View Full Version : S13/14 lower harness

04-01-2010, 05:46 PM
is the lower harness the same or different ?

im leaning towards the fact that their different but i wanna make sure with someone who has had this experience.

but me and a buddy are just finishing up his swap and were trying to put in the lower harness and only the 3 fuse box clips fit , none of the tranny clips fit neither does the alternator clip .. didn't even bother with the starter wires.
the harness was rewired by a professional but im thinking something aint right.

its a S14 sr20 in a S13 to clear things up.

04-01-2010, 09:50 PM
S13 SOHC, DOHC, and S14 harnesses are all completely different. Auto and manual are different per each too.

04-01-2010, 10:06 PM
is there any way to directly identify which one it is ?

04-02-2010, 12:00 PM
Pictures help.

But, the S14 harness will have a VSS plug that's gray, 2 pin, with red and red/yellow wires. It's also longer since it plugs directly into the sensor, the S13 harnesses have shorter VSS leads, yellow/black and yellow/red IIRC, that terminates near the starter. The SOHC will have an extra plug for the PS pressure switch (black and brown) that all other models don't have. Also, S13 DOHC harnesses have an extra plug for the 4th gear position switch that SOHCs don't have.