View Full Version : Saw something Shady...

08-20-2010, 03:09 PM
So last night, starting around midnight, I was hanging out at the parking lot at my local Albertsons with a lady friend. We were chilling and shit when these tow trucks started coming in two at a time, switch the cars they were towing with them in the parking lots and drive off. This kept happening the whole time we were there for a couple of hours. The girl was like what are they doing? So after she left, I too was kinda curious. Being the nosy prick I am, I went to ask the dude sitting in a flatbed what was going on, thinking it was just like legit shit or something and it would be a simple explanation. The guy was like I don't know what your talking about? I didn't see anything. Why are you smiling? and I was just like ok... I see, knowing something shady was up. I left after that. The company of the towing trucks were shit I never heard before. like A.S.A.P. Towing and some other companies. Checked online, and apparently ASAP towing is only in Florida.

So the shit they were doing was pretty shady. I was just curious to know if anyone knows what was going on. BTW the cars they were towing were not that nice. Anyone know what they were doing?

08-20-2010, 03:12 PM
Should have just called the cops.

08-20-2010, 03:15 PM
Should have just called the cops.

That makes WAY too much sense.

It's much better to do nothing and then post about it on an Internet Forum. Surely THAT will fix whatever is wrong with society.

08-20-2010, 03:18 PM
That makes WAY too much sense.

It's much better to do nothing and then post about it on an Internet Forum. Surely THAT will fix whatever is wrong with society.
You should write a book. :rofl:

PS- I'm stealing that line and using it in my signature.

08-20-2010, 03:20 PM
Off topic.. but

Why the heck were you and your girl friend chilling at Albertson's at Midnight and staying there a couple of hours..? LOL

08-20-2010, 03:21 PM
i heard of this before. my guess is they are stealing cars for a chop shop. there was a local incident that happened over here about a year ago before he got caught.

08-20-2010, 03:21 PM
Off topic.. but

Why the heck were you and your girl friend chilling at Albertson's at Midnight and staying there a couple of hours..? LOL

LMAO i know what you are thinking LOL

08-20-2010, 03:39 PM
That makes WAY too much sense.

It's much better to do nothing and then post about it on an Internet Forum. Surely THAT will fix whatever is wrong with society.

Sorry....I don't really call the cops. cops will show up like an hour later and everyone would have been gone. Im just posting on an Internet forum to try to find out what exactly they were doing.

i heard of this before. my guess is they are stealing cars for a chop shop. there was a local incident that happened over here about a year ago before he got caught.

The cars they got were kinda shitty though. minivans and other crap.

Off topic.. but

Why the heck were you and your girl friend chilling at Albertson's at Midnight and staying there a couple of hours..? LOL

lol. you know... just hanging out. lol.

08-20-2010, 03:40 PM
Perhaps they were repo'ing them

08-20-2010, 03:58 PM
Sorry....I don't really call the cops. cops will show up like an hour later and everyone would have been gone. Im just posting on an Internet forum to try to find out what exactly they were doing.

So, an hour later the name of the towing company, license plates of both the tow vehicles, and the towed vehicles, as well as the descriptions of the drivers will have completely changed and/or disappeared. You're right, Law Enforcement agencies couldn't do ANYTHING.

Makes perfect sense to me now.

08-20-2010, 04:19 PM
And asking a bunch of people that will be just as clueless are you are.

God, you're the guy that watches people DIE, BEFORE doing anything.

08-20-2010, 04:27 PM
whaaat? thats definatly something you shold have called the cops about.... I work late nights at several supermarkets..... and no big corporate market would give a company the rights to do anything like that.. (as if they were temporarily storing the cars or something).... just not right.... call the cops. get plates. and description... alert the manager of the market... there is an onsite manager/supervisor 24/7

where in california do you live

08-20-2010, 04:35 PM
Seriously, if something looks as shady as that, CALL THE COPS.

What's so hard about that? I've seen my share of shady shit. I call them every single time. I've also called the cops on someone who was obviously driving drunk (even went as far as staying a few car lengths behind them to be sure I let the CHP know exactly where they were at). They show up within a few minutes. Cops are constantly patrolling most areas anyway. So, it doesn't take them long to get there.

08-20-2010, 04:37 PM
And asking a bunch of people that will be just as clueless are you are.

God, you're the guy that watches people DIE, BEFORE doing anything.

You crack me up Scott.. I almost spit out my drink when I read that.. Its true though kid.

08-20-2010, 04:49 PM
Ironic how you were the same guy talking down on law enforcement not so long ago in 'loud noises'...yet here you are, in a situation where you could have been helped 'the public' yourself, and you did nothing.

...It all makes sense now as to why you post the way you do...

08-20-2010, 04:57 PM
wow....something out of the ordinary makes you do nothing. Wonderful society we are building here.

Please go jump off a cliff now.

08-20-2010, 04:58 PM
^ he is 19 years old dude

edit: post above that

08-20-2010, 05:10 PM
Albertson's parking lot for "hours". He didn't call the cops because they (OP and girl) were using drugs.

08-20-2010, 05:16 PM
Remember when Peter Parker let that junkie thief go by because he was indifferent? That was good times braaaa.

08-20-2010, 05:26 PM
the owner probably gave a towing company the rights to tow any car on that property after a certain time. One of my friend does that because a lot of car parks at his shop's lot at night and people just go partying/bar hopping in the area. He would have to clean up every morning. He gave the rights to some company and even left a sign, park here, call this # bc your sh*t been towed. The company get to charge storage fees + towing fee or something and my friend do not have to waste an hour or so cleaning up food wrappers/vomit on the floor.

08-20-2010, 05:33 PM

08-20-2010, 05:41 PM
the owner probably gave a towing company the rights to tow any car on that property after a certain time. One of my friend does that because a lot of car parks at his shop's lot at night and people just go partying/bar hopping in the area. He would have to clean up every morning. He gave the rights to some company and even left a sign, park here, call this # bc your sh*t been towed. The company get to charge storage fees + towing fee or something and my friend do not have to waste an hour or so cleaning up food wrappers/vomit on the floor.

^This is a definite possibility, and the drivers would likely have said so, as soon as the Police showed up. The police would then cross reference that claim with the owner, and all would be solved.

Instead, an issue was ignored and "Teh intarwebz" is bound to provide all the answers that, someone too scared to actually attempt to make a difference in the world, could hope to find.

08-20-2010, 06:09 PM
the owner probably gave a towing company the rights to tow any car on that property after a certain time. One of my friend does that because a lot of car parks at his shop's lot at night and people just go partying/bar hopping in the area. He would have to clean up every morning. He gave the rights to some company and even left a sign, park here, call this # bc your sh*t been towed. The company get to charge storage fees + towing fee or something and my friend do not have to waste an hour or so cleaning up food wrappers/vomit on the floor.

your friend doesnt have a parkinglot sweeper sweeping his property? if hes in socal.. tell him to call me :ddog:

drift freaq
08-20-2010, 07:10 PM
One world REPO! Yup that is standard repo procedure . Pick a car up with one truck take to a bank parking lot or grocery store parking lot and switch it off . Reason for doing it? Technically repo'ing is stealing the Vehicle back. Until its proven that is a Repo cops don't take kindly to it. A lot of times the tow truck drivers don't actually hold the papers on the car. They are just told to go get it.

08-20-2010, 07:30 PM
you could have been a hero for somebody =)
don't be afraid to call police next time if you think you think something was not right

08-20-2010, 08:22 PM
One world REPO! Yup that is standard repo procedure . Pick a car up with one truck take to a bank parking lot or grocery store parking lot and switch it off . Reason for doing it? Technically repo'ing is stealing the Vehicle back. Until its proven that is a Repo cops don't take kindly to it. A lot of times the tow truck drivers don't actually hold the papers on the car. They are just told to go get it.

hmmm I thought repo companies had their own yards. I know a few people in that business and doesnt soud like their normal procedures.... repo trucks usually arent straight up tow trucks.... usually like big ford diesels or 3500's that have the quick flip out tow boom. unmarked except their number on the side. but idk possibly you have more insight on this than I do. if so please explain?

08-20-2010, 08:31 PM

Most def.

But we'll never know now.

drift freaq
08-20-2010, 09:07 PM
hmmm I thought repo companies had their own yards. I know a few people in that business and doesnt soud like their normal procedures.... repo trucks usually arent straight up tow trucks.... usually like big ford diesels or 3500's that have the quick flip out tow boom. unmarked except their number on the side. but idk possibly you have more insight on this than I do. if so please explain?

Repo trucks come in all shape's and sizes. An Eagle claw can pick a car up in like 30 seconds or less. I know this because I have seen these guys in action.

Oh and you do realize a big Ford Diesel would completely give itself away because it would be noisy as fuck. Oh and yes these trucks I saw in action were all black unmarked. I watched them drop a Corvette in Bank parking lot drive off and 15 minutes later another truck showed up and hauled it off. There was a lady in a car sitting there and talking to the drivers. I asked her what was up and she said we are doing Repo's. LOL

Basically the lighter trucks do the quick pull and the flatbeds come in and do the final haul.

08-20-2010, 09:14 PM
Repo trucks come in all shape's and sizes. An Eagle claw can pick a car up in like 30 seconds or less. I know this because I have seen these guys in action.

Oh and you do realize a big Ford Diesel would completely give itself away because it would be noisy as fuck. Oh and yes these trucks I saw in action were all black unmarked. I watched them drop a Corvette in Bank parking lot drive off and 15 minutes later another truck showed up and hauled it off. There was a lady in a car sitting there and talking to the drivers. I asked her what was up and she said we are doing Repo's. LOL

Basically the lighter trucks do the quick pull and the flatbeds come in and do the final haul.

i guess the repo trucks here in the ie are noisy as fuck... lol and for sure. thanks for the info!

08-20-2010, 09:21 PM
this is exactly why i have local PD and sheriff numbers stored in my phone. after being in a hit and run and seen some shady stuff go down it only makes COMPLETE sense to call them to be safe. what else are police doing at 12am? lol

op probably didnt want to get busted for loitering haha

op- do you not have a room to go in? was she under 18? im guessing she was 16 :D

08-20-2010, 09:25 PM
i saw somefin shady too yo! :keke:


08-20-2010, 10:16 PM
^ he is 19 years old dude

edit: post above that

SO age is now an excuse for being a idiot? Lets be serious, we have men and women at 19 fighting for are freedom, doing the right thing, and here he sits on his ass, doing nothing.

Sorry, try excuses elsewhere - as none exist for stupidity.

Basically the lighter trucks do the quick pull and the flatbeds come in and do the final haul.

100% RIGHT
We used to quick release/grab for a local used car lot. Use the smaller/quiet gas job to get the car, pull it to a safe lot, and then let the flatbed rack one, and bar another.

08-20-2010, 11:46 PM
Did they look like these guys???


Dirty Habit
08-21-2010, 11:16 AM
In Detroit theres a code of conduct.

Mind your own damn business.

08-21-2010, 01:00 PM
^ People are cowards in Detroit too? :/

08-21-2010, 01:33 PM
In Detroit theres a code of conduct.

Mind your own damn business.

Hey, how is Detroit these days?

Oh, that's right. While everyone was busy "minding their own damn business", everything went to SHIT.

Your "Code of Conduct" is for dishonest, lazy, worthless-ass people.

Just being honest.

This country was NOT founded on some bullshit "Snitches get Stitches" pussy attitude.

08-22-2010, 02:59 AM
I think this thread stirred out of topic.

The OP stated "tow trucks pulling in the parking lot in 2's and SWITCHING CARS"

there was nothing stated about Repo'n a car and then gettin swap to a flatbed. The towing companies were SWITCHING CARS... so yeah. just want to point that out again.

08-22-2010, 10:15 AM
Well, just to answer your question.

We were stealing the cars, installing astroturf in place of the carpet and on the dash along with a camera to capture their reactions.

P.S. your girl looks like a dude.

08-22-2010, 11:04 AM
I once saw an abandon car lit on fire. I called the cops. Saved a near by bus from coming close to it. The car blew up soon after like that eclipse in the fast and furious.

08-22-2010, 07:58 PM
This country was NOT founded on some bullshit "Snitches get Stitches" pussy attitude.

"it's all about the street cred nowadays"

It's a damn shame people are focuses on retaliation, rather than action

08-22-2010, 08:09 PM
most likely they were repo. i get to deal with them at a place I work at.

they don't even look like any towing truck and meant to look all stealthy, but in the bed of the truck they got the hitch system and all that shit.

they hook car up, drive it to a pro towing truck cause other wise they can get fucked by the cops if they dont.

drift freaq
08-22-2010, 10:04 PM
I think this thread stirred out of topic.

The OP stated "tow trucks pulling in the parking lot in 2's and SWITCHING CARS"

there was nothing stated about Repo'n a car and then gettin swap to a flatbed. The towing companies were SWITCHING CARS... so yeah. just want to point that out again.

LOL dude what he reported was repo action. talking about switching cars and to different trucks is related to repo'ing a car. In fact what he was watching was most likely repo's for some used car lot. One that offered financing to anyone who walked in the door with a job regardless of credit worthiness.

He stated what he saw in a way that directly asked forum members what they thought.
The fact that the discussion of repo action tactics ensued was directly related to the topic.

08-22-2010, 11:38 PM
The OP probably had this ig'nant ass attitude.


08-22-2010, 11:48 PM
pics of the girl?

08-23-2010, 02:34 PM
woulda coulda should.

this tread fails.

08-23-2010, 03:23 PM
LOL. so I would have ended up calling the cops on some repo guys? Sorry I didn't call the cops on some repo guys, so QQ more.

God, you're the guy that watches people DIE, BEFORE doing anything.

Lol. Actually, if someone was getting hurt or something, I am the guy that would help them. Not just talk.
Watching shitty cars get towed, maybe not.

Ironic how you were the same guy talking down on law enforcement not so long ago in 'loud noises'...yet here you are, in a situation where you could have been helped 'the public' yourself, and you did nothing.

Explain to me again how I could have helped the public?

BTW, Sorry I am 19...lol.

08-23-2010, 04:34 PM
LOL. so I would have ended up calling the cops on some repo guys? Sorry I didn't call the cops on some repo guys, so QQ more.

Lol. Actually, if someone was getting hurt or something, I am the guy that would help them. Not just talk.
Watching shitty cars get towed, maybe not.

Explain to me again how I could have helped the public?

BTW, Sorry I am 19...lol.
Well, if you think it was shady, calling the cops is what you should do. Otherwise you wouldn't have posted this thread.

So now you are the judge on whether the people that owned the cars have a right to getting them taken?; if there were in fact taken illegally.

If whatever was going on was some sort of elaborate crime, then you would have helped the public by reporting it.

You sure act helpless.

08-24-2010, 09:31 AM
LOL. so I would have ended up calling the cops on some repo guys? Sorry I didn't call the cops on some repo guys, so QQ more.

You didn't know who they were at first. You call the cops. If it was your car would you have called the cops?

Lol. Actually, if someone was getting hurt or something, I am the guy that would help them. Not just talk. Watching shitty cars get towed, maybe not.

So I guess it's to your discretion of what is important or not that ultimatly determines if you call the police or not? So if it was someone getting hurt, and your car being towed...would you still not call the police? Oh yea...then it's *your* stuff. I guess you'd call then.

Explain to me again how I could have helped the public?

Hmm, unknown tow trucks moving cars at night. Maybe they were stealing them? Maybe it's not their first night? You would have helped the public by potentially catching a car theif/thieves. This could help people keep their cars, potentially keep car insurance from being higher on certain cars, etc etc etc.

...you have an awful lot of excuses as to proving yourself right. Why not just 'do the right thing' next time?

BTW, Sorry I am 19...lol.

Again, an excuse. Age. Remember we've got kids running businesses/fighting in the military at 17/18...you're sitting in aparking lot smoking backwoods, and watching cars being potentially stolen.

You sure act helpless.

"it's because he's 19" :bowrofl:

drift freaq
08-24-2010, 12:53 PM
"it's because he's 19" :bowrofl:

Ah to be 19 and helpless. :rofl:

08-24-2010, 06:54 PM
America is fucked.

08-24-2010, 07:04 PM
pics of the girl?

$20 says she's under 18 :hide:

08-27-2010, 05:39 PM

So the other night, I saw this car straight up run a red light. the next block over was a CHP chilling. so once again I failed by not stopping at the CHP chilling and telling him that car ran a red light? I wonder what would have happened.. CHP woulda told me to fuck off.

Again, an excuse. Age. Remember we've got kids running businesses/fighting in the military at 17/18...you're sitting in aparking lot smoking backwoods, and watching cars being potentially stolen.

Called Sarcasm...... BTW. I fail to understand how not calling the cops is even related to running business/fighting in the military. People running business and fighting in the military can still not call cops...

So I guess it's to your discretion of what is important or not that ultimatly determines if you call the police or not? So if it was someone getting hurt, and your car being towed...would you still not call the police? Oh yea...then it's *your* stuff. I guess you'd call then.

Wrong... I would confront them if they were taking my car. lol. If someone was getting hurt, I would personally help them or call an ambulance.

.you have an awful lot of excuses as to proving yourself right. Why not just 'do the right thing' next time?

Son, I do what I want to do. Who made you have power to say what is "right" or "wrong"?

America is fucked.


08-27-2010, 05:52 PM
Don't refer to people as "son".

This is your warning.

08-27-2010, 05:53 PM
lol 10characters

08-27-2010, 05:56 PM
I understand.

You need a little more incentive, right?

No problem. Take a couple weeks off, on the house.

I'll be closing this now, as well.