View Full Version : Sac BBQ meet - 10/10 Sat, 11AM

10-02-2009, 06:53 PM
Copied from g35driver.com, but you guys are definitely welcome to join as well http://myg37.com/forums/images/smilies/biggthumpup.gif:

Hey Sac area, time for another meet

This is sponsored by T-Mobile Limited in Sacramento, thanks to Alex (Estodo6).

Free food (burgers and hot dogs) and drinks will be provided. If anyone wants to help bring some food to grill /sides or some drinks, that will be welcomed.

There will be 25% discount off the sale price on handsets and 20% off on accessories from T-Mobile Limited for all attendees

T-Mobile Limited parking lot - Natomas
Truxel and Arena
2051 Arena Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95834

Green arrows = suggested way to get in to parking lot to avoid speed bumps, steep ramps, etc.
Green parking area = we are trying to fill this area for the meet first, this area will be roped off
Yellow parking area = park here if green area is full
Red parking areas = no parking allowed for meet, reserved for the businesses
Red circle = Tmobile Limited

Saturday, 10/10/09, 11AM

As usual, everyone's invited, friends/family included from any area.

Please sign up if you're planning to go, so Alex can get a better idea how many cars, people, food, etc are expected.

Sign up list:
1. Patrick (patman530) +1
2. Alex (Estodo6)
3. George (Ghayes23)
4. nissan_driver24
5. kennymo
6. Curtis (ZeeForce) - Z34
7. Kris (Kris79) - tentative
8. WhiteSkylineSF
9. Alan (inqui-Z-tor)
10. Rusty (Extreme G)
11. John (finagle69)
12. Veronica (I ride G) - tentative
13. John (V35 Skyline GT)
14. David (freshnikez)
15. Leon (LElzie)
16. Stan (mozy)
17. Steverz32
18. Robert (RobertV)
19. Eldin (EldinsG35)
20. Leo (350GT Driver)
21. Hal (TheBrosZee) – Z34
22. Jinsoku Z
23. Adam (M1r4cL3) - Z33
24. Lyent (Z STYLN)
25. bb4_vtec
26. 03TL_typeS
27. Jon (from330citom3)
28. Jer (itzjere)
29. Ray (playskool1)
30. Cory (cmeasly)
31. OTSB708
32. 00hondaaccord
33. simmykwan
34. 1whiteaccord
35. 03bigblack
36. spec7
37. aprevo15
34. 87units
35. nicepeta
36. xxatsayxx
38. VspecSac
39. Stephen (Svang5)
40. soclean - Z
41. alex1089 - Z +1
42. AngelsAndBomb
43. domanikills
44. jdmbuck
45. jdm.norcal
46. ct-26_mike
47. tougel
48. 2002_red_accord_v6
49. NismoKidd +2
50. Brad - RedZ34 +1
51. princekaleoj
52. Alfred (350Z friend)
53. Ed (sid67jp)
54. Ernie (g37mobbin)
55. Laly (MzInfiniti20)
56. BJ (bjellis99) g35driver - Z33
57. Steve (fuegostyle) g35driver - Z33
58. Louie (Z)
59. 1GR8Z34 (the370Z.com) - tentative
60. ClassyZ
61. Manny (manny_fresh)
62. Semper (6MT_KawaiiKitti) +1
63. bayside_slide37 +2

10-06-2009, 07:01 PM

10-07-2009, 04:23 AM
Count me in!

Got my cousin and sisters boyfriend coming too.

Im sure Alex knows already, hes good friends with Mike with the ITR

10-09-2009, 07:06 AM
list updated

10-09-2009, 03:00 PM
new to the area from so cal.. count me the wife and little man in..

10-09-2009, 08:36 PM
updated with map and parking info

10-10-2009, 12:37 AM
shit i only live across the street so yea ill be there lol

10-10-2009, 01:00 AM
I really wish I saw this meet sooner... It's too late for me to take the day off tomorrow. Someone take tons of pictures and post them up!

10-10-2009, 01:15 AM
Def someone get some pics!! Ugh I miss being home.

10-10-2009, 06:45 AM
i know! when you coming back?

Def someone get some pics!! Ugh I miss being home.

10-10-2009, 06:53 PM
for those who came made it today, thanks for coming out. here are some pics..

http://g35driver.com/forums/northern...at-11am-6.html (http://g35driver.com/forums/northern-california/308923-sac-bbq-meet-10-10-sat-11am-6.html)