View Full Version : HELP! clutch problems.

10-09-2010, 10:46 AM
I tried searching and couldnt find anything. Car in question is S13 with sr20. The symptoms are as followed.

Fluid is topped up
Clutch slave is moving
Clutch point is normal
clutch engages and dis-engages as normal but when engaged the car does not move. Im a little stummed on this one. Any advice?

Cliffs: clutch is same as always, car wont move

10-09-2010, 04:22 PM
I tried searching and couldnt find anything. Car in question is S13 with sr20. The symptoms are as followed.

Fluid is topped up
Clutch slave is moving
Clutch point is normal
clutch engages and dis-engages as normal but when engaged the car does not move. Im a little stummed on this one. Any advice?

Cliffs: clutch is same as always, car wont move

Has the stiffness changed at all?
You should watch the clutch fork/slave cylinder while some one else is pushing the clutch in.

What if you point you car straight put it in like 2nd gear with the car off and start it while pushing on the clutch-interlock switch will it move forward a little?

10-09-2010, 06:11 PM
So with the car running and it in first you let the clutch out and it doesn't move, or you can't get the car in first while its running even with the clutch on the floor?

10-13-2010, 12:25 PM
In first, let out the clutch and the car doesnt move