View Full Version : Fuck my boss.

03-24-2010, 06:22 AM
Anyone else have a cocksucker for a boss or manager at work? I understand the normal guy that wont let you screw around or rides your ass but my boss/ownerofthecompany is a cunt stick.

Small backstory. A few months ago our 2 external hard drives, which sit on top of one of the computers in the office (why our backup isnt offsite blows my fucking mind), were fucked up due to my boss getting his foot or the chairs wheel caught in the USB cord. It ripped them off the top of the computer and needless to say they wouldnt work. They had our complete customer history/info and every image we have ever taken or made on them. He has tried to get them recovered but nothing has worked out yet.

Well I find out this morning through the grape vine that he blamed myself and another co-worker that use this PC for the fuck up. Keep in mind this incident happened at 2:30am when he was the only fucker here. At first I laughed at it because it was so ridiculous that we were "at fault" but now im just getting super fucking pissed off. His reason was the hard drives were plugged into the front USB ports and not the back. I nor the other guy moved this fucking computer to begin with, we didnt hook anything up and im pretty sure my cock log of a boss did all this bullshit. fuck fuck fuck fuck..................

03-24-2010, 06:56 AM
Email his boss.

03-24-2010, 06:58 AM
Kinda hard to email the boss of the owner of the company.
Unless he emails the guy's wife.

03-24-2010, 06:58 AM
id just slap him like a bitch in front of everyone and go back to work

i use to work for my dad for 6 years...fml that shit was awful

03-24-2010, 07:32 AM
Go all Edward Norton/Tyler Durden up in that bitch!




03-24-2010, 07:45 AM
Kinda hard to email the boss of the owner of the company.
Unless he emails the guy's wife.

My mistake, I thought he was blaming the fuck-up on the OP to HIS boss. If he's the owner of the company, who cares who he blames? Hes not gonna get you in any trouble, hes just trying to take the heat off his back. He knows exactly what ACTUALLY went down.

I say let him blame you. Then youll have something to mention in passing when he does something you dont like.

"Cut my hours? You sure you want everyone to know who REALLY broke the external hard drives?"

03-24-2010, 07:50 AM
I thought this was gonna be a thread about you fucking your hot boss.

Damnit I feel let down.

03-24-2010, 07:54 AM
My mistake, I thought he was blaming the fuck-up on the OP to HIS boss. If he's the owner of the company, who cares who he blames? Hes not gonna get you in any trouble, hes just trying to take the heat off his back. He knows exactly what ACTUALLY went down.

I say let him blame you. Then youll have something to mention in passing when he does something you dont like.

"Cut my hours? You sure you want everyone to know who REALLY broke the external hard drives?"
lol, not gonna work.

03-24-2010, 07:57 AM
lol, not gonna work.

What other options are there? Make a big stink about it and tell everyone in the company what a liar the boss is?

Id rather be working for a cunt stick then be unemployed.

03-24-2010, 08:40 AM
I was referring to the blackmailing. I'm not sure what other options there are but I'd avoid blackmail. Say he decides to fire you just because you threatened him with that. You could tell everyone but you're now jobless. Well I guess you could then collect uneployment, lol.

03-24-2010, 09:02 AM
Take a shit in the coffee pot.

03-24-2010, 09:05 AM
theres nothing you can do about it when its the owner of the company. So you can either find a new job or just continue to take it because trying to make your boss look like a bitch is just gonna make you look like the idiot in the end. and jobless
But I think weve all had the typical idiot boss that is on a powertrip or doesnt know shit. Its great though to keep getting promoted and become his/her boss. Thats the ultimate fuck you

03-24-2010, 09:19 AM
set a trap for him, not like a bear trap.. but something else for him to knock over with his stupid clumsiness and everyone can point, laugh and see how stupid he is.

03-24-2010, 10:13 AM
I was referring to the blackmailing. I'm not sure what other options there are but I'd avoid blackmail. Say he decides to fire you just because you threatened him with that. You could tell everyone but you're now jobless. Well I guess you could then collect uneployment, lol.

I didnt mean BLACKMAIL. I guess the wording and tone would play a lot into it... but there are ways to "blackmail" without actually blackmailing. Maybe something like this:

Pull him aside and speak to him privately.. "I dont want to make a big deal out of this, but Im really not ok with (insert whatever here). Let me remind you who took the fall for that incident with the hard drives? I think we both know what really happened, and it would reflect poorly on both of us if that became common knowledge."

His response to that would determine my next action, but it really depends how big of a deal it is to you. Are you willing to seek new employment over it? If not, bend over. Your options are really limited here since its the owner of the business.

03-24-2010, 10:35 AM
Take a shit in the coffee pot.

Actually you know what... scratch everything I said earlier.

This is better.

03-24-2010, 12:42 PM
Anyone else have a cocksucker for a boss or manager at work?

that's usually the prerequisite to get the position :keke: and since the guy is the owner, i'd say you're screwed unless you have absolute proof that clears you.

03-24-2010, 12:47 PM
holy shit this thread is hilarious

03-24-2010, 02:13 PM
I work at a gym. EVERYONE there is a cocksucking bastard especially my boss. He thinks its cool to fart near me, wait for me to smell it and then laugh. He is constantly in the worst/fake good mood and is always asking is something is wrong because I dont bend over for the company. The only reason I still work there is because I have for the past 3 years of my life and it changed ownership to this whore of a man.


LimeLite Racing
03-24-2010, 05:15 PM
FUck that boss.

03-25-2010, 05:49 AM
What other options are there? Make a big stink about it and tell everyone in the company what a liar the boss is?

Id rather be working for a cunt stick then be unemployed.

Everyone knows he did it. He has this problem where everything he does wrong is someone elses fault. He can do no wrong, its always someone elses mistake that caused him to screw something up.

Take a shit in the coffee pot.

this has been brought up many times, only problem is he has cameras everywhere so it would be kinda hard to pull off.

I thought this was gonna be a thread about you fucking your hot boss.

Damnit I feel let down. :rofl: sorry

03-25-2010, 09:37 AM
So, just to clarify, there are no boss fucking stories in here?

Dirty Habit
03-25-2010, 01:17 PM
So, just to clarify, there are no boss fucking stories in here?

When I was in college I worked at a campus dining facility for a year. The unit manager was 26 (I was 19) and fairly hot. I would say cute, nice body that was smashable for sure. I saw her at a local bar and tried to spit some game. It didnt work well at all and her friends came and took her away.
At last call she pops up out of nowhere at our table and asks me to walk her home. So after 5 or so blocks we get to her place and she pulls me inside and starts getting crazy. So we end up in bed and I go to get her drawls off and realize shes not wearing any. She had already taken them off...the large black fuzzy triangular thing I saw out of the corner of my eyes were not her panties but an ENORMOUS BUSH!! From one angle it looked like she was missing both her legs, with her torso floating on a dark puffy cloud!:hide:
It freaked me out so much that I stopped all forward momentum and hit reverse. Within 5 minutes I was walking back towards the bar to get my car so I can get home to "get some sleep before my 8am class."
Needless to say, the rest of the year my only job was to wash dishes. We made eye contact maybe 3 times after that ordeal, and it scarred me so deeply I eventually quit.

03-25-2010, 11:01 PM
You should have smashed on that if only for perks at work.

03-25-2010, 11:07 PM
idk i wouldnt be able to handle a bush, and this one sounds outrageously grown out

03-25-2010, 11:09 PM
like we latinos say..."fuck that puto" :)

03-26-2010, 12:38 AM
I said smash not chow down man.

03-26-2010, 12:03 PM
at least you have a job so you can have a boss to hate...I miss hating my boss, not the job part so much...

03-26-2010, 04:42 PM
Take a shit in the coffee pot.

lmao I agree with his idea. Take him coffee personally..

04-28-2010, 07:41 PM
Sounds like you possibly work for an I.T company?

Blow away his profile from his computer, that will piss him off enough to know why you should have a working backup.

04-28-2010, 11:04 PM
Who gives a shit what he says if everyone else in your office knows he did it? Unless if you are threatened to get shit canned i wouldnt give a fuck. Have you been looking for another job the entire time?

05-13-2010, 08:45 PM
When I was in college I worked at a campus dining facility for a year. The unit manager was 26 (I was 19) and fairly hot. I would say cute, nice body that was smashable for sure. I saw her at a local bar and tried to spit some game. It didnt work well at all and her friends came and took her away.
At last call she pops up out of nowhere at our table and asks me to walk her home. So after 5 or so blocks we get to her place and she pulls me inside and starts getting crazy. So we end up in bed and I go to get her drawls off and realize shes not wearing any. She had already taken them off...the large black fuzzy triangular thing I saw out of the corner of my eyes were not her panties but an ENORMOUS BUSH!! From one angle it looked like she was missing both her legs, with her torso floating on a dark puffy cloud!:hide:
It freaked me out so much that I stopped all forward momentum and hit reverse. Within 5 minutes I was walking back towards the bar to get my car so I can get home to "get some sleep before my 8am class."
Needless to say, the rest of the year my only job was to wash dishes. We made eye contact maybe 3 times after that ordeal, and it scarred me so deeply I eventually quit.

Sounds like you need to start watching some 70s porn to get over your fear of bush
I've come across a few occasions when I had to bust out the weed wacker
no shame in my game

05-13-2010, 09:02 PM
Sounds like you need to start watching some 70s porn to get over your fear of bush
I've come across a few occasions when I had to bust out the weed wacker
no shame in my game

you and me both man!!! lol

i would have smashed her like an Idaho potato...I have had some far worse things go down then just some hairy vag... :(

05-13-2010, 09:03 PM
YouTube - Like A Boss (ft. Seth Rogen) - Uncensored Version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c)

05-13-2010, 10:57 PM
we used to have these weekly "brainstorm sessions" at a previous job where all the supervisors and the ops managers would hang out in a meeting room for an hour or two, drinking free coffee and eating free krispy kremes. basically we'd tell the ops managers ways we "could" do our jobs to improve efficiency/morale/etc, and then they'd tell us why those methods wouldn't work/would cost too much/would be illegal, and then when they were off/left for the day/weren't paying attention, we'd just do it our way anyway.
then i got fired for sleeping during a training seminar. it was pretty killer

oh uh my boss is a douche or something.

05-13-2010, 11:00 PM
my current employers don't mind me sleeping.
even bring a blanket to work & take naps on the couch.
as long as the work gets done, nobody cares.
it's the corporate assholes that usually make a fuss out of nothing.

05-23-2010, 02:21 PM
I can see why your boss doesnt like you

05-26-2010, 02:37 AM
i think everybody hates there boss. or else they wouldnt be doing a good job.