View Full Version : school report

05-13-2003, 11:32 AM
As part of my high school english class I have to do a 5 page report:(. Thinking it would make it easier I choose to do it on my car. The problem is that I can't find much information. If anyone has any information or illustrations that I could have I would be greatful. thanx;)

05-13-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by BlueCopy3
As part of my high school english class I have to do a 5 page report:(. Thinking it would make it easier I choose to do it on my car. The problem is that I can't find much information. If anyone has any information or illustrations that I could have I would be greatful. thanx;)

What kinda report? Technical or General info?
Just about the car? engine? swaps?


05-13-2003, 11:44 AM
do it about the rotary. I had to write a 3 page, and I did it about the rotary, filled 2 pages with what I actually knew, then bull****ted the rest of the paper. you can just BS as much as you want, nobody else knows about it.


05-13-2003, 12:18 PM
you could do it on the history of the S-chassis, innovations it had, things it borrowed, all the different variants around the world, etc...

05-13-2003, 12:26 PM
i got it all under control my friend...

you'll have to change the name on it to yours... but it's a well-thought-out english paper...

*see attachment*

i recommend everyone to read it... as seen on homestarrunner.com

05-13-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Chokets
i got it all under control my friend...

you'll have to change the name on it to yours... but it's a well-thought-out english paper...

*see attachment*

i recommend everyone to read it... as seen on homestarrunner.com
"yeah,...ur pwolly wight!"-Homestarrunner

Homestarrunner rocks!