looks good, and it hasn't been at least 6 months, or 5000 street miles, or a couple track events, it's good to go.

Ritz S14
10-23-2004, 12:18 AM
3500 miles. Oil and oil filter. Thinking of running Mobile 1 for the first time though.

10-23-2004, 03:11 AM
iv noticed that when my friend used cheap oil from like jeffy lube or watever, the oil stays clean forever. but when you use expensive oil like mobil one, it becomes dark real soon. i think the cheap oil doesnt do crap, it doesn clean anything.

10-23-2004, 12:39 PM
I've always used Mobil 1 in all my cars. It's the best you can get without spending 10 bucks a quart for Royal Purple. Mobil 1 is great for anti-wear, provides great protection against high heat, and doesn't break down as fast.

One thing you can do to help your oil from turning into dark inefficient sludge is to make sure your PCV valve is working correctly so that less combustion blow by is contaminating your engine oil.

10-30-2004, 07:25 PM
Religiously, to the point where there is usually no less than 2 complete oil changes in my shed.

10-30-2004, 11:14 PM
I use red line 10w30. Even though it says recomended oil change in 12-15k miles, I change it at 3-4k. You can tell me Im wasting money, but I just have a deep love for my motors.

10-30-2004, 11:26 PM
I've been using redline in my KA for 3 changes now and everytime i change it (3k first 2, 5k the last one) it's been black as hell. But when I go to fill it up again almost ALL the varnish I could see before is gone now. Ima keep using it and maybe down the line I'll do some UOA's.

10-30-2004, 11:41 PM
Its good stuff. I buy it in 12qt cases off ebay for $70 shipped so its not that bad on $. Also royal purple has about the same deals, maybe 5-10 $ cheaper, but are just as good.

10-31-2004, 04:16 AM
I use Mobil 1 full synthetic, 10w 30, get it at Wal Mart for 19.82 regular price or for 17.88 on sale.

10-31-2004, 05:32 PM
3000 miles or every 3 months. i've put maybe 500 miles on the car in the last 5 months so when it gets outta the shop it'll get all lubed up.

11-04-2004, 07:36 PM
you dont have to change it at 3k (That # was made up by the manufactures in order to produce more income for dealerships) Oil is actually good for more like 4-6k depending on your driving habits. (In the case of drifting I would change every 3k or when ever the oil becomes black. (If Synthetics used you can put off changing a little longer)

11-04-2004, 11:17 PM
you dont have to change it at 3k (That # was made up by the manufactures in order to produce more income for dealerships) Oil is actually good for more like 4-6k depending on your driving habits. (In the case of drifting I would change every 3k or when ever the oil becomes black. (If Synthetics used you can put off changing a little longer)
Actually that number was made by the MANUFACTURER (I believe Nissan set it at 3500 miles?) so they wouldn't lose their ass on warranty claims for stubborn people who would SURELY stretch that a few hundred miles, all while driving the HELL out of their cars... Now take us, as enthusiasts, who drive the DOORS off of our 100/125/150/200k + mile cars and are more than capable of changing the oil ourselves, it would be just plain dumb to NOT change the oil at 3000 miles... "better to have and not need than to need and not have" the old saying goes

11-05-2004, 12:13 AM
Mobil 1 Synth changed every 2500 miles, or when I burn through a set of Falken RT-215s. Whichever comes first.

11-05-2004, 01:03 AM
With synthetic oil you really shouldn't need to change it more than every 4000-5000 miles unless you are really beating on it. I think Bill is on target with checking the color.

11-05-2004, 10:54 PM
^^^ Leaving out the times with which the EXTREMELY anal-retentive will use to change theirs, like the ones who are prepared months in advance for an oil change?

11-05-2004, 11:12 PM
Lots of folks change oil every 3K or 3 months.. it's what the oil manufacturers have spouted for years and years and it's become the way you're "supposed" to care for your car. This is a lie..

The detergents in regular oil really have very little to do, IF you run your car till it's completely warmed up (like a long trip on the freeway) once a month. The oil will trap the contaminates and they will disipate with heat.

Oil changes depend on load, and type of driving. IF you are driving stop light to stop light, going to the grocery store, the post office.. etc. and never driving it out on the freeway or ever getting it fully warmed up, the 3000 mile rule is a GOOD one. IF you are driving the crap out of your car, getting the engine up to full operating temperature OFTEN, then 6 - 9K between oil changes isn't gonna make a whole hill of beans difference in how long your engine lasts.

As for the color of the oil.. clean oil is a GOOD thing, but just because it turns a little brown doesn't mean it's life is over.. of course if it's black and sludgy that's another story. As long as the oil still flows freely, and doesn't stink to high heaven it's probably ok..

Drifting is tough on rear ends, and tires and suspensions, but high engine RPM and heat in the engine is a GOOD thing (to a point), it burns off most of the contaminates from burned and unburned fuel in the oil, and what doesn't get burned off gets trapped in the filter. Engine wear isn't the biggest issue. Neither is the type of oil you use.

You are going to wear out your entire suspension, tires and differentials LONG before you're gonna wear out your engine. Synthetic oils will make your engines last longer.. but what is the point? The car is gonna be trash LONG before you can wear out your engine doing regular maintenance and using conventional oils.

i change mine at 3,000, because i do city driving and aone every two weeks i go do a canyon run or 5.

02-16-2005, 04:04 PM
well im from canada so i change mine every 5000Km.

08-02-2005, 01:41 AM
what filter does everyone use? I always use the Fram ones just because they are always right there... but what's actually a good one?

08-02-2005, 01:43 AM
I've been using mobil1 synthetic on my RB for a while and i've noticed it turns black really quick and my engine kinda eats the oil fairly quick

08-02-2005, 02:42 AM
Drifting is tough on rear ends, and tires and suspensions, but high engine RPM and heat in the engine is a GOOD thing (to a point), it burns off most of the contaminates from burned and unburned fuel in the oil, and what doesn't get burned off gets trapped in the filter. Engine wear isn't the biggest issue. Neither is the type of oil you use.

I'm sorry but oil temps and the type of oil you use are very important when it comes to drifting. Redlining your car non-stop in 100 degree weather causes underhood temps and oil temps to soar. A synthetic oil will resist thermal breakdown and will cause your engine to wear much less than a non-synthetic that got burned to shit in a single day of racing. On a turboed car, this is especially important, even on a daily driver that doesn't get track duty.

My oil gets changed with mobil1 15w-50 every 1000-2000 miles due to track duty.

I change my filter every 2000-4000 miles using a mobil 1 filter.

One of the next things on my list of things to buy is an oil cooler to help prolong the life of my oil and to keep the engine cooler.

08-02-2005, 10:25 AM
I've always used Mobil 1 in all my cars. It's the best you can get without spending 10 bucks a quart for Royal Purple. Mobil 1 is great for anti-wear, provides great protection against high heat, and doesn't break down as fast.

One thing you can do to help your oil from turning into dark inefficient sludge is to make sure your PCV valve is working correctly so that less combustion blow by is contaminating your engine oil.

i used mobil 1 before.... and i changed it every 3000... but i figure that using castrol gtx and changing it every 2000 mile might be better (cleaner oil cause less miles) and it's cheaper than mobil 1.

what do you guys think???

08-03-2005, 01:44 PM
'90 S13 110k mi, 10w40 (dino/conventional valvoline, chevron, mobile), amsoil filter. Daily driving.

1st change: 3500 miles / UOA indicates drain interval can be extended, sufficient TBN levels remain. Insoluables level normal.

2nd change: 5000 miles / UOA indicates drain interval can be extended, sufficient TBN levels remain. Insoluables level normal.

I'm trying 6000 and 7500 miles next. The oil changing color is not necessarily an indication of an oil change being required... if anything, it means the oil is doing its job- cleaning. Oil is still good if the level of active cleaning agent(s) is sufficient, the filter is keeping the level of insoluables low, and the viscosity level is within an acceptable range.

08-04-2005, 01:10 PM
i changed mine every 2k miles. i dunno why. but i will continue to do so