View Full Version : White Entertainment Television

LimeLite Racing
12-28-2009, 04:24 PM
If everyone is created equal, why is this such a big deal? There's BET, and if WET is offensive, why isn't BET offensive?
The Spoof : Minorities Upset About New Cable TV Network: White Entertainment Television (WET) funny satire story (http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s4i9233)

LimeLite Racing
12-28-2009, 04:26 PM
EDIT: Cancel that.

12-28-2009, 04:32 PM
that made my day...lol so much win...

LimeLite Racing
12-28-2009, 04:34 PM
that made my day...lol so much win...

Lol I like all the usage of such words as "Gringo, Honky, Etc.." in the article. Shit's funny.

12-28-2009, 07:44 PM
I need to find out what channel this is on direct TV

12-29-2009, 01:06 PM
Just goes to show how ignorant those minorities really are and how they're more racist then they will ever admit.

12-29-2009, 01:36 PM
lol that was pretty damned funny.

12-29-2009, 01:54 PM
Just goes to show how ignorant those minorities really are and how they're more racist then they will ever admit.


Racism is in every race. Period.

What I hate is how it's a great thing to express a level of pride to be black, asian, arab etc... As long as you don't do the same if you're white...

That's just something you should be ashamed of. /sarcasm.

12-29-2009, 01:58 PM
That article is a joke...

12-29-2009, 02:17 PM
That article is a joke...

WET-TV - White Entertainment Television - the answer to BET! (http://www.wet-tv.com/)


Fake or not, you know that's how it would play out.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 02:24 PM
wet-tv - white entertainment television - the answer to bet! (http://www.wet-tv.com/)


Fake or not, you know that's how it would play out.

lmao! Yes!!!!!!

12-29-2009, 04:21 PM
I know it's a joke and I laughed at it... I just agree with cc4usmc. Think about the reaction if someone did start up something like a WET station.

Think about the reaction if someone started up some kind of fund etc. to help only disadvantaged and/or underprivileged white high school students get into college.

I'm just sick to death of the whole attitude that only white people can be racist and it's only our problem. FWIW where I live has a lot of racial issues so excuse the rant. haha

12-29-2009, 04:30 PM
i thought mtv was already the white channel loljk

12-29-2009, 04:35 PM
^ As far as the race issues go, I'd venture to say that a lot less of it is due to just the color of ones skin like it used to back in the days of Ann Atwater and MLKjr. I think more of it now is due to the attitude and actions of those "minorities", and the fact that they have no respect for the advances they've made.

Moon Ill
12-29-2009, 04:37 PM
In for the controversy.

I'm in love with a girl whose father dislikes what I am and says it's wrong to associate with my kind.

12-29-2009, 04:41 PM
In for the controversy.

I'm in love with a girl whose father dislikes what I am and says it's wrong to associate with my kind.

Sorry to hear that

Moon Ill
12-29-2009, 04:53 PM
It's alright. She likes me back, though he will probably disown her if we were to advance the relationship to where I'd like it to be.

I think both the a large group of the minority and a large group of the majority do not recognize the underlying social infrastructure and thereby shape their perception superficially to fit what they believe to be true.

Education changes all things, however it only educates us to what we are willing to believe. The dynamic nature of culture vs the arrogant inertia human belief will forever cause issues like this.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 05:32 PM
It's alright. She likes me back, though he will probably disown her if we were to advance the relationship to where I'd like it to be.

I think both the a large group of the minority and a large group of the majority do not recognize the underlying social infrastructure and thereby shape their perception superficially to fit what they believe to be true.

Education changes all things, however it only educates us to what we are willing to believe. The dynamic nature of culture vs the arrogant inertia human belief will forever cause issues like this.

Well said.

12-29-2009, 05:36 PM
.....though he will probably disown her if we were to advance the relationship.....

then he is a terrible father. parents are supposed to be supportive of their children, not cast them out because they believe something the child is doing is wrong.

12-29-2009, 05:38 PM
so much going on in this thread. hmm.
-"the spoof" may be the worst "lol fake news we're the onion" site i've ever seen
-the "wet-tv" website looks like it was designed by somebody's grandma in 1996

i guess what i'm really saying is, if you don't speak american you can get out

12-29-2009, 05:48 PM
that's pretty good. something i've never understood. why hasn't NAACP not changed their name? i imagine if i were to call a black person, a colored person, i would be called a racist.


12-29-2009, 05:58 PM
a better question: why does BET bother you? why does the NAACP's name bother you?

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 06:02 PM
BET bothers me because there aren't ever any white people on it.

12-29-2009, 06:05 PM
a better question: why does BET bother you? why does the NAACP's name bother you?

it's not the name that bothers me. it's the double standard that does.


12-29-2009, 06:06 PM
it's not the name that bothers me. it's the double standard that does.


i'm sure it's heritage more than anything.

12-29-2009, 06:10 PM
i'm sure it's heritage more than anything.

And white people don't have heritage? If anything, we need A WET and A NAAWP.

12-29-2009, 06:24 PM
If anything, we need A WET
apparently you're not familiar with TNN (Spike now) and CMT

And white people don't have heritage?

what does this have to do with the NAACP not changing its name? where did i say that? where did anyone say that?

12-29-2009, 06:28 PM
LOL Chris Rock said it: Who's more racist, white people or black people? Black people cause they hate black people too!

Not pointing the finger at black people cause filipinos hate on other filipinos all day long. There is good and bad in every race. Hate has no color lines.

Hate is also trying to get away with a double standard. That was funny btw :)

12-29-2009, 06:37 PM
apparently you're not familiar with TNN (Spike now) and CMT

what does this have to do with the NAACP not changing its name? where did i say that? where did anyone say that?

I think you're missing the point here, and that is there is a double standard. TNN/Spike and CMT might focus on entertaining white people, but it doesn't flat out say that. BET = Black Entertainment Television. Same with the NAACP. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. If you were to replace black or colored people with white, there would be trouble.

what does this have to do with the NAACP not changing its name? where did i say that? where did anyone say that?

Yeah, I had a little brain fart on that post. So you're saying that they want to keep the "colored" part to acknowledge/remember their heritage?

12-29-2009, 07:08 PM
the NAACP has been around since 1909, well before the civil rights movement. it's just the name, and they haven't changed it. i really don't see the problem. my buddy works for an organization called ARC, which stands for Association for Retarded Citizens. "retarded" is not the preferred nomenclature, but that's just their name.

i don't think that there being a "black" channel is an issue. African Americans are a minority in this country and deal with different issues than whites.
i'm more annoyed my Telemundo, which doesn't even broadcast in the language of my country.

12-29-2009, 07:31 PM
it's just the name That's just it! It's just a name. No matter what nomenclature you use, colored people or black, it's just a name. The double standard comes into play when white people would be condemned for creating a NAAWP.

i really don't see the problem. I think it is a problem. These days, we're all about being politically correct. If I was a black guy, I think I would rather have a name that recognizes the advances made by changing to a more appropriate name. Honestly, I think they should change the name to National Association for the Equality of Black People because that's all I see it as. How can you say National Association for the Advancement of Colored People when you don't even recognize the advancement in the name?

i don't think that there being a "black" channel is an issue.
I don't know how else to explain it to you. I'm not really good and taking my thoughts and turning them into typed sentences, so I apologize for that lol.

Let me ask you a question. Why do you think there is racial hatred and racial discrimination towards black people today?

12-29-2009, 07:41 PM
a better question: why does BET bother you? why does the NAACP's name bother you?

Alright. What's wrong with BET?

First of all it is absolute garbage and trash. Mindless uneducated stereotypical black people furthering the denegration of the hard work that countless of other african americans struggled for. Ever watch the Boondocks episode where MLK comes back? Yeah well that episode is truth. If he was alive he would shake his head all the stupid retarded shit that black people do. There's no arguing about that.

Chains?? Willing wearing chains and bracelets as a sign of opulence? Quite the contrary to what they were originally intended for. Early hip hop/rap artists used chains (i.e bike chains think chuck D Public enemy) wore them to remind them of their roots (no pun intended).

CMT is a freaking COUNTRY MUSIC CHANNEL no COMPARISON. BET's mission statement was to be the voice of black America and educate it's "people" CMT, spike nor any other channel made such a mission statement. So your point is moot. Furthermore...creating a race based television channel creates a double standard. If one should be able to have their own channel why not others? Didn't african american leaders struggle for equality?


P.S- I am black. More specifically nigerian. And if you wanna talk about racism, talk about Blacks vs. Africans.

12-29-2009, 07:43 PM
Mindless uneducated stereotypical black people furthering the denegration of the hard work that countless of other african americans struggled for. Ever watch the Boondocks episode where MLK comes back? Yeah well that episode is truth. If he was alive he would shake his head all the stupid retarded shit that black people do. There's no arguing about that. And CMT is a freaking COUNTRY MUSIC CHANNEL no COMPARISON. BET's mission statement was to be the voice of black America and educate it's "people" CMT, spike nor any other channel made such a mission statement. So your point is moot. Furthermore...creating a race based television channel creates a double standard. If one should be able to have their own channel why not others? Didn't african american leaders struggle for equality?

I fucking love you lol.

Want crime to go down? Ban rap lol. After all, it promotes drug dealing, cop killing, bustin caps in your enemies,racism, slappin girls etc etc.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 07:48 PM
Alright. What's wrong with BET?

First of all it is absolute garbage and trash. Mindless uneducated stereotypical black people furthering the denegration of the hard work that countless of other african americans struggled for. Ever watch the Boondocks episode where MLK comes back? Yeah well that episode is truth. If he was alive he would shake his head all the stupid retarded shit that black people do. There's no arguing about that.

Chains?? Willing wearing chains and bracelets as a sign of opulence? Quite the contrary to what they were originally intended for. Early hip hop/rap artists used chains (i.e bike chains think chuck D Public enemy) wore them to remind them of their roots (no pun intended).

CMT is a freaking COUNTRY MUSIC CHANNEL no COMPARISON. BET's mission statement was to be the voice of black America and educate it's "people" CMT, spike nor any other channel made such a mission statement. So your point is moot. Furthermore...creating a race based television channel creates a double standard. If one should be able to have their own channel why not others? Didn't african american leaders struggle for equality?


P.S- I am black. More specifically nigerian. And if you wanna talk about racism, talk about Blacks vs. Africans.

You make a great point. Intelligently said.

12-29-2009, 07:51 PM
That's just it! It's just a name. No matter what nomenclature you use, colored people or black, it's just a name. The double standard comes into play when white people would be condemned for creating a NAAWP.

I think it is a problem. These days, we're all about being politically correct. If I was a black guy, I think I would rather have a name that recognizes the advances made by changing to a more appropriate name. Honestly, I think they should change the name to National Association for the Equality of Black People because that's all I see it as. How can you say National Association for the Advancement of Colored People when you don't even recognize the advancement in the name?

I don't know how else to explain it to you. I'm not really good and taking my thoughts and turning them into typed sentences, so I apologize for that lol.

Let me ask you a question. Why do you think there is racial hatred and racial discrimination towards black people today?

The reason there is resentment is because no matter how you much you give "them" something they want more they are felt they are "owed" it. And I'm not trying to make "them" out to be bad or anything, but I grew up in the suburbs my whole life EXCEPT for my early years when I lived in Baltimore, MD around John Hopkins (ever heard of the show the wire? that's damn near how my neighborhood was). I've watched my parents come from another country, and used their minds to make it. You wanna talk about rags to riches, try a village in Nigeria to a $800k home off of the Mainline in Pa. And you want to tell me the system is working against you?

Maybe if you valued a book more than a rap cd. Maybe if you valued your history more than your music, maybe if you saw yourself as a human being and not "black" you would understand. So pull your damn pants up, shut the fuck up and ask more of yourself instead of the man!

Sorry for the rant, but this shit gets on my nerves. BET is the worst channel ever.

I fucking love you lol.

Want crime to go down? Ban rap lol. After all, it promotes drug dealing, cop killing, bustin caps in your enemies,racism, slappin girls etc etc.

The problem is if you ban it more people will listen and what fuels the rap industry isn't even urban consumerism, it's SUBURBAN consumerism. Music is a reflection of societal ideologies. If society believes it, it will support it therefore media will take it and make money with it.

You want crime to go down put more money into education. Stop paying entertainers millions. They don't do that much for society. I don't see why the guy in the lab who is working on a cure for cancer should be less celebrated than Lady Gaga or 50 cent for putting out the best album of the year. So what? You had your voice digitized and created a hypnotic tune....congrat u fucking lations you made another Karaoke track.

Rap is trash i will admit. I say support hip hop, it's educated and has a message. The more you support it the more rap will lose steam. Hell a war has been raised against rap by hip hop artist.

12-29-2009, 07:58 PM
The ban the rap thing was kinda of a joke, I mean, I wouldn't mind, but I know that it wouldn't solve anything. But I agree, all the entertainers out there make a lot more then they should. Even athletes.

But then, you don't think rap makes young kids believe that's what they've got to do to make something of themselves? Like you said "Maybe if you valued a book more than a rap cd. Maybe if you valued your history more than your music".

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 08:01 PM
The reason there is resentment is because no matter how you much you give "them" something they want more they are felt they are "owed" it. And I'm not trying to make "them" out to be bad or anything, but I grew up in the suburbs my whole life EXCEPT for my early years when I lived in Baltimore, MD around John Hopkins. I've watched my parents come from another country, and used their minds to make it. You wanna talk about rags to riches, try a village in Nigeria to a $800k home off of the Mainline in Pa. And you want to tell me the system is working against you?

Maybe if you valued a book more than a rap cd. Maybe if you valued your history more than your music, maybe if you saw yourself as a human being and not "black" you would understand. So pull your damn pants up, shut the fuck up and ask more of yourself instead of the man!

Sorry for the rant, but this shit gets on my nerves. BET is the worst channel ever.

I agree to the fullest.

What bothers me is my black friend(s) getting harassed by other blacks for hanging out with SHARP skins. A majority of the racism just comes from straight ignorance.

I have to start a new thread about SHARPs, punks, and getting harassed by new skins and ignorance next. I think that will draw as much attention as this thread, unfortunately it won't have any impact on the world as much as I try.

If we all take a stand towards not stereotyping every white man calling a black man "black" as racist or having our own television show, or a month devoted to our heritage and the great things white people have done, we could make a difference, but there's always going to be upset that I just said "black" so many times in this post by SOMEONE.

The world needs to take the first step.... We need WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION.

12-29-2009, 08:01 PM
The ban the rap thing was kinda of a joke, I mean, I wouldn't mind, but I know that it wouldn't solve anything. But I agree, all the entertainers out there make a lot more then they should. Even athletes.

Oh i know, but still. I think people just need to go back to beating their kids. lol as bad as that sounds. Some kids just need to be brought within an inch of their life to see the light.

Don't get me started on sports.....School yard games taken to an extreme.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 08:04 PM
The ban the rap thing was kinda of a joke, I mean, I wouldn't mind, but I know that it wouldn't solve anything. But I agree, all the entertainers out there make a lot more then they should. Even athletes.

But then, you don't think rap makes young kids believe that's what they've got to do to make something of themselves? Like you said "Maybe if you valued a book more than a rap cd. Maybe if you valued your history more than your music".
Rap is shit these days. It's all platinum plated on the outside, but hollow on the inside. The only message it's spreading is typical escalade on 24's, or like you said, beatin' ho's. I think that they should ban rap that spreads the wrong message to kids.

12-29-2009, 08:07 PM
I agree to the fullest.

What bothers me is my black friend(s) getting harassed by other blacks for hanging out with SHARP skins. A majority of the racism just comes from straight ignorance.

I have to start a new thread about SHARPs, punks, and getting harassed by new skins and ignorance next. I think that will draw as much attention as this thread, unfortunately it won't have any impact on the world as much as I try.

If we all take a stand towards not stereotyping every white man calling a black man "black" as racist or having our own television show, or a month devoted to our heritage and the great things white people have done, we could make a difference, but there's always going to be upset that I just said "black" so many times in this post by SOMEONE.

The world needs to take the first step.... We need WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION.

haha Dude....i'm black...like dark lol....I listen to megadeth, slayer, slipknot, korn, pantera, chevelle, 311, nightwish, angra, evanescence, metallica, Iron maiden, judas priest, and etc......I also listen to motown, eric clapton, MJ and etc.

I'm well spoken, articulate and educated.....and all my life I've been called white. And ya know what.....fuck em lol I get into situations they could only dream of. I've had doors open that never would have if i decided to be "black". I've been told "you don't know your roots" and I ask em if that's so what part of africa are you from? Oh that's right you came on a boat by force and you don't know. Or I ask em If I'm white how come when I go to Africa they don't look at me funny?

Dude fuck em, those type of people are miserable and don't understand what the human experience is about til their ignorance comes crashing down on them in a drug overdose or a hail of bullets. Funny enough these are the same people who will hail you as a king if you do something great because "YOURE A BLACK MAN" yeah.....

Perfect example......people said Barack Obama wasn't black enough (not talking politics just the situation). He doesn't know the struggles of a black man and etc....now what is the black community shouting??

Rap is shit these days. It's all platinum plated on the outside, but hollow on the inside. The only message it's spreading is typical escalade on 24's, or like you said, beatin' ho's. I think that they should ban rap that spreads the wrong message to kids.

Rap and hip hop are two different entities. Rap is the make believe world where every one is Noreaga and has a cartel.

Hip hop is the voice of the disenchanted people who want to be heard.

I'm probably gonna get called an uncle "you know what" for my posts.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 08:12 PM
haha Dude....i'm black...like dark lol....I listen to megadeth, slayer, slipknot, korn, pantera, chevelle, 311, nightwish, angra, evanescence, metallica, Iron maiden, judas priest, and etc......I also listen to motown, eric clapton, MJ and etc.

I'm well spoken, articulate and educated.....and all my life I've been called white. And ya know what.....fuck em lol I get into situations they could only dream of. I've had doors open that never would have if i decided to be "black". I've been told "you don't know your roots" and I ask em if that's so what part of africa are you from? Oh that's right you came on a boat by force and you don't know. Or I ask em If I'm white how come when I go to Africa they don't look at me funny?

Dude fuck em, those type of people are miserable and don't understand what the human experience is about til their ignorance comes crashing down on them in a drug overdose or a hail of bullets. Funny enough these are the same people who will hail you as a king if you do something great because "YOURE A BLACK MAN" yeah.....

Perfect example......people said Barack Obama wasn't black enough (not talking politics just the situation). He doesn't know the struggles of a black man and etc....now what is the black community shouting??
Haha that is so fucking true!

I read your post about "they should just beat their kids", and as much as I agree, the stereotypical "g" black's kids are motivated by their parents. So they mere beat them, but inspire them to act as they do, further increasing our criminal rates, school drop outs, and gang related activity. That doesn't just go for blacks though, that's for any race. And any non-white race can complain about a white entertainment television? This has me thinking about what the education system in America is turning into... Everyone wants you to wipe their ass for them.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 08:14 PM
I take that back, not America's education system, but the amount of Americans that want to be educated.

12-29-2009, 08:15 PM
nah dont ban rap.. Educate the kids better to not try to live by what they see in the media.. If your easily influenced by what you see on tv, than your just retarded. Not directed toward anyone here, but you know what I mean. However, todays young generation already idolizes material things over education. Dont point fingers at ethnicity, its happening everywhere.

But yeah, whenever theres a movie on BET, its always involving some sort of hustle. =(
Tune in during after-school time, 106 and Park is a positive show for kids to watch.

Anyways, gotta love how this topic goes off to talk about BET.. stay on topic guys!!

If anything, TV should be more wholesome and censored more. that might actually help our society.
I think media influences alot of people.. esp. relationships, people judge their relationships by what htey see on tv.. dude on so and so show got multiple chicks, i need a chick like that so imma cheat on what i have. yadda yadda.

12-29-2009, 08:16 PM
Haha that is so fucking true!

I read your post about "they should just beat their kids", and as much as I agree, the stereotypical "g" black's kids are motivated by their parents. So they mere beat them, but inspire them to act as they do, further increasing our criminal rates, school drop outs, and gang related activity. That doesn't just go for blacks though, that's for any race. And any non-white race can complain about a white entertainment television? This has me thinking about what the education system in America is turning into... Everyone wants you to wipe their ass for them.

Education in America is a joke from elementary school to a college. It isn't about teaching but "socialization" and "taming" the individual. They do it by claiming everyone is "equal" when they are clearly not. They kill natural curiosity and take all the fun out of learning. Then college is more of a business than a school. You want me to take 120K loan to make 30K a yr? only to become a gear in the machine? HUH? WHO DOES THAT?

12-29-2009, 08:20 PM
nah dont ban rap.. Educate the kids better to not try to live by what they see in the media.. If your easily influenced by what you see on tv, than your just retarded. Not directed toward anyone here, but you know what I mean. However, todays young generation already idolizes material things over education. Dont point fingers at ethnicity, its happening everywhere.

But yeah, whenever theres a movie on BET, its always involving some sort of hustle. =(
Tune in during after-school time, 106 and Park is a positive show for kids to watch.

Anyways, gotta love how this topic goes off to talk about BET.. stay on topic guys!!

yes cause between music videos talkin about drugs, sex, and etc...lets pack some education in there....

YouTube - BET (black evil television) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAXDd7_TeYA)
YouTube - Boondocks - Nothin' Wrong With BET (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BUQ3mCmHV4&feature=related)

Feel me?

12-29-2009, 08:34 PM
yeah seen that episode, my fav is the uncle rawkus reality show episode where hes like i gotta wear extra long shirts and shoes named after people, or something like that lol

12-29-2009, 08:35 PM
A lot of black people don't even care for BET. Or for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

It's so dumb how there has to be a black guy in every movie nowadays. It's completely silly when it's historically or geographically inaccurate/very improbable. It's funny to always see a random black guy in a movie set in the Middle Ages, or operating a movie theatre in Nazi-occupied France, haha.
I can't wait until there's a WWII movie in which half of the Nazi soldiers are played by non-white actors.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 08:36 PM
A lot of black people don't even care for BET. Or for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

It's so dumb how thanks to 'civil rights' groups there has to be a black guy in every movie nowadays. I can care less if it's a movie set in America, but it's silly when it's historically or geographically inaccurate/very improbable. It's funny to always see a random black guy in a movie set in the Middle Ages, or operating a movie theatre in a Nazi-occupied France, haha.
I can't wait until there's a WWII movie in which half of the Nazi soldiers are played by non-white guys.

Hahahah Inglorious Basterds FTW!!!!!!!!

12-29-2009, 08:44 PM
Hahahah Inglorious Basterds FTW!!!!!!!!

inglorious was correct though when it came to the french cinema. One black guy worked there which isn't inaccurate. France did have african's from nations where the main language was french. Good movie.

12-29-2009, 08:51 PM
I'm glad this thread has remained civil.

12-29-2009, 08:55 PM
theres a line everyone crosses that makes you hate them. i dont have a problem with any race, until they start hiding behind their race, calling other people racist, and act like they are in a worse off spot because the color of their skin. we got a (kinda)black guy as the president. you dont have anything holding you back black people.

i think bill cosby said it best, when he talked to the inner city kids, and told them that they need to stop blaming white people for their problems, get out there, get a job, be responsible for their own actions...etc. and people got mad at him for saying some real shit. thats bill motherfucking cosby.

i havent had anything handed to me. i worked for everything i have, and to see other people get a handout for the color of their skin, THAT is fucking racist.

12-29-2009, 09:02 PM
edit: cleared up

12-29-2009, 09:03 PM

Wow lol. Way to go Jesse.

12-29-2009, 09:11 PM
I'm glad this thread has remained civil.

it was...

its as easy as this:

i like black people, but i fucking hate n***ers.

...and then it went quickly downhill

12-29-2009, 09:13 PM
it was...

...and then it went quickly downhill

Yeah, I jinxed it lol. At least the rest of the post was good :ddog:

Edit: Wtf, my post count isn't going up.

12-29-2009, 09:19 PM
theres a line everyone crosses that makes you hate them. i dont have a problem with any race, until they start hiding behind their race, calling other people racist, and act like they are in a worse off spot because the color of their skin. we got a (kinda)black guy as the president. you dont have anything holding you back black people.

i think bill cosby said it best, when he talked to the inner city kids, and told them that they need to stop blaming white people for their problems, get out there, get a job, be responsible for their own actions...etc. and people got mad at him for saying some real shit. thats bill motherfucking cosby.

i havent had anything handed to me. i worked for everything i have, and to see other people get a handout for the color of their skin, THAT is fucking racist.

I don't believe he should be pinked for quoting Chris rock.

12-29-2009, 09:20 PM
I don't believe he should be pinked for quoting Chris rock.

He cleaned up his post.

Or, wait, did Chris Rock say the I like black people, don't like the other kind? I don't watch him so I dunnooo

12-29-2009, 09:26 PM
He cleaned up his post.

Or, wait, did Chris Rock say the I like black people, don't like the other kind? I don't watch him so I dunnooo

he did a WHOLE skit on it....


12-29-2009, 09:29 PM
he did a WHOLE skit on it....


bingo. thats what i was referring to. BUT! i wasnt sure if anyone caught it so i cleaned it up.

12-29-2009, 09:36 PM
bingo. thats what i was referring to. BUT! i wasnt sure if anyone caught it so i cleaned it up.

I did as soon as ya said it lol My fav skit of all time.

12-29-2009, 09:39 PM
he did a WHOLE skit on it....


Good shit lol, thanks.

LimeLite Racing
12-29-2009, 10:10 PM
Yeah, I jinxed it lol. At least the rest of the post was good :ddog:

Edit: Wtf, my post count isn't going up.

Haha that shit was at something 666 for like 8 posts. I was amused.

12-30-2009, 12:07 AM
bingo. thats what i was referring to. BUT! i wasnt sure if anyone caught it so i cleaned it up.

completely forgot about that bit, my bad.

12-30-2009, 12:35 AM
A lot of black people don't even care for BET. Or for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

I fucking hate all three. All bet does is make people who
aren't black think we are all ignorant, rude, loud etc. and it makes people who are black mimic what they see on this.

Like a lot of America's people we derive our culture from music, tv and what is passed down. Sadly the images that are the loudest in the media are bad(not saying it's all media fault) so life imitates media which imitates life.

Alot of this comes from the fact that there is no strong black POSITIVE models for the youth to follow. Boys want to be tough, well the media and their peers portray tough guys as gangsters. Gangsters to gangster stuff. I got made fun of in school because I wasn't like my peers. I didn't do the gangster thing. and like it was said earlier this has a lot to due with being ignorant. In college people
accept me for being different instead of demonizing me for being different.

I don't know why, but it is like a self hatred is put into else. Like it was stated earlier to be "black" usually means mimicing the radio stars in dress, and in behavior. Some can see through the veil most can't.

Busteds13 I see what you were trying to say about cmt and spike. While they in name are not for white people the programs they show are mainly viewed and enjoy by white people.

Someone said the NAACP should change the name, I think they should be disbanded. It is networks like bet, and organization like NAACP thAt help keep us separate. Their is a double standard and black folks need to cut it out.

I personally strive to be me not black. While I was typing this insane clown posse, Amon amarth, young jeezy, and other things played. I love alot of parts from different cultures. The day we stop tying culture to skin color is the day we (americans) take another real step forward.

12-30-2009, 12:51 AM
Great post.

12-30-2009, 01:41 AM
For real, that shit was genius. i agree with the NAACP be disbanded. it really has no more use in today's society. i do recognize that it was a good thing when it first started and it helped bring us to where we are today, but it is no longer needed. you are right, it is just another one of those things aiding in the segregation of our communities.

12-30-2009, 06:36 AM
It's alright. She likes me back, though he will probably disown her if we were to advance the relationship to where I'd like it to be.

I think both the a large group of the minority and a large group of the majority do not recognize the underlying social infrastructure and thereby shape their perception superficially to fit what they believe to be true.

Education changes all things, however it only educates us to what we are willing to believe. The dynamic nature of culture vs the arrogant inertia human belief will forever cause issues like this.

And the point that is trying to be made here is that while there isn't a problem with the NAACP or BET, there is a HUGE problem with racism. The simple fact is that if there was a WET or NAAWP, people would get offended and protest, even if they weren't engaging in any discriminatory or racist activities.

12-30-2009, 07:17 AM
mtv, cmt, hell the channels that play Seinfeld and Friends! Come on man, this thread is a bunch of bull shit! No your history and why BET was created in the first damn place!

For real, that shit was genius. i agree with the NAACP be disbanded. it really has no more use in today's society. i do recognize that it was a good thing when it first started and it helped bring us to where we are today, but it is no longer needed. you are right, it is just another one of those things aiding in the segregation of our communities.

Really move to Texas, or most states in the south! There is people still getting lynched Here!!!

12-30-2009, 08:49 AM
January 25th will be BET's 30th anniversary.
It was started at a time (remember, context matters) where there literally WAS no programming marketed to or identifiable by black people. When one looks for something to claim fanship of, even in the maiden days of basic cable television networks, they would like to use someone they identify with, no?
You don't just decide 20-30 years down the road after establishing an identity to just up and change shit. ("new coke" anyone?)
Therefore, Black Entertainment Television was born. For many years, the network was worth watching, promoting not only strength within the community, but education and interaction with other races and fucking getting along with one another (teen summit anyone?).
Funny thing, I find with this thread is that BET has existed for 30 fucking years in the face that if any one of the presumably non-black people commenting in this thread was so bothered by the presence of an all (or mostly, as it were)-black station, then perhaps they would work that built-in privilege that they (not personally, but you should get it) have had to put it to a preemptive end. A lack of inclusion in the arena was what initially birthed the network in the first place. It was a problem that has ALWAYS followed blacks and browns in this country, even to this day. You might want to argue that the president is black(ish), but I would invite you to look at the baseless vitriol that he must fight through to now be doing such an ineffective job that he will not be reelected. And no, he will not.

Which brings me to an odd parallel.
"Okay, we let you play in the sandbox long enough, now we want it back."
Stay with me here.
Just as the good old fairer race will "take back America and fix" in 2012... In 1999 Viacom saw fit to pay 3 BILLION for something that apparently, if I am to believe this thread, no one is interested in. Viacom is a publicly traded company that is currently presidented (no, not a real word, but stick with it) by Philippe Dauman... Care to know what he looks like?
(yep, looks like a white guy to me)

Anyway, my opinion is that if white people on the whole, they would line up in droves to out this shit down in a heartbeat. If not completely out, then it would be made into the most ineffectual bullshit fucking minstrel show that it could be made to be.
Remember BET's ComicView, a cheap sendup of HBO's Def Comedy Jam, that made a nightly spectacle of loud-talking unfunny comedians?
How about all of the bad black sitcoms that no other station would DARE attempt syndicating? Yep, turn to BET for those.
Anyone remember the BRILLIANT documentary series, American Gangster, that came just ahead of the movie? Best show ever on BET, but I would be willing to bet that 90% of the people bitching, even in this thread never heard of it. I own both seasons on DVD.
"But Phlip, the network is nothing but black people, ain't that racist?"
Have any of you actually WATCHED this shit? That shit is HARDLY a representation of black life, and if you think it is, then you don't 'have tons of black friends' as you claim. The network is full of ignorant over-mutations of black life, a very small microcosm of the whole. We're led to believe that we all leave the house with guns, flashy jewelry and a complete and total lack of mastery of the English language in tow. We're led to believe that the STANDARD is birthed in lowered expectations. No way in hell any of us will ever finish college or hold down a job, no not when we could be beating innocent white women upside the head on BET.
Right, immediately at the onset of Viacom, Black Entertainment Television ceased to exist, it had become Black Embarrassment Television.
Up in New York, some white man is laughing the shit all the way to the bank, based solely on someone's voyeuristic desire to NEED to see black folks fucking up. Allowance of continued existence is tied to interest of the public, which attracts the money of sponsors. If they were to show the majority of black life, then no one would tune in, and the station would go defunct within 36 minutes.
Someone mentioned Bill Cosby. Let us not forget that he was quick to make with the Shuckin' and Jivin' to make HIS dough too -- not to mention an ugly court case where a girl was awarded a judgment for falling asleep in his house and waking up drugged and felt up -- then reversed field when it became profitable to do so.
Then W.E.T. -- as in the rest of damn near every other cable channel -- would have their wish and we would not be having this conversation right now.
I don't complain about the fact that no less than 5 of the channels on my cable programming between channels 40-50 because I maintain the option to fucking ignore them.

At the end of it all, people REALLY need to work on how they define the word 'racism'. It has come down to anything that points to a difference in racial identity, even passing differences -- and not the ACTUAL intent, being an actual prejudice, damn near a disdain or hatred -- is tagged with "that's racist, you're racist!"
It is happening from all sides, and someone will have gotten lost in this sea of words that I have typed here to ignore it with something like "the black people are always screaming racism, see this is some bullshit, when will they just get over it?" And I will ask "when the fuck will YOU get over it?"

"God it was just a damned joke, can't you people laugh at ANYTHING?!!?"
If it was JUST a joke, then this thread would not be in Loud Noises, this kind of response is the conjecture that this section was created for. Apparently some people just can't fathom why such a network can exist (albeit in a watered down and shamefully embarrassing shell of itself) 30 years later.
Hell, even I wouldn't cry if BET as we know it nowadays died TOMORROW, and I sure as hell wouldn't miss it with the copycat TVONE on the block now, even though I do not have digital programming to get that channel.

"But what if we DID start W.E.T.?"
Fine, go out and start it--... Better yet, TRY to start it. Find yourself one of those billionaire white men to back you, don't bother trying to start with a minuscule (even in 1980 dollars for a television station) $15k loan, and let's see how far W.E.T. gets off of the ground. Keep in mind, all things being equal that you will need to establish your entire network with only two hours of programming per week. Not for a show, for the entire network.
I guess that means that all the backers, advertisers and cable companies -- in that they would not green light the shit, allow it's continued existence or take it seriously -- are all racist too, regardless of what color they happen to be?
Blank stares will abound from all angles.

12-30-2009, 08:09 PM
Like a lot of America's people we derive our culture from music, tv and what is passed down. Sadly the images that are the loudest in the media are bad(not saying it's all media fault) so life imitates media which imitates life.

I hear that, reminds me of the vatos at my school, stereotypical. Alot of the dudes got records on them too..

hahah that chris rock vid was funny, esp when he was like "haha I aint gone to jail yet hehe".. "You aint suppose to go to jail!!"

LimeLite Racing
12-30-2009, 09:12 PM
mtv, cmt, hell the channels that play Seinfeld and Friends! Come on man, this thread is a bunch of bull shit! No your history and why BET was created in the first damn place!
Why exactly was BET created? See post below.

Really move to Texas, or most states in the south! There is people still getting lynched Here!!!

January 25th will be BET's 30th anniversary.
It was started at a time (remember, context matters) where there literally WAS no programming marketed to or identifiable by black people. When one looks for something to claim fanship of, even in the maiden days of basic cable television networks, they would like to use someone they identify with, no?
You don't just decide 20-30 years down the road after establishing an identity to just up and change shit. ("new coke" anyone?)
Therefore, Black Entertainment Television was born. For many years, the network was worth watching, promoting not only strength within the community, but education and interaction with other races and fucking getting along with one another (teen summit anyone?).
Funny thing, I find with this thread is that BET has existed for 30 fucking years in the face that if any one of the presumably non-black people commenting in this thread was so bothered by the presence of an all (or mostly, as it were)-black station, then perhaps they would work that built-in privilege that they (not personally, but you should get it) have had to put it to a preemptive end. A lack of inclusion in the arena was what initially birthed the network in the first place. It was a problem that has ALWAYS followed blacks and browns in this country, even to this day. You might want to argue that the president is black(ish), but I would invite you to look at the baseless vitriol that he must fight through to now be doing such an ineffective job that he will not be reelected. And no, he will not.

Which brings me to an odd parallel.
"Okay, we let you play in the sandbox long enough, now we want it back."
Stay with me here.
Just as the good old fairer race will "take back America and fix" in 2012... In 1999 Viacom saw fit to pay 3 BILLION for something that apparently, if I am to believe this thread, no one is interested in. Viacom is a publicly traded company that is currently presidented (no, not a real word, but stick with it) by Philippe Dauman... Care to know what he looks like?
(yep, looks like a white guy to me)

Anyway, my opinion is that if white people were so put off on the whole, they would line up in droves to put this shit down in a heartbeat. If not completely out, then it would be made into the most ineffectual bullshit fucking minstrel show that it could be made to be.
Remember BET's ComicView, a cheap sendup of HBO's Def Comedy Jam, that made a nightly spectacle of loud-talking unfunny comedians?
How about all of the bad black sitcoms that no other station would DARE attempt syndicating? Yep, turn to BET for those.
Anyone remember the BRILLIANT documentary series, American Gangster, that came just ahead of the movie? Best show ever on BET, but I would be willing to bet that 90% of the people bitching, even in this thread never heard of it. I own both seasons on DVD.
"But Phlip, the network is nothing but black people, ain't that racist?"
Have any of you actually WATCHED this shit? That shit is HARDLY a representation of black life, and if you think it is, then you don't 'have tons of black friends' as you claim. The network is full of ignorant over-mutations of black life, a very small microcosm of the whole. We're led to believe that we all leave the house with guns, flashy jewelry and a complete and total lack of mastery of the English language in tow. We're led to believe that the STANDARD is birthed in lowered expectations. No way in hell any of us will ever finish college or hold down a job, no not when we could be beating innocent white women upside the head on BET.
Right, immediately at the onset of Viacom, Black Entertainment Television ceased to exist, it had become Black Embarrassment Television.
Up in New York, some white man is laughing the shit all the way to the bank, based solely on someone's voyeuristic desire to NEED to see black folks fucking up. Allowance of continued existence is tied to interest of the public, which attracts the money of sponsors. If they were to show the majority of black life, then no one would tune in, and the station would go defunct within 36 minutes.
Someone mentioned Bill Cosby. Let us not forget that he was quick to make with the Shuckin' and Jivin' to make HIS dough too -- not to mention an ugly court case where a girl was awarded a judgment for falling asleep in his house and waking up drugged and felt up -- then reversed field when it became profitable to do so.
Then W.E.T. -- as in the rest of damn near every other cable channel -- would have their wish and we would not be having this conversation right now.
I don't complain about the fact that no less than 5 of the channels on my cable programming between channels 40-50 because I maintain the option to fucking ignore them.

At the end of it all, people REALLY need to work on how they define the word 'racism'. It has come down to anything that points to a difference in racial identity, even passing differences -- and not the ACTUAL intent, being an actual prejudice, damn near a disdain or hatred -- is tagged with "that's racist, you're racist!"
It is happening from all sides, and someone will have gotten lost in this sea of words that I have typed here to ignore it with something like "the black people are always screaming racism, see this is some bullshit, when will they just get over it?" And I will ask "when the fuck will YOU get over it?"

"God it was just a damned joke, can't you people laugh at ANYTHING?!!?"
If it was JUST a joke, then this thread would not be in Loud Noises, this kind of response is the conjecture that this section was created for. Apparently some people just can't fathom why such a network can exist (albeit in a watered down and shamefully embarrassing shell of itself) 30 years later.
Hell, even I wouldn't cry if BET as we know it nowadays died TOMORROW, and I sure as hell wouldn't miss it with the copycat TVONE on the block now, even though I do not have digital programming to get that channel.

"But what if we DID start W.E.T.?"
Fine, go out and start it--... Better yet, TRY to start it. Find yourself one of those billionaire white men to back you, don't bother trying to start with a minuscule (even in 1980 dollars for a television station) $15k loan, and let's see how far W.E.T. gets off of the ground. Keep in mind, all things being equal that you will need to establish your entire network with only two hours of programming per week. Not for a show, for the entire network.
I guess that means that all the backers, advertisers and cable companies -- in that they would not green light the shit, allow it's continued existence or take it seriously -- are all racist too, regardless of what color they happen to be?
Blank stares will abound from all angles.
You share a great point and opinion, but when do you not? If I ever need an attorney... I'll probably fly your ass out here.

No further comments. (until my attorney arrives)

I hear that, reminds me of the vatos at my school, stereotypical. Alot of the dudes got records on them too..

hahah that chris rock vid was funny, esp when he was like "haha I aint gone to jail yet hehe".. "You aint suppose to go to jail!!"
I've been to jail, but I'm still a nice dude, just a little more bad ass as fuck.

I got locked up wearing a pink sleeveless misfits shirt, skinny jeans, and my fiances fluffy hooded sweatshirt. Didn't even get beat up! Jail's totally overrated.

I guess there's no point in me saying that.. Especially since I didn't get locked up for stabbing or shooting someone, robbing anyone, doing drugs, or beating anyone up.... I just don't know how to be nice and shut my mouth when talking to police.... Well I do now....

01-01-2010, 05:16 AM
You guys saying National association for the Advancement of colored people should be disbanded. You do know that there are white people and people of many other races that are members right? Better yet how many of you have been to a community event hosted by them? Thought so. Ive been to countless communities where it not only helps blacks, but asians, hispanics, and even whites. NAACP is actually a very group that promotes education and improving the community. You guys should educated yourselves more about things then to just start criticizing. Just because there are some dildos that say stupid shit doesnt mean you need to hate on a whole group.

But ya BET is trash. Like every other channel it is about the money. They are giving people what they want

And I laugh when a white person says why cant we have a white channel or or have all white groups? Well my answer is that throughout history when whites participate in activities like that they tend to get violent and go around killing minorities. Amirite?

01-01-2010, 08:44 AM
And I laugh when a white person says why cant we have a white channel or or have all white groups? Well my answer is that throughout history when whites participate in activities like that they tend to get violent and go around killing minorities. Amirite?

No, but you are an idiot for this statement.

01-01-2010, 10:53 AM
I think Jews deserve a channel more than blacks and latinos, because if you really think about it, Jews had it really rough over the history, and you dont see them complaining about it.

01-01-2010, 11:57 AM
No, but you are an idiot for this statement.
Orly? Give me an example where there is a group for whites only that hasnt done this. But seriously, I could care less if whites had their own channel. More power to ya

Singlecamslam: They do have their own channels.............................

01-01-2010, 01:07 PM
i cant wait for cinco de mayo! its gonna be a big celebration around my area lol.. so if they can do that, then sure, white people deserve a television station lol

LimeLite Racing
01-01-2010, 01:49 PM
You guys saying National association for the Advancement of colored people should be disbanded. You do know that there are white people and people of many other races that are members right? Better yet how many of you have been to a community event hosted by them? Thought so. Ive been to countless communities where it not only helps blacks, but asians, hispanics, and even whites. NAACP is actually a very group that promotes education and improving the community. You guys should educated yourselves more about things then to just start criticizing. Just because there are some dildos that say stupid shit doesnt mean you need to hate on a whole group.

But ya BET is trash. Like every other channel it is about the money. They are giving people what they want

And I laugh when a white person says why cant we have a white channel or or have all white groups? Well my answer is that throughout history when whites participate in activities like that they tend to get violent and go around killing minorities. Amirite?
Lol. We need to educated ourselves.

And that entire post was 100% useless.

01-01-2010, 02:23 PM
Groups like NAACP were started because people of color were being oppressed. It was a means for them to have a voice as a collective group, rather than individuals.

Lotta people complain how they "hate" how minorities get their own channel/group/whatever. I think 200 years of slavery is enough to warrant their own channel.
Do I watch it? no
Do I care? no

There's so many complaints about "how come they get that, and we dont?"
It's a land of equality... If you want it... make it, build it, do it, FIGHT FOR IT.

01-01-2010, 04:22 PM
And I laugh when a white person says why cant we have a white channel or or have all white groups? Well my answer is that throughout history when whites participate in activities like that they tend to get violent and go around killing minorities. Amirite?

Don't hang around white people much? This is probably one of the most racist things said in this thread.

01-01-2010, 05:36 PM
Zeitgest: i havent seen a single Jewish channel. I'm just saying Jews have the shit end of the stick in any situation. And i never hear a jew complain. And you are also an idiot for your last post. The KKK is a bad example if thats the all white group you're trying to portray. And i really dont see why latinos and blacks Need their own channels. We are all HUMANS, color of skin doesnt matter and all these black and hispanic channels arent nessasary.
They should focus on getting different minorities together and not further apart from each other.

01-01-2010, 06:47 PM
Someone PLEASE respond to me... I need the conversation, I am several beverages including both Souhern Comfort AND Absolut 100 into 2010 by now and could grind out some more refutals

01-01-2010, 07:14 PM
Dude PHLIP i would, but you write too damn much haha.

01-02-2010, 09:14 AM
Let me just ask this. Is it racist to not like black culture? If I goto the mall and there's nothing but black kids walking around shouting at each other, wearing baggy ghetto clothes, looking like idiots.. is that racist to not want to goto that mall? Because if that's racist then I am. There are few things more annoying on the planet then 4 black males hanging out of a 89 caprice classic with 32" wheels on it hooting and hollering at every girl that walks by. See I don't want that around me. I don't want that in my neighborhood and I don't want that at my kids school. See this also follows to my cable channels. I don't want to flip through it on my TV. Thus it wouldn't hurt my feelings if BET went away. If I could buy channels ala carte. BET would be dropped like a rock. I feel it's whole purpose is to promote stereotypes. It's like your clicking through the channels and you flip through it.. "ooh just checking in... yep black people are still loud and obnoxious... don't want to hang around with that... next channel"

It could just be an image problem. Maybe it's all some whites see so they assume that all blacks want a blinged old cop car that looks like a retarded fishing lure. It seems to seriously permeate most all black neighborhoods. As for the lack of black role models. You've got a black president. He's not blackish. He's black. There are no true "blacks". That's on the same line of saying only white kids with blond hair and blue eyes are "white". everyone else is "whiteish". The lack of role models could be tied to black culture. It seems engrained down here that black people can't succeed so there for why try. So they take on this black cultural image of loose clothing and non traditional hairstyles and then claim they can't get a job because they look like an idiot. It's kind of a self fullfilling mantra.

01-02-2010, 09:22 AM
Let me just ask this. Is it racist to not like black culture? If I goto the mall and there's nothing but black kids walking around shouting at each other, wearing baggy ghetto clothes, looking like idiots.. is that racist to not want to goto that mall? Because if that's racist then I am. There are few things more annoying on the planet then 4 black males hanging out of a 89 caprice classic with 32" wheels on it hooting and hollering at every girl that walks by. See I don't want that around me. I don't want that in my neighborhood and I don't want that at my kids school. See this also follows to my cable channels. I don't want to flip through it on my TV. Thus it wouldn't hurt my feelings if BET went away. If I could buy channels ala carte. BET would be dropped like a rock. I feel it's whole purpose is to promote stereotypes. It's like your clicking through the channels and you flip through it.. "ooh just checking in... yep black people are still loud and obnoxious... don't want to hang around with that... next channel"

It could just be an image problem. Maybe it's all some whites see so they assume that all blacks want a blinged old cop car that looks like a retarded fishing lure. It seems to seriously permeate most all black neighborhoods. As for the lack of black role models. You've got a black president. He's not blackish. He's black. There are no true "blacks". That's on the same line of saying only white kids with blond hair and blue eyes are "white". everyone else is "whiteish". The lack of role models could be tied to black culture. It seems engrained down here that black people can't succeed so there for why try. So they take on this black cultural image of loose clothing and non traditional hairstyles and then claim they can't get a job because they look like an idiot. It's kind of a self fullfilling mantra.

No, you're not racist if you don't want to be around "ghetto" people (it's 2010 people, perhaps we should un-learn the word "ghetto" and just say what the fuck we mean), but you are full on such in your attempt at inference that such behavior is "black culture." In such, it makes me feel more like you are using a small (but unfortunately vocal) number of people out of a group to drive your opinion of that group as a whole, with no attempts made to refute the negative stereotypes, all bad applies to all black people now.
Please don't tell me about your "many black friends," I been hearing that my whole life, it gets old.
I am a 30 year-old black dude who would rather not have that shit around me, so I stay clear of it. That includes my not watching BET, there is nothing on the damned channel for me. It does not represent anything I am about and I have mentioned before that I do not like what the channel has allowed itself to become.
However, in my "black people stay losing" conspiracy theory, I still say that BET was allowed to fully go to shit and become the minstrel show that it is under the watchful white eye of Viacom, not at the hand of the people who are unfairly stereotyped by that bullshit.

01-02-2010, 11:01 AM
Let me just ask this. Is it racist to not like black culture? If I goto the mall and there's nothing but black kids walking around shouting at each other, wearing baggy ghetto clothes, looking like idiots.. is that racist to not want to goto that mall? Because if that's racist then I am. There are few things more annoying on the planet then 4 black males hanging out of a 89 caprice classic with 32" wheels on it hooting and hollering at every girl that walks by. See I don't want that around me. I don't want that in my neighborhood and I don't want that at my kids school. See this also follows to my cable channels. I don't want to flip through it on my TV. Thus it wouldn't hurt my feelings if BET went away. If I could buy channels ala carte. BET would be dropped like a rock. I feel it's whole purpose is to promote stereotypes. It's like your clicking through the channels and you flip through it.. "ooh just checking in... yep black people are still loud and obnoxious... don't want to hang around with that... next channel"

It could just be an image problem. Maybe it's all some whites see so they assume that all blacks want a blinged old cop car that looks like a retarded fishing lure. It seems to seriously permeate most all black neighborhoods. As for the lack of black role models. You've got a black president. He's not blackish. He's black. There are no true "blacks". That's on the same line of saying only white kids with blond hair and blue eyes are "white". everyone else is "whiteish". The lack of role models could be tied to black culture. It seems engrained down here that black people can't succeed so there for why try. So they take on this black cultural image of loose clothing and non traditional hairstyles and then claim they can't get a job because they look like an idiot. It's kind of a self fullfilling mantra.

Anyone who assumes that all black people have the negative qualities you described is not only racist but also ignorant. Would you mind if your kids grew with black kids like the cosbys?

01-02-2010, 11:24 AM
Orly? Give me an example where there is a group for whites only that hasnt done this. But seriously, I could care less if whites had their own channel. More power to ya

Singlecamslam: They do have their own channels.............................

This in itself is a stupid statement. White only groups were racist because they were founded on this premise of excluding other groups which by itself is racist. The same goes for groups founded by other races (fraternities, gangs etc.). These are in different categories than NAACP.

You cannot say that all white groups will turn racist. Turning racist is different than a group being founded on racism. BTW if you analyze your statement then what you are really saying is that groups founded by a race that is for that race only will turn racist. Well that includes black people too.

I will be the first to admit that some "black" groups are racist. They not have started out that way, but eventually evolved into that. It is an easy path to see, ignorance + pride= believing you are better than someone else because of X. Same goes for any other group, but it is not all of them. You cannot let the bad things of some groups speak for the entire group of people. That is called generalizing and it is no difference than if somebody came up to you and said you like chicken and watermelon because you are black.

And if in your statement you were talking about just white people then that is racist of you.

As far as your channel comment. White people do NOT have their own channel. For the sake of this argument, black people do not either. BET is a channel that is "black" only in name. It is more of a shallow mimicry of black culture than anything. Despite its shittiness, BET is enjoyed (and hated) by people of all races, and owned by a white man.

I do believe that it is still called BET for the same reason MTV is called mtv. Even though a rose by any other name would smell as sweet(or in this case shitty) one seeking this rose may not find it due to it being another name.

01-02-2010, 11:24 AM
is there anything wrong with acknowledging "ghetto culture",
anymore than say "yuppie culture", "metros", "hill-billies", etc?

Not saying such things are by nature, undesirable.
I think it's fair to say there are always cultural eleements one finds more (or less) preferable.

01-02-2010, 12:33 PM
not wanting to be around "undesirables"... i mean, it's hard to make an argument against it because i'm pretty confident everyone feels the same way. i don't go to what used to be the "nice" mall in Clayton (i'm just going to use city names because fuck you if you don't know them, it doesn't matter) because ever since the Metrolink (STL's light rail system) got a stop down the block, it's been full of loud asshole teenagers. yeah, they're black, but the annoying part is how they're loud assholes. it's the same problem if i go to the mall in South County, which, due to its proximity to Arnold, is also swarming in loud asshole teenagers. they're white, but the annoying part is how they're loud assholes. so i go to the West County mall, which has a competent security team and isn't used as a daycare for obnoxious adolescents.
point being, every race has its own group of pain in the ass people, you may just not notice your own because you're around them more often. i know it's been said before but i feel the need to throw it out there, because, god DAMN are the white kids at Hot Topic annoying as fuck.

01-02-2010, 01:12 PM
Lol. We need to educated ourselves.

And that entire post was 100% useless.
OMG you found one spelling error :rolleyes:
heres a cookie for your worthless post
Don't hang around white people much? This is probably one of the most racist things said in this thread.
My best friend is white....
Its really not

Zeitgest: i havent seen a single Jewish channel. I'm just saying Jews have the shit end of the stick in any situation. And i never hear a jew complain. And you are also an idiot for your last post. The KKK is a bad example if thats the all white group you're trying to portray. And i really dont see why latinos and blacks Need their own channels. We are all HUMANS, color of skin doesnt matter and all these black and hispanic channels arent nessasary.
They should focus on getting different minorities together and not further apart from each other.
Just because you havent seen one doesnt mean there isnt one:duh:
When did I just specifically state the KKK? I asked for one example of a group that was meant for whites only that hasn't turned to racist polices. Have you given me one? NO. Until you do stfu
Blacks and Latinos need there own channels because they deal with different issues than whites. I know its soooooo difficult for you and so many others to understand that. Yes we are all humans but treatment is still often different and there are still tons of issues that need to be brought out and definitely would not be if these channels did not exist. So there is your freaking reason. Leave the batcave and go see firsthand.
And Im in a freakin 3rd world country right now and can actually see how much groups like the NAACP hav advanced American society/race relations by a ton. You see in other countries where there aren't laws to protect against racism, dark skinned people are basically FUCKED. maybe you should fucking go somewhere before you start giving me all this kumbaya bullshit

This in itself is a stupid statement. White only groups were racist because they were founded on this premise of excluding other groups which by itself is racist. The same goes for groups founded by other races (fraternities, gangs etc.). These are in different categories than NAACP.

You cannot say that all white groups will turn racist. Turning racist is different than a group being founded on racism. BTW if you analyze your statement then what you are really saying is that groups founded by a race that is for that race only will turn racist. Well that includes black people too.

I will be the first to admit that some "black" groups are racist. They not have started out that way, but eventually evolved into that. It is an easy path to see, ignorance + pride= believing you are better than someone else because of X. Same goes for any other group, but it is not all of them. You cannot let the bad things of some groups speak for the entire group of people. That is called generalizing and it is no difference than if somebody came up to you and said you like chicken and watermelon because you are black.

And if in your statement you were talking about just white people then that is racist of you.

As far as your channel comment. White people do NOT have their own channel. For the sake of this argument, black people do not either. BET is a channel that is "black" only in name. It is more of a shallow mimicry of black culture than anything. Despite its shittiness, BET is enjoyed (and hated) by people of all races, and owned by a white man.

Yet im still waiting on a name of a solely all white group meant for peace....
I analyzed my statement and no you are still wrong
Im not saying all white groups will become racist because in the future yeah i guess somebody could create one good for the community of all.
Im not meaning to generalize a whole race either. And Im not fucking racist, Im just pointing out history

LimeLite Racing
01-02-2010, 02:30 PM
Shit, what is one cookie going to do for me? I need at least a whole box.

You guys saying National association for the Advancement of colored people should be disbanded. You do know that there are white people and people of many other races that are members right? Better yet how many of you have been to a community event hosted by them? Thought so. Ive(insert apostrophe) been to countless communities where it not only helps blacks, but asians, hispanics, and even whites. NAACP is actually a very group (What the fuck is a very group?) that promotes education and improving the community. You guys should educated yourselves more about things then to just start criticizing. Just because there are some dildos that say stupid shit doesnt mean you need to hate on a whole group.

But ya (While we're at it, might as well just type the extra two letters) BET is trash. Like every other channel it is about the money. They are giving people what they want

And I laugh when a white person says why cant we have a white channel or or (Probably a stutter of nervousness) have all white groups? Well my answer is that throughout history when whites participate in activities like that they tend to get violent and go around killing minorities. Amirite (Is not a word, but separated, can do wonders)....(If you could spell right correctly)?


01-02-2010, 08:09 PM
OMG you found one spelling error :rolleyes:
heres a cookie for your worthless post

My best friend is white....
Its really not

Just because you havent seen one doesnt mean there isnt one:duh:
When did I just specifically state the KKK? I asked for one example of a group that was meant for whites only that hasn't turned to racist polices. Have you given me one? NO. Until you do stfu
Blacks and Latinos need there own channels because they deal with different issues than whites. I know its soooooo difficult for you and so many others to understand that. Yes we are all humans but treatment is still often different and there are still tons of issues that need to be brought out and definitely would not be if these channels did not exist. So there is your freaking reason. Leave the batcave and go see firsthand.
And Im in a freakin 3rd world country right now and can actually see how much groups like the NAACP hav advanced American society/race relations by a ton. You see in other countries where there aren't laws to protect against racism, dark skinned people are basically FUCKED. maybe you should fucking go somewhere before you start giving me all this kumbaya bullshit

Yet im still waiting on a name of a solely all white group meant for peace....
I analyzed my statement and no you are still wrong
Im not saying all white groups will become racist because in the future yeah i guess somebody could create one good for the community of all.
Im not meaning to generalize a whole race either. And Im not fucking racist, Im just pointing out history

Your BFF’s race is irrelevant; you don’t necessarily have to hate black folks to party with the KKK.

Good or bad, the problem is you’re separating the behavior of the human species by race. By no means, does race have anything to do with human behavior.

History will tell us how violent humankind has been no matter what race.

Your statement is still fairly racist whether you admit it or not.

01-02-2010, 08:33 PM
Please don't tell me about your "many black friends," I been hearing that my whole life, it gets old.

Actually. I don't have any black friends any more. All the ones I had got out of college and then just flopped. Couldn't hold a job. Then started getting on this world is against them thing. This coupled with their lust for credit and blowing money on stupid stuff. $300 bar tabs on a 29% credit card sent them to the bottom. The only 3 black people I was ever really friends with were people we hired. They'd work hard for a while then get lazy.

One was fired because he wrote a bad check.. drove to GA and got pulled over and locked up for outstanding warrant. Had his car impounded. It was near christmas and he claimed he didn't have any family so I posted his bail. Gave him an advance enough to clean up his mess and get his car out of impound. He took the money, bought his girl friend a nice date and showed up drunk and on a bicycle monday. Fired. Wouldn't pay back the money because "He deserved it anyway for everything he did around there". Everything what I don't know? To this day 5 years later he rides that same bicycle in to say hi about every 4 months. Asks for his job back and then tries to pick up some cash by like cutting grass or something like that. Never recovered.

Second worked for about 2 years. Got $400 a week for doing good work. Then Just started complaining that he was "the black guy who was doing all the work". It wasn't fair us white guys were dumping it on him. He was doing the same job he was since day one. Nothing less nothing more. He was the last to get there and the first to leave. I mean at 4:55 his tools were packed, he was washed up, ready to go. When I explained this to him, He got an attitude, claimed "I wasn't doing him right". 2 weeks later he just started loading his tools up at lunch and left after he got his paycheck. Didn't even finish his work or the day he was payed for. Wouldn't even talk to any of the guys. Just kept muttering "It's not fair". Like a 5 year old except he was 55.

Third was a parts runner. Like a gopher. We noticed some of our runs that used to take 45 minutes or so now took 2 hours. So one day while getting lunch we saw our truck parked in the mall parking lot. So I drove over there and the reason they were taking so long is because he was taking 1 hour or so naps in the parking lot on the clock. Seriously. Then said "I was being hard on him and lighten up boss man". He gets pulled over and gives the cops a fake license. His had been suspended for 2 DUI's in 24 months. After about $600 we got our truck out of impound.

So I'll admit I've got limited experience with blacks. Most of it is negative. But it seems everytime it was the "white guy" bringing him down that got him canned but they just refused to work. Everytime I replaced a black guy with a white guy, productivity improved and we got more done with less resistance. This is just personal experience. Then I get kids that come in that know nothing about machine work looking like they hopped out of a rap video asking if they can get a job; then wanting me to sign some paper saying they applied. It's like they're hopeless. They don't know how to work let alone could work a day. They're not reliable, they can't speak good enough english to understand, and they want something for nothing. Maybe I'm out of touch with mainstream culture but you gotta work to get paid. Screwing off on the job gets you nowhere. I definitely think the world isn't out to get black people either. Now we contract with black companies and some of those dudes work work. Like bust their ass hustle 10 hours a day for a 250/week cash paycheck. But they all have a black boss. Is it a white guy boss thing? I mean is it like a chris rock black guys vs niggers argument thing like posted. It's really kinda this enigma that I've never figured out.

01-02-2010, 08:45 PM
i'm not white but i sure as hell agree with alot of you guys here, white people are always thought of as the racist ones.

01-03-2010, 12:09 AM
So I'll admit I've got limited experience with blacks. Most of it is negative.

I used to do loss prevention for Rite Aid, 90% of the people me and my partner would catch were black. I had to quit that job because I was really starting to think they were all like that, and I didn't want to think that way. I guess it's all relative to location, and even then you get a few that are completely different then the rest.

01-03-2010, 02:24 AM
Actually. I don't have any black friends any more. All the ones I had got out of college and then just flopped. Couldn't hold a job. Then started getting on this world is against them thing. This coupled with their lust for credit and blowing money on stupid stuff. $300 bar tabs on a 29% credit card sent them to the bottom. The only 3 black people I was ever really friends with were people we hired. They'd work hard for a while then get lazy.

One was fired because he wrote a bad check.. drove to GA and got pulled over and locked up for outstanding warrant. Had his car impounded. It was near christmas and he claimed he didn't have any family so I posted his bail. Gave him an advance enough to clean up his mess and get his car out of impound. He took the money, bought his girl friend a nice date and showed up drunk and on a bicycle monday. Fired. Wouldn't pay back the money because "He deserved it anyway for everything he did around there". Everything what I don't know? To this day 5 years later he rides that same bicycle in to say hi about every 4 months. Asks for his job back and then tries to pick up some cash by like cutting grass or something like that. Never recovered.

Second worked for about 2 years. Got $400 a week for doing good work. Then Just started complaining that he was "the black guy who was doing all the work". It wasn't fair us white guys were dumping it on him. He was doing the same job he was since day one. Nothing less nothing more. He was the last to get there and the first to leave. I mean at 4:55 his tools were packed, he was washed up, ready to go. When I explained this to him, He got an attitude, claimed "I wasn't doing him right". 2 weeks later he just started loading his tools up at lunch and left after he got his paycheck. Didn't even finish his work or the day he was payed for. Wouldn't even talk to any of the guys. Just kept muttering "It's not fair". Like a 5 year old except he was 55.

Third was a parts runner. Like a gopher. We noticed some of our runs that used to take 45 minutes or so now took 2 hours. So one day while getting lunch we saw our truck parked in the mall parking lot. So I drove over there and the reason they were taking so long is because he was taking 1 hour or so naps in the parking lot on the clock. Seriously. Then said "I was being hard on him and lighten up boss man". He gets pulled over and gives the cops a fake license. His had been suspended for 2 DUI's in 24 months. After about $600 we got our truck out of impound.

So I'll admit I've got limited experience with blacks. Most of it is negative. But it seems everytime it was the "white guy" bringing him down that got him canned but they just refused to work. Everytime I replaced a black guy with a white guy, productivity improved and we got more done with less resistance. This is just personal experience. Then I get kids that come in that know nothing about machine work looking like they hopped out of a rap video asking if they can get a job; then wanting me to sign some paper saying they applied. It's like they're hopeless. They don't know how to work let alone could work a day. They're not reliable, they can't speak good enough english to understand, and they want something for nothing. Maybe I'm out of touch with mainstream culture but you gotta work to get paid. Screwing off on the job gets you nowhere. I definitely think the world isn't out to get black people either. Now we contract with black companies and some of those dudes work work. Like bust their ass hustle 10 hours a day for a 250/week cash paycheck. But they all have a black boss. Is it a white guy boss thing? I mean is it like a chris rock black guys vs niggers argument thing like posted. It's really kinda this enigma that I've never figured out.

Just curious, but im intrigued to know further about the individuals you've worked with.
What do you think there education level was,
upbringing, social class.
subcultures, perhaps.
any other factor you can think of (Philip mentioned "Ghetto Culture", if that's relevant).

When you say 'black',
are you referring to African American,
or other African groups (whether it be from Africa, South America, Europe, etc).

I'm highly reluctant to even acknowlege race as a basis for generalization.
There's just such a wide spectrum (and overlap) within/among races that, imo, it's a completely meaningless means of forming generalizations.
Likewise, I abhorr terms like White or Asian.
There's so much cultural differences.
It's just way too broad a criterion to make anything remotely meaningful out of it.

ideally, we ought to treat every individual on their own merit.
realistically, we often fall short and come up with generalizations, to some degree or another about everything.
I think it's just human nature to automatically form generalizations in order to make better sense of the world.

01-03-2010, 03:02 AM
I don't actually think it would be that big of a deal if somebody actually made a "WET" or whatever. Sure a few idiots would say something, but it would die down pretty quickly.

I bet 90% of the people that would be offended by WET would be white people anyways.
Quit whining about some hypothetical "double standard." You are only perpetuating it by acknowledging it.

01-03-2010, 03:43 AM
Shit, what is one cookie going to do for me? I need at least a whole box.


lol owned yea right. Its the fucking internet brah. Seriously why are you worrying about internet writing when the topic is actually about something important? Youve contributed nothing, you are just a troll now. Go back to your hole

Your BFF’s race is irrelevant; you don’t necessarily have to hate black folks to party with the KKK.

Its perfectly relevant. I was told i dont hang out much with many whites. Obviously I do
You necessarily dont have to, but is there anyone who is apart of the group that doesn't? Hell no

Good or bad, the problem is you’re separating the behavior of the human species by race. By no means, does race have anything to do with human behavior.
Im not separating behaviors of races. Ill be the first to tell you that some of the most violent people Ive ever met are dark skinned.
No race does not determine behavior but it is definitely a factor many times.

History will tell us how violent humankind has been no matter what race.

Yes you are correct

Your statement is still fairly racist whether you admit it or not.
whatever. i really dont care if it is. Im just telling what has been personally seen from the perspective from someone who isnt white

LimeLite Racing
01-03-2010, 09:08 AM
lol owned yea right. Its the fucking internet brah. Seriously why are you worrying about internet writing when the topic is actually about something important? Youve contributed nothing, you are just a troll now. Go back to your hole

Contributed nothing except starting a thread for you to write nothing but bullshit in.

LOL A troll? That comment explains why you're so uneducated.. You're still in the 5th grade apparently.


LimeLite Racing
01-03-2010, 09:14 AM
whatever. i really dont care if it is. Im just telling what has been personally seen from the perspective from someone who isnt white

You don't care if your statement was racist?!

Looks like White Entertainment Television has gotten to you.

Like I said from the beginning, it's only going to bother the ignorant people.

01-03-2010, 10:10 AM
I'm leaving this here because BET made it and it created a bit of an uproar amongst minorities. My question is why? If it doesn't apply to you (as in you partake in any of the b/s stated in the video like not raising your kids or blowing all your money on rims etc) then why is it offensive?

YouTube - Read a Book (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOcMFeWUsuM)

I think read a book, raise your kids, brush your teeth etc applies to ALL MOTHERFUCKERS.

Let's face it, regardless of race, if you dont brush your teeth, your breath stinks, et cetera.

I dunno. Feel free to respond.

Ps. Yes I realize that all the characters in it are black, but still, it could apply for any race regardless of the stereotypes implied.

01-03-2010, 10:51 AM
ut some hypothetical "double standard." You are only perpetuating it by acknowledging it.

Are you fucking high? If you dont acknowledge something, then it just snowballs into something huge and out of control. ie: "ghetto" culture.

Most people in the U.S. are on this whole "lets accept other people even though they are different" politically correct bullshit and no one has the balls to say something.

Stereotypes wouldn't be stereotypes if they weren't partially true. That's a fact. You don't just make up shit and expect it to stick. Are there negative stereotypes for every race? YES, there are. But think about which ones really piss you off. I know the "stereotypical" people I dont want to be around.

I am not a blatant racist. I like every race, because the color of your skin doesn't make who you are unless you let it. What I don't like, are the people who fit right into the negative stereotypes that are associated with every one of those races.

get it?

01-03-2010, 10:57 AM
I'm leaving this here because BET made it and it created a bit of an uproar amongst minorities. My question is why? If it doesn't apply to you (as in you partake in any of the b/s stated in the video like not raising your kids or blowing all your money on rims etc) then why is it offensive?

YouTube - Read a Book (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOcMFeWUsuM)

I think read a book, raise your kids, brush your teeth etc applies to ALL MOTHERFUCKERS.

Let's face it, regardless of race, if you dont brush your teeth, your breath stinks, et cetera.

I dunno. Feel free to respond.

Ps. Yes I realize that all the characters in it are black, but still, it could apply for any race regardless of the stereotypes implied.

That song was meant to be a joke. The guy was mimicking lil john. Some people got it, some people didn't. I'm not going to say the original purpose was to be a message in there, but whether he did or not, he pissed off people who didn't get the joke, because the song puts their ignorance out on display. Which I will explain in a minute.

Other people who didn't get the joke were mad because if the song were real it would send all kinds of bad messages out. To name one, I will quote some lyrics from the song.

Your body needs water - so DRINK THAT SHIT

While this statement is valid, it is presented in an ignorant format, which implies that the intended recipients of this message is ignorant, which is what I meant by putting it on display. As for the people are are't ignorant, well no one wants to be called so.

01-03-2010, 11:17 AM
jesse jackson and al sharpton are bad for the human race

01-03-2010, 11:33 AM
jesse jackson and al sharpton are bad for the human race

I approve of this statement.:bigok:

01-04-2010, 04:02 AM
Contributed nothing except starting a thread for you to write nothing but bullshit in.

LOL A troll? That comment explains why you're so uneducated.. You're still in the 5th grade apparently.

omg. It feels like im speaking to a dog.........
Bunch of bark and no reason. Oh yea you really suck at ownage. Its not a good idea for you to use that symbol

You don't care if your statement was racist?!

Looks like White Entertainment Television has gotten to you.

No it really doesnt. I could honestly care less is there was a WET. Hell there are many channels that a focused pretty much only to whites. I dont care. i know its a business and there are trying to target a certain demographic.

Like I said from the beginning, it's only going to bother the ignorant people.
So since BET bothers you what does that make you? seriously quit typing unless you come to me with some good answers about something real and not what you heard somebody say or see

Moon Ill
01-04-2010, 08:17 AM
i know its a business and there are trying to target a certain demographic.

With that you've ended the original topic of this post.

Nothing on TV would be there without money. This money comes from one of two places: advertisers or the public.

Who will advertise with such a culturally controversial channel? Certainly not a big corporation. There goodwill will be forever damaged.

Therefore no money, no business.

#2: The demographic

The demo would be Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon/White/Anglo-American

W.E.T. would have to figure out how to specifically get these people to watch it's programming. They would recognize the market is saturated and figure they need to offer something innovative, something not offered yet to this demo.

There minds would boil "Hmm, what can we do?!"
Frantically they would brainstorm, nights days months they would go on trying to find some thing, some idea, anything to offer.

They would come up with nothing. They would recognize they are trying to server a demo that is already overserved. Pouring water into a cup that is already full is pointless.

01-04-2010, 08:33 AM
I fucking hate all three. All bet does is make people who
aren't black think we are all ignorant, rude, loud etc. and it makes people who are black mimic what they see on this.

Pretty much sums up BET for me. Every time I see an ignorant black person on the TV acting like a thug, I cringe. It only solidifies the negative stereotype :(.

Moon Ill
01-04-2010, 08:54 AM
Pretty much sums up BET for me. Every time I see an ignorant black person on the TV acting like a thug, I cringe. It only solidifies the negative stereotype :(.

If you can spare an ear for 7-mins, listen to this:

'BET' Gets Thumbs Down Award From Journalists : NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12668674)

And until there are more channels, BET remains the one channel that gets most of the attention. History is likely to view it as a major black American cultural influence. It boosted rap music and hip-hop, for better or worse. That marriage of money and music proved that a black-owned business could make billions. But to cultural critics and to young people seeking images of themselves, the money has come at the expense of a distorted view of what it is to be black today.

LimeLite Racing
01-04-2010, 09:01 AM
omg. It feels like im speaking to a dog.........
Bunch of bark and no reason. Oh yea you really suck at ownage. Its not a good idea for you to use that symbol

No it really doesnt. I could honestly care less is there was a WET. Hell there are many channels that a focused pretty much only to whites. I dont care. i know its a business and there are trying to target a certain demographic.

So since BET bothers you what does that make you? seriously quit typing unless you come to me with some good answers about something real and not what you heard somebody say or see

You really need to just stop responding.

I'm cutting you out. Come back when you complete high school.

BET already exists, and there's nothing ignorant about not liking it. Not liking BET is like not liking MTV. But not liking White Entertainment Television? It doesn't even exist yet. The only logical reason for someone to not like it is because it's a white only channel. And that, dumb shit, is IGNORANT. Like you.

LimeLite Racing
01-04-2010, 09:09 AM
With that you've ended the original topic of this post.

Nothing on TV would be there without money. This money comes from one of two places: advertisers or the public.

Who will advertise with such a culturally controversial channel? Certainly not a big corporation. There goodwill will be forever damaged.

Therefore no money, no business.

#2: The demographic

The demo would be Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon/White/Anglo-American

W.E.T. would have to figure out how to specifically get these people to watch it's programming. They would recognize the market is saturated and figure they need to offer something innovative, something not offered yet to this demo.

There minds would boil "Hmm, what can we do?!"
Frantically they would brainstorm, nights days months they would go on trying to find some thing, some idea, anything to offer.

They would come up with nothing. They would recognize they are trying to server a demo that is already overserved. Pouring water into a cup that is already full is pointless.

What makes WET controversial, and BET not? Blacks fought for equality, correct? Then they should understand the fairness for white people to get a WET. After all, there are a large majority of whites fighting for this country.

20 percent of the military's recruits are black, less than 10 percent of them want infantry jobs, the greater of that 10 percent choose careers that have civilian transferability, yet they get a Black Entertainment Channel? Controversial?