View Full Version : KansasYeah! 2010 Drift event series!

02-26-2010, 02:08 AM

That's right dudes! Get ready cause this is going to be the dopest thing to EVER happen in Kansas.

We have.. are you ready for this??



-May 8th
-June 12th
-July 24th
-Aug 7th
-Sept 11th

****All events are on SATURDAYS


-Registration: 1:30pm
-Tech Inspection: 1:30-2:30pm
-Track goes live: 3pm-Dusk


-Heartland Park Topeka
http://www.hpt.com (http://www.hpt.com/)

How much?
-$65 Online Pre-reg / $90 At the gate
-$10 Adult Spectator / $5 Kids
***Ride along prices are pending. Ride alongs are only available for solo runs.
To register online check http://www.hpt.com (http://www.hpt.com/)

Event Saftey
-Bucket seats are preferred for Tandem but not required.
-Drivers that wish to Tandem will be subject to qualifying session.
-Ride Alongs can only ride with specific drivers who qualify for Tandem.

Driver Qualifications
-Must be 18+
-Valid Driver's License and Proof of Insurance
-Car will be subject to Tech Inspection
-Helmet must meet or exceed the following:
-Snell Memorial Foundation – SA2000 , SA2005
-SFI Foundation – Spec 31.2, Spec 31.2A
-British Helmet Standard – BS 6658:1958

Additional Info

We will need volunteers to help run things. If you don't have a car/aren't old enough, but want to get close to the action and learn more about Drifting then we highly recommend helping with the events. We need at least 6 people.

What jobs?
-Cone Guys
-Gate Guys
And other odd easy jobs.

If interested in volunteering, PM me or email [email protected]

Driver Brackets
A: Caged Tandem
B: Cageless Tandem
C: Solo Runs
A & B Drivers can also run Solo if they prefer.

***Also Driver's that are taking a break or are not staged for awhile can go to the main wall to watch!

Course Info
-Course is being changed this year. A little bigger. Safer.
-There will be no set time limits, however 2 laps to speed up driver rotation.
-Course is also ONE direction.
-No secondary course.


The course is ran counter clockwise.


-Orange Dots: Cones
-Blue Dots: Clipping points, in reality these will be big drag radials.
-There will also be tires lined along the sides of the first press triangle.
-Staging will be to the left of the Pits.


On behalf of KCDA, HPT, and Metcalf Coyote we would like to thank everyone who came out and thrashed last year! We look forward to seeing you all again as well as many new faces!

Questions: Email me [email protected]