View Full Version : ka24e lower harness HELP

05-28-2010, 10:22 AM
okay, so I scored a lower harness yesterday from some guy for free, but the catch was its basically 3 harness rolled into a ball, so i un raveled them and now have a basic ghetto harness going. but i could use some help to finish it up, all I am concerned about having is speedo (thick black and white wires with black plug?) starter (main power wiring going straight from post on starter to battery terminal?) and alternator (i dont remember wire colors but i have the part under control)....so basically any info would be very helpful, like are any of the plugs next to the relay box optional? and also what colors mean what because currently i have a few wires that are not going anywhere and just kind of hanging out. andddddd, for im not exactly sure, but is the main power wire go straight from the terminal on the battery to the post on the starter?

05-28-2010, 10:28 AM
I can already tell you right now that this is going to be a pain.

I suggest you go find a single cam FSM. Spend like a week with the foldout and identify every single connector with labels or stickers.

If you have any specific question about what a particular harness does or why you're missing a connector, let me know.

Otherwise you will have to look at the FSM. The single cam lower is slightly different from other models. You have some extra stuff that other cars don't have.

Sounds like you will have to modify the lower to mate up with the body.

05-28-2010, 10:45 AM
well I was thinking it wasn't going to be that much of a pain cause like i said, I'm only really concerned about 3 things, started, alternator, and speedo. Ive looked at alot of FSM already before i posted this but it seems like none of them are in the great of detail it just kind of show all the wires meshing into each other with some crude black line.
If anyone has a link to a good SOHC FSM that would be great!

05-28-2010, 11:32 AM
Nissan 240sx Factory Service manual (http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/pts/1762802235.html)

05-28-2010, 12:08 PM
buy a new one from FrSport?

its what im doing...mine is cut up to high heaven...so im just gonna suck it up and buy new...

05-28-2010, 12:44 PM
the thing is, i have no job and I'm a full time student, so unfortunately I spend nickels and dimes on my project cars, even if that means having to spend hours rigging this harness back together....and as far as going about buying an actual FSM...thats in my future...but just not quite yet.
so if anyone knows of a online FSM, that would be even better!

05-28-2010, 02:27 PM
google that shit man, i doubt anyone has payed for one in a while...i DL'ed the one for my CA and made a hard copy...FUCK YEAH!!!

there are tons of FSM online you can google search, you can search here, u can search nico, or any other 240 forum...

find the schematics, get a soldering gun, some shrink wrap and electrical tape and get ta work...