View Full Version : Tampa Area Caravan to the All FL Gainesville Meet 8/1/09

07-27-2009, 12:08 AM
Tampa Caravan:

Time to start a thread for everyone wanting to caravan from the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater area to w0ady's Gainesville meet on August 1, 2009. We want to be in Gainesville at 11:00am, so we should meet up at the #70241 rest stop at 9am. We'll need to leave around 9:15am because the popos are supposedly pretty active this time of year. This will be a super fun meet... Not one to miss...

Last year we met at the first rest stop going North on I-75. That seems like a good place to meet up again this year, too. The advantage is that it's located far enough noth so that no one will have to drive backwards (travel further out of their way) just to meet up at the caravan site.

The rest area is mile 278 Pasco/7. It's link #70241 on this web page (http://www.dot.state.fl.us/statemaintenanceoffice/Rest_Area_Listing.htm#70241). It is a North-bound only rest area. We'll park around back... Like we did last year.

Here's a map of I-275 combining with I-75... I put the multicolored arrow where the rest stop is...

Here's the area in the rest stop where we plan to park...

07-27-2009, 10:45 AM
Wait, where is this meet and what are it's details?

07-27-2009, 12:33 PM