View Full Version : ny, nyc, nj, tristate. anyone out there left? car shows for next year

10-21-2009, 11:14 AM
hey. im looking around to see whose interested in car shows or road races next year as part of a 'team/carclub'
the association would be with wings performance, a 240 specialist shop( but they work on almost any import )

We had a great showing this year with our cars, but times change, people change, and sometimes people have to move on.
So, that being said, i'm wondering if there are others out there, maybe you have heard of the shop, but never made the time to come, or maybe you always wanted to go a car show like hin, but felt that you didnt want to 'alone' or whatever.

Well, I'd like to see a revival of the crew. I know some are just not in the game any more due to moving, or selling of the car , or whatever.
But for those who are interested in car showing for next year or maybe even roadracing, please let me know.
I ususally get a list of car shows within the tristate area early in the year and i really want to see wings performance pop aqgain in 2010.
We may not go to all, but we'd like to hit the larger ones if possible, rep for the shop, and show everyone that we dont plan on going anywhere for a long time.

so if you want to be part of more then just "a car club' but look for a family, then this might be it. sometimes we have our own private bbq and ususally once a year a dyno day.
obviously specializing in 240s, but all should feel welcomed (hell, our GS-t i think is the only one that won an award repping the team.)

so im just reaching out there to see if there are people who want the same thing my bf and i wanted when we first got into the tuning game.

looking for some positive responses.
(ps, you dont need 100,000 thrown into the car. just the hunger to be a team player and a passion for cars. we all started from somewhere)

10-23-2009, 07:26 AM
I just took a look at the site looks cool. I'll try and pass by the shop next week just to check it out.

index (http://www.wingsperformance.com/)