View Full Version : What do you think this is worth??

07-02-2003, 10:11 AM
I found a car but Im not real sure what its worth. Ill post some pics and let you guys know what wrong with it. Let me know what you thinkg would give for the car. To start Ill give a breif summary of what I saw and what Im trying to use as my argument for getting a better deal.

The engine, make lots of noise at idle and stumbles a lot, especially when rpms fall from like 2k. Almost dies, but never did! Anyway, makes lots of noise and racket, rev it up to about 2k and it smooths out to the point you would never know anything is wrong. Took the air box off and listened through the intake for noise and there was none. Went to rear of the car and listened for the racket and I could hear it. Also, it was very obivous while putting your head over the engine it was #1 cyl. So, its on the exhaust side of the head, on cyl. #1, but I dont think its a cam or I dont think it would not smooth out at higher rpm. My guess is its bad lifters. Whats your take based on what I stated? Also does the DOHC have hydrolic or solid lifters?

Second thing is a crack in the windsheild, not big, not in drivers view, but will need to fix. If it doesnt do it before winter it will spread across the windsheild. Its not spidering, just a line from a rock or something, but all it will take is some stress and it will go right across the windsheild.

Last thing is rust right under spoiler on either side of the 3rd brake light. Its berely getting inside so I would assume its still easily fixable, but that does not mean cheap to fix. Also there is rust on the strut towers, but again this is still early and very fixable. Just needs to be done so it does not spread and get worse.

So all in all if i can get her down to about 1200 - 1300 Ill take it. I dont know if Ill be able to though, shes got apirce she seems to want and Ill dont kow if shell budge. I might have to pass, and hope she doesnt sell it then come in a week or so later and steal it, after she finds out she wants to much, and there are not a lot of people who will be a car with engine problems. Well thats the 240 .. what do you guys think?

More info on the car:

Make: Nissan
Model: 240sx Se Edition
Year: 92
Color: Red, 5 Spd
Engine: Needs help running on 3 Cylinders
Mileage: I believe around 120,000 check the pics below
Exterior: Very clean, well maintained, still shines very good.
Note: Driven by a women since 95, Im actually buying it from her .. well maybe.




07-02-2003, 10:13 AM



07-02-2003, 10:14 AM



07-02-2003, 10:15 AM



07-02-2003, 10:17 AM

Ok last picture I have ... as I said let me know on price to offer with a bad engine. Let me know what you guys think. I appreacaite it.

07-02-2003, 02:28 PM
Thanks for the help guys :(

07-02-2003, 02:43 PM
Dude, wait a little more than 4 hours....

What is her asking price? I say anything below $1500 is a great deal. $1700 or so would be reasonable imo.... It is not hard to get a whole new hatch (in red too) and other than that the car looks to be in perfect visual condition. Minor engine work probably (hopefully) and start modifying it heheehe... I hate stock wheels and susupension... :boink:

07-02-2003, 02:47 PM
Sorry man just trying to negociate and I need some more opinions on price. Thanks for your input.

07-02-2003, 03:07 PM
that car would easily sell for 4000 in my area.

07-02-2003, 03:13 PM
the body of that car, minus the rust you described seems to be in excellent condition. running on 3 cylinders just may be a simple problem. but if you can get that for about 1500 i'd jump all over it. it has a good interior too.

07-02-2003, 04:04 PM
If it's under 3,000 I say pay what she's asking for. It's a great price if you look at the condition of the car from the pictures, she could easily get twice that if she wanted. The engine problems you describe don't seem to be major, if they were I'm sure you wouldn't be considering buying it in the first place. I know that those problems are what's pressing you to try to talk her down, but don't be greedy and pass a deal like that up. I've only seen one 240 sell for less than that. It was a black 91' SE in premium condition with the exception of a dent in the driver side and the seller complained about a problem with the fuel system. That car sold for just 650.00 and is outside of my house. Turns out the fuel system problem never existed, after a good thorough tune up, the car ran better than anything I've ever driven. The dent is still there waiting to be removed at the same time I put a kit on the car and get it painted. Trust me, take the deal, if she has good sense, she won't budge from that price, and if you wait too long, she WILL sell it...That car is easily worth at least 3,000.

07-02-2003, 04:07 PM
If it's under 3,000 I say pay what she's asking for. It's a great price if you look at the condition of the car from the pictures, she could easily get twice that if she wanted.

If it's under 2,000....sorry

07-02-2003, 05:56 PM
Thanks guys your input has helped a lot. It looks like weve agreed on a price, and I cant complain at all. Super condition car at a very resonable $1525.00. Thanks again, Ill be on here more now that I got an S13 to fix up. :D

07-02-2003, 05:58 PM
Maybe the noise you are hearing is actually the timing chain, which is right by cyl #1. It's a common 240sx problem. Usually just removing the guides will fix the problem, but sometimes the chain is too stretched out, or a tensioner needs replacing.

The rust is also a common problem, and its probably all rusted out underneath the spoiler. Either use bondo and spend a lot of time sanding, or the easy way is to just get a hatch from a junked car that didnt come with one.

07-02-2003, 06:23 PM
Very nice, someone at my work has the same exact car, brand new condition. I put a card on there windshield and told them to call me or come see me if they ever even considered selling it. It's beautiful. Lucky find for you!

07-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by DuffMan
Maybe the noise you are hearing is actually the timing chain, which is right by cyl #1. It's a common 240sx problem. Usually just removing the guides will fix the problem, but sometimes the chain is too stretched out, or a tensioner needs replacing.

The rust is also a common problem, and its probably all rusted out underneath the spoiler. Either use bondo and spend a lot of time sanding, or the easy way is to just get a hatch from a junked car that didnt come with one.

I did some searching and saw a few people with that problem. The only thing that makes me think its in the head and not the chain is that as rpm increases the clunking and clanking decreases. If it were the chain it would increase in repition of the noise, and polly get louder not quieter. However, I have not thrown that possiblity out, I shall find out once I pull the valve cover.
