View Full Version : Jdmenginedepot.com

03-23-2010, 10:36 PM

If you have a brain, you will NEVER order from this company. I have never been so blatantly ripped off and had nothing done to make up for it, and never experienced such horrible service. I ordered a couple of motors from them as a package deal and when they got here, the wiring harnesses were cut, both motors were missing key components and when I called to complain about it, they told me there was nothing they could do??? And how it's my fault that these retards sent me a motor that was no where near a complete motor, which is what I ordered, and is obviously not worth the price I paid for it, especially since I had to go spend more money just to get other harnesses and all the missing parts.

On the phone I talked to 3 different people from the business and all of them acted like they could give two shits about how they screwed me over. I could have paid the same price with the old company I ordered motors from and had no problems, and if I had they would kindly resolve them. But not this company. They were all rude and acting like it was MY problem that they messed up! They told me that if I was "unhappy" with the product, that I would have to pay a shipping and restocking fee. Which means about $500 to ship it back and another $500 to restock it! Talk about some bullshit. I promised them that I would make sure to tell anyone and everyone about what a shitty company it is and how awful they were.

So here I am keeping my promise, Do not order from this company. And spread the word as best you can. Believe me I was livid that I got screwed over this way, and I'm sure you don't want to be in the position that I was in, so just steer clear of this stupid company!


03-23-2010, 11:46 PM
any chance you can take legal action?

03-23-2010, 11:55 PM
any chance you can take legal action?

I'm not sure. But if I can, I will. Someone mentioned to me that I can report them to the Better Business Bureau, which I definitely plan on doing. But I'm not sure if that constitutes as legal action. If anyone has any insight on that area, please let me know!

03-24-2010, 05:58 AM
My friends had issues with them as well (just recently actually). I'll definitely stay away. They are only like an hour from me.

03-24-2010, 06:09 AM
same problem my buddy had ordering an rb25. got the engine put it in and the whole bottom end was wiped out, he got royally raped. same result from them, "we are sorry sir". wow, how to run a business huh!?

03-24-2010, 07:05 AM
you need some type of evidence (pictures, phone calls, ect)

after gathering that info and having them on tape saying how they aren't going to help you, just present what info you put together and "threaten" without actually threatening them that you are going to contact the BBB with your evidence and at that point you should have them offering your pretty much whatever you want.

thats how I would handle that. Get them on the phone and record it, basically try to get the information that you need and think would help you. and you should be alright.

03-24-2010, 07:55 AM
you need some type of evidence (pictures, phone calls, ect)

after gathering that info and having them on tape saying how they aren't going to help you, just present what info you put together and "threaten" without actually threatening them that you are going to contact the BBB with your evidence and at that point you should have them offering your pretty much whatever you want.

thats how I would handle that. Get them on the phone and record it, basically try to get the information that you need and think would help you. and you should be alright.

I agree with this. Gather any and all info you can showing how you got ripped off, price out all the parts still required, tally it all up, and present your case to the company first.

Say "look, this is what I'm going to be taking to my lawyer and to the better business bureau. As you can see, i have a ton of proof. If we take this as far as Im willing to go with it, you will lose in court. No questions asked. Why dont we just be smart about this, and work it out like civil adults? We can take this to court, and BELIEVE me I WILL, but in the end it'll just cost both of us more money to make you hand over what you already owe to me. Be smart about this, and settle outside of court."

As soon as they hear the word "lawyer," theyll probably cave. If they dont, take it to the BBB. That costs you nothing, and the BBB will contact them. When they start getting phone calls from the BBB, maybe theyll take you a little more seriously. And if that doesnt work, file a small claims suit.

03-24-2010, 08:00 AM
What did you pay with? cash? credit card? Credit cards have protections that can probably get you your money back. I think some debit cards have protections. Don't wait too long as there is a time span limit to act.

03-24-2010, 11:20 AM
What did you pay with? cash? credit card? Credit cards have protections that can probably get you your money back. I think some debit cards have protections. Don't wait too long as there is a time span limit to act.

Debit, and they wouldn't let me dispute the transaction unless I had a shipping number from where I shipped it back. Seriously retarded.

But yea I plan on doing all that, I already have pictures and all that and will do what I can to deal with these idiots.

I'm glad and not glad to see that other people have had problems with them too, so it's not just me, it's a lot of people. But this business should not still be running if there are so many people with problems from them!

03-24-2010, 02:30 PM
you might also wanna post this on ur local forums as well...