View Full Version : New Drifting Mag

05-21-2003, 07:32 PM
who got it?

koguchi doesnt have a CA18DET
(and that's tip of iceberg on his setup...so much bad info)


what did everyone think?

"nitekids could have wrote a better mag"

05-21-2003, 07:51 PM
Damn i saw that yesterday in the market and read through it. And i was looking at koguchi's car and i saw "ca18det" and was like hrmm, i didnt think there was a CA in it, then i looked at the next page with the engine bay pict and saw the SR... :rolleyes:

After seeing that i figured it was all crap. :)

05-21-2003, 08:09 PM
i thought it was ok
not really informative but the pics are fun to look at.
all in all not a bad first try for an american drifting mag

05-21-2003, 08:14 PM
drifting... im getting tired of this hype

05-21-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by AlligatorBling
drifting... im getting tired of this hype

you don't want drifting to get big in the u.s.? :rolleyes:

05-21-2003, 09:18 PM
i LOVE it getting big


05-21-2003, 09:19 PM
I have yet to pick up a copy, although I haven't been to a newsstand recently, therefore my comments are based mostly on assumption.
One thing I would think a US drift magazine would want to focus on is content. No matter what one's comprehension of japanese may be, anyone can pick up an issue of drift tengoku and look at the pictures. I, too, enjoy looking at/trying to read them, but I often wish I could understand the articles, interviews, et cetera. A magazine in english would be in the position to (responsibly) deliver similar content in a much more digestable manner.
However, here and elsewhere, I can't say I've heard any overwhelmingly great things about the magazine, which is something of a disappointment. Who knows, maybe next month's issue will be better, if there is another issue. Until it gets better, I'd rather pay the extra money for magazines that are twice as big and, presumably, twice as interesting, even if I can't read the articles.

05-21-2003, 09:23 PM
if we could get it like the drift tengoku
saw one that was cool
installing skyline REAR brakes onto 180sx and setting for drift
installing/maintaining car for drift
(remmeber all are drift related)
how to make your own stickers
tinting gauge cluster
articles on technique and tuning

etc etc

i do like the interviews w/ drivers/ personalities down here.
ken gushi does rock. kid is not only a super cool guy but a great drifter. really up and coming. going to only get better over the years!

05-21-2003, 11:09 PM
I went to look for it today but I couldn't find it? They don't have it at barnes and noble do they?

soon we'll be seeing a dousan interview o.O

05-22-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
i LOVE it getting big


Dorifuto = Cali Fo Nya

Grip = Everywhere Else.

I have no desire to drift, nor do I hope it comes to the midwest, nor to I wish to read a magazine dedicated to it. Just more useless drivel, only this time, instead of it being in Japanese (Option2), it's in English. Yay. :rolleyes:

Sorry if that's too harsh, but I agree that all this hype is just lame. If you like to drift, awesome. But can we talk about something else? It's such a huge imbalance around here. There are a handful of good drivers (drift and grip)...but everyone and their monkey's uncle seems to want to build a S13 SR drift car these days. Sheesh.



05-22-2003, 01:07 AM
yeah but we get DRIFT AND grip
if i had the money i can be at a track event (not including auto x) almost WEEKLY

so cali rocks
autox fills the weekends there are no track events
let drift come. fills up my month. i love grip AND drift. SOOO MUCH fun

and if bored on weekdays, mountains are less then 1/2 hour away for some awesome mountain driving.

im not complaining!

05-22-2003, 01:42 AM
"How to drift your civic!" is written on the front cover. Man..I am so bitter. This is officially the beginning of migration en masse to the new bandwagon. We might as well name the Nissan 240sx to the Honda Silvia. It's the new Honda, and everyone wants to make it a "silvia."

I have nothing against drifting-I just think people need to learn how to control their cars first through grip racing, not jump headfirst into trying to slide their tails out. This magazine is encouraging the opposite.

05-22-2003, 01:53 AM
i paid 6 bucks for this sucker, read it at work, took like, an hour. 6 bucks, thats like... 3 option videos i could have rented, wait, no, rent 3 get one free, thats FOUR option videos i could have rented.

Some parts of it was cute, like the Benson and Nadine story. other parts, like the FF drift and domestic drift was silly and uninformed.

the info was repeated over and over again, keeps on refering to the same ****, same events. Even the JDM drift machine coverages sucked mucho. They gave some pics, and, like thats it. The pics weren't anything that we haven't seen before. Its like web content put in print.

All in all, i was disappointed, for a mag, the quality wasn't up to par. For the FIRST drifting mag in the US, i'm sorry it didn't set a good presidence.

BUT, i do think this is a start. This was the first automotive mag that i read cover to cover. It was small, but at least all the info are stuff that i'm interested in.

05-22-2003, 02:26 AM
Well, with time the magazine will get better. Lets just hope it doesn't turn into another Import Tuner. When IT came out, it was great filled with loads of tuner information and different setups. Then slowly it started going down hill and covering juss bodykits and the latest crazes. The information value of IT is slim if not almost NONE. ALL RICE now!

05-22-2003, 02:38 AM
there is hardly anyone on the East Coast that knows drift (and even worse, I live in NC, fortunately in the two most poplated (read: least redneck) areas, too much NASCAR :mad: ). i would like to have just one drift event every couple months, because there is NOTHING out here. autoXes all the time, which is great, Carolina Motorsports Park a few hours to the south and VIR a few hours to the north, but NO drift anything. that's not what i got the car for (got it for street/autoX), but i'd like to be able to go to a drift event for fun every once in a while. just to screw around in an open area without having to watch for cops/mall security :D

05-22-2003, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by uiuc240
Dorifuto = Cali Fo Nya

Grip = Everywhere Else.

I have no desire to drift, nor do I hope it comes to the midwest, nor to I wish to read a magazine dedicated to it. Just more useless drivel, only this time, instead of it being in Japanese (Option2), it's in English. Yay. :rolleyes:

Sorry if that's too harsh, but I agree that all this hype is just lame. If you like to drift, awesome. But can we talk about something else? It's such a huge imbalance around here. There are a handful of good drivers (drift and grip)...but everyone and their monkey's uncle seems to want to build a S13 SR drift car these days. Sheesh.



last time i checked, option2 wasn't a drifting magazine...

05-22-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by s0ldats
last time i checked, option2 wasn't a drifting magazine...

no, it not specifically for drift (as mags like Drift Tengoku and Battle Magazine are) but it does have coverage on drifting and 'underground' type activities...so yes and no.

05-22-2003, 11:06 AM
whats the name of it I'll have to go see if its hit the east coast yet.

05-22-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Steeles
whats the name of it I'll have to go see if its hit the east coast yet.


here's the website. i found most people find it easiest at 7-11..thank heaven!


05-22-2003, 11:37 AM
yeah, i got mine at 7-11, i got the last copy... heh. *sigh*
either they didn't carry too many copies, or it just sold a lot better than import tuner, super street, car and driver, honda tuner, and all the other mainstream + rice mags that were at 7-11.

05-22-2003, 01:43 PM
711s have all but disapeared on this coast... I cant think of ONE locally... crap.. hmmm I'll find one.

05-22-2003, 02:11 PM
We should just get someone to translate and publish the translations of DT, BM, YV, etc... like Driftmania Ken used to do on his site. SO much more informative (there are still some left on his site for those of you that are interested). http://minuitauto.tripod.com Its funny because there is info about making a 240sx look like a kouki 180. This was in BM like.... 3 years ago and its still asked about today. Heh. Anyway, his translations explain drivers setups and why they did them and show lots of cool pics.

Thats what US drifting mag should be like. More interviews/features of regular drivers and setups and sh!t. Lets all write letters to this new mag guiding them (not flaming them) so that we can have a good mag one day. I have a dream... err.. ok not really, but I still think we should give it a shot.:p

05-22-2003, 02:16 PM
hahaha admit it michelle you read it for D culture :p cool site man. :) yeah soon as I find an issue I'll write um.

05-22-2003, 02:23 PM
Brandon, holy shxxxxxt! ROFLMAO at your sig. HAHAHAHAHA please do not feed the GodziRas posers. HAHAHAHA. Keep hands out of cage.:p :D

05-22-2003, 02:25 PM
hahaha thought you'd like that dude.! Dousan tell you I got PG stickers made? :) gotta tell him numbers for order and discuss price. picked upsamples today at lunch woot!

05-22-2003, 02:28 PM
Sweeet. What do they look like? post a pic. I need some to cover all the imperfections of a rushed paint job on my helmet.

05-22-2003, 02:42 PM
they arent this pink (think audiobahn logo) but this is the design... 2x8inches


05-22-2003, 02:46 PM
this issue was meant to introduce drifting to america... where most people don't have a clue about drifting. if DRIFTING magazine was a translation of BM or Drift Tengoku, nobody would understand what's going on.

personally, i think they did a great job. they presented drifting in a good light... showed some nice photos, and catered to their intended audience.

i think maybe you guys want this to turn into Japan already... but you're gonna have to wait a little while for that to happen.

05-22-2003, 02:49 PM
your just saying that cause they interviewed you1 :D :p just kidding man.. i reserve all judgement till I see the magazine.

05-22-2003, 02:52 PM
steeles if you dont have luck finding a copy let me know
ill hook u up..if i can haha...711s around seems only got a few copies....check the major bookstores too

sil80 yeah i know. i have high expectations :p
i still enjoyed it. iread a few of the articles last night. it was nice seeing stuff on Ueno's Soarer. so sexy. 1jz power..mmmm so nice.

it would be rad if the next one had a 'how to' tech section. like how to change your suspension or how to add/modify or how to solder. basic stuff that people should know when working on cars. drifting is expensiveand not everyone can afford mechanics (or want to go one). how to change yoru diff fluid!! ooh that's a good one!

maybe some in car shots of how to initiate or what this and that is..etc etc....would be pretty slick.

05-22-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
steeles if you dont have luck finding a copy let me know
ill hook u up..if i can haha...711s around seems only got a few copies....check the major bookstores too

sil80 yeah i know. i have high expectations :p
i still enjoyed it. iread a few of the articles last night. it was nice seeing stuff on Ueno's Soarer. so sexy. 1jz power..mmmm so nice.

it would be rad if the next one had a 'how to' tech section. like how to change your suspension or how to add/modify or how to solder. basic stuff that people should know when working on cars. drifting is expensiveand not everyone can afford mechanics (or want to go one). how to change yoru diff fluid!! ooh that's a good one!

maybe some in car shots of how to initiate or what this and that is..etc etc....would be pretty slick.

thanks mang I'll look around this weekend for it. yeah a good how too is always usefull for newbs and old heads too. different ways of how to do stuff.

05-22-2003, 03:04 PM
240sx related:

article on installed a j30 or vlsd..axle changes, etc
we (friends and me) do that at least 1 time a month on our or someone else's car. ooh 5 lug swap. that's a great way to spend a afternoon!

or um..installing a seat
steering wheel
turbo/na timer
gauge routing
bulb in cluster changing
etc etc..

there is SO MUCH you can have in a USA drift mag that has SUBSTANCE!!!

i expect to see my ideas stolen and in the next issue hahahahaha :p :p

yeah i know the articles like that are common but chillin on weboards there are TONS of people who dont know. just dont goof like SCC or make bad judgement calls on parts.

im sure a silvia face swap would be a great article. silvia facse are required for drifting right? they just so sexy :rolleyes: :p hahaha

there's lots that can make it great as far as setting up cars
a article on effects of an alignemtn setup. technical chit chat

engine maintenance. stuff like those can cover ALL types of cars andwhat people drive

maybe wheel repair or body kit repair after accidents.
hmm i am tons of ideas. i need to start my own mag. too bad it cant be about drifting because i really suck

maybe i just need a new job...er..

05-22-2003, 03:06 PM
yeah, that would be cool for any future projects they think about doing...

this article was a bit more general though... a lot less how-to's and a lot more basics and of what's going on in the scene.

did anybody read the article i wrote at the end?

05-22-2003, 03:16 PM
yeah your article was very good
exactly what i tell people first
but maybe you should have stressed LEARN STOCK FIRST :p
good info..bridgestone tires are good huh? :p :D

it was nice. not too indepth for a lot of the new and not too crappy for the people who know or already do
maybe enxt time you can get more indepth about pressure, alignments effects of toe and caster and camber as well as sdrifting and car weight transfer and such.
might be something they would let you update throughout the issues and expand on. sort of a mini-how-to or how yoru car is with this and taht

nice to see your car in the KAAZ ad haha..sweet
u get the new KAAZ lsd yet? i dont know if it hit US soil yet...

i just like the indepth. i read taht DT and BM and damn...so much stuff. i can translate some but its hard. i just love see how tomake your own vented fender or tint your car and such. stupid in a way but stuff most wouldnt dare do themselves.

as long as the mag avoids the "i forgot which color and price was the titanium bolts" (loosely quoted) the mag will get some respect and be saught after (sp)

i think as drifting in the USA expands (as it is now) we'll get more stuff TRYING to do this but its up to Import Racer/Drifting and the writings to keep it on top. judging by the people who wrote and the arcles (even though many had bad info) it still is interesting and fun. nice to see specs and pics on the cars rather then mindless droning and mis info which **** people like me off a lot hahaha

um..what else. just keep writing and keep it somewhat technical but enough for the average newb and learning person to undersatnd
i dont feel driftng is about elitep eople adn drifters, which sometimes and lately i've been noticign A LOT of and it makes me sick. it about meeting people learning and helping eachother out. having fun. that's why i love these events and compeitions. even though itis a comp, everyone is out there to help eachother, sh*t you expiriecned that yourself at drift showoff! i just hate that elitist mentality and hope that the drift 'scene' can avoid that and steer close to the 'having fun being a better driver' sort of way

ramble ramble...ugh. sorry.
i haveso much to say on new mags. gotta shape it into something simple awesome that people WANT to read and seek out.

more tech and how tos are great. fills a issue up and adds great stuff. as you know FA and zilvia are the place for 240sx stuff and rx7 forums and 4ag..so you have TONS of places to get help from people who do that stuff regularly. lots of good stuff all over

btw, i like how you said you DONT need a SR to drift haha..GOOD!! kill that idea!! its easier its funner (is that a word?)but its not REQUIRED. driver skill is key. always is and will be.

05-23-2003, 06:09 AM
I had just learned about it Wednsday night. And the next day I was in a Shell getting a drink, and I glanced over just wondering if it would be there. I thought it was only hitting the west first, I thought us eat coast guys would get it later or something. But OHH NO! It was there! Pretty good magazine, it beats paying like 10 dollars at Tower Records for an Option mag. But they did lack in what each cars had, like a SUPENSION SECTION! It pretty much left our alot of things that the cars had that I wish I knew they had (phewf!). Over all...An exelent magazine. Props to Benson and Nadine for that whole section. It's fun seeing people you talk to on some message board in a mag.

05-23-2003, 07:24 AM
WHAT?!?! Who wrote this piece of ****!!!

Nah, j/k. Not to shabby, it could be better, but I'll deal with it because its the only drfting mag around here.

05-23-2003, 08:53 AM
I saw the magazine yesterday. First thing I noticed was "how to drift a FWD" then I saw a picture of a sr20 but the titled said ca18det. I don't get all the drifting stuff, I'm sure it's fun but I wouldn't treat my car that way, I like it too much. I just hope ricers that don't even know how to drive start drifting in the streets.

05-27-2003, 04:15 PM
steeles i know you have better pictures than that!!!

05-28-2003, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by turtlepower240
steeles i know you have better pictures than that!!!

I do now. told you I had to get my adaptor back so I could download stuff. so they are downloading now. will be up soon :) and more on topic of this thread my buddy found a copy of the magazine I gotta go get it :)

05-28-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Steeles
I do now. told you I had to get my adaptor back so I could download stuff. so they are downloading now. will be up soon :) and more on topic of this thread my buddy found a copy of the magazine I gotta go get it :)
sorry for getting off topic steeles :rolleyes:
the magazine sounds super... i want one...

05-28-2003, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by turtlepower240
sorry for getting off topic steeles :rolleyes:
the magazine sounds super... i want one...

hehe oh you know me I wasnt really worried about it :)

05-30-2003, 03:06 AM
This magazine was pretty good, but on the cover it shows the RS*R Fairlady Z ,but it doesn't reall cover it at all. And in the table of contents it shows the RS*R supra also but no coverage on it also. The magazine does need work. The Tech/how to sounds like a great idea. I think with all the zilvia memebers combined w/club4Ag we could make a better magazine:D . The drift showoff coverage is gettinf really old. its been almost 3months since. They showed that in everymagazine for like the past 2 months. For $6 i think the magazin coulda have been a lot thicker. 100 pages...come on..:rolleyes: . And that kid w/the exhaust...THAT COULDA HAVE BEEN ME IF I HAVE GOTTEN THE A EW MNUTES EARLIER...I bet he don't even drive by the looks of him heh. A good thing i noticed about the magazine was that it wasn't filled w/tons of ricer ads. I also noticed that it said 2003 annual...does this mean its not a monthly magazine?:confused: