View Full Version : Beatin' yer kids

12-08-2009, 02:23 AM
Would you/ Do you? Im talking a spanking, not closed fist full force hitting

I think kids are fucking stupid... since I was a kid not to long ago. I was beaten (corporal punishment), I turned out more or less fine. I don't have the desire to hit women or beat people smaller than me.

Now, this isnt about child abuse. there is a line between swatting a kid on the ass after they eat the cookies you said were for dessert and hitting them closed fisted for not doing something difficult right the first time.

What do you guys and gals think? Pros and cons? Your opinion?

America had a chance to adopt a "Children's Bill of Rights" a few years back, which prohibited any physcial punishment by a parent. We didn't. Just a little info.

12-08-2009, 02:36 AM
kids are too stupid to listen to reason. you need to beat it into them. seriously.

12-08-2009, 02:37 AM
My parents did it to me and i turned out fine. Kids now days get away with too much shit they need a good ass beating.

12-08-2009, 02:38 AM
Yes / No.

If you raise them right you don't have to. Just depends on how lazy you are.

12-08-2009, 04:44 AM
My parents did it to me and i turned out fine. Kids now days get away with too much shit they need a good ass beating.


My siblings and i were raised the same. We did stupid shit and got our asses whooped. We all turned out just fine. We're all super cool with and hella close to our parents. It's not like we got smacked for everything, but everything we got whoopin's for we deserved.

As far as the whole "raising them right and you wont have to".....ummm i'd have to disagree. Lazy parents are the ones that don't discipline their kids and that's why you have soooo many piss ant brats these days.

Fuck this whole "be your kid's friend" mentality. You love them, yes, but you're the adult. Rules are set and if you don't listen, you gotta pay. Period. Parents are so soft these days its disgusting.

When i have kids, they'll be raised like i was. No question about it.

12-08-2009, 08:54 AM
Parents are so soft these days its disgusting.
When i have kids, they'll be raised like i was. No question about it.

QFT +1. when i was a kid, i got beat with all sorts of things and i think i turned out pretty good. nowadays, i hear lil kids tellin their parents (in public places btw) go fuck yourself or go to hell...if i wouldve said that to my parents i wouldnt be here right now lol

12-08-2009, 09:01 AM
QFT +1. when i was a kid, i got beat with all sorts of things and i think i turned out pretty good. nowadays, i hear lil kids tellin their parents (in public places btw) go fuck yourself or go to hell...if i wouldve said that to my parents i wouldnt be here right now lol

QFT+ 2. I am a firm believer in positive and negative reinforcement. Growing up if I came home with good grades I would be rewarded with either money or bought me something cool. But if I got in trouble it would be the exact opposite. Hah

To me beating kids is a way for a kid to know what not to do so they wont get spanked. and Rewarding them will be a way to know the right path. Simple positive and negative reinforcement

12-08-2009, 09:32 AM
I was raised getting beat up lol...not like abuse status but i would get a woppen when it was necessary. So i am a strong beliver in spanking my kids. I have 3 of my own and when either one of my kids acts up ex: dont do their homework, dont clean up after themselves, talk back, complain or cry about stupid shit, etc.... I let my wife try and take care of the situation first since she does not believe in spanking or getting all crazy.... then if they dont want to listen or acted up then i step in and take care of business. I was brought up like this and i always new if i didnt do what im suppose to or act stupid that my pops would spank me, so id listen. So i vote yes on spanking the little bastards...

12-08-2009, 09:50 AM
it has a lot to do with the kids personality... some fuckers are rebels the moment they get out of the womb... But im pro beating all the way, no abuse though just discipline and none of that time out BS either, real discipline

12-08-2009, 09:53 AM
MTV's World's Strictest Parents.
Yes beat your kids

12-08-2009, 09:55 AM
Not only is it good for developing your child, you get some cheap entertainment out of it too.

12-08-2009, 09:56 AM
I was never beaten or spanked. I turned out absolutely fine. My parents taught me enough about respect for them to not have to use physical violence on me.

Make sure your kids know whos boss from day one, and you won't have to hit them.

If you raise them right you don't have to. Just depends on how lazy you are.


12-08-2009, 09:59 AM
funny thing is I have to let my kid know that I'm going to spank him...cause if I catch him on a surprise...it doesn't faze him. for 6 months we did the whole...no spanking thing....and it just got to the point where telling him 5 times not to pull on his infants brothers arm got too much ( and we did put him in time out many times...doesn't faze him). he gets immediate no warning spankings for hitting though.

I think there are a lot of parents that should whip a kids ass...especially the one in the grocery store that flips you off and the mother just says...thats not nice! I had a 7 year old do that to me one time. I was shocked!....my father was the inforcer.

12-08-2009, 10:10 AM
my dad is an ex-marine and I was a bad little kid so I got my ass whipped pretty bad here and there but I turned out fine.. I actually laugh about it now haha

12-08-2009, 10:48 AM
now days get away with too much shit they need a good ass beating.


kids nowadays are brats...i was at Toys R Us picking up my CODMW2 copy and i was next...some little brat cuts ahead of me (5 yrs old i would guess) and im like "ohh okay go ahead" and he responds with "thats what i thought asshole" im loke WTF...i turn to the mom she's just smiling, i tell here "dopnt just look stupid and smile, dicipline your child be4 he grows up being a waste of the community, she responded with " ohh he's only a child he doesnt know what it means". i respond with "and he shouldnt know how to say things like that so well...

and yes i did push that little turd back behind me...ITS WAS MY TURN! :ddog:

My siblings and i were raised the same. We did stupid shit and got our asses whooped. We all turned out just fine. We're all super cool with and hella close to our parents. It's not like we got smacked for everything, but everything we got whoopin's for we deserved.

As far as the whole "raising them right and you wont have to".....ummm i'd have to disagree. Lazy parents are the ones that don't discipline their kids and that's why you have soooo many piss ant brats these days.

Fuck this whole "be your kid's friend" mentality. You love them, yes, but you're the adult. Rules are set and if you don't listen, you gotta pay. Period. Parents are so soft these days its disgusting.

When i have kids, they'll be raised like i was. No question about it.

amen on that sir...

QFT +1. when i was a kid, i got beat with all sorts of things and i think i turned out pretty good. nowadays, i hear lil kids tellin their parents (in public places btw) go fuck yourself or go to hell...if i wouldve said that to my parents i wouldnt be here right now lol

same here, sandals, tree switch, belts, anything handy at the scene i was acting stupid,

you know that line George lopez uses about being dragged into the dressing room the mall....yeah...true story...:ddog:

QFT+ 2. I am a firm believer in positive and negative reinforcement. Growing up if I came home with good grades I would be rewarded with either money or bought me something cool. But if I got in trouble it would be the exact opposite. Hah

To me beating kids is a way for a kid to know what not to do so they wont get spanked. and Rewarding them will be a way to know the right path. Simple positive and negative reinforcement


I was raised getting beat up lol...not like abuse status but i would get a woppen when it was necessary. So i am a strong beliver in spanking my kids. I have 3 of my own and when either one of my kids acts up ex: dont do their homework, dont clean up after themselves, talk back, complain or cry about stupid shit, etc.... I let my wife try and take care of the situation first since she does not believe in spanking or getting all crazy.... then if they dont want to listen or acted up then i step in and take care of business. I was brought up like this and i always new if i didnt do what im suppose to or act stupid that my pops would spank me, so id listen. So i vote yes on spanking the little bastards...

and i like this method, ended with peacefull words, if that doesnt work, drop the fucking hammer...

MTV's World's Strictest Parents.
Yes beat your kids

ohh, MTV came up with another useless show having nothing to do with music...sweet

12-08-2009, 10:54 AM
there are two types of children abuse which are verbal and physical. In my family we got both. so when my sister raised her kids she did'nt use either and her children ended up so so spoiled. For instance they only eat chicken nuggets from mcdonalds if you end up getting chicken tenders from a dine in they will not eat it, or if you brought the nuggets and they didnt come in the mcdonalds box.

the kids always needed there movies on demand or they start to go crazy.or when were having a family night out at a restuarant the kids would run around the restuarant. my sister raised them this way because she didnt want to hurt or yell at her children.

my brother on the other hand used my parents technique and anytime the kids get out of line he counts...1....2......and by three the kid had already straightened out. his kids have more respect for there elders and eat whatever is given to them, because usually they get treated with dessert, and or there favorite candy bar something very rewarding in retun of eating something any normal kid would push off to the floor

As for me i think it all depends on the kid. everyones different. some kids are very calm and others are on a sugar craze the whole day

so its better to adapt to each kids needs

some parents send their children to private school to straighten them out, i was sent to one, but gladly my parents didnt give them permission to use the "paddle" or any abuse whenever i got out of line

12-08-2009, 11:06 AM
I've talked about this SO many times with peers.

As a kid, when we did something wrong, we got smacked.
Getting your ass whooped makes you think twice about being a smart ass again.

Today is kind of bullshit I think. I see these kids being total assholes and the parents couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.

Simple solution: Kid acts up. Smack him. Kid learns. The End.

I think there is far too much "PC" crap these days. lawsuits. Kids who "run" their parents. ADD, ADHD, etc. wtf is that?
A smack will straighten up that smart ass.

12-08-2009, 11:10 AM
My point is, if the kids been raised right in the first place, it wouldn't be calling people assholes or cutting it queues, thus avoiding the need to be smacked!

I agree that a lot of kids are out of control, but thats due to them being raised by bad parents. Where else does a 5 year old learn to call someone an asshole if not from his negligent mother?

I'm not against parents smacking naughty children. I'm just saying, its not necessary in a lot of cases.

12-08-2009, 11:14 AM
my neighbor had it the worse though she was hit anything her dad could find. her father ran a business on the house property. they made cement statues and used rebar for various reasons including reinforcing the structure of some statues. whenever she cussed or was disrespectful she was taken outside and hit with anything her father could get his hands on including rebar which in case you didnt know looked like this, but the kids werent beaten to a pulp just a slap on the hand

i was glad my dad just used this

12-08-2009, 12:06 PM
im filipino. almost all the filipinos i know got whooped by their parents.
it just teaches you to respect authority or suffer the consequences...a key lesson for life.

my mom's tool of choice was this:


my father was a firefighter and he used to spank us with his thick, diamond-patterned belt he wore with his uniform.
but i gotta say, we seemed to get it much worse from our mom. lol

all in all, i'd say it didn't have a negative impact on us.
it did not make us resent our parents. and now that we're all adults, i think
our relationship with our parents is closer than ever; even with my sister being the only one left living on guam with our folks.

12-08-2009, 12:07 PM
I'm not for beating kids up.

there has got be more creative solutions towards discipline.

-put them in a situation where THEY choose what to do
(i.e. quiet down or no TV)
-removal of rewards
-time out
-explain things to them in a way they can understand.

I also think a lot of 'acting out' is based on the fact kids don't get enough attention,
and/or have no constructive outlet of their energy.
I would try to do the following:

-go jogging/cycling with the kids every day for an hour or so (keep yourself in shape too).
-spend time doing their h/w with them.
-play video games w/ them.
-listen to music w/ them.
-read w/ them.

avoid retarded material that serves no purpose & is boring to the adult (barney the dinosaur/teletubbies/nickelodean/reality tv, american idol, etc)

the idea is to spend time with your kids doing stuff that both parent/kid will enjoy/benefit.

if I can't spend a few hrs a day with my kids,
& have the patience to discipline them w/out spanking/yelling, then I'd rather not.

not condemming spanking per say,
but it's just not my style to hit ppl and yell to solve problems.
likewise, I would like to convey the same as a role model to my kids.

12-08-2009, 12:09 PM
and that's why the kids are so messed up these days (in my opinion).
Parents don't discipline the kids. The kids get away with everything and have nothing to be scared of.
*not 100% of the time, but you get the idea..... I hope.

Good parenting to begin with is also KEY.

12-08-2009, 12:20 PM
Kids shouldn't be allowed to get away with anything.
Disclipline should be enforced,
but it need not necessarily be physical punishment.

Imo, kids are out of control b/c they're spoilt.
Spoilt kids usually (not always) stem from lazy parents.
Their solution is to always give in to the kids' demands.
That isn't what I'm advocating.

The other lazy parent (as Soapgun mentioned),
is to solve everything with spanking.
Instead of taking the time to reason with your child and give them constructive attention,
just beat them.

12-08-2009, 12:25 PM
Q: What do you do when words are not working?
A: Spank the kid. That will work better (maybe). seems to have worked well for so many.

*of course, then you have asshole parents who go overboard and actually abuse the kids. THAT is a problem for sure, obviously.*

12-08-2009, 01:25 PM
If I was naughty I usually had my TV/Computer privileges removed. When you're a kid, thats a pretty awful situation to be in. It would straighten me out very quickly.

12-08-2009, 01:31 PM
Words alone usually don't work when the kids aren't paying attention (for whatever reason).
Get them to calm down first, then reason with them.
How to actually calm them down depends on a lot of factors.

In public, I would take them back to the car.
At home, I would take them back to a smaller room.
Once they are calm enough to listen, then reason with them.

Admittedly it is more work than a quick back-hand,
but then again I don't expect raising a kid to be some convenient endeavor.

I also think a lot of acting out might be indicative of other problems.
maybe the kid is upset at something actually valid/thinks he's being treated unfairly, etc,
but doesn't know the right way to express it.
Do you try to find out the root of the problem (not much different than troubleshooting),
or do you dismiss it with a slap to the face?

Thoughtfully disciplining the kid not serves the purpose of discipline.
It gives kids the opportunity of how to deal with problems more constructively.
I like to think of it as a learning opportunity.

Maybe the kid actually wants attention,
and will try to get it even if it means getting beat-up every day.
I used to live next to a poor kid who got beat up violently by his dad every day.
That fact it happened every day meant either the punishment wasn't working, and/or there was something wrong with the dad.

With physical punishment (If you must use it),
you also have to consider some degree of restraint.
do you smack them indiscrimanantly for every instance of misbehavior?
at what age do you stop?
at what level of intensity to you beat the kid?

12-08-2009, 01:38 PM
another thing that fucks kids up is cuddling them to much, you do that they own you...and thats another reason they act up because mommy or daddy wont hurt them

for example...my nephew, he wants something, we say no its not for you, he throws a tantrum and goes to the corner and cries his eyes out, do we run in, pick him up and cuddle him till he smiles...no, fuck that, we let him cry till he settles down, then we pick him up tell him to take a deep breath, wipe his tears and its over...

we teach him that when you act out, you will not be rewarded...and he's gotten better at it and doesnt act out...

my mother beign grandma though, fucks it up horribly, but she's grandma, and its her only grandbaby...so yeah...lol

ever notice that kids, when they fall, they look at you to see your reaction and if you make that "aww poor baby" look thats when they start crying ?

we noticed it with my nephew and we started doing this thing in which, if he fell and you see he was ok, we just yell cheerfully "SAFE!" like an ump at a baseball game lol he smiles, gets up and keeps playing...it enforces indpendence...obviously if they fall and do hurt themselves, we help him out and take care of his injury to reinforce that we are there for him...

12-08-2009, 01:38 PM
If I was naughty I usually had my TV/Computer privileges removed. When you're a kid, thats a pretty awful situation to be in. It would straighten me out very quickly.

same here.
it's not like you can drive to a bar if your tv is broken.

12-08-2009, 01:48 PM
Do you try to find out the root of the problem (not much different than troubleshooting),
or do you dismiss it with a slap to the face?

The latter.

With physical punishment (If you must use it),
you also have to consider some degree of restraint.

Not sure why you'd want to do that??

do you smack them indiscrimanantly for every instance of misbehavior?


at what age do you stop?

When they're old enough to understand they shouldn't be fucking up all the time.

at what level of intensity to you beat the kid?

Level 10.

lol. This isn't me trying to start an argument BTW.

I firmly believe kids these days need far more discipline than they're being given.
Too often I see kids misbehaving, and the parents/guardians do jack all.
Kids are smart enough to figure out that if all they're receiving is a vocal lecturing, it wont be hard to get away with more mischief.
Give a kid a stern, but not outright abusive beating, and the kid will think twice before committing that same act.

* By no means, am I advocating abuse as OK. A disciplinary smack/spanking is all I'm agreeing with*

12-08-2009, 01:51 PM
we noticed it with my nephew and we started doing this thing in which, if he fell and you see he was ok, we just yell cheerfully "SAFE!" like an ump at a baseball game lol he smiles, gets up and keeps playing...it enforces indpendence...obviously if they fall and do hurt themselves, we help him out and take care of his injury to reinforce that we are there for him...

Theres always those couple seconds after a kid falls when you don't know whether they're going to laugh or cry. Encouraging the laugh is clever tactics!

12-08-2009, 02:02 PM
If you spank your kid nowadays, and it tells let's say a teacher, you will have someone knocking on your door to investigate.

12-08-2009, 02:07 PM
Theres always those couple seconds after a kid falls when you don't know whether they're going to laugh or cry. Encouraging the laugh is clever tactics!

haha this is my favorite...I yell " daaaang....let me see those battle wounds!!!!" while he is bleeding from his knee. I try and teach them that pain is just another feeling. That blood...doesn't mean it hurts..just means that you hurt yourself. if that makes sense.

12-08-2009, 02:16 PM
so here's a question for all of you "spankers"....at what age do you start?

and for those that don't spank children....what do you do when the child would rather take the time out punishment for doing something wrong.

example...my kid wants candy before dinner. I tell him no. You have to eat your dinner. he says i'm not hungry, and starts stomping and yelling. So he sits on his bed until he stops. He knows he can come out of his room when he's done crying....so he comes out. 15 min later...he doesn't want to eat dinner. You can't force food in his mouth (right?)....so he'll go hungry. at 11 pm he'll wake up hungry. after the 3rd time of doing that...we made him go to bed without dinner ( no 11pm dinners). This has been mulitiple times he has gone to bed without dinner.

He would rather punish us with him being hungry...than get his way. what then?

oh, and he's 3. (and if you tell me he's still a baby...then why can he work an iphone ((music, games, call people)) as well as play forza with a wheel, and navigate a track. waaaay too smart at 3)

12-08-2009, 02:26 PM
Fuck that. Old school stingray tail, hot wheels tracks, belt ftw

12-08-2009, 02:28 PM
at what age do you stop?

When they're old enough to understand they shouldn't be fucking up all the time.

exactly...LOL... hell im 23 and if i say something smart mouth near my grandma she still smacks me lol...

Encouraging the laugh is clever tactics!

yup, at first everyone thought i was crazy, but now he smiles and says "SAFE" to let us know he's ok and he keeps on playin...lol

12-08-2009, 02:29 PM
so here's a question for all of you "spankers"....at what age do you start?

and for those that don't spank children....what do you do when the child would rather take the time out punishment for doing something wrong.

example...my kid wants candy before dinner. I tell him no. You have to eat your dinner. he says i'm not hungry, and starts stomping and yelling. So he sits on his bed until he stops. He knows he can come out of his room when he's done crying....so he comes out. 15 min later...he doesn't want to eat dinner. You can't force food in his mouth (right?)....so he'll go hungry. at 11 pm he'll wake up hungry. after the 3rd time of doing that...we made him go to bed without dinner ( no 11pm dinners). This has been mulitiple times he has gone to bed without dinner.

He would rather punish us with him being hungry...than get his way. what then?

oh, and he's 3. (and if you tell me he's still a baby...then why can he work an iphone ((music, games, call people)) as well as play forza with a wheel, and navigate a track. waaaay too smart at 3)

IDK... can you just sell him or something?
Get a new one.... ?

lol, kidding. :)

12-08-2009, 02:37 PM
so here's a question for all of you "spankers"....at what age do you start?

The first time they act up.

Start conditioning early.

12-08-2009, 02:41 PM
IDK... can you just sell him or something?
Get a new one.... ?

lol, kidding. :)

ebay maybe? lol...yeah right...this kid is my racecar driver in training. He'll come home from a track event, and I'll hear him making rev limiting sounds as he slides his hotwheel cars around the rug. ( thank mike essa for that).

12-08-2009, 02:56 PM
lol thats cute FCkillerbee. But yeah, kids are little fucking devils. They know how to torture parents. You gotta nip that shit in the butt early. I believe that the best way to teach kids is by a mix of positive and negative reinforcement. Its what people have been doing for millions of years, and hey: people are still around, and most of them are good people. Swat a kid on the ass when he discovers cursing, and he'll instantly know its wrong, but taboo, and taboo is fun to alot of people. Tell a child that cursing is wrong with logic, and they'll see that cursing isnt too bad, its just something I don't say often. Use a mix of a spank and an explanation, and they'll definately get the point. I didn't curse period after I discovered the word bastard. I got spanked, then they told me calling people that name was like saying they had no daddy and their mommies were bad ladies, and it hurts peoples feelings, which to a 4 year old is horrible lol. Now that Im older, I still refrain from using those words in every day speech most of the time, especially around older folk and new people, but around my friends its ok.

12-08-2009, 03:00 PM
I was spanked as a kid growing up. I mean I really had to fuck up to get spanked but non the less it happened and I dont hate my parents for it. Shit It made me a smarter kid. Dont do dumb shit and U wont get spanked. Now a days kids could care less if they get ground to there room or the xbox taken away.

12-08-2009, 03:10 PM
lol thats cute FCkillerbee. But yeah, kids are little fucking devils. They know how to torture parents. You gotta nip that shit in the butt early. I believe that the best way to teach kids is by a mix of positive and negative reinforcement. Its what people have been doing for millions of years, and hey: people are still around, and most of them are good people. Swat a kid on the ass when he discovers cursing, and he'll instantly know its wrong, but taboo, and taboo is fun to alot of people. Tell a child that cursing is wrong with logic, and they'll see that cursing isnt too bad, its just something I don't say often. Use a mix of a spank and an explanation, and they'll definately get the point. I didn't curse period after I discovered the word bastard. I got spanked, then they told me calling people that name was like saying they had no daddy and their mommies were bad ladies, and it hurts peoples feelings, which to a 4 year old is horrible lol. Now that Im older, I still refrain from using those words in every day speech most of the time, especially around older folk and new people, but around my friends its ok.

thanks....but to top that one...i took him to henry schelley's shop when he had one...first thing he did was "race car!!!!" and then he picked up a wrench, and started working on his rear brakes.

family Photo Gallery - Photo 13 of 18 by davidHAMBURG - MySpace Photos (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=190413002&albumID=1287486&imageID=29382733)
and then there's this one....you get the idea...
TRACK Photo Gallery - Photo 31 of 43 by davidHAMBURG - MySpace Photos (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=190413002&albumID=1223013&imageID=28770599)

yeah and he's 3...and with my tools..he was able to take apart his bike...no idea how he did it. I had to help him put it back together though.

12-08-2009, 04:10 PM
I can't believe I'm one of FOUR people who voted no.

Quail gets it, why doesn't anyone else? Just because your parents hit you as a kid doesn't mean it was NECESSARY.

12-08-2009, 04:38 PM
I can't believe I'm one of FOUR people who voted no.

Quail gets it, why doesn't anyone else? Just because your parents hit you as a kid doesn't mean it was NECESSARY.

I would love to never have to spank my child. you read my above post....what do you do then?

12-08-2009, 04:48 PM
Nothing wrong with disciplining by using spankings on the rear.

But when you see dumb ass parents hitting their kids on the head and etc thats another story.

12-08-2009, 04:54 PM
I was never spanked/hit as a child. The threat was always there but it never happened.

I doubt I would spank my child. The fear alone should be enough as long as you don't have a little sadomasochist on your hands. My parents had a really thick ruler that was called the terminator, and a firm spatula that we were always reminded were there to be used and never wanted to find out how it felt.

It worked for me and my 2 brothers, so call that one how you will.

12-08-2009, 06:06 PM
I was spanked when I was a kid.

My dad had a


(without the ball obviously LOL)

he also used the belt.

I learned that FAILURE (bad grades, bad behavior at school or at home) resulted in PAIN.


That's what kids need to learn.

I'm sick of seeing snot nosed kids running around shitting on their parents because the parents are AFRAID of the kids.


Your kids should be scared of you if they fuck up, not the other way around.

When your kid cries because you yell at them?

"I'll give you something to cry about... (menacing face)" that'll shut them the fuck up.

It worked for me.

12-08-2009, 06:08 PM
spare the rod spoil the child

12-08-2009, 06:11 PM

12-08-2009, 06:12 PM
i got spanked plenty. one time my uncle made me pull down my pants so i just had underwear on and he took a belt to my ass. my mom was not happy about that. ive had my ears pulled by my dad to the point of them bleeding. he also has gone full fisted punching to my head which broke skin and resulted in a puddle of blood on my bed, then proceeded to physically kick me out of the door and throw me into the refridgerator in the garage. i dont believe in beating kids. spanking is more than fine and a good way to show your kids whos boss when they step outta line.

12-08-2009, 06:16 PM
And yes, I'm totally for it. I got spanked when I did wrong as a child and I'm fine. People need to stop being so stupid, there is clearly a line between beating your kid and disciplining your kid.

12-08-2009, 06:29 PM
Yeah, people coming in here posting up extremes. There is a difference between spanking a kid because he/she is acting like a little shit and abusing a kid for an innocent mistake.

Don't get it twisted.

12-08-2009, 07:04 PM
My parents did it to me and i turned out fine. Kids now days get away with too much shit they need a good ass beating.

so true..... .

time out??? wtf i wish i got time out when i was young lol

Yes / No.

If you raise them right you don't have to. Just depends on how lazy you are.

true. but still sometimes then momma to knock'em out.

12-08-2009, 07:07 PM
perhaps todays parents are at fault because the parents are younger then past generations, and with a much worse economy and times, there is no stay at home mom etc. I came from a broken home but both my parents where around enough that if i got out of line, id pay with my ass getting spanked.

Lets not forget with a high divorce rate and how much promiscuity/temptations are put upon people *i blame media for making people believe/idolize they need all that shit* today, households get broken up, even sometimes before they get made.

Im back in school, and like alot of the students my age already got criminal records/done time. in fact 2 girls stole a car yesterday *some chick left her car running thinking she could run in the building real quick and these 2 ghetto bitches jumped in and took off*. Im hearing these idiots talk about they got children, im thinking to myself how fucked up they are. These vatos in class where talking about sex with no rubbers and how they are lucky but still prefer it, im thinking to myself "i hope you guys never get anyone prego".lol

The only thing i can think of is, watch myself and whenever I have a child, provide the best environment for them, *that includes hopefully having a great relationship with the mother, coming from a broken home myself i got some pretty high expectations before i plant seed* teach them the rights and wrongs, and DISCIPLINE when necessary, reward good behavior etc.

12-08-2009, 07:27 PM
ive had my ears pulled by my dad to the point of them bleeding. he also has gone full fisted punching to my head which broke skin and resulted in a puddle of blood on my bed, then proceeded to physically kick me out of the door and throw me into the refridgerator in the garage. i dont believe in beating kids. spanking is more than fine and a good way to show your kids whos boss when they step outta line.

That's a beating, not discipline...

12-08-2009, 07:36 PM
so here's a question for all of you "spankers"....at what age do you start?

and for those that don't spank children....what do you do when the child would rather take the time out punishment for doing something wrong.

example...my kid wants candy before dinner. I tell him no. You have to eat your dinner. he says i'm not hungry, and starts stomping and yelling. So he sits on his bed until he stops. He knows he can come out of his room when he's done crying....so he comes out. 15 min later...he doesn't want to eat dinner. You can't force food in his mouth (right?)....so he'll go hungry. at 11 pm he'll wake up hungry. after the 3rd time of doing that...we made him go to bed without dinner ( no 11pm dinners). This has been mulitiple times he has gone to bed without dinner.

He would rather punish us with him being hungry...than get his way. what then?

oh, and he's 3. (and if you tell me he's still a baby...then why can he work an iphone ((music, games, call people)) as well as play forza with a wheel, and navigate a track. waaaay too smart at 3)

I say lock the kid in the room & ground him till morning.
make sure he doesn't sneak into the fridge at night.
let him deal with the consequences of his own action.
if he will listen, explain to him why it's inconsiderate.

missing a few dinners isn't going to kill the kid.
chances are, he's just trying to be manipulative.

he's not punishing you.
you are just a little soft imo.
if it hurts you so for the kid missing 1 meal,
I don't understand how beating him would be a more comfy thing to do.

12-08-2009, 07:48 PM
I say lock the kid in the room & ground him till morning.
make sure he doesn't sneak into the fridge at night.
let him deal with the consequences of his own action.
if he will listen, explain to him why it's inconsiderate.

missing a few dinners isn't going to kill the kid.
chances are, he's just trying to be manipulative.

he's not punishing you.
you are just a little soft imo.
if it hurts you so for the kid missing 1 meal,
I don't understand how beating him would be a more comfy thing to do.

ditto but you beat me to it.

Its ok if your soft on your child you know bc well there your flesh and blood and they are kids how can you say no to them. but sometimes they will stoomp and cry to get their way and you gotta say hey belt or are you goin to chill out.. Just wait till they get to be teenagers you remember how that was..

personaly I would spoile my kids BUT there is a time and place for that they get out of line BAMM! im not sayin get the t.v and throw it at them.

12-08-2009, 08:01 PM
I would; and i thank my parents for giving it to me when i deserved it. Mom's did most
of the whoopin, and pops did it only a couple of times.

mom's weapon of choice: plastic hanger. that shit set my brother and i STRAIGHT. hahaha.

theres a difference between beating some sense into your kids; and beating them

12-08-2009, 08:11 PM
A swat across the ass is NOT abuse.

Continuing such with an object in hand beyond the level of necessity is.

Trying to talk nicely and not establishing a respect for authority by whatever means necessary is where spoiled-ass kids come from.
I am 30 years old and NEVER knew what it was like to be "grounded" or "on timeout," I got my ass beat when I fuxed up until I was 12 or 13 I think, at which point I finally fuxing got it and flew straight enough.
My sister pops her kids, as does my brother with his boys and while they do what kids do, they're SURGICALLY well behaved, and Barry (ThatGuy) has met my niece and seen this in action.

Physical punishment is a necessary non-evil. You spoil the child when you spare the rod, simple as that.
To apply an abstract "well if you raise your kids right, you won't have to hit them" is the most pussy copout I have heard since I left work today. Children are children and by the natural order of things are BORN ignorant, and must be taught by the most effective available means. "no, Jimmy, bad Jimmy, go to timeout" is a million times less effective than *SWAT* "get your ass up out of that fuxing floor"

I'm done with this thread.

12-08-2009, 08:23 PM
When I acted stupid I got my ass kicked, simple as that. Whether it was a belt, hand, wooden spoon or metal spoon it was only used on my ass. Shitty thing was after I fucked up my mom would wait till my dad got home and let him do it. Those hours before my dad got home were the worst, just knowing I was going to get spanked. Then when I heard his truck pull up in the driveway its like the "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" then he would come in and get it over with. I learned, and so did my brother.

12-08-2009, 08:27 PM
When I acted stupid I got my ass kicked, simple as that. Whether it was a belt, hand, wooden spoon or metal spoon it was only used on my ass. Shitty thing was after I fucked up my mom would wait till my dad got home and let him do it. Those hours before my dad got home were the worst, just knowing I was going to get spanked. Then when I heard his truck pull up in the driveway its like the "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" then he would come in and get it over with. I learned, and so did my brother.

That was EXACTLY how it was with me too.
Corporal punishment is still legal in 20 states, the one I live in is one of them.

12-08-2009, 08:30 PM
When I acted stupid I got my ass kicked, simple as that. Whether it was a belt, hand, wooden spoon or metal spoon it was only used on my ass. Shitty thing was after I fucked up my mom would wait till my dad got home and let him do it. Those hours before my dad got home were the worst, just knowing I was going to get spanked. Then when I heard his truck pull up in the driveway its like the "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" then he would come in and get it over with. I learned, and so did my brother.

Lol, I know that feeling of anticipation. I'd hear him come home, and my mom would explain the situation and I knew immediately if I was in real trouble.

But because of this, it didn't happen too often. I knew not to piss my dad off at an early age.

12-08-2009, 08:53 PM
it's probably been all dudes posting in here talking about getting hit.

which is good. you act a fool, you are going to get hit. that's how you learn. the stove is hot.

how about girls? you think you could discipline your daughter like that?

12-08-2009, 08:55 PM

kids nowadays are brats...i was at Toys R Us picking up my CODMW2 copy and i was next...some little brat cuts ahead of me (5 yrs old i would guess) and im like "ohh okay go ahead" and he responds with "thats what i thought asshole" im loke WTF...i turn to the mom she's just smiling, i tell here "dopnt just look stupid and smile, dicipline your child be4 he grows up being a waste of the community, she responded with " ohh he's only a child he doesnt know what it means". i respond with "and he shouldnt know how to say things like that so well...

and yes i did push that little turd back behind me...ITS WAS MY TURN! :ddog:

if my oldest son which is 6yr old would have been with me in your situation i would have told my son to punch him in the gutt lol.... J/k I cant stand that shit how mothers see or hear their kids desrespect like and dont do shit. If i had been the parent first i would have slap the sucker, then i would have not bought him what ever he was getting, then i would have made my son apologize.

Q: What do you do when words are not working?
A: Spank the kid. That will work better (maybe). seems to have worked well for so many.

*of course, then you have asshole parents who go overboard and actually abuse the kids. THAT is a problem for sure, obviously.*

:werd:^^^^ If you dont respond with disapline action at the moment then your fucked.... Like said earlier kids are not stupid, they act the way the act cause they already know they get away with it... they know their parents are lil biatches so they do it. If you put them on check with really good spank from the begining they would think before they act.

If I was naughty I usually had my TV/Computer privileges removed. When you're a kid, thats a pretty awful situation to be in. It would straighten me out very quickly.

Very unlikely to happen with most kids. Ive tried that with my 2 oldest even my youngest and they dont give a fuck... maybe sometimes. Kids need disapline, yes i agree you need to reason with them but you do that after the spanking. They will have better understanding after. If you try to talk to them with out spanking them they will not listen and focus to what you are trying to explain to them.... Spank them right away even if its in plublic who gives a fuck what other people say those are your kids and you are the boss. Im not saying physically abuse your kids there is many ways to spank them belts, spanking with palm of your hands, sandal, vaccum cord lol.... aslong as your not punching them or hitting them on their face. Good example of good physical disapline my grandma did to me once when i was a kid and never ever did i disrespect her again...

She would put a hand full of uncooked beans on the kitchen floor and made me get on my knees for a good minute.... boy did i think twice and i would be very careful of what i did or said.... never did she touch me with her own hands but i would had rather had a spanking then to go through that lol. Till today she lives and i love her to death.

Team DET
12-08-2009, 09:00 PM
not only is it good for developing your child, you get some cheap entertainment out of it too.
lol .........

12-08-2009, 10:59 PM
I mean you don't see minority kids on leashes as kids...

12-09-2009, 12:36 AM
I mean you don't see minority kids on leashes as kids...

Thats a white people thing... :wtf: seriously who fucking puts their kid on a leash? Thats just fucking retarded lol. Then again... people are pretty much retarded.

12-09-2009, 01:14 AM


12-09-2009, 01:18 AM
it's probably been all dudes posting in here talking about getting hit.

which is good. you act a fool, you are going to get hit. that's how you learn. the stove is hot.

how about girls? you think you could discipline your daughter like that?

My mom smacked the shit out of my sister just like she did with my brother and i. When i say smacked, i mean with a belt. My dad never hit my sister though. He didn't have to. All he had to do was talk to her in a "i'm pissed at you for this" tone and she'd start crying. lol

I'll probably do the same.

12-09-2009, 02:31 AM
a memory for all my fellow asian members:

chopsticks on the knuckles or bamboo feather duster...do it often, and kids will turn out fine...period...

lets not forget how bold and stupid kids are now a days...instill fear in them when they are young, and it will mature into respect when they mature themselves...imo...

(and please do not give me a deniro quote from the movie, "a bronx tale" for the difference between respect and fear, lol)

12-09-2009, 08:03 AM

This is a lack of respect.

If my grandma asked anything of me and my cousins, it would be done and finished with a 'yes grandma.'

12-09-2009, 08:11 AM
This is a lack of respect.

If my grandma asked anything of me and my cousins, it would be done and finished with a 'yes grandma.'

I can't imagine not listening to my grandma.

My parents would be upset if I didn't listen to them, but if I disrespected my grandma I think I would have gotten punched in the head. And my parents barely ever spanked me.

12-09-2009, 08:23 AM
I got beaten the most out of everybody Kunta Kinte style. I have the scars on my back to prove it. That's what happens when you grow up in a Communist/socialist country.

My teachers, mother, and grandmother beat me the most. I accepted the beating when I knew I deserved it, but most of the time they never made it clear to me what the rule is and why the rule was broken. Eventually I felt like I got beaten at a whim and it lost any kind of meaning.

Whether you choose to beat your children or not, please be clear in your expectations. When they break the rule, clearly explain what the rule is, what they did, and how what they did broke the rule.

Then you can choose the punishment of your choice.

If you do this, you will realise how vague your rules are. Children are very perceptive but do not understand implicit meanings. You should appreciate how confusing language is. We take for granted that we're able to understand language, but developing children are not able to grasp the true meaning and undertone of language.

12-09-2009, 09:55 AM

that is true.
punishment serves no purpose if the kid doesn't clearly understand what for what purpose.

Whether or not kids respond well to physical punishment depends on the personality of the kid.
Speaking for myself, I got my ass kicked every other day.
Think my parents/grandparents used discipline/beatings more out of frustration than reason.

Eventually I just got used to the beatings, and learned to be sneakier.
my concept of ethics in general did not develop as well until studying it in my teens.
At school, I liked to get my way via fist-fights.

If my parents could get their way via physical intimidation,
it wasn't unthinkable that I could do the same.
Now I don't think I was a bully (as far as I could recall),
but it's not unthinkable school bullies could develop through senseless beatings.

But anyhow, physical punishment did NOT work out so great for me.
It taught me nothing, and only made me feel resentful towards my parents.
I eventually punched out all relatives who gave me a beating in my earlier life,
bar my parents.
It's stupid looking back at it now, but back them I was angry & looking for payback.

I would try to refrain as much as possible from doing the same when raising kids.
If my kids try to be manipulative, I will simply out-manipulate them in return.
To me, the risk of harm from beatings or 'discipline' far outweigh the cost.

12-09-2009, 10:06 AM
All the senseless beatings did to me was make me want to challenge rules that are vague and unclear.

When you really sit down and look at it, just about every rule is unclear because there's no way to anticipate every single situation that can come up.

Natural language is very imprecise and can lead to a LOT of uncertainty, especially for children.

Please try to break it down to your kids as much as possible what different words mean and what they should do. They haven't had enough life experience to fully understand what's expected.

12-09-2009, 11:07 AM
All the senseless beatings did to me was make me want to challenge rules that are vague and unclear.

When you really sit down and look at it, just about every rule is unclear because there's no way to anticipate every single situation that can come up.

Natural language is very imprecise and can lead to a LOT of uncertainty, especially for children.

Please try to break it down to your kids as much as possible what different words mean and what they should do. They haven't had enough life experience to fully understand what's expected.

Well the things that are expected are not complicated at all.... all kids need to know or follow is simple rules like: doing homework and doing it right, listening, help around the house (dishes, take out trash, pick up room etc..) but mainly respect. There is nothing hard for kids to understand what is expected. There is plenty of kids out there that do all this with no problem.... i would say a good number of kids and thats because the parents make that clear to them. We're not asking for the kids to go out and find a job, or manage the bills.... I can speak for myself, what i require from my kids as far as rules and stuff like that is nothing that needs to be broken down in to words or detail. Kids are not stupid they know what is right from wrong. And I agree with what someone said ealier on this thread..... If the parents are lazzy or slack off with your kids then they will act up. What happens is kids also get lazzy and they like to act like they dont know what certain things means, words mean or why they should follow rules... kids know whats up. Obviously im not talking about infants but i'd say starting from 3 yrs and up they start understanding rules. Im not an expert or want to seem like if i know everything but I am a parent of 3 kids of different ages and ive seen how kids think, ofcourse not all kids are created equal but most of them think and know the same. Again we the spankers are not promoting physical abuse towards children but say yes to physical disapline to a certain extent.

12-09-2009, 11:28 AM
I'm glad my parents spanked me, I think I turned out better because of it. My mom actually broke a paddle on my ass once.

It seems to me that I stopped being spanked at about 10 years old. I knew at that point what would get me spanked and did a really good job of avoiding that behavior.

All this psychobabble parenting, I dont really agree with it. The stuff I learned in my psychology course made sense, but I think it sometimes has unintended consequences. Rewarding kids for good behavior with material goods IMO is one of the main reasons that people these days, especially Americans and Europeans, have such an entitlement problem. Being good should be a reward in itself.

Aside from that, I think it's better to punish swiftly at the moment of the bad behavior than to drag out a punishment for hours and make it 'a battle of wills' and and some psychological trickery. Kid screws up, a swift smack to the ass, kid instantly knows what he did wrong and the issue is resolved. Simple and straightforward.

12-09-2009, 03:27 PM
Reinforcement (psychology) has a lot more to with just handing out material rewards indiscrimantly.
There also different approaches to administering rewards and punishment.
These principles not only work for kids, but also adults and sometimes animals.
Much of the dog training techniques, for example is based on the same thing.

The trick is to know exactly what is the reinforcer and how to apply it.

Once again, im not denouncing light spanking,
providing its not the only recourse,
its not too harsh,
as long as there is an attempt to also reason with the child.

Furthmore, disciplining a child is one thing.
Spoiling them is quite another.
you can have kids (or adults) who might be very disciplined in some respects,
but also spoilt in others.
Kids can be spoilt with attention,
even if they arent demanding with materialism (toys/$$$/etc)

12-10-2009, 01:49 AM
I was never beaten or spanked. I turned out absolutely fine. My parents taught me enough about respect for them to not have to use physical violence on me.

Make sure your kids know whos boss from day one, and you won't have to hit them.


I think it just depends on your kids. My mom beat me senseless at times, but other times she could just give me 'the look' and I'd straighten up. Some kids just need one, some the other, some need both, and some need none.

HAHA, I had a kid taking all kinds of stuff off some pegshelfs at work and the mom asked him to put it back. When he didn't, I gave him 'the look' and right after he put the stuff back where he got it and ran to his mom crying. After that everytime he started to act up I could just look at him and he'd stop. lol

Good times.

12-10-2009, 02:15 AM
I think hitting your kid is just fine, however it can get really out of hand easily because of the psychological effects that can come out of it for some people. Issues arising in things such as a persons sexual preferences and unease of relationships sometimes commitment etc.

12-10-2009, 02:26 AM
How the hell does 'sexual preference' come to play?
We are not discussing sadomasochistic dungeons here.

'Maybe', by some bizzare logic, sex abuse might lead to that (I have no idea),
but that that's hardly the topic being discussed here imo.

12-10-2009, 08:10 AM
what i require from my kids as far as rules and stuff like that is. Kids are not stupid they know what is right from wrong

I'm going to disagree with you here. You can't assume that kids can read your mind. I can't even read your mind.

The worst thing in the world is getting beat up for something you never knew was wrong. Maybe a warning with explanation/clarification would be ok, but senseless beating after the fact with no previous warning builds nothing but resentment.

You cannot expect your views and interpretation to be the only valid ones. Language itself is imprecise and a lot of communication is tacit.

For example, what is "respect"? If I were your child, what would you want me to do and NOT do to show "respect"?

If I'm just minding my own business and not bother anyone, will I get beaten for being "disrespectful"?

12-10-2009, 10:16 AM
How the hell does 'sexual preference' come to play?
We are not discussing sadomasochistic dungeons here.

'Maybe', by some bizzare logic, sex abuse might lead to that (I have no idea),
but that that's hardly the topic being discussed here imo.

power. to some people "beating" (not mild spanking) your child gives you "power". so the child could grow up to be a sadistic person cause he thought that control and power is what he might want. Next thing you know he's on tv for keeping a head in the freezer because all he wanted to do was control a person. so killing them is the only way he can have that control. Not saying that's how it starts...but who really knows.

just a thought...don't sit on it too long. I'm not sadistic....well maybe. jk. lol

12-10-2009, 11:08 AM
How the hell does 'sexual preference' come to play?
We are not discussing sadomasochistic dungeons here.

'Maybe', by some bizzare logic, sex abuse might lead to that (I have no idea),
but that that's hardly the topic being discussed here imo.

Just pointing some of the potential affects that can come out of it for some people, just you can classify spanking as a con since we're discussing pros and cons.

12-10-2009, 11:29 AM
ill pank them but not beat them

12-10-2009, 02:50 PM
On the other hand, I can understand why kids seem to act out more nowadays.
It's not that they are more hyper, they just don't have a way to get the energy out. Of course doctors love to diagnose every other kid with ADD now to make money off prescribing pills, but just a couple of decades ago there was no such thing as 'ADD,' it was normal human behavior.
I remember that living in the suburbs from when I was 12 until I got my license felt like a prison. I would skate places when I could, but if I wanted or needed to go anyplace farther, I was completely dependent on my parents. It especially felt terrible because up until then I was used to living in Europe where I could walk or take public transport to anywhere I wanted.
Plus everyone is paranoid about child molesters and kidnappers nowadays, so kids spend their days locked inside the house. And while yes, it is true that the parents should take them out and help them be active, fact is that parents also have to 'entertain' their kids much more then they used to, due to the increasingly sedentary lifestyle. And I also know that tweens/early teens don't really want to do activities with their parents, they would much rather roam around with their peers.
You can't really blame just the kids or the parents, the whole lifestyle is messed up.

12-10-2009, 03:50 PM
I'm going to disagree with you here. You can't assume that kids can read your mind. I can't even read your mind.

The worst thing in the world is getting beat up for something you never knew was wrong. Maybe a warning with explanation/clarification would be ok, but senseless beating after the fact with no previous warning builds nothing but resentment.

You cannot expect your views and interpretation to be the only valid ones. Language itself is imprecise and a lot of communication is tacit.

For example, what is "respect"? If I were your child, what would you want me to do and NOT do to show "respect"?

If I'm just minding my own business and not bother anyone, will I get beaten for being "disrespectful"?

Let me clarify.... ofcourse kids or any human beings cant read minds. I definately dont expect my kids to read my mind cause its not possible but only in certain situations. Im just saying and I speak for myself, I have made it clear to my kids since they were younger how things go weather it is doing h/w, behaving good at home and at school, having respect for others, etc... So when it does come to one of them things and they are acting up and not wanting to follow rules then ofcourse they will get a spanking.Thats a daily routine of activities they do dialy, so they know whats up. I dont want to sound like my ways are the right and only way cause their not.

12-10-2009, 07:35 PM
each and every kidd/child in the world needs/deserves an ass kickin my parents did it to me and i think i turned out fine but becareful not to over do it these days...you'll find yourself in alot of trouble lol but i think a belt and/or hand will do the trick try to stay away from vacuum cleaner chords,tree branches,hangers,canes lol i know it might be hard to believe but some ppl actually use these to discpline their kids i was one of the kids to get these used on...lol i diddnt think i was that bad

12-10-2009, 07:52 PM
I remember this lady was with her son and the child was acting a damn fool screaming and having a temper tantrum. She took him into the bathroom, came out two minutes later, kid stood by her side and didn't say a thing. Small tear down his face was about it.

More kids need to be taken care of like that.

Fuck this time-out mess.

Spank their ass and while they are crying they will be taking time-out thinking about what they did wrong.

Touge Noob S13
12-10-2009, 09:36 PM

kids nowadays are brats...i was at Toys R Us picking up my CODMW2 copy and i was next...some little brat cuts ahead of me (5 yrs old i would guess) and im like "ohh okay go ahead" and he responds with "thats what i thought asshole" im loke WTF...i turn to the mom she's just smiling, i tell here "dopnt just look stupid and smile, dicipline your child be4 he grows up being a waste of the community, she responded with " ohh he's only a child he doesnt know what it means". i respond with "and he shouldnt know how to say things like that so well...

and yes i did push that little turd back behind me...ITS WAS MY TURN! :ddog:

ROFL, why the fuck is that stupid bitch buying that kid a rated M game anyways? As a kid my mom usually spanked me and my dad would raise his voice which scared me. My brother threw a big tantrum at a store once. When we got home my mom turned the garden hose on him and told him she would stop until he calmed down, he quickly did.

12-10-2009, 10:55 PM
what a perfect time for this topic...sounds like the obamas just got busted out by oprah for admitting to previously "coercively punishing" their two daughters...

12-11-2009, 07:54 AM
Let me clarify.... ofcourse kids or any human beings cant read minds. I definately dont expect my kids to read my mind cause its not possible but only in certain situations. Im just saying and I speak for myself, I have made it clear to my kids since they were younger how things go weather it is doing h/w, behaving good at home and at school, having respect for others, etc... So when it does come to one of them things and they are acting up and not wanting to follow rules then ofcourse they will get a spanking.Thats a daily routine of activities they do dialy, so they know whats up. I dont want to sound like my ways are the right and only way cause their not.

I'll drink to that.

It upsets me when people get in trouble when they ask for clarifications. This goes for children, lawyers, workers, or just about anyone.

The people who make up the rules think that anyone should be able to understand what is written when quite often what is written is not clear and doesn't encompass every possible situation.

I always got in trouble at school for asking why America is the devil. That's just something they taught in school and they just wanted you to accept that America is evil. If you even attempt to ask why, you get your ass beaten.

12-11-2009, 02:02 PM
I'll drink to that.

It upsets me when people get in trouble when they ask for clarifications. This goes for children, lawyers, workers, or just about anyone.

The people who make up the rules think that anyone should be able to understand what is written when quite often what is written is not clear and doesn't encompass every possible situation.

I always got in trouble at school for asking why America is the devil. That's just something they taught in school and they just wanted you to accept that America is evil. If you even attempt to ask why, you get your ass beaten.

what????!!!!! where did you go to school? and who was leading you into hell? lol

12-11-2009, 07:56 PM
Spanking is the best way to raise a child. I do it, I don't beat the crap out of them, cus that won't work later either.

I use a angry face and voice that they do not know from me. I follow through with what I say after the warning and 3 quick smacks where it stings. This seems to do it for my kids.

Wife's family kids are little monsters, cus all they get is threats and time outs. lol

12-11-2009, 09:03 PM
I am completely for spanking, I think that is extremely neccesary in upbringing a child.

However, like everyone else said, there is a line between spanking and abuse. And it's not a fine line either. Just dont beat the shit outta the kid. Spank him on the ass, smack his hands(when he/she is doing something with their hands they aren't supposed to do).

My girlfriend has never been spanked. She's one of those kids that just grew up being quiet and following the rules(all of us know one or two of these kinds of people). She always listened and never really did anything to get into trouble. Her sister on the other hand was whooped to high heaven untill their parents got divorced, now she's just a spoiled little brat. She used to hit Amanda(my girlfriend) whenever Amanda got mad at her or something, but for the past two years we've been dating, Amanda's the one beating the shit out of her sister. lol. I started teaching her a little Muay Thai and that solved the problem. Her sister's only a brat when Amanda's not in the room now.

But seriously, even physical discipline when you're older works(not neccesarily from your parents)

EXAMPLE: In highschool there was a kid(Tyler) who always picked on this kid who was in my grade named Matt who had a learning disorder and was a little on the weird side. Well you know the story, Tyler was poular and everything, and no one liked Matt because he was weird as shit. Everyone knew that they didn't like eachother, and I can remember multiple times after gym when I was a Sophmore when Tyler would yank Matts pants down in front of everyone, or lock him in a stall or something. Come my Senior year this shit was still going on, and that surprised me, especially at the beginning of the year. So one day after weight training I walk out into the parking lot and Tyler literally has this kid picked up by his throat against the kids van. And NO ONE WAS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT! So I went over there and Tyler put the kid back on the ground, and I beat the shit outta Tyler, bashing his head into van, throwing elbows, kicking his ribs, everything. Broke two of this ribs, cut his eyebrow and his forehead wide fucking open(Thank you MT) and broke his nose. The school decided to suspend me and not do a fucking thing to him though(classic). The rest of the year this Tyler kid was a dream, didn't say a bad thing about anyone, got great grades and is now one of my best friends. lol

Hit them, discipline them. Do not use "psychology" on them. Are you a fucking retard? explain what they did wrong and pop them on the ass. Reward them when they are good, discipline when they are bad.

12-11-2009, 09:14 PM
^^lol thats how you do it pimp,beat their ass teach'em a lesson and they'll be almost perfect angels

12-11-2009, 10:19 PM
it all depends on the kid but they have to have some fear of you when they do something wrong. or they will run you like a little bitch and it will just get worse.

if you have a kid watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJxYwC1ycQI

12-11-2009, 11:03 PM
That kid needds her ass whooped

That Mom is a fucking bitch and needs to shut the fuck up and stay out of the way

The father is a pussy and needs to learn. lol

Mi Beardo es Loco
12-12-2009, 01:38 PM
it's not the beating that makes the impact on the kid, it's the act. You have to make the kid SCARED to do it again, not from the pain but from your wrath. Yes, maybe a slap here and there is required when they just won't listen but if you do it too much and with little reason then it will desensitize him/her and that's when they don't listen to you and don't have that fear of god anymore.

12-16-2009, 04:52 PM
Yes, maybe a slap here and there is required when they just won't listen but if you do it too much and with little reason then it will desensitize him/her

Umm, if a child has become desensitized to a slap, it's time to upgrade.

12-17-2009, 10:07 AM
Umm, if a child has become desensitized to a slap, it's time to upgrade.

If a child is getting desensitized then most likely the person who is reprimanding them isn't conveying the point properly for the child to associate what they did wrong; I hate long sentences...

Or they just need to beat their ass till the white meat show.

12-17-2009, 10:56 AM
If a child is getting desensitized then most likely the person who is reprimanding them isn't conveying the point properly for the child to associate what they did wrong; I hate long sentences...

Or the child is already paralyzed and the proper authorities need to be involved.

12-17-2009, 11:44 AM
A swat across the ass is NOT abuse.

Continuing such with an object in hand beyond the level of necessity is.

Trying to talk nicely and not establishing a respect for authority by whatever means necessary is where spoiled-ass kids come from.
I am 30 years old and NEVER knew what it was like to be "grounded" or "on timeout," I got my ass beat when I fuxed up until I was 12 or 13 I think, at which point I finally fuxing got it and flew straight enough.
My sister pops her kids, as does my brother with his boys and while they do what kids do, they're SURGICALLY well behaved, and Barry (ThatGuy) has met my niece and seen this in action.

Physical punishment is a necessary non-evil. You spoil the child when you spare the rod, simple as that.
To apply an abstract "well if you raise your kids right, you won't have to hit them" is the most pussy copout I have heard since I left work today. Children are children and by the natural order of things are BORN ignorant, and must be taught by the most effective available means. "no, Jimmy, bad Jimmy, go to timeout" is a million times less effective than *SWAT* "get your ass up out of that fuxing floor"

I'm done with this thread.

happy to hear you say this sir...

honestly the downfall of the current generations is the downfall of parenting all together, they sit there kids in front of T.V. sets...and expect them to be proper little people...

When I acted stupid I got my ass kicked, simple as that. Whether it was a belt, hand, wooden spoon or metal spoon it was only used on my ass. Shitty thing was after I fucked up my mom would wait till my dad got home and let him do it. Those hours before my dad got home were the worst, just knowing I was going to get spanked. Then when I heard his truck pull up in the driveway its like the "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" then he would come in and get it over with. I learned, and so did my brother.

or how about when they asked you to go get them, what they were gonna use...i remember that shit, crying as i walked down the hall, picked up the belt and walked back crying and shaking while i handed it to my pops, i deserved that shit though...

or when my grandma would ask me to get the switch of the tree and peel the leaves off...




honestly... my moms boss got that for my nephew...2 days later me, my sister and brother (nephews dad) burned that BS...no way is my godson gonna be on a motherfucking leash...

This is a lack of respect.

If my grandma asked anything of me and my cousins, it would be done and finished with a 'yes grandma.'

i would of said "si mama"... we grew up very close to our grandmother and call her Mama...its funny that...my mom and her sisters all call her that...her grand babies (me, my siblings and cuzins) call her that...and now, her great grand babies call her the same as well... lol

12-17-2009, 01:03 PM
I'm going to assume everyone who voted NO is either a silly liberal or doesn't have kids. or if they do they are going to have little brats screaming in a store for a candy bar.

She would put a hand full of uncooked beans on the kitchen floor and made me get on my knees for a good minute.... boy did i think twice and i would be very careful of what i did or said.... never did she touch me with her own hands but i would had rather had a spanking then to go through that lol. Till today she lives and i love her to death.
We do the same thing in the South, but with long grain white rice.

12-17-2009, 02:43 PM
Or the child is already paralyzed and the proper authorities need to be involved.
hahaha. Exception to the rule~

12-17-2009, 06:29 PM
It's the thing to do.

12-18-2009, 04:26 PM
I've gotten into beating other peoples kids

12-20-2009, 03:16 PM
wish "other kids' parents" was an option

12-20-2009, 04:22 PM
I say beat the hell out of them! My girlfriend has a daughter that needs a good asswhoopin here and there but I dont do it, I tell her mother and she wears her ass out!!

12-23-2009, 05:39 PM
kids are spoiled rotten nowadays, I hear people talk back to their parents all the time, WTF? Do that to my mom and your head will roll.

How about verbal abuse towards the parents? How is that different?

01-02-2010, 09:59 AM
i dont have kids, but just like a lot of you i was a disrespectful lil shit growing up, and my mom spanked me so many damn times. and im going to do the same to my kids. ive actually gone up to ppl and told them to hit there kid, or i would. it makes me sick to see parents do the "warning" thing, go past 3 and start over. are you kidding me? do you think your kids are retarded? im 20 and i know that it dosnt work from watching you just fail at it. hit the mother fuckers!

edit, i told my dad to go fuck himself once. once. (now im older and can whoop his ass tho so i say it all the time as a joke but, i respect him now)

01-02-2010, 03:28 PM
i know its been said already but i was hit with the belt and the wooden spoon and i turned out just fine. only one time did my dad blast me in the face and guess what? i was 17 and i deserved every ounce of that punch. see, i learned!:spank::smash::bigok:

01-03-2010, 05:21 PM
I recently spared the rod when I found out that my 4 year old son was not reading The Holy Bible. I beat his bare buttocks with a senior cane which is a kind of rod. He was caned 24 times and though the blows were hard the bruising only lasted 4 weeks. I love my son which is why I beat him. I do not spank I beat. A spanking is putting him him over my knee and hitting him by hand, I'm afraid this could turn him gay so I don't spank I beat. Paddling is not a suitable punishment as the pain is not severe.
My son is like a model child in our Church.
Praise Jesus.

01-07-2010, 02:45 PM
if you don't beat your kids their going to turn out like this little brat. I said we should all go and give him some Discipline.


http://zilvia.net/f/%3Cobject%20width=%22425%22%20height=%22344%22%3E% 3Cparam%20name=%22movie%22%20value=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/OuBfDZegCEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowFullScreen%22%20va lue=%22true%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowscriptaccess%22%20 value=%22always%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cembed%20src=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/OuBfDZegCEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%20type=%22application/x-shockwave-flash%22%20allowscriptaccess=%22always%22%20allowf ullscreen=%22true%22%20width=%22425%22%20height=%2 2344%22%3E%3C/embed%3E%3C/object%3E

01-07-2010, 07:58 PM
I love my son which is why I beat him. I do not spank I beat. A spanking is putting him him over my knee and hitting him by hand, I'm afraid this could turn him gay so I don't spank I beat.
Praise Jesus.

Best post of this entire thread!

01-08-2010, 07:30 PM
im black so u know my momma hit me...ahahahaa

01-09-2010, 09:15 PM
^ ditto
I got my ass beat and I deserved it 100% of the time and I still have great relationships with both of my parents even though they are divorced now.

01-10-2010, 02:41 AM
im a true mex...mexi tradition is beat your kids "that way they learn" and i did... i got beat with a "posolera" spoon.....if you dont know what that is, it a big foot and a half wooden spoon to stir big pots of posole (mexican dish) ...i learned to respect my parents and family, i stopped being a little heiven child and to not talk unecessary shit...lol... seriously doubt verbal punishment would have helped...

01-10-2010, 02:45 AM
if you don't beat your kids their going to turn out like this little brat. I said we should all go and give him some Discipline.

YouTube - Kid slaps his mother on live tv dr. phil (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuBfDZegCEw)

http://zilvia.net/f/%3Cobject%20width=%22425%22%20height=%22344%22%3E% 3Cparam%20name=%22movie%22%20value=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/OuBfDZegCEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowFullScreen%22%20va lue=%22true%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowscriptaccess%22%20 value=%22always%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cembed%20src=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/OuBfDZegCEw&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%20type=%22application/x-shockwave-flash%22%20allowscriptaccess=%22always%22%20allowf ullscreen=%22true%22%20width=%22425%22%20height=%2 2344%22%3E%3C/embed%3E%3C/object%3E

holy fuck....i would have got the sinto pitiado (big leather mexican belts) for that shit!!!! then to knee in the corner on beans for an hour...

when i got up i couldnt feel my legs...but i never made the same mistake twice...i usually got the same punishment for different reasons ...lol...

01-14-2010, 10:48 PM
i got my ass beat every day after school from 3rd-8th grade with a concrete stake.

it made me stronger i think.

but on the contrary, i have a terrible relationship with my dad, i hate him, and he is ALWAYS an asshole to me. im afraid to ever talk to him about anything, because he used to beat me.

01-14-2010, 11:55 PM
i got my ass beat every day after school from 3rd-8th grade with a concrete stake.

it made me stronger i think.

but on the contrary, i have a terrible relationship with my dad, i hate him, and he is ALWAYS an asshole to me. im afraid to ever talk to him about anything, because he used to beat me.

Its funny, this goes both ways.

I was beat a ton, slave status. Out of all the boys (3 of us total), I was treated like a pinata.

Granted, his reasons for beating me (shoving kids off swings, 2 fights in 1 day, beating up other kids, etc) where spot on. While I did hate my father for doing so, as I grew up, I put 2 and 2 together.

Grown man (50's) taking care of 6 loose cannons, no support from the Mother (she pretty much abandoned us/took off) and he was Asian Military. Its all he knew, its what he taught.

You don't miss what you've got until you're gone. Yea he beat us, but he made us learn, and those lessons will always be with us. "Don't be a dipshit."

01-15-2010, 01:13 AM
Granted, his reasons for beating me (shoving kids off swings, 2 fights in 1 day, beating up other kids, etc) where spot on.

same here. i used to get suspended from school every day i was at school. stuff like that.

03-17-2010, 01:14 AM
Damn, lol my mom and dad use to throw slippers at me when I rode my bike after dark and didn't want to go in.

Haha, I use to pedal all fast when they tryed. Good times :D
once I was inside, it wasn't so good lol

03-17-2010, 06:23 AM
85% Yes.............awesome. Fucking hippie ass parents that think just talking to your kids works. Kids respect the spanking. I know it kept me in line when I was a little kid.

03-17-2010, 11:06 AM
I was never spanked as a kid and I turned out fine.

I know kids that were spanked and ended up as fucktards.

03-17-2010, 05:36 PM
There are always exceptions to the rule.

03-18-2010, 01:10 PM
The bottom line is that kids need a whuppin every now and then. Gotta keep those little bastards in check!


03-20-2010, 01:24 AM
..Smack 'em.

I got the traditional leather belt, fly swatter, and wooden spoon. On special occasions when I was really bad. I had a metal spatula, large authentic Australian boomerang, and one of those mini plastic hockey sticks.

Kids these days get away with way to much. If you fart with a 10ft perimeter of a child they'll call Children Aid on you.
Nowadays. Far to often am I tempted to slap someone else kid because they're being rude, disrespectful, obnoxious snot nose brats, or down right annoying. And never receive any physical punishment. Or ANY kind of discipline.

I wonder if it has anything to do with 18 year olds having kids??

03-29-2010, 11:13 PM
off ... LOL ;)



The people who voted no... are you white?

I don't think it's so much as the beatdown, but kids--shit people in general, need a sense of boundaries, consequences and punishment. If you can teach that at an EARLY age without beating your kids, more power to you--but if it's already too late and all you end up is with a bruised child who still acts like a fuck up, what then?

T chop
03-30-2010, 12:40 AM
I've talked about this SO many times with peers.

As a kid, when we did something wrong, we got smacked.
Getting your ass whooped makes you think twice about being a smart ass again.

Today is kind of bullshit I think. I see these kids being total assholes and the parents couldn't be bothered to do anything about it.

Simple solution: Kid acts up. Smack him. Kid learns. The End.

I think there is far too much "PC" crap these days. lawsuits. Kids who "run" their parents. ADD, ADHD, etc. wtf is that?
A smack will straighten up that smart ass.


03-30-2010, 10:29 AM
I'm glad I just got the belt or the slipper or the hand but never that stupid stuff like "time out" or the soap bar in the mouth treatment.

03-31-2010, 07:02 AM
Spoiled/disrespectful/whatever kids is not a matter of spanked or not spanked. It's a whole parenting style. Often the proper style comes with spanking (Because those parents CARE enough to train their kids), but it doesn't have to.
There are different strategies out there (and in this thread) that work at different times, in different situations, with different kids. I think you'll find most caring parents use a mix of positive and negative reinforcement as well as punishment (If you just tuned out because I used "psychology talk" fuck you).

Kids do as they observe. Set a good example, be firm, offer choices, spank when absolutely necessary.

To any who have said that we're having kids younger than we have in previous years... Have you ever read a book? Do your research on arranged feudal marriages, etc., then get back to us.

03-31-2010, 09:29 AM
I think allot of the kids from the IE and other parts of So cal should of been smacked around when they were growing up. When I did something wrong I got the shit beat out of my or I had to do a shit load of push ups... these 16-20 year old kids these days have no respect for anything.

chucky norris
04-04-2010, 11:25 PM
i would get hit by my dad with leather sandals, power cords, belts, and a plastic pipe all kinds of stupid shit for doing stupid things. it wasn't just my dad that would hit me also my grandmother and grandfather in front of my friends lol

04-07-2010, 02:46 PM
I used to get my ass beat by my mom and grandmom/grandfather constantly when I was a child until I was about 9 when I watched my mom shoot my older brother's dad in the vitals, leave him lying on the ground bleeding in the front yard, and walk into the house to call the cops on herself. She then sat down at the kitchen table, and drank a cup of coffee while she waited. F'n EPIC. Needless to say I never had my ass whipped again.

The point of that childhood memory is that fear is a beautiful thing to teach children with.

04-07-2010, 03:04 PM
I know this girl that has a kid, the kid is way out of control. All she does is yell at him if he does something bad, and in my mind I want to tell her ass to whoop his ass. This kid is only 2 years old, biting/beating/jumping on her.

It's such a headache to see that, because if that was my son I would've whooped his ass until he gets it right. I remember when I fucked up when I was younger my mom brought out the feather dusters. LOL

Btw, the kid doesn't know his dad, the mom is single and living with her foster mom.
Shit, no wonder.

04-26-2010, 12:33 PM
Im 18 and I can only remember getting hit by my dad once. I'm not spoiled.... Well not too bad anyways. I didn't really do dumb shit or piss off my parents, so I don't think all kids should get their asses beat for doing small shit. But then there are the dumb ass kids who scream and shit and public and yes I forshure think they should get beat or punished severly. I think it really just depends. haha this was pointless....

04-27-2010, 01:00 AM
When I was little my parents would hit me and I would laugh my ass off.LOL but my lil brother isn't hit and holy mother of god he is so dumb.I think kids need a beaten to understand sometimes cause if they grow up never feeling pain and get hit by someone else, well you have a little girl if it's a boy.Also if you don't hit them or spank then it'll lead to them doing it again and again.Kinda like a puppy when they see newspaper.

04-27-2010, 01:49 AM
Im 18 and I can only remember getting hit by my dad once. I'm not spoiled.... Well not too bad anyways. I didn't really do dumb shit or piss off my parents, so I don't think all kids should get their asses beat for doing small shit. But then there are the dumb ass kids who scream and shit and public and yes I forshure think they should get beat or punished severly. I think it really just depends. haha this was pointless....

The problem is that if you discipline your kid from the get-go, they wont think about having public tantrums. I watched my wife's lil cousin whos like 4, kid is the most behaved fucking kid I've ever seen. His dad talks to him like he's a damn adult and he behaves like one.

05-04-2010, 08:38 AM
The problem is that if you discipline your kid from the get-go, they wont think about having public tantrums. I watched my wife's lil cousin whos like 4, kid is the most behaved fucking kid I've ever seen. His dad talks to him like he's a damn adult and he behaves like one.

True. But that can also backfire. If my parents did that now i would probably do the exact opposite of everything they tell me. haha but probably not. idk its all just the situation i guess.

06-10-2010, 05:44 PM
I rarely got my ass kicked by my parents. My brother did mind you but I learned from his mistakes. He got his ass handed to him by my mom and dad. I was like "Oh shit! I'm never gonna do that!" I came out alright..I guess.
When ever we got into bullshit they'd take the video game consoles, CD/MP3 players, Computers, anything worth having fun or enjoyed doing but what they didn't know I knew where they stashed all the goodies HAAHAAHAHAHAHAH but I say beat your kids ass when they get out of line!

06-11-2010, 01:22 AM
i got my ass whopped by my dad, and i turned out pretty good if i say so myself.

and i agree with a couple of guys from here, todays youth doesnt have respect for its peers. they seriously need some as whooping; with the "chancla" lol

06-11-2010, 07:01 AM
In my area right now we are experiencing the generation of "no woopins" come to fruition. There is no sense of consequences for actions here. I know a girl who got a wreckless driving charge a while back. Then a few weeks later she got pulled for speeding.... under the influence, with open bottles in her car, scripts that weren't hers, pot possession, and parafanilia. Not a week later she rearended a van full of girls from the half-way house. So far she's gotten a slap on the wrist. She's really the victim here so they sentenced her to 30 days of AA lol.

No consequences = no morals = where i live

Pulling out of my neighbor hood the other day I saw a car way off in the distance. So I pulled out and almost got hit. The car way down the road was a girl doing... eh around 90(in a 35) in a liberty. She looked maybe 16. When I caught up to her she yelled at me for pulling out in front of her.. I was speechless lol.

My brothers ex graduated high school on her 5th car.
Car 1: Saturn 1 - dropped motor on ground(can't reverse full speed then throw your car into drive w/o stopping first forever.
Car 2: Saturn 2 - Same trouble.
Car 2b: Saturn 2- Side swiped a mini-van.
Car 3: 90's Shadow - after several minor fender benders finally spun out on dry pavement rounding a corner, bounced off a truck then a light pole.
Car 4: Brand new saturn ion- rear ended a station wagon.
Car 5: replacement band new ion- rolled due to excessive speed cornereing.
She has currently paid for zero cars or repairs and is still out there on the road.

There is a recent rash in pregnancies of unmarried 15-18y/o girls not in relationships who are still living at home. Most girls I meet have been pregnant at least once. But when you can pop a pill, adopt out, or let your parents raise it, why not. I think thats the current consensus.

The people of this city are pimarily failing industrial workers and commuting chicago big business. Its wierd to see more high school kids in brand new cars than adults. Theres two lanes here, one for the struggling adults trying to poke down the road and save gas in some beater, and one lane for a young kid bouncing a cobalt off the rev limiter and that girl in the liberty.

No consequences + Everything handed to you = where I live

Even my younger brothers have bought into this mindset. My youngest brother barely graduated high school. He has no job. He's not gonna go to school. He just sits in the basement and plays MW2 and parties with his friends. And he's probably the most likely to succeed out of his whole group of friends.

He said it to me like this. Why should I work? "I've never worked and I have everything I want. Don't be bitter because I figured the world out first" My brother has a homeless friend who has the same midset... excpet his parents lost there house and disowned him before they moved away, now he just bounces around between firends.

I'm not interested in a poll of whether the people in my city whooped there kids or not. The resulting youth speak volumes.

I can't relate to people much younger than me. It's like they are stuck in an episode of The Hills. i feel like most of them were raise, and grew up, very different from me.

I'm very thankful my parents cared enough to discipline me physically and otherwise.

06-11-2010, 08:29 AM
it has a lot to do with the kids personality... some fuckers are rebels the moment they get out of the womb... But im pro beating all the way, no abuse though just discipline and none of that time out BS either, real discipline

"be your kid's friend" flip that switch.....

06-12-2010, 12:01 AM
For me it was yes and no. My mom beat my butt, but my dad would talk to me. Sometimes I would rather of just got a spanky, long lectures suck.

06-12-2010, 03:42 PM
I'm asian, so yes beat your kids!

06-29-2010, 10:48 AM
It's the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the child understands that there are consequences to their actions in the real world. The parents won't always be around to protect them, pay for them, and make excuses for them.

07-30-2010, 04:09 AM
I'm asian, so yes beat your kids!

on the same boat.....um ... you know what i mean.

my mom would woop my ass all the time for doing stupid shit when i was growing up. both me and my brother.
i think she was trying to be "Americanized" so she would use a leather belt on us. if we fucked up more than usual she would threaten us with the not so soft side of the belt (the buckle) and if we really, really fucked up, and i think this is why she enrolled us in KENDO (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendo),
she would get really japanese on us and chase us with a SHINAI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinai)
thats when you start running like a mofo.

.....and we all turned out great so beat your kids mentally and physically.
just dont hurt them.

you are their parent first and foremost be their friend when they need it.
discipline is a beautiful thing.
talking and time outs just dont do the job for most kids. usually white parents do that sort of thing. not being racist or anything but statistically this is true. you can wikipedia this.
asian, mexican, black, indian, europeans, south americans too!

kids cannot be let off the hook too easily when they've done something wrong or been disrespectful. whether they are aware of it or not your job as a parent is to let them see the light and woop them! not beat the crap out of them they are kids. you can wait till they're 18 for that. jk

its difficult to know what is the best way to raise your kids. there is no hand book...... at least not for the non-white parents:hahano: jk
but just go about it logically.

damn, who would have thought there would be a topic like this on Zilvia:)