View Full Version : CA Mustang Reps pair 17x9 +25 w/tires 5x114.3 and 350z OEM wheels

10-05-2010, 12:55 PM
just as title states... used these for fronts at 3 events and thats it.. come with federal 235/40s and plenty of tread left to shred... one wheel has slight dcurb damage from going off track one, its still dirty haha the other is still perfect (fml comp wont upload photo)... looking to get 200 obo for the pair SOLD SOLD SOLD

2: OEM nissan 350z wheels with tires. yes they are spray painted black but the paint comes off easily! and they all might need new tires, the two rears are michelin 225/50 tires with 1/8 inch of tread left.. the fronts are one hancook and one ventura tires but need to be replaced asking 250 obo for the whole set
sold sold solD


10-06-2010, 08:48 AM
still for sale. and its all up for best offer. disregard price listed

10-06-2010, 11:11 AM
Do the mustang reps have a 1" lip? Can I see a side view of those lip as well. Thank you :)

10-06-2010, 12:04 PM
Do the mustang reps have a 1" lip? Can I see a side view of those lip as well. Thank you :)

i believe its a one inch lip? im not sure and sorry work doesnt permit me to see my car until the weekends... so i wont be able to take pics of the wheels... they fit my s14 and my s13 flush on the fronts and flush on rear of s13 coupe

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs724.snc4/64429_155918664442581_100000733449823_365719_14291 67_n.jpg

thats the only other pic i have showing the only damage to these wheels.. the other wheel is perfect and the brown stuff is dirt on rim lol