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View Full Version : two problems

12-09-2009, 02:02 AM
first is that it seems like my battery wires are not transferring the electric current. i have to push my wires and leads in random ways to get it to work, and even then, sometimes there is just a click (and a spark) and i have to try moving the wires again. is this just the wires being old, or something worse?

second, and more importantly, i believe my clutch is going (or already is) out. There is no more pressure on the pedal anymore, and it sticks when i push it in and i manually have to put my foot under it to pull it back out. sometimes it does not engage. i just wanted to confirm this is my clutch only, and not my transmission (if thats possible). and if so, anyone have a ballpark estimate how much it is to fix/repair/replace?

12-09-2009, 04:28 AM
While im not sure about the battery, I believe it isn' actually your clutch. If it was your clutch, the car wouldn't start and you wouldnt be able to drive it. I think it would be the master/slave cylinder or a pressure plate issue. PLEASE correct me if im wrong. haha.

12-09-2009, 05:14 AM
change the ends of the battery cables they're probably loose and worn so not making enough contact. Second clutch problem is prolly a leak in the lines or cylinders master/slave um perfect time to upgrade to ss lines and new cylinders oh also a new clutch kit couldnt hurt.
something breaks upgrade is my policy.

12-09-2009, 08:11 AM
Battery- pull the terminal off the battery, clean the posts, clean or replace the terminals. and follow the wires down and check the other end makin sure they're clean and tight. most of the time this is just from old, dirty, or loose terminals.

clutch- check the fluid level. chances are you're runnin way low/empty. also check the lines for any evidence of leakage so you know if you're gonna be replacing anything. if it's just low fluid (very good possibility) fill it up, bleed it and you're golden. know that if it's close to bone dry, it'll take a while to bleed, you may want to pull the clutch master off and bleed it, reinstall, then bleed the system.

* if the problem was the clutch itself, it will still start unless something is jammed (release bearing, fork..). you don't need to press the clutch to start the car so it doesn't matter if the clutch is engaging or not. i completely toasted my disk, it wouldn't grab any gear, but i was still able to start it. and i start my car before i get in.

12-09-2009, 08:21 AM

You talking about the two main battery cables correct? If you're getting sparks then you've got a short in the cables. Get a set of battery cable connectors and replace those first. Also make sure the cable ends are free of corrosion. If that doesn't work, you might need to replace the entire cable(s).

As for the clutch, what's your clutch fluid at? Any fluid in the reservior? Sounds like you got a fluid leak or a failed clutch master/slave system. All those parts are pretty cheap and easy to replace. I'd give it 1 wrench for difficulty.

12-09-2009, 08:50 AM
you got it.

yea i coulda been more clear. the two battery cables. also like dream240 said, check the ends of the wire itself, pull the terminal off the wire and make sure it's nice and clean.

haha, nice way to rate difficulty, agreed.

12-09-2009, 10:50 AM
alright, wow, thanks a lot guys! just got to work, and saw all this. mainly worried about the clutch problem right now, but im gonna check when i get home. luckily a mechanic lives right next door, so hopefully he can help considering i dont have jacks to lift the car to check.

ill be sure to let you guys know what happens. for now, im gonna search for guides on how to do it heh.

on the bright side, at least this gives me a chance to work/learn about cars heh

12-09-2009, 11:25 AM
As far as your clutch leak, before you get to work, consider removing your clutch dampening system. It's a wierdly shaped setup bolted to the passenger underside of the car. It's not needed and pretty much everyone removes it completely when servicing the clutch. All you have to do is grab this item:

89-98 240SX S13 S14 1 piece Stainless Steel clutch line:eBay Motors (item 180435399238 end time Dec-20-09 18:45:47 PST) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/89-98-240SX-S13-S14-1-piece-Stainless-Steel-clutch-line_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2a02c9b246QQitemZ1 80435399238QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAcc essories)

It also removes your stock clutch hardline, clean & simple. I got mine years ago and it cost me twice as much. Works great and makes bleeding the clutch fluid a snap.

Good Luck.

12-09-2009, 11:48 AM

thank you very much sir!

12-09-2009, 01:05 PM
i'm at work so can't see the ebay page...don't know if it comes with instructions so just in case, here's a link to help with the process.
THE GARAGE GUIDES - Remove Your Clutch Damper (http://garage.projectraine.com/content_guides/240_clutchdamper/clutchdamper.html)
if you've ever bled brakes before... bleedin the clutch is the same thing. if not, you'll learn it's pretty simple, just time consuming with a clutch some times.

good luck gettin 'er did.

12-11-2009, 06:44 PM
hey, you guys were absolutely right! the slave cylinder was worn and was letting air into the system. replaced that and the master cylinder while i was at it. bled it, and now its working great! thanks for the help! :D

12-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Woot! Chalk another one for Team Zilvia. lol.