View Full Version : crashed my 240, totalled

07-29-2003, 02:06 PM
yep, i phucked up bad. went to "drift" turning left going about 35 in 3rd shift to second on the gas andwent good for bout a sencond or 2 then i saw a car coming bout 1/4 mile away and went to steer to correct and oversteered and spun into a guard rail in a ditch. the whole driver side is gone, the rocker panel is pusjed up into the door and it wont open. bad for me a off duty cop came buy less than a minute after and i could have killed him. first thing he said was " howed the hell you do that?" not are you ok, anyone hurt. then after that and i told him what i did he laughed and said he has had alot of fast cars over the years and dont understand how anyone could do this on a regular sunnny day w/ snow tires on. then said i should wath "fast and furious over again". i took his **** for awhile then told him that he didnt need to be an asshole and that im the one who i screwed and messed up and he told me to stop being a wise *** and that he could give me a summons for reckless driving and speeding violation. so i only have liability and it looks like $4500 worth of damage and its a 1990. i have sparco evos, tein he's, apexi safc, apexi n1, sparco mugello wheel, generic filter, think thats bout it. i cried and i havent cried since my first girlfriend cheated on me for the 3rd time, i miss her. anyway this car was the only thing i really cared alot about and i planned on having it for a long time, so i really am upset and i think im getting out of the game unless insurance wont go up too high, but im sure it will. i'll try to get pics up.

07-29-2003, 02:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your car man. From what i always hear it's better to always practice on tracks at events or empty open parking lots. Are you going to get a new car?s13/14 or a different car?

07-29-2003, 02:15 PM
35mph in 3rd gear? trying to drift. that was your first mistake! YIKES!

anyways, sorry to hear the loss
be safe. im sure youll get back on your feet fast
btw, u didnt buy any wheels yet i hope! :(

good luck!

07-29-2003, 03:45 PM
soo sad... :(

Bill Roberts
07-29-2003, 03:49 PM
First of all, glad you are ok..

My Question:

Thinking about parting it out?

If you get another S-13, you would have a good parts supply but if you get an S-14, let us know what you plan to do with it..many of us are looking for certain parts.

I wish you the best of luck...

07-29-2003, 05:15 PM
sorry to hear that dude, best of luck to u

07-29-2003, 05:19 PM
yeah im the idiot for doing it on public roads and i am against street racing, so i guess im a hipocrit. i told my good freind what i did and 10 minutes later he found me a 92 240sx. not sure what im gonna do, get out, get another 240, get toyota, not sure. all i know right now is that if anyone need stock parts hit me up. dousan i had just left my house to go to my girls house and call tirerack to get kosei's, so now thats not gonna happen. i need to see how much $$$ i have. i guess the kid is asking $1200 for the 92 but its a hatch and i really liked my coupe. so anyway, stock parts are up for sale. hit me up w/ what you want. im gonna hold onto the aftermarket stuff for now.

07-29-2003, 06:13 PM
Sorry to hear about this, atleast your okay. Take this as a lesson well learned. I know I did when almost the same thing happened to me.

07-29-2003, 08:47 PM
it just sucks. i think im gonna get another 240 and reallly learn to drive. are ther any schools or anyting around the NE area? i got some beers and took everything off it tonight and well im pretty buzzed. all i know is that im not done w/ 240's and that in want another one and waht to learn to really drive it.

07-29-2003, 09:33 PM
first off man sorry for your loss...

and where u located at? and what color is your interior?

07-29-2003, 11:44 PM
another one down :wtc:

07-30-2003, 03:42 AM
Dick cops:madfawk:

07-30-2003, 09:26 AM
Holy ****, not one flame, that's cool to see.

Sorry to hear about your loss, but yeah, definately stick to open parking lots and stuff :). Good luck with whatever route you decide to take now, (toyota, nissan, whatever). Are you planning on staying with RWD?

the head
07-30-2003, 12:54 PM
your own fault next time practice off of public roads
get everyhting off the car that you can salvage the find a new shell and put it back together

07-30-2003, 01:17 PM
you shoulda given that cop alot more ****, and not taken any of his, he couldnt give you a ticket, he didnt have any sort of proof, or even evidence. you could say in court that you swerved avoiding a squirel.

07-30-2003, 01:57 PM
im in Maine if anyone needs parts. the interior is black and i have power everything if anyone needs a moonroof or power windows or aything. i ripped all the aftermarket stuff off last night cept my coilovers, but im sure they are fine. i knew better than to drive like that on public roads too, dont really know why i did it. im glad it was just me and not someone else. and thanks for not flaming on me. i think i might find another one, or i was thinking a 2nd gen supra. anyway it also has a brand new windsheild, 2 weeks old, that ****ed me off.

07-30-2003, 02:36 PM
Where in maine are you? I'm in Owl's Head.

07-30-2003, 08:32 PM
im in scarborough, how many 240s are in maine? anyone w/ a redtop? i think i might have found one for sale too. dont know where owls head is, but scarbough is next to portland. come buy some stock parts off my car

07-30-2003, 09:42 PM
wow...sorry about the lost. I would get the fastback if I were you...

even though everyone knows S14 ownz


07-30-2003, 10:07 PM
Actually, I've got a free parts car, but thanks for the offer. Owl's head is up by Rockland and Camden. I know of one person here with a red-top, but I haven't actually seen the car, just heard about it.

07-30-2003, 10:19 PM
I admire your resolve in what you have stated. I am also glad that you are O.K. you should be able to finda another 240 very soon.

Nismo 180sx Tuner
07-30-2003, 10:40 PM
Hey i have a chassis for sale where the enigine is blowin if you are interested email me

07-31-2003, 02:28 PM
No way in hell I woulda told the cop that I was drifting, haha! Don't feel too bad though, All the real good drifters that I know are allready on their 2nd or 3rd 240; its kind of a unaviodable event nowadays. Can't practice at events because there arn't any, and can't practice in parking lots because one cop can block you in. Atleast thats how it is here in VA; we get hyperfest in WVA and drift-out wednesdays in NJ if you dont mind $20 in tolls and a 4 hour drive.

I feel your pain, i'm on my 2nd 240 as well. :cool:

08-01-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by deltrr
No way in hell I woulda told the cop that I was drifting, haha! Don't feel too bad though, All the real good drifters that I know are allready on their 2nd or 3rd 240; its kind of a unaviodable event nowadays. Can't practice at events because there arn't any, and can't practice in parking lots because one cop can block you in. Atleast thats how it is here in VA; we get hyperfest in WVA and drift-out wednesdays in NJ if you dont mind $20 in tolls and a 4 hour drive.

I feel your pain, i'm on my 2nd 240 as well. :cool:

haha... true...... Drift with us.... :) send me a private message dude...

As for you.. sorry about your car... but you should know better than to drift into a turn in 2rd gear and you shouldn't be drifting on public roads in the day time... Do it at night.... at least you learned your lesson and at least your ok..

08-01-2003, 02:24 AM
you miss a girl that cheated on you three times? :confused: