View Full Version : Differences between s13 and s14 cas

05-09-2010, 03:01 AM
I am having difficulty setting my timing on my sr20det. So I look at the manual. I notice the is a difference between both cas. The s13 cas you want to adjust it so the mating mark is align with the furthest hole ( yellow paint hole) at final alignment. The s14 cas you want to align it with closest hole ( yellow paint hole) at final alignment. I cannot see any yellow paint mark on my cas, they are all brown. So in short, s13 alignment hole is the furthest and s14 is the closest hole. I have red top sr20det and it did not come with working cas. I have to buy the cas separately. Maybe my cas is from s14. I get it to run after playing with it but I cannot bolt it down because the ears are way off from bolt hole. Anybody have idea how I can make this work (bolt down my cas). I found the part # for cas is 23731 50f02. Its for s13 14 and 15. Anybody with s13, where is your yellow paint hole? Is it the closest one or the furthest?


05-09-2010, 07:21 AM
Shouldnt matter what you have...if you have a 2 mark CAS, you line it up with the first yellow before you put it in and it will spin to line up with the 2nd one after you push it in. On the 1 mark CAS, you just make sure its lined up after you put it in and bolt it down.

If you dont have yellow markings, there should be divots on the gear and on the CAS that should line up.