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Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 12:17 PM
Jimmy Up's Final OG Sticker Group Buy/ Pre-Order


Alright guys, so due to the amount of PM's I receive asking for these and my want of not turning them into the next over-produced super tight tuner sticker, I have decided to do ONE LAST run of the 3 original Jimmy Up designs in the same ol gold leaf. ONCE THIS PRE-ORDER IS DONE, NO EXTRAS WILL BE MADE AND THESE DESIGNS WILL NEVER BE PRINTED AGAIN. NO BULLSHIT. Same goes for the old Shirts, Jimmy Up will no longer reproduce any shirt. They get one run, and they are done. So get this stuff while you can.

I got www.jimmyup.com (http://www.jimmyup.com) back up with the pre-order of the stickers ONLY at the moment, what I have left of shirts will be added to that by the end of this week.

This is a PRE-ORDER and no extras will be printed, after this run is done all 3 designs will not be available. More designs will follow.

If we get 150+ stickers sold in total, I will ship out a free SURPRISE sticker with single order, ordering 4 stickers? YOU GET 4 SURPRISES!




1. peter robinson
2. peter robinson
3. adrian tuazon
4. Don Le
5. Brandon Bouvilom
6. Zojer Bowers
7. Anthony Romano
8. Victor Orosco
9. ben blizel
10. larry berger
11. Kiyoji Lester
12. Jeremy Beauchamp
13. Kellen LeBlanc
14. Lawrence Yang
16. mike fukumoto
17. mike fukumoto
18. justin guerra
19. Matt Hopkins
20. Cesar Villasenor
21. Martin Moreno
22. Maynard Valencia
23. Miles Hirschel
24. Miles Hirschel
25. Scott Sherwood
26. Ryan Callera
27. Mendi Leung
28. Mendi Leung
29. Jason (tammy) harper
30. dara cooley
31. Ryan (Jan) Nowicki
32. Midwest Streets
33. Bryan Chao
34. pantako
35. Amir Kilani
36. Pedro Chavez
37. jimmy constantelos
38. Jordan Peltonen
39. Joshua Lindner
40. Adrian Armstrong
41. Adrian Armstrong
42. Pierce Ward
43. Pierce Ward
44. Kyle Dempsey
45. Kyle Dempsey
46. louise Davenport
47. Jim Redden
48. lee barker
49. Connie Dewberry
50. Bryant Bustamante
51. Bryant Bustamante
52. Bryant Bustamante
53. Bryant Bustamante
54. Bryant Bustamante
55. Rene Baumsteiger
56. Rene Baumsteiger
57. Dayton Munk
58. Nhien Tran
59. Donna Nikiforos
60. Ryan Sibley
61. Hughston Nelson
62. Hughston Nelson
65. Norma Velazquez
66. richard marshall
67. shane browning
68. shane browning
69. lee clarke
70. anthony hyland
71. Elliott Shand
73. Stefan Carle
74. james bull
75. Karen Brown
76. Karen Brown
77. Karen Brown
78. Richard Hudson
79. Craig Morton
80. Hamish Niven
81. Hamish Niven
82. Hamish Niven
83. Hamish Niven
84. Hamish Niven
85. Hamish Niven
86. Hamish Niven
87. Hamish Niven
88. Hamish Niven
89. Hamish Niven
90. darren aitkin
91. Dave Read
93. Jimmy Nguyen
94. Jimmy Nguyen
95. daniel alcazar
96. rory prior
97. Ian Linthwaite
98. Matt Arnold
99. Matt Arnold
100. Chris Davidson
101. Paul Mellish
102. Paul Mellish
103. adam tait
104. adam tait
105. Sam Tuck
106. sasa kulas
107. Anthony Barton
108. N. Quigley
109. Tim Hardy
110. adrian villagran
111. Anthony Ciocca
112. Vincent Kwan
113. Vincent Kwan
114. Jason Orozco
115. Ginger Roberts
116. Kevin Corsius
117. Joseph Terrell
118. Joseph Terrell
119. David Christie
120. David Christie
121. james marchant
122. nick bell
123. nick bell
124. karen melbourne-dowse
125. Tony O Brien
126. Eoin Collins
127. Eoin Collins
128. Richard Smith
129. Miguel Nietes
130. Miguel Nietes
131. Cesar Villasenor
132. Cesar Villasenor
133. Jose Diaz
134. Kevin Bathrick
135. Scott Villarino
136. Scott Villarino
137. Scott Villarino
138. Cory Latzke
139. Adam Bullock
140. Adam Bullock
141. Scott Curry
142. Scott Curry
143. Kieran O'Carroll
144. Kieran O'Carroll
145. andreas rönn
146. andreas rönn
147. James Worrall
148. JC Robinson
149. Caesar Quiocho
150. Adrian Tuazon
151. Andrew Collins
152. Adam Smith
153. Adam Smith
154. Zac Levin
155. Jeremiah Barrera
156. Niko Mendoza
157. Ginger Roberts
158. Clint Truelove
159. Claire Jervis
160. carlos granados
161. carol wood
162. Conor Friel
163. Daniel Hinchcliffe
164. Daniel Hinchcliffe
165. Daniel Hinchcliffe
166. Rachel Stone
167. Rachel Stone
168. David Do
169. Ross McGowen
170. Ross McGowen
171. albert flores,jr
172. Gregory Griffiths
173. Steve Faulkes
174. Steve Faulkes
175. Jake Rupp
176. Jake Rupp
177. Daniel Guest
178. Dan Buckingham
179. Dan Buckingham
180. Jake Jankowski
181. Justin Price
182. Joey Gonzales
183. Joey Gonzales
184. Wesley Stump
185. liam case
186. William Logie
187. William Logie
188. James Murray
189. James Murray
190. Toby Alexander
191. Ben Lewallen
192. Ben Lewallen
193. simon anderson
194. simon anderson
195. dara cooley
196. Ben Somerville
197. Richard Dalby-Smith
198. Richard Dalby-Smith
199. Richard Dalby-Smith
200. Barry Stevenson
201. Matt Smith
202. Mike Chamberlain
203. Christopher Price (Pending)
204. Michael Cooper
205. Adam Robinson
206. ryan collier
207. ryan collier
208. ryan collier
209. jereme montenegro
210. jereme montenegro
211. Cesar Landaverde
212. David Browning
213. Jowe Lee
214. Jowe Lee
215. newton pachay
216. Larry Munson
217. Larry Munson
218. Larry Munson
219. Ron Cadelina
220. dylan arnold
221. Anthony Lye
222. glenn sakamoto
223. Vincent Timiraos
224. Vincent Timiraos
225. Frederick Fanfan
226. Salvador Sued
227. Thomas Manning
228. David Cooper
229. Kristopher Blanco
230. Pedro Chavez
231. Steve Miguel
232. Jimmy Nguyen
233. Jimmy Nguyen
234. Travis Nay
235. Travis Nay
236. Travis Nay
237. Travis Nay
238. bruno gallardo
239. Chris Brander
240. Chris Brander
241. Daniel Kellis
242. Michael O'Connor
243. Michael O'Connor
244. Michael O'Connor
245. Michael O'Connor
246. Alex Kennedy
247. Jerry Montero
250. john akimoto
251. Salvador Sued
252. Walker Wesley
253. Walker Wesley
254. Walker Wesley
255. Peter Shin



1. peter robinson
2. peter robinson
3. Don Le
4. Mateo Valencia
5. kevin liu
6. Zojer Bowers
7. Victor Orosco
8. Anthony Romano
9. ben blizel
10. larry berger
11. Kiyoji Lester
12. Jeremy Beauchamp
13. Kellen LeBlanc
14. Kellen LeBlanc
16. mike fukumoto
17. mike fukumoto
18. Erik Elder
19. Cesar Villasenor
20. Martin Moreno
21. Martin Moreno
22. matt hansen
23. Miles Hirschel
24. Miles Hirschel
25. Scott Sherwood
26. Jason (tammy) harper
27. Bryant Bustamante
28. Bryant Bustamante
29. Bryant Bustamante
30. Bryant Bustamante
31. Bryant Bustamante
32. Art L
33. Art L
34. dara cooley
35. hua t liu
36. hua t liu
37. hua t liu
38. ty thompson
39. ty thompson
40. ty thompson
41. Midwest Streets
42. Ryan (Jan) Nowicki
43. Sam Saelee
44. Sam Saelee
45. Sam Saelee
46. Erik Elder
47. Erik Elder
48. Erik Elder
49. pantako
50. pantako
51. Amir Kilani
52. jimmy constantelos
53. Joshua Lindner
54. Nick Monroe
55. Nick Monroe
56. Omar Kilani
57. Adrian Armstrong
58. Adrian Armstrong
59. Pierce Ward
60. Kyle Dempsey
61. Kyle Dempsey
62. louise Davenport
63. joel matthews
64. joel matthews
65. Terry Hill
66. Terry Hill
67. Connie Dewberry (greg plesetz)
68. Dayton Munk
69. Eder Parolini
70. Eder Parolini
71. Eder Parolini
72. Nhien Tran
74. richard marshall
75. shane browning
76. shane browning
77. lee clarke
78. lee clarke
79. steve taylor
80. matthew wiltshire
81. matthew wiltshire
82. Elliott Shand
84. Stefan Carle
85. Stefan Carle
86. james bull
87. james bull
88. adam hunt
89. brendon shields
90. clive littlechild
92. Hamish Niven
93. Hamish Niven
94. Hamish Niven
95. Hamish Niven
96. Hamish Niven
97. Hamish Niven
98. Hamish Niven
99. Hamish Niven
100. Hamish Niven
101. Hamish Niven
102. darren aitkin
103. Colm Holmes
104. Colm Holmes
105. Colm Holmes
106. Dave Read
107. Ashley Wilson
108. Ashley Wilson
109. rory prior
111. lee barker
112. James Meadows
113. Ian Linthwaite
114. Chris Davidson
115. adam tait
116. adam tait
117. Paul Mellish
118. Paul Mellish
119. Paul Mellish
120. Paul Mellish
121. Dan Carter
122. Sam Tuck
123. Anthony Barton
124. adrian villagran
125. Anthony Ciocca
126. Vincent Kwan
127. Vincent Kwan
128. Lee Davison
129. Daniel An
130. Franklin Church
131. Joseph Terrell
132. Joseph Terrell
133. simon morgan
134. David Christie
135. David Christie
136. james marchant
137. james marchant
138. nick bell
139. nick bell
140. aric levy
141. Eoin Collins
142. Eoin Collins
143. Tim Hardy
144. Daniel Kulas
145. Daniel Kulas
146. Richard Smith
147. Miguel Nietes
148. Miguel Nietes
149. Miguel Nietes
150. Jose Diaz
151. Rene Baumsteiger
152. Rene Baumsteiger
153. Stephane Gagne
154. Scott Villarino
155. Scott Villarino
156. Scott Villarino
157. Adam Bullock
158. Adam Bullock
159. Kieran O'Carroll
160. Kieran O'Carroll
161. andreas rönn
162. andreas rönn
163. JC Robinson
164. David Do
165. Caesar Quiocho
166. Adam Smith
167. Jeremiah Barrera
168. Clint Truelove
169. Claire Jervis
170. carlos granados
171. carol wood
172. Po-wai Wong
173. Po-wai Wong
174. Po-wai Wong
175. Conor Friel
176. Daniel Hinchcliffe
177. Rachel Stone
178. Rachel Stone
179. Jake Guenthardt
180. Jake Guenthardt
181. james mitchell
182. Ross McGowen
183. albert flores,jr
184. Gregory Griffiths
185. Steve Faulkes
186. Steve Faulkes
187. Jake Rupp
188. Jake Rupp
189. Daniel Guest
190. Dan Buckingham
191. Dan Buckingham
192. Jake Jankowski
193. Joey Gonzales
194. Joey Gonzales
195. Joey Gonzales
196. Wesley Stump
197. JDM Concepts
198. JDM Concepts
199. christopher johnson
200. liam case
201. William Logie
202. William Logie
203. William Logie
204. James Murray
205. James Murray
206. Ben Lewallen
207. simon anderson
208. simon anderson
209. dara cooley
210. Ben Somerville
211. Richard Dalby-Smith
212. Richard Dalby-Smith
213. Richard Dalby-Smith
214. Richard Dalby-Smith
215. Michael Cooper
216. Michael Cooper
217. Cesar Lopez
218. Doug Buttermore
219. Devin Hansen
220. Eric Morris
221. Eric Morris
222. Brian Heston
223. Brian Heston
224. Adrian Armstrong
225. Adrian Armstrong
226. Adrian Armstrong
227. Adrian Armstrong
228. Michael West
229. Michael West
230. Michael West
231. luke cummins
232. luke cummins
233. Maxine Ferro
234. Larry Munson
235. Larry Munson
236. Larry Munson
237. Larry Munson
238. Stefan Carle
239. Stefan Carle
240. james marchant
241. james marchant
243. Anthony Lye
244. glenn sakamoto
246. Vincent Timiraos
247. Vincent Timiraos
248. Frederick Fanfan
249. Salvador Sued
250. Kristopher Blanco
251. Eljohn Alaban
252. Erasmo Rios
253. Steve Miguel
254. Steve Miguel
255. anthony hyland
256. Ben Dowse
257. Michael O'Connor
258. Michael O'Connor
259. Cesar Lopez
260. Alex Kennedy
261. Alex Kennedy
262. Alex Kennedy
263. Jerry Montero
264. Morey Rabe
265. Jerry Montero
266. Jerry Montero
267. john akimoto
268. john akimoto
269. Walker Wesley
270. Walker Wesley
271. Walker Wesley



1. adrian tuazon
2. Rattle can Clothing
3. Adrian Villagran
5. Erik Elder
6. jesse bretz
7. Doug Buttermore
8. Jason (tammy) harper
9. Bryant Bustamante
10. Bryant Bustamante
11. Bryant Bustamante
12. Bryant Bustamante
13. Bryant Bustamante
14. Pierre-Olivier Bélilse
15. dara cooley
16. ty thompson
17. ty thompson
18. ty thompson
19. Amir Kilani
20. jimmy constantelos
21. Wyatt Bledsoe
22. Nick Monroe
23. Nick Monroe
24. Adrian Armstrong
25. Adrian Armstrong
26. Pierce Ward
27. louise Davenport
28. joel matthews
29. joel matthews
30. Terry Hill
31. Terry Hill
32. andrew corrigan
33. Richard Hudson
34. Norma Velazquez
35. shane browning
36. shane browning
37. lee clarke
38. lee clarke
39. anthony hyland
40. Stefan Carle
41. adam hunt
42. james bull
43. Karen Brown
44. Karen Brown
45. Karen Brown
46. Christine Denness
47. rory prior
48. Paul Mellish
49. Paul Mellish
50. Tristan Gilliland-Kunkle
51. sasa kulas
52. Jason Orozco
53. Ginger Roberts
54. Anthony Barton
55. karen melbourne-dowse
56. Tony O Brien
57. Daniel Kulas
58. Rene Baumsteiger
59. Rene Baumsteiger
60. Cory Latzke
61. Scott Curry
62. Kieran O'Carroll
63. Kieran O'Carroll
64. Adrian Tuazon
65. Adam Smith
66. Adam Smith
67. Aid Tansley
68. carol wood
69. Mario Zumbo
70. Mario Zumbo
71. Daniel Hinchcliffe
72. Daniel Hinchcliffe
73. Jake Rupp
74. Jake Rupp
75. richard serret
76. JDM Concepts
77. JDM Concepts
78. James Murray
79. James Murray
80. Ben Lewallen
81. Tyler Grimsley
82. simon anderson
83. simon anderson
84. bryant chavez
85. Michael Cooper
86. Grant Yaxley
87. Cesar Landaverde
88. luke cummins
89. luke cummins
90. Ron Cadelina
91. Stefan Carle
93. Frederick Fanfan
94. Dr Ruth Fisher
95. Eljohn Alaban
96. Ben Dowse
97. Michael O'Connor
98. Michael O'Connor
99. Michael O'Connor
100. Justin Ruiz


2. brendon shields
3. Rob Laurence
4. Jake Rupp
5. Daniel Guest
6. Dan Buckingham
7. James Murray
8. Robert Trotter
9. Barry Stevenson
10. Stefan Carle
11. Anthony Lye
12. Michael O'Connor


[email protected]

12-29-2009, 12:21 PM
ill deff get the 1st and 2nd design...ive bought enough shirts to know the great quality... :-)

12-29-2009, 12:21 PM
Nice shit, I'll buy one when i get paid here soon. I want one!

12-29-2009, 12:35 PM
hmm is the surprise sticker one we've never seen?

12-29-2009, 12:47 PM
wow these are sick. def picking up a couple

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 12:58 PM
ill deff get the 1st and 2nd design...ive bought enough shirts to know the great quality... :-)

Sounds good mang! Always the downest of the down!

Nice shit, I'll buy one when i get paid here soon. I want one!

Right on, just let me know.

hmm is the surprise sticker one we've never seen?

Lol, yes sir. Something COMPLETELY different.

wow these are sick. def picking up a couple

12-29-2009, 01:00 PM
im not missing out this time !!!! ill pick up the 1st and 2nd ones ! mayb 2 of both since this is the last time =(

12-29-2009, 01:02 PM
Can these stickers be picked up? I am local. If possible, I would like to pick up (2) UMBRELLA GIRL stickers

12-29-2009, 01:03 PM
Just orderd ZIPTIES FTW lol

12-29-2009, 01:06 PM

12-29-2009, 01:07 PM
Defiantly ordering a couple stickers tomorrow. Been waiting on these for a while.

Drift N Dragg
12-29-2009, 01:11 PM
I am 2 of the 1st and 4 of the 2nd...

12-29-2009, 01:11 PM
Already ordered! Can't wait to see what shirts you have left..

12-29-2009, 01:19 PM
just ordered mine! can't wait to get em.

12-29-2009, 01:41 PM
good thing this last until February! will order once i get paid.

12-29-2009, 01:47 PM
mike...any XXXL you might have by chance...?

12-29-2009, 01:53 PM
will be getting in on this too got a few places for these

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 02:01 PM
Bigtime guys.

And yes last time, but new designs will go hard.

As far as pick up, IT IS AVAILABLE. Just send the funds and put in the details that you will be picking them up. That way they get made and will be ready for you :)

XXXL is unlikely, I only made that size when it was ordered. But I will make a list if everything I have and put it on the site. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN.

12-29-2009, 02:14 PM
i ordered 1st and 2nd do i get a free surprise sticker?

12-29-2009, 02:14 PM
Mad mike!!! I'm glad to see you up and sellin again!!!
His stickers are top quality fo sho!!!
Mike you will have my order soon.

12-29-2009, 02:25 PM
I'm sorry but I love you. I was going hard looking for the umbrella girl one. Will order some tonight. Thanks for reprinting. :)

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 02:29 PM
i ordered 1st and 2nd do i get a free surprise sticker?

If we get up over 150 sold, you get 2 good sir! lol

Mad mike!!! I'm glad to see you up and sellin again!!!
His stickers are top quality fo sho!!!
Mike you will have my order soon.

Thanks man, really appreciate that. Glad you are picking some more stuff up.

I'm sorry but I love you. I was going hard looking for the umbrella girl one. Will order some tonight. Thanks for reprinting. :)

haha, I love you too, for ordering one.

12-29-2009, 02:45 PM
Just ordered mine :)

been waiting for these

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 02:54 PM
Just ordered mine :)

been waiting for these

On the list(s)

Real time updates lol

12-29-2009, 03:11 PM
XXXL is unlikely, I only made that size when it was ordered.

which were the ones i bought... :tardrim:

i still have the love note you put on my sticker since you couldnt get the right shirt color for me... :p

12-29-2009, 03:44 PM
payment sent for sticker 1 -2
paypal address was [email protected]


12-29-2009, 03:46 PM
Do we need to describe what we ordered if we placed the order on the jimmy up site? cuz i didnt it was kinda obvious, it described my order as,"umbrella girl" and "Jimmy up Logo".
-I ordered 1 of Jimmy Up O.G. Logo and 1 of Umbrella Girl:-) thanx

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 04:24 PM
List updated, all is wonderful. We might hit that 150 mark REAL quick lol.

12-29-2009, 05:07 PM
Hey ill take 1 OG logo and 1 umbrella girl...Ill send paypal now....

12-29-2009, 05:15 PM
Payment Sent :hsdance:

12-29-2009, 05:19 PM
ill take 6 lol. lmk gotta have this sticker!

12-29-2009, 05:35 PM
payment sent..


12-29-2009, 05:55 PM
just ordered the og logo =)
now i just have to decide on where to stick it hmm...

these are shipping out feb 15th ?

12-29-2009, 06:31 PM
payment sent for og & umbrella girl earlier today. gold flake looks awesome

12-29-2009, 06:36 PM
payment sent.

12-29-2009, 08:58 PM
Sweet! Payment sent for: 2 - OG Logo & 2 - Umbrella Girl

12-29-2009, 09:09 PM
I'm ordering 4 of each so you will be banking with me.

12-29-2009, 09:19 PM
ok mike i want a umbrella girl and zipties ftw :) and buffrat sticker

12-29-2009, 09:24 PM
Down for one ZipTiesFTW.

12-29-2009, 09:27 PM
sweeeeet lots of orders already! order more ppl i want free surprises.. lol

12-29-2009, 09:33 PM
Im gonna get one umbrella girl and one ZiptiesFTW

EDIT: money sent

12-29-2009, 10:01 PM
Super just bought thisssss lol

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 10:18 PM
Holy shit, I love you guys.

Updating the list after I eat some dinner lol. Looks like surprises are on their way for everybody :D :D :D

To answer the question: YES these will be SHIPPED on the 15th.

To the man getting 4 of each: You go hard, and I will be throwing in an extra somethin somethin along with your 12 FUCKING SURPRISES SIR!!!!! hahahaha

12-29-2009, 10:27 PM
Will it make any difference in price if we go pick it up?

Jimmy Up
12-29-2009, 10:31 PM
No sir, it only costs 42 cents for shipping... But you will have yours a few days before all the people that want them shipped. lol

ZipTie Clothing
12-29-2009, 10:38 PM
JimmyUP is my HERO!!!!!!

12-29-2009, 10:44 PM
haaa i would pick up.. buttttttt waiting for the fedex or ups guys is soo exciting lol

12-29-2009, 11:07 PM
Been waiting for these, and your site to be back up. Good shit!

Ordered two, ill get a few more later this month.

12-29-2009, 11:18 PM
To the man getting 4 of each: You go hard, and I will be throwing in an extra somethin somethin along with your 12 FUCKING SURPRISES SIR!!!!! hahahaha

The reason im getting so many is because they wont be made again and ive always wanted them. So I will have for many up coming cars in the future. And btw that just now ill order more in Jan.

12-30-2009, 12:35 AM
i'm down for 4 of 1st design.
down for local meet up for the cash?

12-30-2009, 12:59 AM
i sent payment as well...oredered 2 umbrella girls and one of the first desigs....but i think i payed for the 2 umbrella girls in the same order,,,,so that means only 2 suprise stickers for me not 3... =[

Jimmy Up
12-30-2009, 02:25 AM
DINNER IS OVER lol. List is now updated!!!

JimmyUP is my HERO!!!!!!

You sir are my hero.

haaa i would pick up.. buttttttt waiting for the fedex or ups guys is soo exciting lol

I dig that

Been waiting for these, and your site to be back up. Good shit!

Ordered two, ill get a few more later this month.

Sounds good, make sure your name is on the list :)

The reason im getting so many is because they wont be made again and ive always wanted them. So I will have for many up coming cars in the future. And btw that just now ill order more in Jan.

Preperation is the key to being cool. haha, really though, thats bigtime.

i'm down for 4 of 1st design.
down for local meet up for the cash?

This is going to be paypal ONLY, being that we are already at 48 stickers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would hate to have the funds coming in from different places and somebody not getting their order fulfilled, this way it stays in one place and organized. :) Sorry for any inconvenience though...

i sent payment as well...oredered 2 umbrella girls and one of the first desigs....but i think i payed for the 2 umbrella girls in the same order,,,,so that means only 2 suprise stickers for me not 3... =[


12-30-2009, 02:35 AM
Mike you know what sticker I want. The same one you had on your Z.

12-30-2009, 03:02 AM
so what's good with this? What details do I include after Paypal payment?

12-30-2009, 03:04 AM
just add on the note which sticker you ordered, should be a-okay after that =D

12-30-2009, 03:51 AM
^ Yeeeeee sounds good.

Waitt... do you have a sister named Vanessa?

12-30-2009, 03:52 AM
il order more after the car runs lol i want more surprises i only get one lol

any deal for a first time buyer which i am lol

12-30-2009, 07:51 AM
ordered 4 stickers :)

(2) Jimmy Up OG
(2) Umbrella girl

12-30-2009, 08:13 AM
payment is sent. cant wait to get em. Thanks alot and keep doing it big

i ordered the zipties one. i didnt note which one i ordered but i had to pick the vinyl on the website

12-30-2009, 08:15 AM
cant wait to get my stickers!!

12-30-2009, 08:16 AM
ill be getting 4 or 6

12-30-2009, 12:47 PM
I will be getting 2 umbrella girls and one ziptied. I will order tonight when I get off of work.

12-30-2009, 01:32 PM
Money sent through the site for ZipTiesFTW.

12-30-2009, 02:06 PM
Moneys sent!! :snoop:

12-30-2009, 02:41 PM
Will be ordering all 3 tomorrow afternoon :bow:

12-30-2009, 03:12 PM
^ Yeeeeee sounds good.

Waitt... do you have a sister named Vanessa?

LOOOL YEA wtf how do you know her ?

Jimmy Up
12-30-2009, 03:50 PM
NICE. I have been having troubles today with the whole internet thing today at work. BUT ITS BACK UP. Updating the list again :)

12-30-2009, 05:36 PM
You should be able to put a down payment with my order LOL just playing. Payment sent, ima do the last order in Jan.


12-30-2009, 06:50 PM
LOOOL YEA wtf how do you know her ?

hahaha! we know each other from ucr.

BTW... can we get the stickers in other colors?? :x:

12-30-2009, 06:54 PM
def picking up a few of these haha.

Jimmy Up
12-30-2009, 07:40 PM
You should be able to put a down payment with my order LOL just playing. Payment sent, ima do the last order in Jan.


THE fucking man of the day.

hahaha! we know each other from ucr.

BTW... can we get the stickers in other colors?? :x:

No sir, limited shit- There is no other material that is of this caliber, cant break it like that...

def picking up a few of these haha.

REAL nice, let me know :D


12-30-2009, 08:35 PM
haha, I love you too, for ordering one.

I ordered 4 umbrella girls and 2 O.G. with 3 different accounts but they all go to the same place.


Jimmy Up
12-30-2009, 08:45 PM
Is that already on the list? Im not seeing it on the resent update...

LET ME KNOW! And thank you.

12-30-2009, 08:51 PM
Yup, 1 Kevin Liu 2 Mendi and I just ordered 3 more from my dads account. lol

12-30-2009, 09:06 PM
Payment sent for OG logo and Umbrella Girl
-Ryan Nowicki [[email protected]]


12-30-2009, 09:06 PM
Actually I decided I would get 3 umbrella girls and 3 ZiptiesFTW instead of 2/1 since I get paid this friday and not next friday. Gladly, because im broke as it is but I want these :p

12-30-2009, 09:22 PM
just sent payment for 3 umbrellas, would of gotten different ones but i didnt want make multiple transactions at the same time/day. (only let me get one selection with the buy/add button). might get more of the other ones wen i get paid tough

12-30-2009, 09:59 PM
Just sent payment for 3 more umbrella girl stickers. i just couldnt help myself

Jimmy Up
12-30-2009, 11:21 PM
This is fucking BIGTIME. List updated. Make sure yall are on there, there is a lot coming in lol.

Jimmy Up
12-31-2009, 08:53 AM
JUst a heads up, because I received a PM about it:

Also, I am almost done with the Surprise sticker- Are we gonna hit 150 sold????

12-31-2009, 09:49 AM
I vouch for quality. Still got my chrome one on the windshield, and the umbrella girl. Mike make some in chrome. I'm sending payment for 1 of each. Mad love to JimmyUp.

12-31-2009, 09:58 AM

Jimmy Up
12-31-2009, 11:02 AM
Nice, atta baby Amir!!!

Ill be getting ahold of you for the coupe stuff, mine and yours lol.


12-31-2009, 11:23 AM
gunna pay for OG logo and Umbrella Girl,
just waiting on friends to paypal it for me.

Jimmy Up
12-31-2009, 12:00 PM
Sounds great sir :D

Past 2 days have been CRAZY (check out the list) Starting to slow a little? lol. Dont let it slow TOO much, we gotta get you guys some free surprises.

105 stickers SOLD, 45 more until SURPRISES FOR EVERYBODY.!!!!!

We dont have to stop there though... lol

12-31-2009, 12:39 PM
mark my words...

if the number sits at 145. I will buy the last 5. lol that is all.

12-31-2009, 01:10 PM
payment sent for JIMMY UP OG LOGO

12-31-2009, 02:20 PM
let do it ppl

Jimmy Up
12-31-2009, 03:54 PM
REAL nice, so I will be updating the list again tonight. :)

Remember guys, this is the LAST time these will be printed so even if you get ahold of me after and we are FAMILY, you cant get one lol

12-31-2009, 04:22 PM
paid for mine hahahahahahaha

Jimmy Up
12-31-2009, 05:31 PM
Thank you sir.

List Updated.

113 Stickers sold in total :D

12-31-2009, 09:23 PM
whats jimmy up?

01-01-2010, 05:16 AM
i'll take 2 of each, payment sent, cheers

01-01-2010, 09:52 AM
Sending money to get 4 stickers 2 of the 1st one and the other 2

01-01-2010, 10:58 AM
whats jimmy up?

Only the most G'ed up from the feet up apparel west of the mississippi. lol

h815 240sx
01-01-2010, 11:03 AM
Do these come in pairs or are these being sold as singles?

Jimmy Up
01-01-2010, 11:47 AM
whats jimmy up?
Only the most G'ed up from the feet up apparel west of the mississippi. lol

i'll take 2 of each, payment sent, cheers

Sending money to get 4 stickers 2 of the 1st one and the other 2

Thank you gentlemen.

Do these come in pairs or are these being sold as singles?

Singles sir, if they were in pairs i would be paying for you guys to get them lol. People think I make more on these then I really do, my Gold leaf rocks steady though.


01-01-2010, 12:41 PM
yeah! just sent paypal can't wait for these!!

01-01-2010, 01:33 PM
I need to order 6 more can i do that? Ordered 2 already is it easier to just paypal you it all at once instead of individually. Pm me if possible!

01-01-2010, 06:16 PM
Cmon, just order!! We are almost there!!! I will buy a few more if I really have to.

Jimmy Up
01-01-2010, 06:25 PM
Well the pre-order is lasting until Feb. 1st, lol. I think we got this one, we shall see though...

01-01-2010, 06:47 PM
Well the pre-order is lasting until Feb. 1st, lol. I think we got this one, we shall see though...

Oh shit, I kept reading jan first. LOL. Damnit. Well thats awesome!

01-01-2010, 10:50 PM
Only the most G'ed up from the feet up apparel west of the mississippi. lol
i knew that.

Jimmy Up
01-02-2010, 12:01 AM
I thought you might haha.

List updated 133, we have confirmation.

01-02-2010, 08:43 AM
Just ordered 4 and paid ;)

Ooo! My first actual post on here :ddog:

Jimmy Up
01-02-2010, 11:07 AM
Thank you sir!

SO guys...... 146 stickers sold??? I think so. REAL nice guys. Working on that freebee as we speak.

01-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Payment sent :D

Thanks for the awesome stickers man. I cant wait till your new designs come out, will probably be super bad ass as always!!!

Jimmy Up
01-02-2010, 01:19 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are clear for take off on freebee stickers.

AAAAAAYYYYEEEEEE. 156 stickers sold. So now everybody that orders is GUARANTEED to get the freebee!!!!! Go Hard!

01-02-2010, 07:43 PM
payment sent,

had shipping difficulties

01-02-2010, 08:14 PM
Payment sent - 3x Umbrella Girl.

01-02-2010, 08:40 PM
Just bought mine, can't wait :D

Jimmy Up
01-02-2010, 10:22 PM
Gotta start ripping apart the old drift car right now, I will update the list as soon as I get back inside. :D

You guys really do go hard. No bullshit.

01-02-2010, 10:53 PM
Ima get 5 of the umbrella girl w00t w00t. Ima miss that ass once its gone.

01-02-2010, 11:42 PM
cant wait
payment has been sent yoo

01-02-2010, 11:52 PM
Love these stickers just ordered mine Whoo cant wait to get them

Jimmy Up
01-03-2010, 01:57 AM
Haha, just walked back in. List is updated :D

01-03-2010, 06:04 AM
T-shirts!!! I'm too gay to stick stickers to my car :)

01-03-2010, 10:03 AM
i will be ordering mine when i get paid.

any change of a sneaky look at the new designs??

01-03-2010, 12:54 PM
woo freebies FTW!

01-03-2010, 01:41 PM
just ordered a pair :D

Jimmy Up
01-03-2010, 02:57 PM
T-shirts!!! I'm too gay to stick stickers to my car :)

Haha, tees will be up on the site tonight :D

i will be ordering mine when i get paid.

any change of a sneaky look at the new designs??

No sir, because I havent made them yet :D

Jimmy Up
01-03-2010, 04:57 PM
List updated.

I dont think Ive received one order from the US today lol. UK GOES EXTRA HARD ON THIS DAY!!!!!

01-04-2010, 04:27 AM
Will order a few more once payday comes thru.. Need to frame 1 until the next Silvia gets released.

01-04-2010, 01:41 PM
Payments sent for an (1) OG and (1) Slut

01-04-2010, 02:30 PM
jessus 245 stickers already sold...i needa buy mine...maybe by friday...

Jimmy Up
01-04-2010, 09:31 PM
Thanks guys, list is updated.

Steve, you have until the 31st brotha, take your time... unless you want to be cooler and MORE og than everybody after you on the list!!!! hahaha. jk bro jk

01-05-2010, 01:12 PM
Checked out the tees.. jus wondering are you planning to sell the S14/ Packin Heat Shirt??

01-05-2010, 01:24 PM
There is a problem with your site you don't have have XXL. Racism to the fat peeps? Do I need to call the Mayor? Do I need to write a letter to Obama? LMK.

01-05-2010, 03:22 PM
awesome PayPal funds cleared today, placed order just now! I can't wait!

update the list when you can, i want to see my name there! haha :)

karl wasabi
01-05-2010, 03:30 PM
"Bro... No way you are the real owner of Jimmy Up." hahaha!

IIRC, you owe me a couple stickers? lol.

01-05-2010, 03:48 PM
There is a problem with your site you don't have have XXL. Racism to the fat peeps? Do I need to call the Mayor? Do I need to write a letter to Obama? LMK.

i know said pain...:cry:

h815 240sx
01-05-2010, 04:17 PM
Are the shirts pre-order too? Since it only says that they won't be sold again.

01-05-2010, 04:35 PM
Thanks guys, list is updated.

Steve, you have until the 31st brotha, take your time... unless you want to be cooler and MORE og than everybody after you on the list!!!! hahaha. jk bro jk

IM just waiting till next friday...im no longer getting payed every Wednesday...now im Bi weekly...totally not legit... :squintd:

01-05-2010, 04:48 PM
just ordered my shirt.

thanks mike.

01-05-2010, 07:02 PM
i just sent you my order through paypal,

i hope we get an extra something if we get a shirt..... :naughty:

01-05-2010, 07:33 PM
#58 OG & #72 UMBRELLA for Nhien Tran,

pm'd you but yeah,
can we ship this to me instead of his house?

i can get a letter or email from him to verify if you'd like

Jimmy Up
01-05-2010, 09:16 PM
Its gonna have to be one of those "If it works out when I go to ship them, phenomenal!" but right now this is a super oiled machine system lol. And if I make an exeption, I could fuck my whole system up. I love that you ordered 2, but I would say there is a chance that in my system, I will just be pumping these things into envelopes as my paypal prints the labels out... and it is possible that the 2 ordered are going to the address they were ordered from.

I hate to sound like Im being lazy, but I am a 1 man army here, trying to keep it as simple as possible for myself to keep everybody pleased :D

RP El Fresco
01-05-2010, 10:56 PM
2 og logo 2 umbrella girl 2 ziep tie ftw

01-06-2010, 02:58 AM
wish them shirts were 2xl id get some and more stickers lol

01-06-2010, 05:26 AM
Are the shirts pre-order too? Since it only says that they won't be sold again.

If you go to the site and look at the shirts, the details say that they are in stock and ship out the next day.

i just ordered 2 shirts for myself

01-06-2010, 05:28 AM
Its gonna have to be one of those "If it works out when I go to ship them, phenomenal!" but right now this is a super oiled machine system lol. And if I make an exeption, I could fuck my whole system up. I love that you ordered 2, but I would say there is a chance that in my system, I will just be pumping these things into envelopes as my paypal prints the labels out... and it is possible that the 2 ordered are going to the address they were ordered from.

I hate to sound like Im being lazy, but I am a 1 man army here, trying to keep it as simple as possible for myself to keep everybody pleased :D

I am a dumbass and made 2 different sticker orders. if it would be easier for you to put all of mine in the same envelope then that's totally cool with me. all of them are to the same paypal address.

h815 240sx
01-06-2010, 09:36 AM
thanks double. missed it.

Jimmy Up
01-06-2010, 12:05 PM
Thanks for helpin each other out here. Yes I currently am not running pre-orders on shirts, I am updating the website with the inventory I do have today. I DID find a few XXL's :D So that will be up by tonight, I am sick today so I called in and I have the whole day to sleep and work on the website. lol

Contact me if there are any questions.

01-06-2010, 12:32 PM
What are the sizes like with the tshirts, quite loose or tight? Wish there was some of the old s14 ones left :(

h815 240sx
01-06-2010, 01:00 PM
I jut got the unfortunate news from pay pal that your out of mediums in all colors. Since thats the case will you now start taking pre orders or was that the one run and done?

01-06-2010, 02:16 PM
alright its cool,
i just wanted my stickers asap,

and if you need help,
im down to help for some stickers

Jimmy Up
01-06-2010, 07:35 PM
What are the sizes like with the tshirts, quite loose or tight? Wish there was some of the old s14 ones left :(

I have been telling everybody from another country to maybe post up and see from someone that has purchased a shirt from me, as I have NO idea what clothing fits like over there and have shipped quite a few shirts to the UK... Maybe check out DW???

I jut got the unfortunate news from pay pal that your out of mediums in all colors. Since thats the case will you now start taking pre orders or was that the one run and done?

Apologies but Jimmy Up does not do reprints... But I did find ONE MEDIUM!!!!! as well as a couple XL Umbrella girls, they fell behind my shelves.

alright its cool,
i just wanted my stickers asap,

and if you need help,
im down to help for some stickers

I got it, lol. I have to admit though... this got a little more intense than I expected lol. ITS ALL GRAVY though, I love that this many people want to rock Jimmy Up and I want to thank all of you.

List is updated!!!

01-07-2010, 02:13 AM
payment sent for umbrella girl.


Jimmy Up
01-07-2010, 03:06 PM
Your name, as well as some others, have been added to the list :D

01-07-2010, 04:05 PM
if you find anymore mediums behind the shelves in the "zip ties ftw" shirt lmk.

i will be ordering another set of stickers as well on the 20th of this month : )

01-07-2010, 10:05 PM
You sir have a PM! I'm dumb, I know... Sorry :/

Jimmy Up
01-08-2010, 10:18 AM
PM replied, and also:

I will no longer be able to respond to pm's/ questions from work, I will answer all as soon as I get home though, so still same day response, just not with the ultra quickness lol...

01-08-2010, 04:05 PM
Got two more, Sweet your shirts are up! I'm going to have to cop a few before school starts, fuck books!!

01-08-2010, 05:14 PM
^^^ LOLOL yeah fuck books bro, who needs them when you can buy a sweet jimmy up shirt and look like a boss in class!

01-08-2010, 06:13 PM
OK, so decals are on final run, but shirts are still going to be sold normally?

Jimmy Up
01-09-2010, 09:49 AM
Shirts are being sold as whatever I have left in stock is getting sold and then I will be producing more designs, no reprints, kinda the same thing lol.

JayDee M Rolly
01-09-2010, 03:41 PM
where are the XXL's at?

Jimmy Up
01-10-2010, 02:05 PM
They will be updated today. Keep an eye open :D

01-10-2010, 02:15 PM
What a teaser.

Jimmy Up
01-10-2010, 06:25 PM
Haha, NO more teasing. All shirts are now on the site!!!

It looks like I have 2X's in Fancy Shmancy, Zipties FTW (Purple), and 2 of the S14 shirts. But there are only like 1 of each, so as soon as I see one is sold I will edit the button and take it off. :D

01-11-2010, 12:02 AM
Just sent payment for OG Logo and Zip Ties FTW. Copped a Zip Ties FTW t too.
good shit.

Jimmy Up
01-11-2010, 02:26 PM
Very cool. I will be updating the list tonight around 9 pm :D Shirt is going out this evening

01-11-2010, 03:07 PM
Legittt, I was hoping to get some more. I'll be sending a payment soon mike.

01-11-2010, 04:09 PM
i'm gonna get some. but i'm gonna wait till my next check comes in.

Jimmy Up
01-11-2010, 10:03 PM
Sounds good gentleman, hit me up if you have any questions :D

Spencer dougherty
01-12-2010, 10:24 PM
im in!!! drop by sometime!!

Jimmy Up
01-13-2010, 12:30 AM
Hell yea, will do Spencer. Its been a while.

List updated, shirts from tonight going out tomorrow. Had quite a few shirts go out today.

Freebies are designed and being priced now :D I should have 1000 of them soon enough lol

01-13-2010, 12:38 AM
Payment sent through your site for 1 Umbrella Girl sticker. :]

EDIT: Wait, are you sold out on the red 180SX tee in medium? Lol I got a little confused reading all these posts. I'm slow at times. Ha. Cuz I really want a tee. :]

EDIT x2: Well, I just placed an order for a red 180SX tee in medium. Cheers!

01-13-2010, 01:07 AM
payment sent on Umbrella Girl and Og logo !

Jimmy Up
01-13-2010, 01:26 AM
Both of you are on the list :D

Ands as far as shirts, ANYTHING that is offered on the site is available :D

01-13-2010, 02:13 AM
radd. When should I expect my cool tee? hah.

Jimmy Up
01-13-2010, 02:15 AM
Shipping out tomorrow morning should be to you Friday over there in SD sir.

01-13-2010, 02:23 AM
Positive rating for you good sir!

01-13-2010, 02:54 AM
man the list has gotten big since i last checked it

Jimmy Up
01-13-2010, 10:22 AM
Yea, only got a couple more weeks to get on these, and then no more- forever. New designs are lookin pretty hard though :D

01-13-2010, 11:09 AM
payment sent..but the shipping address is wrong.
[email protected]

01-13-2010, 11:18 AM
i wonder what the new design is gonna look like, hopefully more sexy booty.

01-13-2010, 02:09 PM
I'm hoping for boobies!! ^^

01-13-2010, 02:45 PM
do i have to pay for each sticker separately or if im ordering more than 1 of each type can i change the quantity?

Jimmy Up
01-13-2010, 04:18 PM
i wonder what the new design is gonna look like, hopefully more sexy booty.

Hey me too!

I'm hoping for boobies!! ^^


payment sent..but the shipping address is wrong.
[email protected]

Ok, I will refund the order. Just send it again with the correct address in the memo. I have too many orders to keep track of addresses in my pm's, I hate to make it more complicated for you, but if its not done this way it will probably go to the wrong address...

do i have to pay for each sticker separately or if im ordering more than 1 of each type can i change the quantity?

Each sticker has to be ordered seperately to keep it organized, but you can order any quantity of each (the most Ive seen at once is 10) :D

I will be answering pm's right now too. Thanks guys!

01-14-2010, 06:55 AM
just ordered 2 logo 2 zipties and 1 umbrella girl

Jimmy Up
01-14-2010, 11:04 AM
Thank you sir :D

List updated

01-14-2010, 06:05 PM
Ordered 1 OG logo and 1 Zipties ftw last week :bigok:

01-15-2010, 05:19 PM
Nevermind. Just got it. Looks great! Thanks.

EDIT: I think I'm gonna order another shirt... Really cool. lol

01-15-2010, 06:12 PM
got my T today!
Thanks bro

01-15-2010, 06:32 PM
1 umbrella girl and 1 OG logo ordered today...

01-15-2010, 09:00 PM
i havne't checked this thread in a quick minute...

Man, you made a fucking KILLING!

Cant wait for my stuff. Btw... Am I getting a shirt? I don't even understand how that works :duh:

Jimmy Up
01-16-2010, 08:59 AM
Glad you guys are getting your shirts!

Lightsource, people who are buying shirts off of the website are getting shirts. So if you bought one, its on its way :D

Jimmy Up
01-17-2010, 02:20 PM

list updated. Shirts are shipped :D

01-17-2010, 05:16 PM
i like how 150 stickers seemed like a lot and now you've EXPLODED

Jimmy Up
01-17-2010, 07:58 PM
Haha, its the last chance to get em!

The freebie stickers are getting delivered to my house on wednesday so that when the pre-order is done, I am DAMN ready to get down to shipping. :D

I ordered 1000, justy in case!!! hahaha

01-17-2010, 08:35 PM
haha maybe if there are some left we can get multiple ones hahaha

Jimmy Up
01-17-2010, 08:44 PM
Haha, they werent as cheap as I thought they would be, so whatever is left will go up for sale for a couple bucks each. Just to try to make the money back...

But if you would like multiple ones, you are more than welcome to pick up multiple stickers, one freebie for each :D

01-17-2010, 10:18 PM
im so stoked!! im thinkin about taking all my decals off just so these will stand out more than they already will.

thanks for the sweet product man. if the 14 shirts were a zenki id be all over one, but its not so oh well maybe next time.

01-18-2010, 07:15 PM
Just ordered an OG Logo sticker. hah

Jimmy Up
01-18-2010, 11:46 PM
Nice guys, list is completely up to date :D

01-20-2010, 08:14 AM
Hey Mike,

I just got 2 emails from paypal the other day confirming the payments went through... Give me an update!


01-20-2010, 10:53 AM
Nice guys, list is completely up to date :D
i got paid today!!! buying round 2!
whats shirts do you still have in Medium?

Jimmy Up
01-20-2010, 11:04 AM
Hey Mike,

I just got 2 emails from paypal the other day confirming the payments went through... Give me an update!


Ok, pm me your email. I have to verify one other persons as well tonight. I will shoot you a confirmation pm on here tonight as well :D

i got paid today!!! buying round 2!
whats shirts do you still have in Medium?

NICE, everything on jimmyup.com that is listed is available. :D

Jimmy Up
01-21-2010, 11:16 AM
List updated!!!

Also, very proud to announce that the new Jimmy Up logo is done as of 2am (no previews) I am going to get it priced out today as it is going to be more than one layer... :D

01-21-2010, 12:33 PM
List updated!!!

Also, very proud to announce that the new Jimmy Up logo is done as of 2am (no previews) I am going to get it priced out today as it is going to be more than one layer... :D

You're getting me tempted for this new one too! haha.. So want that windshield banner sticker :(

Jimmy Up
01-21-2010, 01:29 PM
lol, wait til you see it ;)

01-22-2010, 06:39 PM
Hey man, I sent you a PM already with my email address...

The transaction has cleared 3 days ago and I'm still listed as pending :/

Jimmy Up
01-22-2010, 06:54 PM

01-23-2010, 12:37 AM
No problem!

I know... eChecks are kinda dumb... May be I should get a credit card in the future? LOL... Sorry! :P

01-23-2010, 01:11 AM
I manned up and bought a couple. Payment sent to the italian stallion ;)

Jimmy Up
01-23-2010, 10:47 AM
haha, REAL nice- List is now updated. I am shipping out shirts from yesterday and todays orders and then I will update the website. Stock on the shirts is getting dented now lol. And know that these will never be printed again....

Jimmy Up
01-25-2010, 08:15 PM


01-25-2010, 09:18 PM

i can't wait

01-25-2010, 09:45 PM
aww snap i can't wait man haha.

Jimmy Up
01-25-2010, 09:49 PM
Super stoked as well, this is going super smoothly and Im glad I dont have to ship out 500 stickers all at once lol.

GET YOUR ORDERS IN GUYS, THESE ARE ALREADY SHIPPING AND ALL WILL BE SHIPPED BY THE 15th, most of them before though. The sooner you order, the sooner they go out. ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-25-2010, 10:48 PM
=] wooot wooot

Jimmy Up
01-25-2010, 11:28 PM



Get it on this page too lol

01-26-2010, 12:05 AM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeees. Do they go by the order on the list?

Jimmy Up
01-26-2010, 02:26 AM
Yes sir. First orders are the first to go. Will post tomorrow which ones have been shipped out :D

01-26-2010, 03:18 AM
Oh snap! Hopefully I make the cut for the first ones! Cant wait to see the freebie! But whoever gets them first, dont ruin the surprise and show the freebie.

01-26-2010, 04:15 AM
woop woop cant wait to get my stickers:D

Jimmy Up
01-26-2010, 08:46 AM
Oh snap! Hopefully I make the cut for the first ones! Cant wait to see the freebie! But whoever gets them first, dont ruin the surprise and show the freebie.

WORD! Although the freebie is not a big deal, it is a surprise, and surprises are fun. Lol. Let everybody enjoy their own!

01-26-2010, 09:30 AM
gonna order mine today

Jimmy Up
01-26-2010, 10:18 AM
Very cool. Names in grey are shipped going out today :D

01-26-2010, 01:47 PM
payment sent for 1 sticker (: thanks for the dope ass stickers man! (::bow:

Jimmy Up
01-26-2010, 04:44 PM
Your welcome. :D

Just picked up 52 more umbrella girls so I will be shipping out a good amount of orders tomorrow morning. All shirt orders from today will also go out tomorrow morning.

ALSO, thanks to everybodys support I went ahead and upgraded my website plan so I now will have 10 pages on there instead of 4 (shits weak) and Jimmy Up is also going to be sponsoring a few US amatuer drift teams as these teams go ridiculously hard and represent the fun and excitement that drifting should really be about. Names will be released on the website next month.

Jimmy Up T.I.T.S. aka Team Invitational Tandem Showdown will be ready to go for THIS SUMMER. Get your whips ready, its about to go down!!!!

01-26-2010, 05:35 PM
Put me down for one of the safe sex ones. I'm sending out the payment tonight, going to be a few days till the cash clears as it's coming from my bank account through PayPal. Thanks alot. :)

Jimmy Up
01-26-2010, 05:56 PM
JUST A HEADS UP! Due to the upgrade, the site is down right now. Will be up in no time according to godaddy... Sorry guys.

01-26-2010, 09:25 PM
Payment sent!

01-26-2010, 10:15 PM

01-27-2010, 12:40 AM
damn i already got my shirts! these threads are freakin dope!

Jimmy Up
01-27-2010, 02:04 AM
Good news: Website is back up and with no lame godaddy banner now :D

WHACK news:
Give it a couple more days guys. Still very early from the schedule but the freebies were supposed to get here today and now we are looking at thursday. Apologies for getting everybody amped up. The black square in the picture is an empty spot on the table. I will get them thursday and since I have that day off of work all the orders I have stickers for will go out. So for the first orders be expecting them early next week. Sorry guys, who woulda thunk it would be the freebies holding us back...

ALSO: List is now updated, everybody in GREY is in an envelope and on thursday tehy will be shipped out.

01-27-2010, 10:24 AM
Thanks for the update and can't wait to get them. Looking forward to next week, I'm in the first group to ship out. Question...is everybody's surprise sticker the same?

Jimmy Up
01-27-2010, 01:49 PM
Yes sir, they are like bumper stickers :D

01-27-2010, 02:42 PM
For the first order do up 60? lol.

01-27-2010, 02:52 PM
i just placed an order

Jimmy Up
01-27-2010, 07:54 PM
For the first order do up 60? lol.

Im not quite sure I understand...

i just placed an order

Big time, list will be updated tonight :D

ALSO- site will be updated a little tonight.

01-27-2010, 10:58 PM
Woooord. I'm totally sending money for an Umbrella Girl right now. I gotta have me one now.

01-28-2010, 01:51 AM



Get it on this page too lol

i was like number 2 lol so does that mean i get mine lol i go an empty spot on my window needs love damnit

Jimmy Up
01-28-2010, 02:44 AM
As long as your name is in grey it is going out tomorrow. FUCK THE SCHEDULE!!!!! haha. But really, Im glad I can get you guys these stickers early, its gonna be a good year for Jimmy Up

01-28-2010, 08:02 AM
awesome mine is getting shipped today which is my birthday haha, awesome timing

Jimmy Up
01-28-2010, 09:20 AM
Happy Birthday man! Wish it could be getting to you on your birthday... lol

Jimmy Up
01-28-2010, 04:01 PM
Just picked up the Freebies!!!! All orders in grey going out today :D

01-28-2010, 04:06 PM
Sweet! Cant wait!

01-28-2010, 04:38 PM
Fuck dude you made a killing. Haha. Ordered another shirt right now. ;-)

01-28-2010, 07:50 PM
w00t w00t, at last got my internet fixed and could order 2 girls...
can't wait to see what's new this year!!

Jimmy Up
01-28-2010, 08:52 PM
Right on guys. Got some more shipping getting ready for tomorrow. Some more black names will go grey by morning lol

01-28-2010, 10:37 PM
i sent my order through the site a day or two ago did you recieve it?

Jimmy Up
01-28-2010, 11:33 PM
lol, Youre going to have to be a tad bit more specific sir...

01-29-2010, 12:46 AM
For the first order (Jimmy up) vinyls your only doing up to number 43 and you see my name Bryant Bustamante is a couple down if you can complete the list up to the number 60 it would BALLA!

Jimmy Up
01-29-2010, 02:45 PM
lol. Im picking up some more stickers tonight. SOON sir SOON!!!

Jimmy Up
01-30-2010, 01:48 AM
LIST UPDATED. I have some more stickers to package over the weekend and get out on Monday.


01-30-2010, 01:52 AM
I love these stickers!!

Can't wait to represent ~

01-30-2010, 01:54 AM
SO glad I ordered an Umbrella girl. Good luck with your new designs, I'm sure I'll buy them.