View Full Version : Influx of Middle Eastern immigrants

06-03-2010, 09:45 AM
Quick history lesson.

After World War II the US and the former USSR/China had problems with each other. They decided to use Vietnam as the battlefield to fight out their ideological differences.

Most of the people in Vietnam couldn't really care less about world politics. They just wanted to work in the rice paddy and feed their kids.

So during the day the American/South Vietnamese forces came in and terrorized the village.

At night the North Vietnamese forces came in and terrorized the village.

If you didn't sign up for one side or the other you would get killed.

So a third got killed, a third went commies, and a third went with the American.

After America pulled out, there were millions of people who sided with America. If they stayed, they would be tortured for many years and eventually killed.

Some countries took these refugees, but for the most part the world didn't want to piss off Russia and China so they didn't take any refugee. The only place left to go is to the US.

Now the same thing is happening in Irag and Afghanistan. Yes there are some crazy people there, but most people just want to earn enough food to feed their family.

Now that America is in, 1/3 gets killed, 1/3 convert to terrorism, and 1/3 side with America.

If and when we pull out, there will be millions of political refugees. The same thing will happen.

What do we do with these refugees? Can we take them? Do we know how to set up a stable government so they can stay?

What do we do?

06-04-2010, 03:49 PM
What do we do?

We take them in, we allow them the opportunity to succeed or fail just like the rest of Americans. We shrink the bureaucratic bullshit that makes becoming a citizen so damn hard.

The xenophobe in me says "Aw crap, more people in the States? As if we weren't already overflowing with Americans... we're getting MORE? These aren't just any people, though, they're people who don't quite understand American freedom and definitely don't really understand libertarian/minarchist freedom. They're leftovers from terrorists, despots and dictatorships; what will the transitional phase be like for them? What if the sudden influx of workers leads to higher unemployment among the young populations which spring up in a few years and we see riots comparable with those in France and Greece?"

The just-minded part of me thinks since this is our fault, our war, we've made the bed and so we shall sleep in it.

Then, in the future, we stop sending troops off to invade countries because we realize it's none of our goddamn business anyway.

06-07-2010, 10:30 AM
We shouldn't take them at all, middle eastern refugees dont give a crap about this country and they feel that we need to give them every single opportunity because we owe it to them, they arent living their land because they want to its because they are being force to do it. i have gone to school with many refugee kids and to tell you the true i have heard them say stuff " FUCK THE US " or " I HATE THE US " from middle eastern refugees only, this kids come here with mental issues. I think we should just clean their house out there and once all the crap is gone let them build their own nation on their own. Thats just my thought

06-07-2010, 10:40 AM
A LOT of them will be coming to my town. And I could care less, some of them are assholes, and some of them are really great people. Just like every other ethnicity.