08-20-2010, 01:57 PM
15'z are at 75% thread and the 17's are at 50%,
15's=3x are 215 60 15 one of the tire is 195 65 15 80 for all three and 10 for the other all 4x 17s $75 all 3
OBO 562 472 8072 north long beaCH CA
$50 s13 manual driveshaft-front piece only
15's=3x are 215 60 15 one of the tire is 195 65 15 80 for all three and 10 for the other all 4x 17s $75 all 3
OBO 562 472 8072 north long beaCH CA
$50 s13 manual driveshaft-front piece only