View Full Version : How to fix busted Overflow tank

12-19-2009, 11:08 PM
I fixed my coolant overflow tank today and I thought I would share my knowledge. The fix is easy and you can do it too for really cheap if you have a few things lying around. Even if you don't, the materials don't cost much.

What you'll need:

Fiberglass mat
Fiberglass resin
Screen (like from a house window or door)
Hot glue gun
1" paint brush

Step one: clean your old tank really good. The hardest part is getting the inside. For that I used a coat hanger with a paper towel wrapped over the end, them I folded it so it wouldn't scratch the sides. The extra hole in the tank actually makes this easier but this trick will work on a good tank too. I suppose you don't have to clean the inside but I couldn't help it.


Next you'll want to sand the damaged areas with some coarse sandpaper. I used 80grit.

Then cut a piece of screen to cover the hole. This will give your mat support so it doesn’t sink into the tank. You'll want to bend it so that it wants to lay flat on the tank. An extra cut will help the screen fold over tight corners.


Then use a hot glue to "spot glue" the screen in place. Make sure that the glue is as flush to the screen as possible or your mat will lift there when you glass it down.


Now cut some fiberglass mat for your repair. Make it about 1" larger than the screen you just laid down. One layer is good enough.


Now you're ready to fiberglass them down. Mix some resin and hardener then paste some on the screen and about 1" around it where you're mat will lay. Then lay your mat down and apply more resin stitching it down with the tip of the brush. Try to work from the center out and get as much of the air out as you can. You'll know if it's flat against the tank / screen because it will be a darker color. Once you're satisfied, let it sit for an hour or until it gets hard and re-sand with 80grit again to take off any sharp fibers sticking up.


Now you're good to go. The whole thing took me about 2 hrs with set-up time.


It may not be pretty but it doesn’t leak!

12-19-2009, 11:13 PM
Glad my old coolent tank is being put to good use! Great write-up!!

steve shadows
12-20-2009, 03:18 AM

haha really?

Just buy a swirl pot which all of you kids should be using by now!

12-20-2009, 01:24 PM
There are so many cheap asses out there. Buy a new fucking overflow tank or get a swirlpot like Steve said.

And yes it does look like shit...

12-20-2009, 01:29 PM
Just buy a swirl pot which all of you kids should be using by now!

I saw on SPL's site that you can hook the heater line up to the swirl pot? True?

12-20-2009, 01:32 PM

haha really?

Just buy a swirl pot which all of you kids should be using by now!

<Devils Advocate>If the car doesn't overheat, why ad a swirl pot?</da>

Not trying to be a smartass, but curious. I've never EVER had overheating problems. Then again, knowing how to add coolant to me is cheaper than spending money on a surge tank. Not debating their' coolness', but to me if your system is setup right, whats the point. These are street cars afterall.

12-20-2009, 01:38 PM
These are street cars afterall.

My stuff is street legal but track capable yo.

12-20-2009, 02:29 PM
Just buy a circuit sports stainless overflow reservior, For 1, it resolves your busted resevoir problem, and it cleans up the underhood look! its only a hundred bucks and worth it, 114$ shipped!!

12-20-2009, 06:25 PM
Mine didn't cost me anything. I already had all the materials. Besides anyone can just thow money at their car and fix it. Heck you could pay a mechanic to put it on for you too. This thread was to show how to fix what you have for CHEAP, not how to spend another $100 on it.

12-20-2009, 06:33 PM
Mine didn't cost me anything. I already had all the materials. Besides anyone can just thow money at their car and fix it. Heck you could pay a mechanic to put it on for you too. This thread was to show how to fix what you have for CHEAP, not how to spend another $100 on it.
Shit, Id pay a "mechanic" 100$ to take that thing off my car!! LOL, but on the other hand, if it dont leak,, good job bro!!

12-20-2009, 07:16 PM
My stuff is street legal but track capable yo.


I do 4-5 Track days a year, and still call mine a street car haha.

But really though, I understand the concept of the surge tank and that jazz, I just have a hard time accepting the need for it, especially if a car isn't overheating.

12-21-2009, 11:39 AM

haha really?

Just buy a swirl pot which all of you kids should be using by now!

doesnt a swirl pot still require the use of an overflow tank?

12-21-2009, 09:39 PM
doesnt a swirl pot still require the use of an overflow tank?

thats what i heard... i mean ive seen lots of pics and instructions with overflow tank still on.....

12-22-2009, 12:47 AM
There are so many cheap asses out there. Buy a new fucking overflow tank or get a swirlpot like Steve said.

And yes it does look like shit...

dam, pretty straight forward. haha.

Really bro, atleast hit that thing up with some black spraypaint, it will look 10x better.