View Full Version : Where the fuck is my male birth control pill?!

06-01-2010, 12:43 PM
They have it- its not like its a medical impossibility. Why do women have to carry the entire burden of birth control? If they made a pill for men, I know Id definitely be on it, and I'm sure lots of you guys would too. Pharmaceutical companies have already developed such a pill but wont market it because they believe there isnt enough of a market to make money on it. Some bullshit if you ask me. Other studies have shown over 60% of men between 18-31 would be interested in it. I'd sure like to have the comfort of knowing that both myself AND my girl aren't fertile. So what are your opinions? Where the fuck is my BC pill? Because I'm soooo done with condoms!

Male birth control pill soon a reality - Men's Sexual Health Guide- msnbc.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3543478/)
Where's the male birth control pill? - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/07/future.contraceptives.male.pill/index.html)
Male Birth Control Pill: What's the Hold-Up? : Discovery News (http://news.discovery.com/human/male-birth-control-pill.html)

06-01-2010, 12:49 PM
you dont need a male bc pill.....just smoke till your sterile

06-01-2010, 12:50 PM
Male birth control ahs been around for years, as anabolic steriods. Taking synthetic testosterone shuts the testes down. Meaning sperm count drops dramatically. It will also help keep you in shape and hit 100 home runs a season. Win/Win

06-01-2010, 12:56 PM
Count me in....the birth control, not the roids

06-01-2010, 01:00 PM
Will it prevent STD's too?

06-01-2010, 01:11 PM
you dont need a male bc pill.....just smoke till your sterile

I smoke as often as I can while still remaining a productive member of society. I would not rely on that alone as BC.

And the roids.. nah.. I want my shit to work when I want it to, not shut them down permanently. If that was my goal, Id get a vasectomy.

06-01-2010, 01:30 PM
but even vasectomys dont always work last i remember, chances of failure are pretty low...btu still happens...

06-01-2010, 05:56 PM
even more reason for your girl to cheat on you and everyone becomes promiscuous.. your girl gets prego with the guy she cheated on.. "he said he was on the pill...."

06-01-2010, 06:00 PM
i doubt that.

if promiscuity is already a concern, there are no shortages of excuses.
obviously if a girl want to cover her ass, she'd opt for a condom anyways.
if she's sloppy, she'd mess up anyways.

06-01-2010, 06:03 PM
dude cmon.... pull and pray method

06-01-2010, 06:11 PM
even more reason for your girl to cheat on you and everyone becomes promiscuous.. your girl gets prego with the guy she cheated on.. "he said he was on the pill...."

Where is the logic in that?

As for a male form of BC, I'd much rather know that I am actually on BC instead of being forced to believe the girl I'm with (fuck that).

Only problem is I'd want to be assured my shit is ready to go once I stop taking it; no decreased count because of taking the pill in the past.

06-01-2010, 08:21 PM
Fuck a pill, give me a shoot! If the can make it equal to depo paver or better it's a plus for me!

06-01-2010, 10:39 PM
dude cmon.... pull and pray method

thats what i have done every single time!!! works 100% ( that i know of :naughty:).

06-01-2010, 11:31 PM
why not use a condom?

06-02-2010, 12:27 AM
Why not use both?

06-02-2010, 12:58 AM
Switch to the muddy road halfway through and you're fine.

Creampie that dookie hole!

06-02-2010, 12:04 PM
Switch to the muddy road halfway through and you're fine.

Creampie that dookie hole!

that sounded fukin disgusting

06-02-2010, 02:13 PM
Switch to the muddy road halfway through and you're fine.

Creampie that dookie hole!
sometimes you dont want to deal with the cleanup and condoms suck

06-02-2010, 02:26 PM
but even vasectomys dont always work last i remember, chances of failure are pretty low...btu still happens...

That happens like 1 in so many MILLIONS. You'd have a better chance of winning the lottery.

I'm all for this too and here's my reason. My wife and I just had a baby 2 months ago and she is breast feeding with limits her choice of bc to just the shot. One side effect of the shot though is it takes longer to get pregnant after you are off of it and we would like to have another child in probably a year.

I WISH I could be the one on BC. Shit would be so much easier.

06-02-2010, 02:27 PM
lol this tread is funny.

06-02-2010, 02:31 PM
are you people fucking serious? youd actually put chemicals in your body to fuck it up enough that youre sterile.... seriously just leave that shit to the women and use your common sense to not get women prego. to hell with fucking up your nuts with chemicals!

06-02-2010, 02:49 PM
are you people fucking serious? youd actually put chemicals in your body to fuck it up enough that youre sterile.... seriously just leave that shit to the women and use your common sense to not get women prego. to hell with fucking up your nuts with chemicals!

No doubt this thread is going to bring out the mature folk on this forum. :hahano:

06-02-2010, 09:23 PM
There is a point to that. I would want to see a LOT of research that there aren't any long term issues before I took a male birth control pill.

Women's BC is pretty easy because, there are natural mechanisms that we can emulate to reduce the chance of her getting pregnant. Men make sperm from puberty until we die.

06-03-2010, 07:35 AM
Read the articles Ive linked- theyre saying that the pill theyve been developing is completely reversible. Once its use is discontinued, fertility rates come back to normal in 2-3 months. If I were that worried about it, Id have some of my little guys frozen just in case.

06-03-2010, 08:07 AM
I just find it odd that modern science hasn't been able to develop this.

06-03-2010, 08:14 AM
I just find it odd that modern science hasn't been able to develop this.

THATS WHAT IM SAYING! Modern science HAS developed this!!! They just wont market it because they dont see it as a money maker!

06-03-2010, 08:29 AM
Yeah I meant sooner and brought it to market. It's a no brainer to me if it's safe.

06-03-2010, 08:41 AM
Exactly. Theyve made it, and proven it to be effective and safe. So where is it?!

I think theyll be very surprised by how much of a market there is for something like this.

06-03-2010, 08:54 AM
Where's the male birth control pill? - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/07/future.contraceptives.male.pill/index.html)

Not sure I'd want to be taking large amounts of hormones like that! Besides, herpes and warts are way too common to not wear a condom. Ever had to get a wart frozen off your penis?

06-03-2010, 09:12 AM
Where's the male birth control pill? - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/05/07/future.contraceptives.male.pill/index.html)

Not sure I'd want to be taking large amounts of hormones like that! Besides, herpes and warts are way too common to not wear a condom. Ever had to get a wart frozen off your penis?

I dont stop using a condom with a chick until were actually dating, and by then we're usually one the same page as far as VD. My concern is solely for contraceptive purposes- i wouldnt be having sex without a condom if there were any doubt about how clean she is.

Im 21, have a steady girlfriend, and NO desire to have kids. Right now my method is no condom up until I bust, and ill either throw one on at the end or pull out. Obviously shes on the pill.

My ex was 100% pro-choice. That was kinda nice. Never used a condom, haha. My current gf is pro-life, so im not as willing to risk it as i was in the past. Not trying to make this an abortion debate tho- i leave that decision completely to the woman. I dont have an opinion on the matter, but I do like to know my girl's opinion on it, as it does affect what I do. It'd just be nice to have a 2nd form of contraceptive that wasnt a condom.

06-03-2010, 09:56 AM
I don't want to sidetrack but this has to be said.

Not trying to make this an abortion debate tho- i leave that decision completely to the woman. I dont have an opinion on the matter, but I do like to know my girl's opinion on it, as it does affect what I do

This makes you pro-choice. Pro-choice means you let the mother decide to carry the fetus to term or abort at the mother's discretion.

Carry on.

06-03-2010, 10:06 AM
I suppose youre right. I consider myself neutral. I accept the risks PRIOR to engaging in unprotected sex. If we get preggo, its her decision what she wants to do with it. If she FORCED me to make a decision, Id be pro-choice. Realistically, im pro-choice. Morally, Im pro-life. Aka, Im a big hypocrite. haha.

06-03-2010, 10:19 AM
I apologize for the derailment but I feel this is an educational opportunity.

I consider myself neutral. I accept the risks PRIOR to engaging in unprotected sex. If we get preggo, its her decision what she wants to do with it.

Being neutral means you defer the decision to the mother. This is pro-choice.

If she FORCED me to make a decision, Id be pro-choice. Realistically, im pro-choice. Morally, Im pro-life. Aka, Im a big hypocrite. haha

Your logic is not quite consistent. I think the problem is that you haven't clearly defined what pro-life vs. pro-choice stand for.

Pro-life people don't want anyone to have abortions.

Pro-choice people don't really care what each person does, as long as each person doesn't force any other person to do anything against their will.

Pro-choice doesn't mean compulsory abortion. Pro-lifers would like to portray the pro-choice group as requiring mandatory abortions, but this is not true.

Pro-choicers are actually quite libertarian. You can do whatever the F you want as long as you don't make me follow you.

All a pro-lifer needs to do to join the pro-choice group is to stop telling other people what to do. You can do what you want and still be pro-life in your own personal life. You just can't tell other people what to do with their own life.

Pro-choice is more inclusive and it allows each person's moral decision to take precedence over the group. If you want the baby, you can have it. If you don't, you can abort. It's your personal choice and no one else's.

Pro-lifers would make you carry the child to term regardless of your personal opinion.

You would prefer to not have an abortion, but if forced to make a decision, you would let the mother make the decision. Is this accurate?

If so, you are both ideologically and practically pro-choice.

If you believed that no one should have an abortion, then I would say you are theoretically pro-life, but I don't think this is true based on what you said.

I don't believe you are a moral hypocrite.

06-03-2010, 10:34 AM
Unless you have a woman you've been with for a minute, I'd stay wit condoms..BC dont save you from other shit..I'm with the male BC though once its perfected..im not testing nething while its new.

06-03-2010, 11:05 AM
"hormones fail to adequately suppress sperm production in up to 20 percent of men, and scientists have no way of knowing which men will fall into that group.

There are also side effects, including acne, weight gain and a 10 percent drop in good cholesterol levels, as well as a shrinking of the testes by 25 percent -- which, Amory insisted, men don't usually notice."

The only "successful" rates for hormonal drugs have worked in China at 95%. 20% odds that it wouldn't even work for me isn't good enough.

06-03-2010, 12:07 PM
The biggest problem with male BC pill form is that medical professionals believe that as males we will be less likely to wear condoms and thus STDs rates will increase.

Just like why insurance rates are higher than females.

We cannot be responsible according to them.

But if you are fucking a girl and you tell yourself "man I really need to wear a condom with this girl because she might have something" then you really should not be having sex with her at all.

STDs can still be transmitted even if you are wearing a condom.

06-03-2010, 12:19 PM
But if you are fucking a girl and you tell yourself "man I really need to wear a condom with this girl because she might have something" then you really should not be having sex with her at all.

for the simple folk

Make sure the juice is worth the squeeze... :fruit:

06-03-2010, 12:52 PM
What about for us responsible married folsk?

11-08-2010, 02:38 PM
If it was up to me I would say perfectt his pill, then give it to every male at puberty. Stop "anyone" from making babies till they have a graduate high school. Have at least an associates from a college. Show reponsibility financially (good credit I guess HAHA). Can hold a job over a year or two. Pass a few academic tests. Constant Drug tests... Theeeennnnn they can get off the pill :D
But What do I know? I'm just another sheep :/

11-12-2010, 07:24 PM
If it was up to me I would say perfectt his pill, then give it to every male at puberty. Stop "anyone" from making babies till they have a graduate high school. Have at least an associates from a college. Show reponsibility financially (good credit I guess HAHA). Can hold a job over a year or two. Pass a few academic tests. Constant Drug tests... Theeeennnnn they can get off the pill :D
But What do I know? I'm just another sheep :/

This is retarded. How are you going to keep each and every male from NOT taking the pill.

11-12-2010, 11:01 PM
This is retarded. How are you going to keep each and every male from NOT taking the pill.

lol. I guess you see my point though.

11-12-2010, 11:23 PM
girls take the pills to help their cramps as well as control their period cycles, on top of preventing pregnancy.

can birth control for men cure blue balls!?

11-12-2010, 11:31 PM
Blue balls happens when you don't release the poison... Blow that shit out son! I'll never have blue balls.

11-17-2010, 11:21 PM
What about for us responsible married folsk?

The wife and I use Marquette Method. Have had one kid in 6 years of marriage which was when we wanted it. My wife is also breastfeeding right now and we didn't need "shots". We actually are now teachers of it.

Marquette University | Natural Family Planning (http://nfp.marquette.edu/efficacy.php)

As hippie as it sounds, my family doesn't look at fertility as something that needs to be treated as a disease but something to be celebrated. Once you locate the 6 or so days in a womans cycle where she can become pregnant, then it's open season the rest of the month. This isn't the rhythm method, you utilize hormone monitors and simple biological markers. No condoms.. no pulling out.. no shots.. no pills.. no worries.. and if you want to have kids then you go for it on those 6 days.. if not then it's mutually understood that playing call of duty is a perfectly acceptable alternative to sex when no kids are desired...

As to the birth control thing. I know many people who are "pro birth control" and "Anti abortion" while agreeing with "Life begins at conception" etc. Most major birth controls suppress ovulation of the woman. Basically shutting her ovaries down. They usually carry a nuclear option as well. Sometimes a woman will still ovulate while on the pill, the sperm will fertilize the egg, travel down the fallopian tube but the pill has created a hostile uterine environment and prevents the egg from implanting and thus aborting it. How you feel about "Life begins at conception" may determine how you feel about continuing birth control.

11-17-2010, 11:41 PM
yeah i mean this is somewhat of a good idea.. but will it effect your sperm in the long run ? in case you do actually want to consider kids and have them come out all fucked up. Also.. if your tired of using the condom then your probably tired of being disease free. Unless your with one girl only then you should have to worry about a condom anyways.

11-17-2010, 11:57 PM
are you people fucking serious? youd actually put chemicals in your body to fuck it up enough that youre sterile.... seriously just leave that shit to the women and use your common sense to not get women prego. to hell with fucking up your nuts with chemicals!



Apparently no one who supports this has read anything, I mean ANYTHING, on the history of medicines. Cigarettes were advertised as being healthy. They used to sell cocaine and opium as medicine too. Drugs that were perfectly legal and supposedly "safe" for consumption have been pulled from the market after their terrifying side effects become known.

20, 30 years from now when all these guys have their balls chopped off from some mutant disease or are permanently sterile from taking a friggin "male birth control pill" which has not even been on the market for at least a decade (to allow proper/independent studies of its real side and long term effects) I'll be saying "I told you so".

But like I said, natural selection. If all you can think is "fuck yeah booyy now I can creampie lots of girlssss" then I'll be damn glad when those pills take you out of the gene pool.

11-18-2010, 12:00 AM
As hippie as it sounds, my family doesn't look at fertility as something that needs to be treated as a disease but something to be celebrated

I dont see "not fucking up your balls with chemicals" as hippie. Not at all.

Carry on good sir.

11-18-2010, 10:55 AM
bump for hating condoms :)

11-18-2010, 11:04 AM
+1 on this thread lulz

Sent From My Super Cool Cell Phone Using A Really Cool App. Lulz.

11-18-2010, 11:14 AM
WTF lol. Or lulz for ghetto peeps

Sent from my sick Phone making hater jealous and copying my sig trying to
Play down the awesomeness of this app!

11-18-2010, 01:51 PM
when in doubt pull out,

but yeah, i would take this shizz.

11-18-2010, 02:06 PM
i will take the pill if i have a relationship ( gf, wife, wifes IM FROM UTAH) if im single i would not do the pills cuz it wouldnt prenvent stds

11-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Lol.... a male bc pill...

Just take a really hot bath for 30 minutes a day. The heat will degenerate your sperm and kill them. Takes 72 hours for sperm to rebuild. So if you do it everyday its a good safeguard.

Then robocop that hoe.

11-19-2010, 12:25 PM


Apparently no one who supports this has read anything, I mean ANYTHING, on the history of medicines. Cigarettes were advertised as being healthy. They used to sell cocaine and opium as medicine too. Drugs that were perfectly legal and supposedly "safe" for consumption have been pulled from the market after their terrifying side effects become known.

20, 30 years from now when all these guys have their balls chopped off from some mutant disease or are permanently sterile from taking a friggin "male birth control pill" which has not even been on the market for at least a decade (to allow proper/independent studies of its real side and long term effects) I'll be saying "I told you so".

But like I said, natural selection. If all you can think is "fuck yeah booyy now I can creampie lots of girlssss" then I'll be damn glad when those pills take you out of the gene pool.

your wrong about the ciggs cause they are not illegal :p