View Full Version : Who has an rb motor and can help me lol

03-03-2010, 09:41 PM
So basically I'm upgrading my turbo on my rb20det to the turbo from a rb25 which is the Garrett series II turbo. I know it's a direct bolt on but where the hell can I find a gasket kit for the turbo. I mainly need the gaskets for turbo to manifold, turbo to outlet. The compressor to intake (3 bolt), and copper seals for the lines. If you know ofany sites or places I can find these parts let me know

03-03-2010, 09:59 PM
Garrett series II turbo seals - Google Product Search (http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=Garrett+series+II+turbo+seals&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=wj2PS73HJomIsgOo1-G8CA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=3&ved=0CBgQrQQwAg)

03-03-2010, 10:11 PM
Why go to the home page and look through the sponsors pages to find what you want? I mean they are gaskets its not like they are hard to find.

03-03-2010, 10:30 PM
Yeah if only I wasn't such a newb to the turbo game. Is there any way to find out what the turbo is really called like what model it is. Ie Garrett 28rs or whatever. The guy I bought it from said it's an rb25 Garrett series II turbo

03-03-2010, 10:43 PM
Yea, just search the internet. There is ton of info out there.

03-03-2010, 10:56 PM
Let me google that for you. (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rb25+turbo+part+number)

second result down. GTRPWR forum.
match up your part numbers and your good to go.

03-04-2010, 12:00 AM
Lmao that's a very interesting way to make someone look stupid.