View Full Version : A/T to M/T Vert questions

08-24-2010, 04:05 PM
So here it goes. I have a '94 vert which im going to be swapping a S13 Blacktop into. Heres my first question.. I know that you have to connect the inhibitor switches together in order for it to be in "neutral" and for the top to go up and down and for the motor to start. I need some pics of how they are connected. Ive seen one of S14 being done which I found on this site. He used his own Pigtail set up.. I want to see some more and see what my options are... ive been told you can just cut the pigtails off and just wire the two together inside the fuse box. But if you do that then what do you do with the rest of the lower harness.

Question 2- since i have an auto lower harness and it has the auto speed sensors do i have to switch that speed sensor since the one on the SR reads in KM? but ive heard that the auto is too big to fit..

maybe im reading more into it than i should.. maybe im a dumb ass.. please help.. thanks!

drift freaq
08-24-2010, 06:05 PM
So here it goes. I have a '94 vert which im going to be swapping a S13 Blacktop into. Heres my first question.. I know that you have to connect the inhibitor switches together in order for it to be in "neutral" and for the top to go up and down and for the motor to start. I need some pics of how they are connected. Ive seen one of S14 being done which I found on this site. He used his own Pigtail set up.. I want to see some more and see what my options are... ive been told you can just cut the pigtails off and just wire the two together inside the fuse box. But if you do that then what do you do with the rest of the lower harness.

Question 2- since i have an auto lower harness and it has the auto speed sensors do i have to switch that speed sensor since the one on the SR reads in KM? but ive heard that the auto is too big to fit..

maybe im reading more into it than i should.. maybe im a dumb ass.. please help.. thanks!

I suggest you read the auto to 5 speed swap stuff in the archive and faq section.

I wrote for the s13 a long time ago that is stickied. It as no pics but it pretty much tells you, what you need to know to do the swap and outlines the parts needed.