View Full Version : turning 16 next month and looking for a nice first car.

09-26-2010, 08:02 PM
hey, im turning 16 in october and i have lots of driving experience and im not exactly what car i should buy as my first. I really Like the s13 coupe, the 300zx and the s14. Not really sure what nissan i want. I want to turn this first car into a project car after i get a 2nd car.

09-26-2010, 08:49 PM
depends.. what are your goal's?

09-26-2010, 09:06 PM
i want a street friendly car, but something i can run with on straightaways and highways. I'm planning on performing an rb26dett swap on whatever car i get besides a 300 and work from there. i want power in the engine but a clean look to go along with it.

09-26-2010, 09:17 PM
How much you looking to spend?

09-26-2010, 09:26 PM
well I got an s14 as my first car and I really like it. I'd recommend getting a crap s chassis first, till you get the hang of driving. I crashed my s14 into an off duty police officer while I was talking to my friend...sigh...and don't think it won't happen to you. Another one of my friends crashed his 08 acura TL recently and another friend crashed his truck into his friends mustang while they were screwing around in the school parking lot. But that's life I guess, you learn and you live

oh and don't plan on getting an rb26. I know it seems cool to have a GTR engine in your car, but from what I've heard, its not a simple plug n play like an sr20. You have to convert it to rwd, get an rb25 tranny because the rb26 tranny doesn't work, and lots of other shit you probably didn't know you had to deal with, unless of course you have some pretty knowledgable friends