View Full Version : Differences with KA24E and KA24DE wiring harness

08-26-2010, 09:30 AM
Hey guys, i have a 90 hatch with the stock KA24E and pieced together a KA24DE engine and after reading all the stickies and FAQ's I found that I need to change the ECU because the harness is different.

Can I use the SOHC harness and ECU? Are the sensor connectors different or something ?

Im just wondering because it seems these engines are so interchangeable.

08-26-2010, 03:48 PM
Your better off using a KA24DE ecu. There is only one person I know that has successfully ran an 8bit ecu with a S14 KA24DE.

Differences? ECCS harness connector is different. Pinouts are completely different.

Oh even if you do modify the eccs harness, you will still need to modify the code to reflect that of the engine. IE. you will need to desolder the 27c256 EPROM. Install an eprom socket. Program a 27SF512 with KA24DE tune modified to run on w/KA24E hardware...

Again, your better off finding a DOHC engine harness and ecu.

08-27-2010, 07:31 AM
I understand I might be better off with a DE ecu and harness but Id like to simply disconnect the electrical connections from the engine. Pull out the ka24e. Drop in the DE and hook those same connections up.

The engines have the same firing order so if the SOHC harness will connect to the ignition, injectors, maf, etc. Why wouldnt it run ????

I plan on buying the Megasquirt kit ao Im not concerned about the differences in the ecu's.

Thanks for your help. :wavey:

08-27-2010, 01:07 PM
it wont work. you under stand what a ecu is right.

08-27-2010, 02:58 PM
it wont work. you under stand what a ecu is right.

why not.... how would the ecu know the difference ???

08-27-2010, 03:24 PM
good luck...........

08-28-2010, 08:37 AM
it wont work. you under stand what a ecu is right.

GET OUT! No soup for you.

08-28-2010, 09:10 AM
^~your a retard.

for one, the engine plugs are different, specifically the injectors and a few other key plugs.

second of all, pretty sure the fuel maps are different. IIRC the SOHC's were alittle higher in compression.

third of all, the air flow meters between a SOHC and DOHC are not the same. Therefor, you running a SOHC ecu on a DOHC car with with a DOHC maf or SOHC maf will not work.


Just buy a harness. Ill sell you one for christ sake.

taft boy
08-28-2010, 09:25 AM
^~your a retard.

for one, the engine plugs are different, specifically the injectors and a few other key plugs.

second of all, pretty sure the fuel maps are different. IIRC the SOHC's were alittle higher in compression.

third of all, the air flow meters between a SOHC and DOHC are not the same. Therefor, you running a SOHC ecu on a DOHC car with with a DOHC maf or SOHC maf will not work.


Just buy a harness. Ill sell you one for christ sake.

he'ssssss right

08-28-2010, 06:04 PM
Injector, MAF, distributor, coil, and several other plugs are all different. Plus, not all the sensors are located in the same place on both engines.

08-29-2013, 12:00 PM
Yeah hes right the is much fewer plugs on the ka24de harness then the sohc my main problem with my swap is that i am going to have to repin the plug from the ecu to the under dash harness. The sohc doesnt have the extra ground the dohc cam does

08-29-2013, 02:09 PM
Yeah hes right the is much fewer plugs on the ka24de harness then the sohc my main problem with my swap is that i am going to have to repin the plug from the ecu to the under dash harness. The sohc doesnt have the extra ground the dohc cam does

Did you even look at the date of the last post in this thread?...
Just curious lol...