View Full Version : Gas Milage

08-14-2001, 05:30 PM
I have a 95 240 se.  I think i get horriable gas milage.  I put in 92 octane gas and i get about 50 miles to a quarter tank.  I dont even drive my car hard.  i shift at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 every time.  I dont get it.  I had my tune up done, throtle body cleander?fuel injectors cleaned, and had the dealer check everything but they said everything is fine.  Gas aint cheep and its putting my wallet on a massive diet.  Anybody else have the same problem?

08-14-2001, 06:00 PM
Well I get probably about 320+ miles to a tank in my 240 on the Highway.  I like to give it gas when I accelarate.  I have to get to speed as fast as possible.  But once I get to my desired speed I just coast for the most part.  maybe you should fill up your tank completely.  I find that I get much better milage when it is full or nearly full.  Driving in the city will give you less milage too, but in comparison to my Truck the 240 is alot better on the wallet!

08-14-2001, 08:17 PM
i do fill up all the way and most of my driving is highway, about 65 percent highway, the rest is city.  

08-14-2001, 08:32 PM
Is your car shooting off a ECM code, because it sounds like a sensor is telling it too give it too much gas.  Also, does your car smell like unburnt gas from the outside while it is at idle?

08-16-2001, 02:53 PM
it only smells like gas when it is warming up. thats about it.  No check engine light or anything.  Everything runs very smooth.  just seems to eat too much gas.