View Full Version : johngriff @ RPSport.net???

01-28-2010, 06:51 PM
what happened to him? i ordered a haltech kit from him and got it in but he said he would give me a basemap for my current setup. does anyone know what going on with him? i tried messaging him here and sending him a email but no dice.

01-29-2010, 10:18 AM
He posted a Twitter update on the RPSport website that said he was dealing with a family emergency. He may just have been distracted. I'm sure he'll get back to you once things on his end settle down.

01-29-2010, 07:45 PM
He should be back by next month if he hasn't returned yet. Don't worry, he will keep tabs with you as soon as he can...

02-03-2010, 07:09 PM
I'm in the same predicament. I ordered a shim tool from him on the beginning of January. Saw that he had an emergency till mid Jan, no problem. He finally emails me around the 28th and tells me that it won't be ready for 4 weeks. So I ask to get my money back so I can go a different route seeing that it's the only thing keeping me from finishing my motor. He gets back and tells me that he will put me in front of the line and ship it to me within 2 days. So I say OK, I've waited 3 weeks, what's a few days. Fast forward 8 days....Naythin! I did get a paypal notification that he started the process but the postal service hasn't received anything. I tried to call him a few times but all I get is a message. I also emailed him a few times with no response. I know he has a pretty good rep with you guys here on Zilvia, but I'm at my wits end here. I get the feeling that I'm being jerked around. If he can't do what he was paid for just refund my ducketts and call it good. No hard feelings. But I can't wait another month. The whole reason I ordered it was to have it fast. I could have had one made by now. sheesh.

02-03-2010, 09:11 PM
Waiting since Nov for the S13 subframe braces--been fully paid for.

I figure they're just pieces of metal, so I don't know what's taking so long, but again, they're just pieces of metal, so I'm not in too much of a rush to get them, but 3 months is a bit much for this. I hope it's not shipping from China.

I've had the worst luck with waiting for shit for my car :(

That's kinda shady that he told you 4 weeks, but when you asked for a refund, that bumps you up. So everyone who asks for a refund will get bumped up?

02-05-2010, 11:28 AM
Still no word from the guy. Damn, how unfortunate.

02-09-2010, 03:30 AM
Nevermind. He got it shipped!

02-10-2010, 07:56 PM
Finally got my tool on monday. Took a lil long but all is to the good right now.

02-11-2010, 02:19 PM
Got my subframe braces today. Took way too long to get them, but at least they arrived--just glad to finally have them :P

04-16-2010, 04:37 AM
I'm going threw the samething. I ordered a shim tool over a month ago. He keeps telling me its done and he is going to ship it. But I have yet to recieve any conformation on shipping. It's definitly frustrating.

04-20-2010, 12:28 PM
sorta frustrated that i payed the $59.99 +shipping and now the final price on the item is $49+shipping.
I may order another set in the future for another car. I hope I get some $ off.

05-02-2010, 05:26 AM
SO I still haven't recieved my shim tool which I ordered March 21. The website closed down and John doesn't not respond. I'm contacting my cc company to try and take back my funds. I can see this is going to be a shit storm, and I probably going to get screwed out of $240.

Beware of this business and [email protected]

05-02-2010, 09:16 PM
gotya beat. ordered in mid February and still havent gotten mine. I contacted him a few times and he said he was working on making a cnc bracket so he didnt have to make them by hand anymore. That email was in mid march, and now I cant contact him at all. Im PISSED!

05-03-2010, 04:16 AM
I submitted a dispute through paypal. He has ten days to send a tracking number or they give me my money back. I thought it was kinda funny, cause his shipping is 4 to 6 weeks. If it takes that long, paypal will not refund your money after 45 days.

I found another place that makes them. Email Pat at Custon Steel. [email protected]

05-03-2010, 08:19 PM
I emailed custom steel and he replied to me today. He said he's had a few people inquiring so he's going to round up the stuff to do another batch. That being said, i'm out of the 45 day paypal coverage. paypal referred me to some independent government places to try to get my money back etc. How would you guys go about this? I have his contact info that I got off a page that was cached on google. IM PISSED THAT THIS GUY TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME.

05-03-2010, 08:46 PM
If you paid via credit card on paypal, just dispute with your cc. AFAIK, the braces were always CNC'd, so dunno about that "hand made" comment?

05-03-2010, 08:53 PM
I paid with my debit card. Havent contacted my bank yet to see what they can do. And as far as the hand made part i think hes talking about cutting and such to fab a bracket. Im just going off of what his last email said. I havent heard from him since.

05-04-2010, 09:12 AM
Placed an order in March for 2 brackets and I haven't gotten anything yet either. Last thing I read was that he would have them shipped in April or something. Now it looks like the website is gone too.

05-04-2010, 03:27 PM
Got the subframe brace couple months ago. Shipping was fairly quick to Canada.

Was gonna order Haltech units from him as well.. but all his FS threads in marketplace are gone? Maybe not paying his bills..?

05-04-2010, 03:35 PM
i ordered my braces july of 09 and did not recieve them until january of 2010. granted he said he'd give me a discount if i ever needed anything else. but still... atleast the braces stacked up to all the hype, im glad i have mine. but i would make my own if i bought another s13. he just took way too long

05-04-2010, 06:35 PM
He must have been online the other day, he canceled a haltech invoice he had sent me via paypal about 3 months ago. I was sent out of town and the car has been on backburner. I'll see how this plays out...

05-05-2010, 12:45 PM
Been waiting on my subframe braces since February. John please email me or pm me, I don't wanna open a paypal dispute.

05-05-2010, 09:52 PM
Since I am out of my 45 day paypal dispute period I am attempting to get my money back via other methods. Paypal referred me to Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home (http://www.ic3.gov) which is a website dedicated to internet crime. I am also going to contact my back to see if they are able to help me. I would love to have someone else follow me if they got scammed!

05-05-2010, 11:05 PM
i order my shim back in september of 09 and ive yet to recieve them...i talked to him a few times and each time it he said he was goin to ship it out the next day

05-09-2010, 12:53 PM
I just tried to to to rpsport.net to order the subframe braces, is it even a company anymore? Also, is there any other braces like these?

05-09-2010, 01:34 PM
glad i didnt bother with any of this, the website is down.

05-10-2010, 08:25 PM
yeh, speaking of pat @ custom steel, he is shipping me out one of his tools tomorrow. he said he has 4 more left of the batch he just made and the price is going up after this... help this guy for supporting our community, I hope everyone will be able to get their money back from john, because it will be a struggle for me :(

05-11-2010, 02:49 PM
Everyone needs to dispute or file a complaint about this. He is a crook and needs to be exposed before he rip's more people off. Pat at custom steel is the man, buy from him.

05-11-2010, 04:17 PM
I wouldn't go as far as name calling. John is a stand up guy. At the beginning of the year I know he had an emergency concerning his family. Unfortunately, I feel that may have been what has caused the current situation.

Though, starting disputes and talking to your credit card carriers is definitely recommended. Money is owed and should refunded.

05-11-2010, 04:51 PM
I wouldn't go as far as name calling. John is a stand up guy. At the beginning of the year I know he had an emergency concerning his family. Unfortunately, I feel that may have been what has caused the current situation.

Though, starting disputes and talking to your credit card carriers is definitely recommended. Money is owed and should refunded.

Yeah, your right. I edited my last post. I lost my cool. My appolgies. I'm just upset cause of this set back and losing $220.

05-11-2010, 06:07 PM
I just looked @ his profile page and he hasn't been on in over a month, thats not like him. I truelly believe he will make this right, b/c as stated above, he is a stand up guy. I just wish that he would do it quickly so that his reputation doesn't get to the point that it can't be made right. I know my dealings with him have been nothing but the best, however I know that doesn't help you guys with your current situation. GL

05-11-2010, 09:07 PM
Yeah he is a cool guy. I ordered the shim tool from him last year and he called me and helped out with using it and any questions. That's why I chose to support him and buy from him again. He should atleast communicate but since he isn't that just adds to the conclusion he ditched us. I mean it's only like $40 bucks but I'd really like my braces more than the money. I'm pissed at my self for not ordering these last year.

05-12-2010, 11:55 AM
what if something happened to him?

05-12-2010, 03:37 PM
I know he may be a stand up guy, but he owes me money as well. I've been patient and I understand things come up, but keep in touch and let me know whats going on. He's been very helpful to me and for that I am greatful. However, it's been the better part of a year and still no refund. Not to mention he is extremely hard to get ahold of. John, please make this right...

05-12-2010, 05:14 PM
what if something happened to him?

I was thinking the same thing.

05-15-2010, 02:50 AM
so paypal isnt gonna refund me the money since its outta the 45 day time frame. im trying to work around it considering how many people are having problems with him. i really wish hed just refund us or give us our stuff.

05-15-2010, 10:17 AM
hey Yuda, and anyone else having this issue get with me because I'm having the same thing going on with paypal and the 45 days. I'd like to have my money back. I have done everything I can outside of flying to his address and finding him. Thankfully, I got my shim tool in the mail this morning from Pat @ custom steel so I can FINALLY finish my head work. Thank you Pat

05-15-2010, 10:20 AM
John is a Good Guy, I really don't think he would do you guys wrong just because I'm sure there is an explanation behind all of this. I'm pretty sure its something very important. but either way, I'm sorry all of you guys are going through this. but just like if something like this was happening to me I'd like someone to help me out. Luckily I have one set of these sub frame braces in stock here at my place. whoever is in SoCal and wants to come pick them up at no additional cost to you as long as you can prove to me you already paid John for them I'll let you take them. PM me for further details


Jonnie Fraz
05-16-2010, 01:40 AM
Man I am sorry to hear of the problems that you guys are having with John. I have done work with John and helped build one of the prototype shim tools. I will go out on a limb and also say he is a stand up guy, and I truly hope nothing has happened to him.

05-24-2010, 02:31 AM
i would be surpised that if something did happen to him that someone wouldnt know about it ad spread the word somewhat.

05-24-2010, 02:51 AM
hey you guys having problems..i ordered my braces almost 3 months ago..march 2nd to be exact and paypal didn't refund me either. i payed with a credit card and called them up they reimbursed the money back to my credit account no problem. so definitely try that. good luck

05-28-2010, 09:27 PM
called his number that I found cached on a google page. His message now says that he is closing his business due to terminal illness. Also said he was working on his final orders for everything he is backed up on. I left him a message to PLEASE call me back or just give me my money back but no word back from him. His number is 949.891.1710 give him a call to see what you get.

06-14-2010, 12:26 PM
has anyone received anything from him?

06-30-2010, 01:32 AM
any updates in this?

06-30-2010, 03:03 AM
damn hes STILL MIA?

06-30-2010, 10:56 AM
like i said one person that is still missing their sub frame things, PM me a copy of your paypal receipt or anything stating that you paid for it I'll ship you waht i have in stock just paypal me shipping charges

06-30-2010, 11:00 AM
He probably got thrown in jail for drifting the 405 :snoop:

06-30-2010, 11:15 AM
terminal illness :(

06-30-2010, 11:50 AM
like i said one person that is still missing their sub frame things, PM me a copy of your paypal receipt or anything stating that you paid for it I'll ship you waht i have in stock just paypal me shipping charges

Already sent what you requested hope the info helps i too have not received my sub frame braces since like March of this year

surge s14
06-30-2010, 12:11 PM
like i said one person that is still missing their sub frame things, PM me a copy of your paypal receipt or anything stating that you paid for it I'll ship you waht i have in stock just paypal me shipping charges

WHAT? :goyou:

06-30-2010, 12:14 PM
If anyone has direct contact with him I want my valve shim tool.or my money back.

06-30-2010, 04:59 PM
Ok all the sub frame braces I had in stock are taken, and will be shipping tomorrow or friday. as far as getting a hold of john I'm actually worried about em. since I havent been able to get in touch with him and have known him since 2005 If I find anything out I will keep you guys posted .


07-01-2010, 01:36 PM
I Heard ,hes in jail. for fraud.

from different people.

not that i care.

07-01-2010, 01:41 PM
hes in jail. for fraud.

For real???????? :tweak::tweak::tweak::tweak:

07-02-2010, 12:55 AM
Ok all the sub frame braces I had in stock are taken, and will be shipping tomorrow or friday. as far as getting a hold of john I'm actually worried about em. since I havent been able to get in touch with him and have known him since 2005 If I find anything out I will keep you guys posted .


nooooooooooooooooo............ i want my braces. fuck.

07-02-2010, 01:34 AM
They're not hard to make...

07-02-2010, 02:57 AM
I wonder if any of those KA patch harnesses are laying around.

07-02-2010, 05:59 PM
hes in jail. for fraud.

Damn... I figured he might have been locked up,
Is this for sure?
I never thought he would be a crook thought.
Reuben Fuke Spec or what?

07-02-2010, 06:01 PM
even if i knew details i wouldn't post them up.

07-02-2010, 06:09 PM
Yeah i know...

07-03-2011, 11:16 PM
Hey Everyone.

Lots to discuss, I am sure even more questions, as I have seen much speculation.

I got very sick, still am. Got very behind with product, people filed for refunds, before I knew it, I was basically in a situation where nothing could be sent out or purchase ordered because we had a big negative ballance with PP.

I issued refunds, taking a negative hit against the account and my own credit to ALL people, or so I figured.

With that, being sick, and murpheys law kicking in of 'what can go wrong' will go wrong, allot of things in my personal life and business went to hell.

But, to refute, vatche, who speaks out of turn, I never was charged with a crime, or was arrested or spent time in jail. I have no idea where that concept came from, and vatche should know better, since he knows steve, and steve knows me.

So, with eveything being that bad, and figuring I had refunded everyone, the site shut down (lack of $) and I never went back online or to the 'community', my pride destroyed, the industry and sport I loved, so much blood sweat and tears torn away from me, and being powerless to fix any of it, I was heartbroken.

I am still sick, and have no plans of restarting the company, or an e-commerce site. If you did not get refunded, or your parts, shoot me an email, and I will see what I can do. I will do my due dilligence to get you product, though it will take allot of time as i'll have to do financial forensics, confirms who's who and what, and I move allot slower than I used to.

I can be reached at, [email protected]



07-04-2011, 06:13 PM
Just emailed you hope to get to a resolution johngriff.

08-24-2011, 08:53 PM
YOUR ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Get well soon man :(

And yes, your awesome product is still installed on my S13!

08-25-2011, 12:12 AM
Sorry to hear that, hope you get well.

08-25-2011, 06:28 AM
Sorry to hear you got sick and still are. I hope you get better man and you made good parts, I enjoy the blue sub frame braces :)

03-26-2012, 12:38 AM
John was never in jail and never had a terminal illness. The fact is he took your money and did not send you a product. This is fraud. Report John for his fraud here.
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home (http://www.ic3.gov/)

This link will allow you to report John and his business to the FBI. If we all do this hopefully John will be unable to do this to innocent victims in the future.
You will need some information on John in order to report the fraud.

John Frederick Grefe Jr
3325 Faust Ave
Long Beach, ca
949-891-1170 This is his Google voice number
[email protected] is his email

The previous business was rpsport.net
John goes by the alias John Griff or rpsport John

Please report John- Criminals like John get away with scamming people if people like us don't report them.

03-26-2012, 12:58 AM
Copied from: Enkei 92s For Sale (http://www.celicasupra.com/forums/showthread.php?20612-Enkei-92s-For-Sale)
An example of what John has put other customers through.

"Mr. Grefe has perpetrated a fraud, and I have pursued legal action against him and recently won judgment.

As you may know, Mr. Grefe was advertising a lot of new old stock (NOS) A.R.E. mesh automobile wheels which were supposedly left over in a warehouse that his friend’s father had purchased. Mr. Grefe apparently offered to help his friend sell the wheels, instead of scrapping them.

I started to communicate with Mr. Grefe in late July, 2007 via personal messaging from that site. After a few personal messages we agreed upon a price of $732, with shipping, for four wheels of varying diameters and offsets. The wheels were all advertised as NEW, but he offered to take them to a local wheel shop to be polished, at no additional cost, since they had been gathering dust in the warehouse for so long and had possible scratches.

Since I had all of his contact information, and he had good ratings on this site, I felt confident in the sale, and arranged a PayPal transaction to get him the money on August 1st. That’s when the trouble began. Ten days later, according to an e-mail from Mr. Grefe, the wheels I had purchased were picked up by his brother to be shipped to me, but he noticed they were not “up to his standards,” so he sent them back to the wheel repair shop to have the lips repaired.

Another two and a half weeks passed before I heard from him again; this time, he e-mailed me to apologize that the wheel shop was backed up, and he himself had been involved in a car accident. He claimed the wheels would be shipped on August 30th. They didn’t ship for another full week, according to Fed Ex, and it took 8 more days for them to arrive (that’s 44 days from the date I paid for them).

When the wheels arrived and I unpacked them, I could see that they were in no way NEW, and the offsets were not what I ordered. What I received wouldn’t fit what I bought them for, and they looked like they had been pulled off of someone’s car. There were signs that wheel weights had been removed; one wheel hub had rust on the back side, as if it had been mounted on a car and the rust had transferred from the rotor hat to the wheel hub, and there was curb rash. Immediately I called Mr. Grefe to complain. He apologized again and claimed that they had been shipped by a family member and that he hadn’t seen them first. The day they were shipped (Sept. 6), however, Mr. Grefe had sent me a personal message with pictures that he supposedly took before they shipped. [I didn’t catch it at first, but look at the dirty paper towel next to the roll sitting beside the wheels…it looks like Mr. Grefe did the polishing himself, not any wheel repair shop.]

Mr. Grefe suggested I send the wheels back, saying he would refund my shipping cost, and have them brought up to standards, or he would exchange them altogether. The more I examined them, though, the more I noticed what was wrong with them, so I said instead that I would rather just send them back and get a refund (half right away and the rest when he received the returned wheels – to show good faith.) He replied and said that he could not refund my money and that he would put the wheels on consignment, refunding half of the money when he received the wheels and the other half once they were sold. That did not suit me, since he sold them straight to me in the first place, and didn’t have any problem taking my money for shoddy merchandise that took more than a month to arrive.

I contacted PayPal to file a dispute, but was told that they have a 45 day dispute period - awfully convenient for Mr. Grefe, since I didn’t receive the wheels until day 44. PayPal recommended that I should have filed a dispute after two weeks, and dismissed it once the merchandise was received and satisfactory, which, honestly, hadn’t occurred to me because we were in contact at that time, and he gave reasonable excuses for the delay. There was, of course, NO excuse for the condition of the wheels I actually received, nor any of his conduct since.

After weighing my options for a few days, I finally caved, and, on October 12th, I sent Mr. Grefe ALL four wheels back, with specific instructions in each box as to what needed to be done to each to bring it “up to standard,” per his earlier recommendation. I sent him an e-mail the same day, with all of the tracking numbers. More than a month passed, AGAIN, with no word, no wheels, and no refund. On November 19th, I e-mailed him for a status update, and replied saying he had actually SOLD all of the wheels I’d returned and would now be sending out NEW ones once he found some (he claimed to be looking for the perfect set), and he’d get back to me then. Patient and trying to be understanding, I waited another week before again asking for the status of my order. The next day he replied with a claim that I would (finally) be receiving 4 wheels that matched the condition of the instructions I’d sent with the returned wheels. WHAT? Those instructions were for the repair of the wheels that I returned; wheels that he never repaired and, in fact, sold out from under me (making even more of a profit)! I e-mailed him one final time on January 3, 2008 (remember, I paid for the wheels on August 1, 2007) once more asking for a full refund, giving him a week to comply, and explicit instructions on how to send me the money back. More than a month had passed and I still had not received any refund, nor had I heard from him at all.

In February 2008, I filed a small claims case against Mr. Grefe. He was served in late February 2008 with a summons to appear before the District Court in May 2008. Mr. Grefe failed to appear and my case was heard before the judge and judgment was issued against Mr. Grefe. It is now my responsibility to attempt to collect from Mr. Grefe. I wanted to wait until the court date had passed before telling my story to everyone. I hope this has been informative. "

03-26-2012, 05:19 AM
But, to refute, vatche, who speaks out of turn, I never was charged with a crime, or was arrested or spent time in jail. I have no idea where that concept came from, and vatche should know better, since he knows steve, and steve knows me.


You're both shady.

I got screwed for being a nice guy, and even though my gut instinct was to never trust either of you, I trusted Steve (shadows) and then I got screwed.

The sad thing is, your both smart guys, and you could have gotten somewhere. Your morals suck. :mephfawk:

You made your own decisions. You suffer your own consequences.

Sorry if you don't like my posts. I don't really care. Just giving people a heads up on what to expect.