View Full Version : damn smog nazis

04-28-2003, 07:36 PM
yup i totally bombed the smog test. i got like 850 when the limits 120 on the HC and i got like 7.20 on the CO when the limits 1.00. now im a gross poluter and i dunno what the problem is. the guy that tested the car highlited ignition timing so i know thats one problem, but i dont know wut else might be causing my extremly high polution. the mechanic wants 50 bux just to do a diagnostic and tell me wut my problem is, so that really sucks. im thinkin of parting out the car or selling it, and just getting another 240. it cost me 1200 and i put mayB 200-300 into repairs and stuff, so if i can get back 1000 somehow it might be more worth it to just buy another 240. plus this 1s got some frame damgage, which meant i needed another 240 to mod anyways. CA emissions laws suck. well im just venting, but if any1 needs parts off a 89 240sx, PM me or sumthin. if enough people need parts, then i might part it out. or just any advice on what i should do.

04-28-2003, 07:41 PM
MAF or O2 sensor problem, leaky or clogged injector or fuel rail.

It's running rich as hell, simple as that. You haven't noticed really awful gas mileage?

Smog nazis don't suck, broken engines suck!

04-28-2003, 07:53 PM
well i havent driven the car that much. but i kinda did notice that a few times around the block is suckin up more gas than it should. i just kinda shrugged it off at first. my injectors are fine since i just replaced them a lil while back. ill try replacing the MAF and O2 sensor then. i just got a few questions though.

1.a MAF and a MAFS is the same right?
2. how much is a MAF and O2 sensor?
3.can i buy them from someone used (im not sure because some stuff that has to do with smog cant be bought used or sumething like that)?
4.is a relativley easy to replace?
5.i was searching and some one said to check the engine temp sensor. would that cause me to run rich too?

and if some1 out there is really bored and wants to explain something to a moron:
what exactly does the MAF and O2 sensor do?

o yea, no smoke is comin out the back either, if that helps at all.

thanks for the quick reply.

ps: smog nazis and broken engines suck. and so does frame damage.

04-28-2003, 08:11 PM
I wouldn't run right out to replace the MAF and O2... $$$... check them first, pull codes from the ECU.

Used MAF sensors are fine. Used O2 I wouldn't trust so much.

Yeah, engine temp sensor could do that. The engine runs rich on cold start, if it thinks it's cold all the time then it'll run rich all the time.

MAFS = MAF Sensor

04-28-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
I wouldn't run right out to replace the MAF and O2... $$$... check them first, pull codes from the ECU.

how do i do that? is there a special tool i need? if there is, can i rent it from autozone or sumthin?

04-28-2003, 09:19 PM
can't you just pay em off like the SR people in CA do?

04-28-2003, 10:54 PM
i was thinkin of doin that, but after the first time i took it, i bombed, so i was a "gross poluter". that means i gotta go to a specual government smog test place or sumthin, so i cant really bribe them.

04-28-2003, 11:36 PM
when your really not sure you just do the non official test, costs the same but you dont get the stigma of the gross polluter.

04-29-2003, 05:45 AM
dude. replace your 02 sensor, get a new cat, and see if you can't find a cheap MAF.
Just getting a new cat alone should help out a ton.

04-29-2003, 06:32 PM
yea im gonna do the unofficial test next time, cuz i didnt know about the gross poluter thing. man i learned so much from this car.

would getting a new cat help? i dont have a rotten egg smell or anything like that. so im not really sure. i can just take it off and check right?

i think its probly the maf and/or the o2 sensor, or something thats makin me run really rich. it smells like gas from the exhaust and its gettin real bad mileage. what other things would make the car run rich?

and i really dont have enough money for anything right now, so im borrowing money, so i dont wanna replace anything unless i really have to. gettin the codes from the ecu would tell whats wrong right? it would really help if any1 could explain this better, or give me a good site to start researching. i dont really know wut to search for.

thanks for all the help