View Full Version : Backed into my car..... Looking for Kouki Parts now.

10-18-2009, 01:46 AM
So some dumba** backed up into my car while it was parked at my school..... No note, no message no nothing... Just missing my front license plate, dented my hood in and scuffed up my front bumper and broke one part of the bracket on my driveside headlight.... So now im in the market for some Kouki Conversion parts if anyone has anything for sale. Located in SoCAL area 714.

Damage isnt too bad, just irritating as hell. Will post up pics real soon

Random post i know but i felt like venting.. Thanks guys..

10-18-2009, 12:09 PM
same thing happened to my bimmer, somehow sideswiped me in a school parking lot and just fled....glwsearch

10-19-2009, 01:31 PM
Head over to YLM. its on Alpha St. in Duarte, I'll get you their phone number. (626) 303-0877, call'em and they should be able to get you, your parts. However, it may not be cheap, but its a fair price.

10-21-2009, 04:57 PM
Head over to YLM. its on Alpha St. in Duarte, I'll get you their phone number. (626) 303-0877, call'em and they should be able to get you, your parts. However, it may not be cheap, but its a fair price.

What do you think i would be looking at price wise?

10-21-2009, 06:10 PM
saw this thread and freaked out when i saw your user name lol..sorry to hear.