View Full Version : Bay Area: so uh yeah, anyone else?

05-04-2003, 03:25 AM
Im thinking we should start a bi-weekly get together (like those guys do in New York), and maybe kinda switch and cycle the locations around a bit. Just an idea.

05-04-2003, 02:11 PM
Yes Ive been thinking the same thing. When I get my car finished I wanted to start something like this but the sooner the better. My suggestion for a location would be the KrispyKreme in Daily City, any comments? I think its kind of a central location. :confused:

05-04-2003, 03:28 PM
i am down

05-04-2003, 04:34 PM
I'm down too, even though i live in Sac, wouldn't mind the drive either.

05-04-2003, 06:53 PM
twice a week sounds sorta hard, i have friends too you know. :P

05-04-2003, 08:26 PM
im down. i have friends too so i hope u mean once every two weeks

05-04-2003, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by kalieaire
twice a week sounds sorta hard, i have friends too you know. :P Well the way it will probably be is that you dont have to go. Just if you want to. One of the things about it is since its so often, different people will come every time. You know? Kinda like a casual but routine thing. Maybe it'll grow from there. You know, get a little 240 comraderie goin. And yeah, once every two weeks.

05-05-2003, 12:13 AM
Sounds like an idea. When/Where is the first "routine" meet

Andrew Bohan
05-05-2003, 12:50 AM
i'm down, i know a couple other guys who might be down too.
i'm in hayward btw

05-05-2003, 10:17 AM
if you want more people post in the norcal thread.

05-05-2003, 12:18 PM
I think all Silvia guys should stick together more often! lets have a 24/7 meet! at my house! who needs friends? 240 for life!!!!!!!

05-05-2003, 01:18 PM
silvia "guys" as in people...or "guys" as in guys? Are you going to exclude me due to the fact I'm a girl..sob sob...:(

Well...if I'm allowed...I would love to hang out with everyone. It's always nice to meet up, and hang out with people who have similar passions in their lives. I don't know if I could do it every weekend, but at least twice a month I'd be there.


05-05-2003, 01:39 PM
lets have a meet may 17!

05-05-2003, 08:38 PM
Im down to meet up, we should switch locations everymonth or so though or just move it down here in south bay, where all the 240 meets happen anyways:D . But yeah put this on the mailing list.

Andrew Bohan
05-05-2003, 09:00 PM
and let's try to meet in places that you don't have to pay to get into.

05-05-2003, 09:15 PM
I'm still campaigning for DCKK. Those doughnuts are just so damn good :p

Andrew Bohan
05-05-2003, 09:19 PM
how about union city KK? donuts in the east bay are just as good, if not better!

05-05-2003, 10:07 PM
on the 17th......thas the day after prom nite...hahah. Dont mind me if i mob down with blood shot red eyes for being up all nite and in a tux :)

05-05-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by s13chica
I don't know if I could do it every weekend, but at least twice a month I'd be there.

-Georgia- Yeah, bi-weekly IS about twice a month.95Blue240sx if you want more people post in the norcal thread. Dont know how to do that just yet.:confused: bayarea240 Im down to meet up, we should switch locations everymonth or so though or just move it down here in south bay, where all the 240 meets happen anyways . But yeah put this on the mailing list. Yeah, we'd switch locations regularly. I personally would like most of these meets in or around the 415 or 650 maybe eastbay like 707, for that very reason that theyre always in the southbay. So yeah, i like the DC krispy kreme idea. And maybe if we get a lil more organized we could do restaraunt/outings like mels or wutever. I saw a bunch of celicas lined up in front of a diner in downtown SF. I think thats tight.

05-05-2003, 10:29 PM
Im down for that.
A location I semi know.....(means i proly wont get lost this time)

Andrew Bohan
05-06-2003, 12:04 AM
east bay = 510 & 925!!! better recognize!

05-06-2003, 12:13 AM
any set days for a bi weekly meet?

05-06-2003, 06:13 AM
im down wit it..maybe just once a month...as long people show up on that ONE day when im there...hehe

05-06-2003, 10:13 AM
Just a sugguestion.

We have a meet every wednesday at In and out Capitol.

We are usually there around 8PM to 11PM.

You guys can join us and bs with each other.


05-06-2003, 10:15 AM
I think we should just find a central location and try to keep the location constant so there is a better turnout. If the meeting place changes all the time there will be a lot fewer people showing up.

Andrew Bohan
05-06-2003, 11:16 AM
maybe have 4 constant locations, one in east bay, one in south bay, one in north bay, and one on the peninsula, and rotate through them in order?

05-06-2003, 01:57 PM
Sounds good, should decide on locations and dates and setup a calendar on norcal240sx.org

05-06-2003, 05:46 PM
Hey wassup everybody. The biweekly meet sounds pretty good. Maybe the easiest way to set it up is to have a meet like every 1st and 3rd weekend. N not on a saturday please cuz i work saturdays.
Neways thats my 2 cents in.
Hey s13 chica is ur car done yet. I desperately need to see some 240s. I been seperated from my baby since the beginnin of january. Hopefully it will be up n running again in June.

-Serge B

05-06-2003, 08:01 PM
the car is running, but of course it's never done. :D I would love to bring her to a get together soon, so let's get one planned...I need to get out of Santa Cruz, it's driving me mad!

05-06-2003, 09:39 PM
i'm driftaholic 707???east bay = 510 & 925!!! better recognize! Hehe. Oops. Typo. I meant to include East Bay AND 707, etc. i'm driftaholic maybe have 4 constant locations, one in east bay, one in south bay, one in north bay, and one on the peninsula, and rotate through them in order? Good idea doood! Thas kinda wut i had in mind.
What about something like this:
SF/DC: Nations or In n Out
Vallejo: Starbucks or something i guess
East Bay: i dont really know of wuts all out there. Krispy Kreme by I-80?

05-06-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by StickyIcky

SF/DC: Nations or In n Out
Vallejo: Starbucks or something i guess
East Bay: i dont really know of wuts all out there. Krispy Kreme by I-80?

Don't foget about the south bay! I have to come over the hill from Santa Cruz, so the east bay is a little far.

05-07-2003, 12:01 AM
i got a cool suggestion. how bout ...
sf/dc .. in n out near the dmv..
sj/south bay... in n out on capital n tully
eastbay...in n out in richmond

hehe i kno those places n it located on the in n out website with map

05-07-2003, 12:36 AM
i like the idea to have more frequent meets, but not all at the same place of course. Let's move around. First mention was DC so start there, move north/northeast to like Vallejo or sumthin, and maybe even hit Sac if people are down. Then go down to my town Tracy (stockton's not good, hehe) I'll organize too! Then move to Dublin/Pleasanton, East Bay, South Bay, and back around, moving to other places. How's that sound? Maybe start with a list of Cities people wanna recommend? Then draw a map of how it's gonna happen. Sound good?

05-07-2003, 12:49 AM
How many norcal guys live in the north bay (near me) like Marin, San Rafael, Novato, Santa Rosa, Napa, and up through Sac, Davis, etc? If its just me I guess we dont need a northbay location :p

Andrew Bohan
05-07-2003, 01:12 AM
i think the eastbay location should be in the hayward/union city/fremont area so it's closer to southbay.
there is in-n-out AND krispy kreme at union landing in union city

05-07-2003, 09:08 AM
whoa wait a sec i think were getting a little spread out. we dont need anything in sac, bay area is too far away. and we dont need anything in crazy south bay like tracy because there are so few members out there. i think we should keep it a little closer like a union city/milpitas meet, a san jose meet, sf/dc and maybe something north...

05-07-2003, 09:41 AM
I know we dont need one in sac, Im asking how many members are from that area and south to SF so we can determine if we need a northbay location. Not everyone lives in the southbay ;)

05-07-2003, 11:06 AM
man you guys are no fun! you're right tho, hehe. we'd probably get run over by Honduhs if held in Tracy. There's only 2 of us here, both MC S14. and Tracy is about 15mi east of Livermore, not in South Bay. And SJ to Tracy is like 30min (for me anyway ;) ) I deifinitely need to move out back to the bay area.

05-07-2003, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by 2FortyessX
whoa wait a sec i think were getting a little spread out. we dont need anything in sac, bay area is too far away. and we dont need anything in crazy south bay like tracy because there are so few members out there. i think we should keep it a little closer like a union city/milpitas meet, a san jose meet, sf/dc and maybe something north... Yeah, that was kinda my whole idea. Except north of milpitas and them. The farthest south i wanna go is something like redwood city. the farthest north i wanna go is like vallejo or fairfield. I forgot about san jo and them on purpose, cuz my purpose is to get more meets 'round here since most other meets are ALWAYS down there ANYWAYS. U know? just adding SF and the vicinity to the already frequent san jo happenings.

Another idea for Redwood City: Malibu! (Boomers) ten buck tuesday!

05-07-2003, 09:23 PM
I am down for anything in the San Jose area, In and Out Tully would be fine with me.

05-07-2003, 10:43 PM
yeah i dont mind san jo meets. but thats where the meets are all the time. U feel me everyone always says In n Out Capitol n Tully. Union Landing is cool but isnt there a police station right there not that i really care. n Nations in DC is pretty cool. In n Out can get pretty packed u know. N i dont think a Northbay is necessary.

I like the Malibu idea though. sounds cool. those little go karts r hella cool. We could compete for the best lap time or somethin haha. mines hella crappy i think my best was like 57 seconds or somethin. i think my fren got a 54 or somethin haha beat the people that worked there's record hahahaha.


Andrew Bohan
05-07-2003, 10:49 PM
there's a police station about 3 miles away from union landing, but why would that matter? we're not gonna do anything illegal are we?? :D

05-07-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by LagunaSecaBluePS13
yeah i dont mind san jo meets. but thats where the meets are all the time. N i dont think a Northbay is necessary.

Ok I guess us northbay guys will just have our own meets :rolleyes: , but I think DCKK should still be a location since I'm certainly not going to drive 1hr+ every 2 weeks. Throw me a bone here...there are plenty of people who are near Daily City so this shouldnt be a problem...

05-07-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by LagunaSecaBluePS13
i dont think a Northbay is necessary. HAHA! What?:( hehe, anyway, yeah, wut NZO said. and we'll try to centralize it around the Big SF or DC. But we gotta get some 707 up in herr. At least a norbay branch per se. U kno we got some folkers in the 707!:D
OK, everyone seems to like DC KK & In n Out, so we'll get it goin for there for now. Startiiiiiing...NOW!
OK, GO! Wut u waiting for?
J/k. Ima actually be pretty busy this and next week cuz my girls "senior dinner" (they dont really get a prom) and her graduation, not to mention my finals, etc. So we'll start it out in a couple weeks.

Check this thread often!! Make sure u get email notices for new posts and stuff...

05-08-2003, 01:24 AM
Yea I think most ppl have finals around now. I just gotta get insurance on my car and it'll be all ready to drive! WhooHaa! :D

05-08-2003, 06:42 PM
My bad yall. i didnt mean Northbay wasnt necessary in a bad way. I jus think were getting a little ahead of ourselves by creating this huge web of locations n meetups wut not. I understand Malibu might be far for 707 peeps. I got much love for 707 peeps though im famous on the 707imports.com forums. haha under generals, team hokori pledges, n im the topic of conv.
oh well ima get em back. off topic sorry.

I really dont like DC KK n In n Out I mean foods good but sometimes parking can be an issue especially if a whole bunch of 240s decided to come out. I think Nations would be the tightest easiest spot. Nations got pretty good food. N there is an abundance of parking enough to accomodate a whole bunch of 240s. But if yall want it at KK then thats cool In n Out is hella good too.

-Serge B.

05-08-2003, 11:10 PM
I wouldnt mind driving to Malibu for a meet and some Go kart racing.

Andrew Bohan
05-09-2003, 12:02 AM
screw karts, drive our 240s on the kart track
haha j/k
go karts could be cool if they're the good kind

05-09-2003, 02:18 AM
At this point let me just point out again that of course i dont expect EVERYONE to come out to EVERY meet at EVERY CITY. Since the fact that its bi-weekly (everyother week), and also the regular location cycle, its basically whoever can make it to whichever meet whenever. Thats why its bi-weekly, so you have that many more chances to meet up. Although i do encourage you show up as much as you can...make this thing bigger every month. Is that a good concept? Aight cool?:D Lezz do dis!:cool:

05-09-2003, 01:32 PM
yea ill be down for this..dunno about any SF meets..i hate driving around there..DEF for any SJ meets:D

05-10-2003, 01:19 AM
I'll be there as long as I still have my 240.....Although it might be sold tomorrow :(

05-10-2003, 09:50 PM
ill be there when i get back from phoenix. that would be sometime in july. im from salinas so yea i would be able to go to the san jo meets. it would be cool to chill wid the nor cal crew agian


05-11-2003, 03:11 AM
Bi-weekly, eh? There's a new Q-Cup in Fremont, next to Albertsons and Longs Drugs in that Warm Springs plaza. Maybe over there? (Q-Cup is like Tapioca Express but with a bigger menu, and funky interior.) That area is right next to 880 and 680.

Well that's my suggestion, cuz it's near my home. ^_^ But seriously, to have a meet, all you have to do is agree to a place and time with a couple people. Having three people, including yourself, agree to a place is good enough. Then just post the time and location and hope that people show up. If nobody shows up, you still have at least two people to hang out with. :P

Andrew Bohan
05-11-2003, 11:46 AM
that's right! i went to a four person meet once. it was actually pretty cool. easier to get to know people. at that meet i met the other 3 guys for the first time, but now i'm pretty good friends with em.

05-11-2003, 12:27 PM
yeah sounds great! I havent been to one yet because of time/place.. blah blah blah not jus working out and not knowing where to meet up. But if its consistent and more than 1 a month i can definetely finally make it to a 240 meet! YEAH! anyways definetely excited about it! pick some where hopefully still in the SJ,SC,CUP,FRE,SUN area!


05-11-2003, 10:28 PM
My 240 is now gone :( .... Guess I can't meet up with you guys anymore :mad:

05-12-2003, 12:06 AM
Sure you can. You still got the spirit within you right? how ome you sold the s13? whats your next car?

05-12-2003, 12:24 AM
Eh.....want something a little more "higher end". Looking for a E36 or C36 AMG. Still have a lot of love for the 240's, but time for me to move on ;)

05-12-2003, 06:52 PM
So sad ben . i was the last to see ur car drive away as i looked out the window of my shop. Oh well dood that was a clean M3 u looked at. I dont think u will like a C36 AMG i mean theyre cool n all but automatic tranny ull get bored of fast.

So wuts up with this biweekly meet. who wants to set it all up. I think easiest way would be to start out in DC. cuz its kind of central for Northbay, East Bay, Peninsula, and South to meet up. Do u guys want a day meet or night meet?


05-12-2003, 09:02 PM
Day so I can see stuff :D Night meets are ok if theres a purpose (going for a drive or something) but if its just to meet and say hi and look at cars then I think it should be during the day.

05-13-2003, 12:27 AM
Ok nights r out. Im jus not the type to go for a drive at night you know. The environment is too uncontrolled these days.

So for a day meet. How do u all feel about meeting on a Sunday? I for one work on Saturdays so yeah.


05-13-2003, 01:07 AM
yeah. A sunday would be great. I work saturdays also.

hey ben, ive seen you car around. Jasons my cuzzin and Derrik is my brother. im pretty sure you know them. I was wondering where you got your rims from and how much did they cost? w/ or w/o tires? thanks.

05-13-2003, 01:28 AM
i think Ben picked em up from JapanParts for like sub 1g with bald tires. But they were used mind you. Wait r u talkin bout his Advan SA3Rs or his old REGAMASTERs on his White 180. He always finds deals like that really weird. Damnt i paid 1900 for my wheels that im sponsored for DAMNT wut kinda SH!t is that. well retail is probably like 2600. oh well.


05-13-2003, 01:32 AM
haha well i was talking about the Advans SA3Rs because Ive been looking for those for awhile. The Evo regamasters were nice too. Gunmetal ones! =) I have a black s14. My friend anthony with a KA-t knows someone at japanparts. Its the one in SF right? If you guys ever find any for a pretty good price let me know.

What wheels do you have? I still havent seen your car yet but ive heard about it. Did you get tires with them? if so what kind?

05-13-2003, 01:38 AM
Japanparts is shay-dee. Watch yourselves...

05-13-2003, 01:40 AM
Why what happend with you? My friend knows a worker there so it might not be too bad. I hope...

05-13-2003, 01:53 PM
My car is still in the shop getting painted. The first body shop did a crappy *** job. so im takin it somewhere else now. Hopefully the motor will be back in n the car will be back on the road mid june.

Umm i got 18x7.5 front, 18x8.5 rear Volk LE28Ns Gold w/ a polished lip. I was first lookin at the GT-As but Mackin gave me a partial sponsorship with those so i was like ok.

Yeah no tires with them. I think im just gonna run Nitto 555s though. Tires r too expensive these days u know. im probably gonna run a 215 in front n a 265 in the rear. I wish i could get Pilots cuz those r bomb *** tires but they also cost like 3bills each n i only wanna pay 7 bills max for my tires.

I guess this Biweekly meet is gonna kick off after everybody is done with their finals. so yeah. Ill wait for others to post up. So we can all decide on a date.


Andrew Bohan
05-13-2003, 05:05 PM
damn semester schools! i just finished midterms! my finals aren't until the second week of june. bleh

05-13-2003, 07:15 PM
1 more week left for me! woooo!!:D
but then that means, working 50 hours a week. And probobly can't attend the meets as much :(

05-16-2003, 08:24 PM
Can I meet with my new car ? :D .... I miss my 240 :(

05-17-2003, 03:25 AM
what did you get?

05-17-2003, 12:27 PM
hey tranceformer is ur s14 5 lug or 4 lug

05-17-2003, 12:56 PM
Dood Ben of course u can roll through to the meets man. Jus becareful man those M3s can whip em real easy. Neema whipped that white one around hella hard.

05-17-2003, 10:01 PM
aha wassup with neemas audi? he do anything to it? i still havent seen it yet.

well it sucks b/c my car is only 4 lug. its a base model but i want the 5 lug conversion or looking for sum hubs and rotors. Acutally im looking for a lot of things but first comes suspension. trying to find out if i can get JIC flta2's for 12-1400 from someone my friend knows. also looking for the 97 kouki conversion. i found a couple of guys but waiting for a price quote from them. well yeah, its going to take awhile.

05-17-2003, 11:11 PM
Now got a Techno Violet ///M3 :D

05-18-2003, 01:03 AM
that must be nice. what do you have planned for it?

05-18-2003, 02:03 AM
Nice choice. Gotta love the torque at any rpm :D

05-19-2003, 01:00 PM
well now that I'm completely broke. Nothing as of yet. Later on, maybe Dinan Supercharger or AA Turbo Kit, Although that will be MUCH MUCH later. But simple bolt-ons, intake, exhaust, chip...Still have love for nissan pwr. I miss my car :(

05-19-2003, 06:19 PM
Hey i might have 5 lug rear for sale soon. If Phil at Stillen can get me this custom bracket to fit 3z rear brakes on my s13. Ive had the damn rear 3z brakes since like december. still waitin to put them on.
Neemas Audi is cool. He just has H&R Full coilovers and a defi bf boost guage custom fitted into his airvent. Oh n his car came with the dark *** tint all around.

yup so yeah is this biweekly meet thing dying out or wut.

Night Drifter
05-19-2003, 06:25 PM
hi hi :
is there anyone can let me know when we will have the next meets.
thanks alot........

05-20-2003, 01:33 AM
After finals etc, its on!:D

05-21-2003, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by Night Drifter
hi hi :
is there anyone can let me know when we will have the next meets.
thanks alot........

Go to www.norcal240sx.org and join the mailing list. That's the best way to get updated on future meets.

05-22-2003, 11:08 PM
i didnt know this biweekly meet was a norcal240sx.org thing but ok.

When is everyone out of school. All my peeps r out of school right now atleist i think. So r u guys ready to set this thing up or wut.

05-23-2003, 01:05 AM
Ahh done with this semester

who else is done? When are we going to get these meets started? Hey later this summer we should have a dyno meet.:D

But seriously what is the time frame were looking at for starting these meets?

05-23-2003, 02:55 AM
Im down for any meet soon...my finals are over too. so lets get this thing started

05-23-2003, 11:47 AM
Sorry havent posted in a bit. Kinda busy. Kinda. Anyways, hows this: SAT, MAY 31. or actually the following weekend MAY 6 or7. (I'm starting a new job and i dont have a schedule set yet. soo...) Its not like i have to make every meet anyway, buts it'll be nice to make the first one i set up, eh? hehe. Hey, maybe we'll set up a meet at the place ima be working at... Its an old ice cream joint in SF...
Anyways, repeat: May 6 or 7 ...I'll figure it out and we'll pick one out later.

05-23-2003, 12:47 PM
Theres already a meet on the 31st so I wouldnt recomend that date.


And I assume you mean June 6 or 7th :p

05-23-2003, 01:56 PM
lets make it on a sunday some of us work on saturdays so yeah. Aright. Umm i dont know what meets im going to be able to make im going to Irvine ever so often. So yeah but cmon Sundays.

05-24-2003, 01:59 AM
Any more opinions so far?
(Not off topic but off forum) Oh, and ooh, i like the idea of that meet mentioned above, i like it alot, one, because I LIVE RIGHT HERE! :D

05-24-2003, 03:08 AM
I think we should have the meet saturdays because thats when most people are free. Sundays the day right before the work week and not everyone can make it out on fridays or they have other plans etc. I just dont think many people would show up on sundays, maybe I'm wrong. Dunno about anyone else but sunday is kinda a chillout day for me before the next week starts.

05-24-2003, 12:46 PM
ok ok how about Saturday night yall. I get off work at 6 so yeah.


05-29-2003, 03:28 PM
So when is this bi-weekly meet going to start happening?:confused:

05-29-2003, 03:53 PM
theres a meet on saturday already. Ocean beach @ 11am. Meet and cruise. I can finally make it because Im going to be working the second half of the day. but i get off at 7. 2 meets in one day would be cool. ahah.

05-30-2003, 02:26 AM
I think i will make it to the meet on the 31, because i will be in the bay area all weekend, thats if i get my stripped wheel stud replaced in time.

05-30-2003, 02:31 AM
For now Im going to the Ocean Beach meet. Probaly will be pickin up some rims too!:D I will also be going to the bi-weekly meets too if theres ever a date set and if i can make it.

05-30-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by ootranceformeroo
For now Im going to the Ocean Beach meet. Probaly will be pickin up some rims too!:D I will also be going to the bi-weekly meets too if theres ever a date set and if i can make it. Mee too. (except for the rims part)

05-30-2003, 03:57 PM

calling all norcal 240sx owners!

i need help with my vlsd open diff swap. i need help swapping out my vlsd with my old open diff AGAIN! jspec sold me a dud vlsd and now i have to take it out and place the open back in to send the VLSD back to Sam. yes i already talked to them about it and that was their solution. looking for somebody with experience. and willing to wake a bit early to work on it quick along with me haha. our time limit: 9am-230pm ON ANY FRIDAYS, im only free on fridays. have to complete the swap there. dont worry i have all the tools. and the space. i have a friend that would help but hez down in LA. so yea. any takers? i mean i can do it myself, but i wont get it done in that time range.

05-31-2003, 09:24 PM
wanna buy my z32 vlsd?

4.083 final gear ratio. :)

06-01-2003, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver

calling all norcal 240sx owners!

i need help with my vlsd open diff swap.

You should use the mailing list to reach more people. I should be able to help ya out next Friday (June 6), even though 9 AM is hella early for me. :p Gimme a call.

06-11-2003, 04:24 PM
so when is this bi-weekly meet thing going to start happending? i havent heard much or is it just:bs:

06-11-2003, 06:12 PM
Anyone up for Daily City KrispyKreme on Sunday June 15th at 11am? Because I am...

06-11-2003, 06:17 PM
Lets meet up about an hour before dd6? if any of you are going. then we can head up there all together. Just an idea. Im down for sunday june 15 too.

06-11-2003, 09:15 PM
Wassup yall. yeah wut ever happened to these biweekly meets. They sounded pretty dope. Neways yea if we can get more than 3 people too meet up Sunday mornin im down for a meet at Krispy Kreme Daly City. Unfortunately once again. I will be rollin the Honda or the Lexus cuz my 240 is still out of commission. So sad.
But yeah ill be checkin the forums this week n if this meet seems to appeal to more folk then count me in.


06-11-2003, 10:06 PM
after 3 pm is coo with me.. ill be down at DC

06-12-2003, 12:20 PM
I know i started the idea a lil while ago, but since then, ive gotten more and more busy with stuff and also with my own crew that im with now.
So I want someone now to step up and take over my idea and organize this biweekly thing.
I'll still go, its just that someone else needs to actually organize it.

06-12-2003, 12:35 PM
how bout every sunday at 9pm? or sat 9pm at krispey kremes?

06-12-2003, 02:53 PM
i think we should do sat

06-12-2003, 02:56 PM
anthony your cars ugly! ahah jk yeah im down for sunday. your car gonna be ready yet?

06-12-2003, 06:14 PM
im going tomarrow to see if hes done painting it if not then ill roll with u ;)

Night Drifter
06-12-2003, 06:22 PM
is anyone can tell me where and when we going to meet at.
i am kinda lost .....:confused: :bow:

06-13-2003, 02:57 AM
The meet is at the Daly City KrispyKreme on Sunday June 15th.


A few people said they didn’t want to get up so early and I'm inclined to agree.

Use this link to locate the store and/or use mapquest to get driving directions. (http://clients.mapquest.com/krispy/mqinterconnect?id=KK1035&streetaddress=1575%20Sullivan%20Ave.&city=Daly%20City&state=CA&zip=94015&country=US&level=9&phonenumber=650-985-5612&link=map2)

06-13-2003, 04:58 PM
does anyone live in fremont ??
i think we can all drive up there ??

Night Drifter
06-14-2003, 10:47 PM

thank you ;)

06-15-2003, 01:39 AM
how many heads are going to show :boink:

06-18-2003, 03:48 AM
sorry this is a little off topic from your meet....I recently raced a S-14 w/ a S-15 front end...Definately had turbo...some might have been KA-T or SR20......I thought he said S-15 motor. But hey if your reading this, and you remember racing that purple M3...shoot me an email...I might want to sponsor you, but I would like a better look at your car! Like I said, Area 51 is coming to the bay... [email protected]

PS. BTW some dude bought my car....The daytona blue RPS13 ( Fastback ) he's an idiot, and don't buy the car from him :hammer:

06-18-2003, 02:47 PM
haha who won?

06-18-2003, 10:52 PM
I did...But I don't think he was pushing his car as hard as he could have...

S15 Powered
06-20-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by A51_RPS13
I did...But I don't think he was pushing his car as hard as he could have...
Hey bro, that was me you raced. You're right, I wasn't pushing the car as hard as I could have but I was pretty sure that the result was a bit different than you said, according to my friends in the car next to me anyway, but that's no big deal, we can run again sometime if you want to. If you want to meet up and look at my car feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] You seemed like a cool guy so I look forward to meeting up and checking out your shop.

06-21-2003, 01:15 AM
hey s15 do u have a pic of ur car for us to see?

06-21-2003, 03:09 AM
Its black...I think and you can see it on the NorCal 240sx site. Its at one of the meets. Whens your car gonna be done?

06-21-2003, 06:13 AM
oo i think ive seen it at the golf land meet it has the se rims and its not lowered? my car is done i just put it together last night and im showing it today at blackhawk ill post a pic of it later

06-21-2003, 06:24 PM
the show went ok i though my dad and them should of won but they didnt, the good news i took home best of show haha even thought i didnt think i should of:aw:

S15 Powered
06-21-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by gotrice240sx
hey s15 do u have a pic of ur car for us to see?
Here you go, it's a quick snapshot my buddy took with his digicam. The car was just painted so I can't even wax it for a while, but when I do I'll have a bunch of pics.

06-21-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by gotrice240sx
the show went ok i though my dad and them should of won but they didnt, the good news i took home best of show haha even thought i didnt think i should of:aw:

Looks good, are those eastbear lights? Love the GT-Cs. :)

06-21-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by ootranceformeroo
Its black...I think and you can see it on the NorCal 240sx site. Its at one of the meets. Whens your car gonna be done?

That's not his car. I know him (S15 Powered) personally, and there hasn't been a NorCal meet since his car got out of the shop (which was like... recently).

That isn't his car. The one at the last meet in San Jo belongs to some other cat from Frisco... I think he goes to City College cus I've seen it there a few times.

06-21-2003, 11:26 PM
gotrice: there was a meet or something in blackhawk today? Too bad i didnt hear about it. Nice s13 btw, and the z's

S15 Powered
06-22-2003, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by kazuo
That's not his car. I know him (S15 Powered) personally, and there hasn't been a NorCal meet since his car got out of the shop (which was like... recently).
What's up Art :D Greg tells me your car's runnin good, which is nice to hear. You should come out and kick it sometime, we'll have our own little Silvia meet :)

06-22-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by S15 Powered
What's up Art :D Greg tells me your car's runnin good, which is nice to hear. You should come out and kick it sometime, we'll have our own little Silvia meet :)

Sup Gleb. :bow: Ya, Silly's runnin' pretty good now, she's almost ready for the Drift event in a few weeks. Just a couple more stupid things to fix and she's good to go.

I'll give you & Gregory a holler sometime this week, we can kick it and all that good ****. I need to bleed my brakes; mebbe y'all can help out. ;)

late :boink:

S15 Powered
06-23-2003, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by kazuo
I need to bleed my brakes; mebbe y'all can help out. ;)
Definitely, just give us a call. I've only seen your car when it was completely out of tune, so I'd love to check her out now that she's running right.

06-28-2003, 02:13 AM
for some reason I cannot seen new posts? Anyone know why. Not sure if you guys can either.

okay...well I can see my own post but my email says a new person posts here and I cannot view it. It stopped at S15 and I see mine after that.

06-30-2003, 01:09 PM
hey S15Powered, just wondering, were you at deanza at like around 7:40AM this morning? I was getting a parking space and a black/dark grey S14 with a strawberry face passed by I was like


anyways, i dropped everything and just watched the s14 pass :), I was driving a black clk430 with an amg body kit :)

S15 Powered
06-30-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by phatdood9
hey S15Powered, just wondering, were you at deanza at like around 7:40AM this morning? I was getting a parking space and a black/dark grey S14 with a strawberry face passed by I was like


anyways, i dropped everything and just watched the s14 pass :), I was driving a black clk430 with an amg body kit :)
Nope, I was asleep at 7:40am this morning, thank god :D

06-30-2003, 08:07 PM
lol I almost wet my pants :) anyways it was I think a greyish black s14, I think it had a "drift style" front bumper, c-west ... maybe :p

Drift Style S14
07-03-2003, 12:51 AM
so folks whens the next get together?