View Full Version : US 240 vs. BC Air Care

08-07-2003, 05:23 PM
im looking at buying a 92/93 240sx from the US, specifically Cali(90005) or Arizona (85284) and using it for my project BUT i live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. in Vancouver, the Air Care standars are farily high and only Cali has something similar that is equal to or better than the Vancouver Air Care (that i know of).

Does anyone know if the Arizona emmissions laws (if there are any ??) are the same/compatible/equal to the Vancouver ones and would be Accepted?? cause if its not, i think that id have to go through a bunch of bs to get it to qualify.... thanks!

08-07-2003, 05:30 PM
Hey, I live in Victoria, and there is no Air Care whatsoever here :D But I think Arizona does have Air Care restrictions liek Van and Cali, maybe not quite to the extent of Cali, but some. Don't depend on my word tho.