View Full Version : Quick stock seat question ... s14

08-28-2010, 08:30 PM
ok so i got ahold of two s14 seats that i put in my s13, but the seats came with no headrest! shit bugs me when i drive ALOT! i cant seem to find a extra set of s14 headrest (even at the junkyard) so does anyone know if a headrest from like an altima or some other nissan would fit?

08-28-2010, 08:40 PM
Get a measuring tape and take some measurements, go to a junkyard and find something fits that measurement...not exactly rocket science.

08-28-2010, 09:30 PM
Get a measuring tape and take some measurements, go to a junkyard and find something fits that measurement...not exactly rocket science.oh and i like boys

yea i just thought someone on here knew...thanks for alllllllll your help guy.