View Full Version : Z32 master plug fix.

01-06-2010, 01:31 PM
So I figured out a easy fix for the Z32 master upgrade.
I got a 1 and 1/16 z32 master by nabco. All you have to do is get the inverted flare euro brake line fromyor local parts store. I got mine at oreilly's auto parts.

Screw it in .Bend it into position for the left side caliper .Double flair it and done.Easy.



Cheap easy fix.

01-10-2010, 08:59 PM
That's a great idea. But couldn't you just cut and re flair the existing line? I only ask because i will be doing the z32 master soon

01-10-2010, 11:01 PM
id post a picture of the flare your talking to since not everyone knows what it looks like. but yea that works just fine, ive done this in the past.

01-10-2010, 11:02 PM
That's a great idea. But couldn't you just cut and re flair the existing line? I only ask because i will be doing the z32 master soon

in theory you can but the bubble flair thats being used is a bitch to recreate. it can be done but its a total pain in the ass.

01-11-2010, 05:59 PM
id post a picture of the flare your talking to since not everyone knows what it looks like. but yea that works just fine, ive done this in the past.

I agree. I've simply taken a double flairing kit and done just the first flair to reproduce a bubble flair many times for line repairs. It comes out a bit longer in the actual flair but when it gets tightened down it "forms" to the inside of the female end of the fitting.