View Full Version : ssr professor lips- where to get them

05-26-2010, 12:18 AM
hey guys.
so i called Work the other day, to see if they still sold the professor lips.
they dont :(

so any idea where to purchase them? mainly, if anyone has purchased them, where did you get them, because im looking at buying a nice set, local, but the offsets are not quite what i want.

lmk if you can help or point me in the right direction. thanks!

05-26-2010, 12:25 AM
That was my bad i was thinking meisters. Contact SSR.

FIlthy 24O
05-26-2010, 12:35 AM
if its just the lips then find another barrel that will work....improvise and you can have whatever offset you want

05-26-2010, 01:02 AM
lol why would you call Work for SSR barrels?

contact SSR?

05-26-2010, 01:51 AM
idk, thought it was th same company, after the MISINFORMATION! i got. for a certain some one!!!! lol

and i dont want barrles yo. that would fuck the offset in the wrong direction.

05-26-2010, 02:02 AM
idk, thought it was th same company, after the MISINFORMATION! i got. for a certain some one!!!! lol

and i dont want barrles yo. that would fuck the offset in the wrong direction.

+1 LOL.

And barrels would make a wider wheel with a worse offset. Coilover destruction.
He wants and needs lips not hoops/barrels.

05-26-2010, 02:19 AM
+1 LOL.

And barrels would make a wider wheel with a worse offset. Coilover destruction.
He wants and needs lips not hoops/barrels.

it would appear your devious spreading of misinformation has met and end. this statement is true. :)

i need LIP not barrel. ssr even have a phone number lol?

05-26-2010, 02:34 AM
Ill make it up to you LOL PM me.

05-26-2010, 03:29 AM
You do realize the lip is part of the barrel. I would certainly fucking hope so.

05-26-2010, 03:31 AM
You do realize the lip is part of the barrel. I would certainly fucking hope so.

lol :boink:

correct they're welded together

05-26-2010, 04:01 AM
jesus fuck, this thread is full of misinformation.

05-26-2010, 12:51 PM
Ill make it up to you LOL PM me.

youd better.

You do realize the lip is part of the barrel. I would certainly fucking hope so.

fucking really?

lol :boink:

correct they're welded together


jesus fuck, this thread is full of misinformation.


sure fucking looks like a 3 piece wheel. in fact... lets get some cold facts in here since all you numb nuts think a 3 piece is welded, like a fucking 2 piece!

direct from tanabe japan, the MAKER of SSR:


now that we have confirmed they are indeed a three piece, lets find out, just exactly how a three piece is constructed.

directly again, from SSR's website.
SSR Wheels - Technology (http://www.ssr-wheels.com/technology/)

well what the fuck do you know?

but thats not good enough proof.
first i called weksos, a authorized dealer. here is there number if you like: 408-526-9325

1st conformation that it is indeed a tree piece and comprised of 3 parts (whod a thought) of thoes three parts, it is confirmed that tey are a face, an outer lip and inner barrel.

but i still didnt believe it! after all, some people on ZILVIA told me otherwise!

so i called VRwheels, formally RB wheels. their number: (626) 968 - 8828
(i must say that the phone edict at that place was, sub par.)

again, the man i talked to has a friend who works for SSR, great! and again, conformation that it is indeed comprised of 3 pieces, a face, a lip, and a barrel.

BUT IM NOT CONVINCED! because people on Zilvia know everything!
lets look at some other 3 piece rims!


hmm, yup. three pieces, face, lip, barrel.

some random googled rim:

well well.
i think that does it for me.
ive actually proven a zilvian wrong. thats so odd, because you are all so fucking smart!

G T F O.

05-26-2010, 12:58 PM
maybe try more-japan.com they are an authorized dealer, or try aspecproducts.com thats who i got my ssr professors through so perhaps they could get you the lips, good luck.

05-26-2010, 01:05 PM
here is the deal.

i called the authorized dealer in WA, Intec Racing.
they said they only sell the lip AND barrel as one whole thing.

so i called more-japan, who is the US distributor of SSR wheels.

told me that you CAN NOT buy the pieces anymore. they only sell the whole wheels.

so unless there is some aftermarket company making them, im hosed. :(

05-26-2010, 01:12 PM
Not all 3 piece wheels can be taken apart into the inner barrel, outter lip, and the center disk.

The VS-KF is a good example of this.

Inner barrel and outter lip are welded together because the disk face design prevents bolts from holding all 3 together with even pressure, thus welding the barrel and lip together was the solution.

Logan told me this, and looking at the wheels in person and it all comes together and make sense.

05-26-2010, 01:19 PM
Not all 3 piece wheels can be taken apart into the inner barrel, outter lip, and the center disk.

The VS-KF is a good example of this.

Inner barrel and outter lip are welded together because the disk face design prevents bolts from holding all 3 together with even pressure, thus welding the barrel and lip together was the solution.

Logan told me this, and looking at the wheels in person and it all comes together and make sense.

then its a 2 piece.
it more like, "not all 2 pieces dont have bolts"

there are only 2 pieces. not 3. by the very deffinition VS-KF's are a 2 piece.

05-26-2010, 01:25 PM
Per your definition, sure.

And this is coming from a guy that couldn't figure out Work didn't make SSR wheels.

05-26-2010, 01:37 PM
Per your definition, sure.

And this is coming from a guy that couldn't figure out Work didn't make SSR wheels.

per the definition.

and yes lol i know :blush:

05-26-2010, 02:04 PM
per the definition.

How many pieces does it take to make 1 VS-KF?

05-26-2010, 02:33 PM
To get new barrels and lips you will have to order them from Europe. I have yet to find a company in the US that will make custom lips or barrels. And NO, Kodiak Racing DOES NOT offer lips or barrels anymore so don't bother with them. Here are a few places that offer what you need:
Tunershop - Wheel accessories - Outer Lips - custom built - tuning - german wheels and tires - spacers - coilovers (http://www.tunershop.com/Wheel_accessories/Outer_Lips/custom_built/)
Pertsch & Partner Handelsgesellschaft mbH (http://www.titanium-touch.de/titanium_touch_index_uk.htm)

Be prepared to grab your ankles because this stuff IS NOT CHEAP. It would almost be better to buy a whole new set of wheels custom built to your specs.

05-26-2010, 02:43 PM
How many pieces does it take to make 1 VS-KF?

tihs is irrelevant. the finished product is what gets its name.
its comprised of NUMEROUS pieces and materials while being built. bolts, paint, metals, etc.

the FINISHED PRODUCT is what matters, not the process it takes to create it. in the end, its a 2 piece rim. where as a SP1 is a 3 piece in the end.

To get new barrels and lips you will have to order them from Europe. I have yet to find a company in the US that will make custom lips or barrels. And NO, Kodiak Racing DOES NOT offer lips or barrels anymore so don't bother with them. Here are a few places that offer what you need:
Tunershop - Wheel accessories - Outer Lips - custom built - tuning - german wheels and tires - spacers - coilovers (http://www.tunershop.com/Wheel_accessories/Outer_Lips/custom_built/)
Pertsch & Partner Handelsgesellschaft mbH (http://www.titanium-touch.de/titanium_touch_index_uk.htm)

Be prepared to grab your ankles because this stuff IS NOT CHEAP. It would almost be better to buy a whole new set of wheels custom built to your specs.

yea, i figured as much. unfortunately. thanks for actually helping instead of arguing over the mundane and obvious.
+1 pretend rep.

05-26-2010, 02:55 PM
I appreciate the fact you posted all those pics and info. A+

I don't know if this would help, but have you though about getting the barrels or dish/lip widened to your spec?

That might be an alternative if you cannot get a hold of a vendor who can provide you with just bigger dishes. The price for both is probably both kind of up there.

05-26-2010, 02:59 PM
I thought many 3 piece wheels were brazed together, not welded?

05-26-2010, 03:15 PM
I thought many 3 piece wheels were brazed together, not welded?

i cant say i know about that.
i also do see why the would solder instead of weld... sounds like a good separate thread.

the very idea of a three piece is that it can be divided into three pieces after its made, not before, not during, but after.

some 2 piece rims are welded from three pieces. but they cannot be dissembled, so they remain a 2 piece.

06-03-2010, 06:39 PM
There was a guy with an accord that had SERIOUS work done to a few of his sets of wheels; turned 15x6.5s into a staggered 16x8/16x9.5 set. Heres where he directs people to:

"Call Scott at SKH Wheels, Anaheim 714-369-5124 or email [email protected] ([email protected])"

hope that helps

06-03-2010, 06:52 PM
i cant say i know about that.
i also do see why the would solder instead of weld... sounds like a good separate thread.

the very idea of a three piece is that it can be divided into three pieces after its made, not before, not during, but after.

some 2 piece rims are welded from three pieces. but they cannot be dissembled, so they remain a 2 piece.

Actually the idea of a 3 piece wheel is to offer more custom sizes to the public as well as weight balance and strength balancing. How its final assembly is completed does not dictate what sort of wheel it is. Wheels are not meant to be maintained by the general public.

06-03-2010, 07:05 PM
If you want a stepped lip - IE a normal lip - I can write the guy I got my RS lips from in Germany. He makes OZ and BBS lips, and as long as it isn't a reverse lip I am pretty sure he can make it. Send me a picture of your wheels, let me know what width you want and how many bolt holes there are.

The thing that makes me think the SP-1s are welded is the fact that the bolts are only on part of the face, I thought the rear barrel had holes all the way around and the face just covered up part of the holes. Also - the face is on the outside of the 3-piece combo, which is uncharacteristic of most 3-piece wheels, and yet another reason why I think they're welded.

That doesn't mean you can't widen them, it just means you'll have to cut the weld and get them welded back when you get the new lips.

Oh yeah, the lips aren't cheap. For a custom one I would expect to pay around 275-290 a lip for 2.5 or 3" lips.

06-03-2010, 10:35 PM
^^ That price really isn't that bad at all.
I was quoted just about as much for having lips widened 1".
And that's before refinishing/chroming. I'd say 275-300$ is fair!

06-03-2010, 11:47 PM
i was looking at getting a pair that had unfavorable sizing, then buying lips to make them better (much like BBS rs's are very easily purchased, i thought the lips for the SP2's might be simple as well.) but for the price, its not worth it to me. i would rather go a different route. thanks for all the imput guys, its very much appreciated.

06-04-2010, 12:05 PM
you could have the lip sliced, and widened...

then grind down the welds...

it would show though... but you could paint over it with metallic paint.

06-04-2010, 03:54 PM
I recently got some new lips for my panasports made by a company in germany. Pertsch & Partner Onlineshop (http://www.titanium-touch.de/shop/)


06-04-2010, 04:14 PM
one thing that sucks is that very few companies make a lip for a reverse lip wheel.

on ssr, and work wheels... the outer rim shell bolts up from behind the face of the wheel... instead of on top.

notice the reverse lip... the the face sit on top of the lip.

so its,

face >>

Outer >>

Inner >>


regular Kodiak style lips are made to be bolted on top of the face...


for whatever reason... less and less companies make wheel shells for a reverse lip.

the best solution is to slice you're lip and weld an add on.

@[email protected]