View Full Version : Idle/start problems.....HELP!!!!!!!

05-20-2003, 09:02 PM
i am having problems with my car starting, it starts at times but other times it just keeps cranking and not catching on. I dont know what the problem is cuz i have changed my sparks and wires, also the cap and rotor, and the fuel filter. I also know that one of my injectors leaks externaly cuz i can see the fuel under the injector, thats just probably the o-ring which i will replace asap. ;)
As i was taking off the fuel rail there was something in the way that i had to take off but i dont know what it is exactly....i have pics of it, there was a hose going to the bottom of it that was melted off and the hole at the bottom of the piece was clogged.

I think it looks like a idle control unit. :confused:



:( :( :( :(

05-20-2003, 09:59 PM

05-21-2003, 10:01 AM
first of all, don't bump your own post unless it's been over a day in which no one has replied.

second, does your engine start right away in the morning?

and does it not start after you turn off your car and then try to start it again?

---hard starting sounds like engine being flooded.

---------do this, start your car after it has been sitting for a while, if it's ok good.

then do this, put in your key and turn it to the ON position, DON'T start your car, just leave it in the ON position.

After waiting 10-30 minutes, try to start your car. Having problems?

Your engine is DEFINITELY flooded.

replace those seals. You might even have a leaking injector.

also, check your gas mileage, has it gone down lately?

05-21-2003, 07:14 PM
i have replaced the o-rings on the injectors today and they dont leak anymore but the engine still struggles to stay running after u start it and when it stalls it takes a while to start it again.
yes i have been getting horrible gas milage.

05-21-2003, 07:52 PM
hey dood, you're gonna have to be clearer.

you have to differentiate when you've had the key set to the on position, and when you've taken out the key.

if you stop the car, and put the key back into the on position and left it there for 1/2 an hour, will it start up?

then you have to check w/ the key out of the ignition, after waiting half an hour, does the engine start right up without problems?

if that's the case, one of your injectors are still leaking into your intake manifold. you might have to replace the entire unit.

i'd also suggest replacing the seals of not only the original faulty injector, but instead, all of them. you can't tell what leaks into the intake manifold unless your eye can peer down it, right?

----------You might want to do a "power balance test", this will help you determine which injector(s) is(are) causing your problems.

if you do a search in the tech talk forum, you'll see one of my previous posts on how to do it.

05-21-2003, 08:46 PM
ok man im going to tell you like it is,i once had a SINGLE CAM. the worst motor nissan ever made but still derserves respect becasuse it can still make power! but i had leaky injecters, and cracked fuel rail, i replaced these along with the destributor cap and rotor and the battery but it still did not start. but this was the solution( also if your battery light is on that indicates that you have a badd battery or alternator) but: this is how i soulved it

i took my car to a shop and had the batterey tested, it came up 14V. which is norman, that mean the only thing left was hte ALTERNATOR to be changed, the alternator in a car holds the battery charget to supply sufficient power to the spart plugs, which causes the spark, with not enough charge from the alternator you might have miss-fire or you may not getting any fire with a few opf your spark plugs. basically if you have 2 sparking plugs and 2 duds then your car might backfire or DIE OUT. try this, i might be able to give you an alternator, so you can test this adn find the solution!