View Full Version : Skyline T28 on an SR20DET

05-30-2003, 07:45 PM
Would a Garrett T28 off a Skyline bolt onto an SR20DET? if not, what would you need to do to make it fit right? :confused: THANK YOU

drift freaq
05-30-2003, 10:13 PM
I believe the ar on the that particular turbo is small for a T28 because its designed to only take care of 3 clyinders. i.e. twin turbo setup

05-31-2003, 02:50 AM
RB20 and RB25DET turbo flanges are bigger and will not bolt on to the SR manifold.

Not sure about the RB26DETT turbines. Don't think they fit the SR either.

05-31-2003, 12:43 PM
The Skyline turbo will bolt on to the manifold because they both use T25 flanges on the turbine housing, its just on the compressor side the outlet flange is different. And the compressor housing and turbime housing are angle differently on the skyline compared to the silvia. (Just found that out today)

05-31-2003, 09:38 PM
can you not just adjust the angle by taking off the compressor side and spin it around a bit then bolt it back on?

05-31-2003, 09:55 PM
and, why not just use a t28 off a s15?

05-31-2003, 10:03 PM
Ive tried changing the angle on the turbos. When you angle them to look like the Silvias T28 the oil lines get in the way and the bypass valve also gets on the way and then theres no way of bolting the bypass back on. The reason i dont go with a T28 off an S15 is because ppl charge a grip for them, and i got 2 T28 off the Skyline for hella cheap.