View Full Version : Starting My new project R32 RB20de

03-31-2010, 07:21 AM
ok guys i finally got started on my new project car i hope everything goes well i got 4 yrs to turn this into my dream car, id love it if you guys would give me feed back on how im doing seeing as this is the first project i will start that will already be running. ill try n add pics but in the meantime here ya go...




03-31-2010, 11:56 AM
why start with a gts and not a gts-t??

03-31-2010, 12:09 PM
maybe he got a good deal on it?

03-31-2010, 04:22 PM
why start with a gts and not a gts-t??

Yea I got it for a grand so I no couldn't realy nea that it was originally the comy 4 cylinder motor but it was swapped for the rbde once I het my turbo it will be a gts-t so to say lol still tho it's a four door slider how awesome is that and oh yea ne one no a good place to find a good deal on some decent suspension? I'm in Okinawa lawlz so ne thing in the jap lands

03-31-2010, 05:05 PM
icic. try upgrage and autobac. I know there is upgarage somewhere in okinawa but you gotta find the address.

yahoo auction is also good place to look if you know how it works.

GL with your build. I would swap a s15 sr with 6spd into that thing..lol

03-31-2010, 07:05 PM
Haha nab I been wantin am rb since I was infhe states I was gonna swap one onto my 240hatch but couldn't find one. Besides this was just swapped into here lol and that would kinda be goin backwards and more costly u no lol but thatlnls alot tho

karl wasabi
03-31-2010, 07:53 PM
Wow, RB20DE huh? Interesting.

03-31-2010, 08:24 PM
Why u say interesting is something wrong with a non turbo rb?

04-01-2010, 12:09 AM
Why u say interesting is something wrong with a non turbo rb?

yea no power on the rb20de. You should be able to pick up a rb20det for really cheap. My buddy got his rb25det for $300.

Is it 5 speed already?

Oh and don't go to Autobaks! Prices are way to high. Only little things like bolts and crap like that.

04-01-2010, 12:17 AM
I think I might have some friends still stationed in oki that may help you out. I will check and PM you.

04-01-2010, 05:10 AM
yea no power on the rb20de. You should be able to pick up a rb20det for really cheap. My buddy got his rb25det for $300.

Is it 5 speed already?

Oh and don't go to Autobaks! Prices are way to high. Only little things like bolts and crap like that.

aww sweet thanks for that because i was just lookin into seeing if i could get stuff fromthere but the site was in complete japanese the other site also. but ok now i gotta question seeing as i have a non turbo rb20 wouldnt adding a turbo, and headers basically give me what i would be pushing with a DET?

04-01-2010, 05:12 AM
I think I might have some friends still stationed in oki that may help you out. I will check and PM you.

ok cool preciate it much u guys make me feel so welcome here :ssex:
i cant wait till i get to meet some of you guys that are here in oki we can all :hug:

no homo

04-01-2010, 01:58 PM
dude i live in oki, knew the previous two owners of the car, one was my good friend, person who sold it to you was a lil punk! but if you want cheap parts hit up junkyards, orr see upgarage on occassion! but glwb! rb20det's are all over! and cheap if you know the right people

04-01-2010, 02:37 PM
legit starter car aha

karl wasabi
04-01-2010, 02:56 PM
Why u say interesting is something wrong with a non turbo rb?

haha, yeah I say interesting cause RB20DETs are slow (I have one). I can't imagine how slow a non turbo will be. lol. Not hating, just saying.

04-01-2010, 05:04 PM
dude i live in oki, knew the previous two owners of the car, one was my good friend, person who sold it to you was a lil punk! but if you want cheap parts hit up junkyards, orr see upgarage on occassion! but glwb! rb20det's are all over! and cheap if you know the right people

Well hey weez if u could help me find one I would be more than happy lol considering my lil RB20de has been Bear Jew bashed to the point of no return i did want a rb25 in the beginning ne way but I mean for a grand I couldn't pass that up u no. But if u say rb25det's are out there I'd love to find one and I do need help be ause I've only been here since last Saturday

04-01-2010, 05:06 PM
Oh yea btw also only aiming for 380hp max400 but I do want a tourqeier motor tho

04-02-2010, 12:16 AM
there's a few junkyards close by! a few right out gate 3,
1 out gate on 58 called miyagi's, upgarage is in awase by jusco,
and if you haven't joined zeroyon yet, do it! i have an account there
i'm s13dreamer, parts galore for rb's and people selling motors, have questions
i'll do my best to answer for ya! i have a good connection going around here!

04-02-2010, 12:18 AM
also there is a junkyard by torii station in yomitan
which too mee is like drift heaven! last time i was there,33 gt-r
sittin there, interior stripped but everything else there, rb26 and all,
lots of hachi's and skylines, and rims and tires if you want to drift!
i have no car, but if you want me to show you around i can do so!

04-02-2010, 02:25 AM
Man, dont wanna sound like a dick but you're getting excited for getting that car for $1k? For as much work you'd have to do to get that car to be fun, you might as well have spent more on a better car.

PS: I would never buy a car that a HS kid here have driven...too much mickey mouse shit.

04-03-2010, 02:42 AM
Man, dont wanna sound like a dick but you're getting excited for getting that car for $1k? For as much work you'd have to do to get that car to be fun, you might as well have spent more on a better car.

PS: I would never buy a car that a HS kid here have driven...too much mickey mouse shit.

Lol very true but it's not more excited I got that car it's more that I have my very dieT project car that I will be getting off it's feet for the first time plus I went to a JU today and met some guys out there that have some connections on some rb25 motors for the low so things are looking up honestly I'm just glad I don't have to walk around Kadena anymore I dependents is so sweet when u don have it for a while lol bu Ray I really appreciate theconcern hopefly I can het this into something really worth lol

04-04-2010, 05:23 AM
All I was trying to say is that you should have just bought a car to get around first. Gives you time to look around and see what kind of deals are out there, while not stressing about having to worry how to get your family around. Worry about a project car later when you have the housing situation settled. I waited roughly 4 months before I picked up my shit.

Plus, you'd be surprised what you can have once PCS fire sales begins. Casey/Hypnotik picked up his 97 Kouki NA S14 (shit was cleaaaaan) for $1k and it was unmolested with a year JCI left on it. Deals like that are around if you would have played it right.

04-05-2010, 12:47 PM
fliprayzin240sx isn't lying; come pcs season,
ppl will do anything to get rid of their cars!!!
buy i say yu got a good deal still, the car is pretty clean
seeing how i knew the last two owners

T chop
04-05-2010, 02:45 PM
Waste of time and money, GTS-T's go dirt cheap. Why did you buy this? :fruit:

04-06-2010, 01:32 AM
fliprayzin240sx isn't lying; come pcs season,
ppl will do anything to get rid of their cars!!!
buy i say yu got a good deal still, the car is pretty clean
seeing how i knew the last two owners

preciate it ron lol and yo i meant to hit you up today to go by michyas whenever but i got some new wheels im pickin up soon and i am gettin a set of rsr adjustables for 100 bux :yum: i met a guy that has a r32 with an rb20det and hes pushin about 250 which is a nice power im thinkin so its now more of wether im gonna get a new rb20 or just add turbo lol i think ima not go for the 25 cuz the taxes and crap are gonna bend me over and put one in me lol!! so i figure rb20det for cheap just gota find the stuff oh yea i think i found a turbo setup for 170 just need an intercooler and turbo headers to go with it so i mean like on the lines of cheap and a nice start seeing as this will be the first rear wheel drive car im really gonna have i wanna keep it in a safe range for my abilities also u no :coold:

04-08-2010, 12:19 PM
she will be a force to reckon with once she's all cleaned up and got a nice
rb sitting in her!!!
ppl will then be like good choice on a car man

04-10-2010, 09:20 AM
she will be a force to reckon with once she's all cleaned up and got a nice
rb sitting in her!!!
ppl will then be like good choice on a car man

Yo Ron thanks alot for all the help man I fixed the arms and she's riding smooth again.

Update: RSR adjustable all the way around, 255/17 rear 235/17 front federal tires

04-11-2010, 06:48 AM



04-11-2010, 10:55 AM
haha who took that last pic you posted?

04-11-2010, 03:41 PM
haha who took that last pic you posted?

lmaoo u noooo u took that cuz look at the shitty quality lol needa get your pics wit that iphone son :naughtyd:

04-12-2010, 05:30 AM



WTF thats what oki looks like? shit you guys got it easy, theres so much space there. nice car gay motor.

04-12-2010, 09:07 AM
WTF thats what oki looks like? shit you guys got it easy, theres so much space there. nice car gay motor.

thing that sux the most is all this space and literally no where to use it smh thanks for the comment i should be getting my rb20det soon motor, trans, wiring, ecu, fmic, and new clutch soon oh ron yea i got the funds for it like sometime this week i may get it and we gotta put it in yo imma call up neil when i get it so him and nick can come thru and supply hands and knowledge

04-13-2010, 11:33 AM
oh yea i got my motor, trans, ecu, harness, and new clutch waiting for me to pic her up the guy has to pull it first hey ron if your not busy next week we got some work to do aha but i got the fundys for it now so all it is is time waiting on it...

will post pics of "Pearl" after swap and a fresh bath aha:wiggle:

Feast Japan
04-17-2010, 08:23 PM
Have a used set of Endless SSM pads for the front of that car. Good temp range from 0-530C. Have maybe 1000KM of use.

Also a catback exhaust system if your going RB20DET. PM and ill set you up with a solid low price.

04-18-2010, 10:52 AM
you got the motor already?
y don't you have the guy drop the car off
at autohobby and we'll take all the parts off
i'm down to do the swap though!!
hit me up, nothing but time, until i have to go to work
around 7 :p

04-19-2010, 05:28 AM
WTF thats what oki looks like? shit you guys got it easy, theres so much space there. nice car gay motor.

no, that's what kadena AB looks like...

04-19-2010, 08:56 AM
you got the motor already?
y don't you have the guy drop the car off
at autohobby and we'll take all the parts off
i'm down to do the swap though!!
hit me up, nothing but time, until i have to go to work
around 7 :p

yo ron na i havent got it yet and i couldnt hgit you up cuz i left my phone in chads car yesterday but na havent heard from ole dude yet he said sometime this week and having him just drop it off sounds like a good idea but i dont no if hes gonna be down considering hes still using the car i believe

04-19-2010, 11:55 AM

sorry to quote old pics but this looks so much like a part of florida i used to live in hahaa. never seen japan look like this in pics. nice r32 btw

04-19-2010, 01:57 PM
WTF thats what oki looks like? shit you guys got it easy, theres so much space there. nice car gay motor.

Really I've seen alot of people smash it in a RB20DET. WTHF do you know?
Your name is JDMpurest and your in Japan. JDM are you kidding me give it a rest. Are you braging and a fanboy at the same time. Thats the gayest thing I have ever seen.

04-19-2010, 02:02 PM
oh yea i got my motor, trans, ecu, harness, and new clutch waiting for me to pic her up the guy has to pull it first hey ron if your not busy next week we got some work to do aha but i got the fundys for it now so all it is is time waiting on it...

will post pics of "Pearl" after swap and a fresh bath aha:wiggle:

If you want a RB25DET turbo let me know! I will hook it up for cheap and it bolts right on. But intercooler piping changes a little. but there should be something laying around the hobby shop there to get you going.

04-19-2010, 08:14 PM
If you want a RB25DET turbo let me know! I will hook it up for cheap and it bolts right on. But intercooler piping changes a little. but there should be something laying around the hobby shop there to get you going.

omg that would be awesome i could use a 25 turbo which is what i was thinking of doing also and intercooler piping... well i dont even have an aftermarket one yet. i would give my number but ma guy chad has ma phone in his car and prolly doesnt no it yet lol but def could use it, ill be gettin the 20det sometime this week hopefully

04-19-2010, 08:42 PM
sorry to quote old pics but this looks so much like a part of florida i used to live in hahaa. never seen japan look like this in pics. nice r32 btw

thanks shes still new and a work in progress i hope she gets to be what i plan on for her startingwith the new motor.

04-19-2010, 08:47 PM
sorry to quote old pics but this looks so much like a part of florida i used to live in hahaa. never seen japan look like this in pics. nice r32 btw
haha i noticed that too about how it does look somethin like florida and then the only sore thumb in the pic is the jap stop sign lol oh and thanks btw

04-21-2010, 05:52 AM
Really I've seen alot of people smash it in a RB20DET. WTHF do you know?
Your name is JDMpurest and your in Japan. JDM are you kidding me give it a rest. Are you braging and a fanboy at the same time. Thats the gayest thing I have ever seen.

Smash it? Like when Gaijin smash fucked your whole crew up at IKATEN? Your a fucking idiot man i was talking about the RB20DE thats in the kids car. Learn to read before you talk dipshit. You want to know what i have? R32 25 swapped gtst. Your a retard.

04-24-2010, 05:08 AM
well there was some delays such as bad weather and not enough time in a day to do the work so im still missing my new motor :( bummer eh i guess ill be drivin the NA for a while longer

04-24-2010, 09:21 AM
when you ready for the swap work holla
at me!! i'm donw to get my hands dirty

04-28-2010, 08:10 AM

no longer pursuing they na to turbo swap 4 door, ive found a new project that is waaay better than what i had to start with here she is







04-28-2010, 08:19 PM
Ship that 4 door to me! Hahaha... got my damn hopes up... then I saw the gutted interior and beat up body... blah. Still same colour as my car... wouldn't mind the front bumper.

touge dreamer
04-29-2010, 01:05 AM
good chioce, and much better condition..... you'll be happy :)

04-29-2010, 12:41 PM
good chioce, and much better condition..... you'll be happy :)

omg u are sooo right like when i was leavin the skyline today i thought it wold be a sad moment but i was actually happy, i got my worth outta it, a good car and trans to learn my manual skills, now i can upgrade to the god car that isnt a beater i mean it was a cash car i got half my cash back for so eh im ok with that plus looka that screen omg its cool aha

Exclusive Nights
06-11-2010, 11:45 AM
how much did you buy the car for? the 4 door r32 is so dreamy =)

06-11-2010, 11:54 PM
1000 cash was cheap

06-26-2010, 05:00 PM
1000 cash was cheap

Man, you got screwed on that one bad. $1k for a $200 throw away car isnt cheap. Hell, you can find cheaper JZX90s on Okinawayardsale for cheaper than what you paid for that car. We tried to warn you before you got on island but you didnt listen...you jumped on the first "good deal" you found. :keke: Sucks you had to waste $1k that you could have used to upgrade the S14.

06-29-2010, 04:04 AM
1000 cash was cheap

That is pretty pricey for what you got. I just bought this GTSt 5speed 2dr for $200. Picked it up about a week ago. Came with a bunch of goodies too:wiggle:

And $1000 is NOT cheap, haha. $200 is cheap

Sorry son, you got pucked

06-29-2010, 10:09 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ how did you get such a good deal???? are deals like that common?

06-30-2010, 05:43 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ how did you get such a good deal???? are deals like that common?

Patience. The Army kid who owned this car was going to junk it. I wanted the crossmember for my 180, cause I was throwin a RB into it. But the more I heard about this car, the more I had to save it from the junkyard, haha. At the last second the kid went from me getting the car fo free to he had to have $800 for it. I offered $200 take it or leave it and he bit. Deals like this are common as long as you keep your eyes n ears open for them. :)

06-30-2010, 07:23 AM
ISLYD, Stop driving like a fucking moron on base. I saw you trying to fucking powerslide out of the BX parking lot in your buddy's S13 in broad fucking daylight!!!

06-30-2010, 08:23 AM
ISLYD, Stop driving like a fucking moron on base. I saw you trying to fucking powerslide out of the BX parking lot in your buddy's S13 in broad fucking daylight!!!

Is this guy a high schooler er something?

06-30-2010, 12:13 PM
Is this guy a high schooler er something?
A dependent by marriage.

06-30-2010, 05:23 PM
A dependent by marriage.

Ahhhh, That explains everything:rofl:

07-01-2010, 12:49 AM

07-05-2010, 05:30 PM

the dudes a fucking idiot.

he runs up to some random ass person and starts talking to them like he knows them. hes annoying as shit!

08-11-2010, 05:50 PM
Well hey glad u think I'm an idiot because I don't have insecure issues and don't mind makin friends or finding out information that I need from people. It's ok that ur mom kept you locked In a closet most of your childhood so I understand u not being able to make friends. And btw Ray I haven't had an s13 so are u sure it was me I I've only been in a skyline and a 14 here and there and I rarelygo to the bx unless it's with the wife in the van. Mabey it was some other black guy

08-12-2010, 04:17 PM
Reading comprehension much? I know you dont drive an S13, thats why I said "your buddy's." Yup it must have been some other black guy, specially since you drove right by me in my wife's car. Slow the fuck down and dont drive like an ass hat, thats all I'm saying.

08-12-2010, 05:48 PM
And $1000 is NOT cheap, haha. $200 is cheap

Sorry son, you got pucked

$1000 american dollars or yen?
if its that cheap i would like to live over there!

08-12-2010, 06:14 PM
This "build" thread is a bit out of hand.

08-12-2010, 09:48 PM
mah hed juss essploded. lol wut

08-13-2010, 12:00 AM
$1000 american dollars or yen?
if its that cheap i would like to live over there!
$=american dollar
¥=japanese yen

08-13-2010, 12:21 AM
$=american dollar
¥=japanese yen

wow, thats DIRT cheap then lol i would like to get me an S15 or something lol :ddog:

08-13-2010, 06:01 AM
wow, thats DIRT cheap then lol i would like to get me an S15 or something lol :ddog:

Then what? After having a sudden influx of NA S15s on this island...I think the S14 Kouki still looks better. I hate the plastic headlights and interior on the S15.

08-13-2010, 06:40 AM
Then what? After having a sudden influx of NA S15s on this island...I think the S14 Kouki still looks better. I hate the plastic headlights and interior on the S15.

:stupid:(lol) 14 kouki is pure sex...at least the front is. But I also like the 15 seats.

ISLYD- Did you ever pick up the kouki?

08-15-2010, 05:09 PM
Then what? After having a sudden influx of NA S15s on this island...I think the S14 Kouki still looks better. I hate the plastic headlights and interior on the S15.

Then what? nothing.. i'm just pointing out the obvious. i currently have an S14 Kouki but i like the S15 body.