View Full Version : the newer FET quick release cheaper quality??

05-20-2010, 12:37 AM
So I just got my hands on a used FET quick release 1st gen. I was looking at the retail price and I found it here on aspec. A SPEC PRODUCTS (http://www.aspecproducts.com/images.asp?theid=6112)
The weird part is the one I have looks like a better metal material. I know its FET because its branded and says Tokyo Japan on it. The one on the website looks like the cheapy NRG slim ones. I had an NRG one and it began chipping so I sold it. It just felt crappy, and looked just like the FET on the aspec website.
Even on the FET page it looks like the cheaper material.
FETbFET SPORTS :: QUICK RELEASE SPACER (http://www.fet-japan.co.jp/fetsports/ql-spacer.html)

Would anyone happen to know if FET downgraded on material for the newest or at least newer qr's since they no longer produce GenI but GenII now?

Here is a pic of mine: