View Full Version : Game Q: Bad Company and Fear 2

07-12-2009, 07:43 AM
I know Bad Company at least has been out for a few months and F2 probably just two.

But I've been considering getting these games. (Playstation 3 is my console).

Does anybody have any experience with these games?

I've played the first Fear when it came out ages ago and loved it. I'd like to get it for the PS3, but I don't know how long the solo campaign is and how is multiplayer, is it any good or just simple deathmatch/team deathmatch? Just hate a game that I can beat in 1-2 days. Which I've done before. Good buy? Renter? Buy used?

Same thing goes for BF: Bad Company, I did the demo/beta a while ago and it wasn't too bad. Just curious because BC2 is coming out and it looks really good. How's the multiplayer balance on BC?

Anyways, those are my questions. :D

Now to consider sleep or not. -.-:(

07-12-2009, 11:49 AM
Fear 2 hands down, the fear games are awesome.. fuck bad company, they try too hard.

BUT, first person games really arent very good on a PS3/x360 compared to a PC so i try to avoid the console versions.

Vision Garage
07-12-2009, 12:17 PM
get fear 2 but my friend beat it in a whole day so i cant say how long it will take you. And dont get FPS on PC. Hypertek is missing out!

07-12-2009, 01:08 PM
missing out on bad controls hehehe

07-12-2009, 01:14 PM
Think you can get the FEAR 2 demo.
I recall downloading it from steam some time ago.

I second that preference w/ playing FPS games exclusively on PC's.
don't know how you guys manage without a mouse & keyboard.

also can't stand how 360/ps3 games are being sold $60 (or ten bucks more than their pc counterpart).
pc gaming > console gaming imo.
haven't touched my ps3 & 360 in months.

Vision Garage
07-12-2009, 01:54 PM
haha. PC gaming is overrated. Too many ppl dont even have their PC up to standard to play these new games. Just get a console and not worry about upgrading your PC.

07-12-2009, 02:07 PM
yeah, the entry cost of playing new games w/ a console is a much better value.
good pc setups are never going to cost 3-400 or whatever consoles go for today.

07-12-2009, 05:37 PM
haha. PC gaming is overrated. Too many ppl dont even have their PC up to standard to play these new games. Just get a console and not worry about upgrading your PC.

That's my problem there. I spent 500-600 bucks upgrading my PC with a new power supply and a video card.

I'd rather stick with my PS3, don't really have to upgrade that hehe and I don't have an issue with console controls.

Thanks for the input. :D

07-12-2009, 07:16 PM
i havent upgraded my pc in 2 years and it still flys well =D

but console game if your lazy lol, i just hate FPS on console, everything else is cool, esp third person.. but with console, you get to pay for your download content =D

07-12-2009, 09:16 PM
bf bad company wasn't all that bad, really repetitive, but at least the game made certain things really fun like finding new weapons and unlocking them on dead bodies of people you kill, the ability to destroy buildings and such and a not so linear means of beating the game made it pretty good.

I didn't like playing it at first, stopped playing it and picked it up a few months later and couldn't stop playing it. The production value is there, the story is great and you really like all of the characters.

The gameplay itself is a tad frustrating since I come from playing battlefield 2 on the pc for years (still do) 137[CSi] (http://www.bf2s.com/player/44391552/) so that was my only gripe. But then after getting used to it the game was a tad more enjoyable, the fact my girlfriend was able to pick up the game and play it more than me was a plus.

The multiplayer is ok, I enjoyed the hell out of it but everyone tends not to do any teamwork like on the pc version of bf2 because they're console nubs so it's like playing bf2 when it came out back in 05, everyone is a lone wolf, no squad coordination, and everyone wants to be a sniper or run around with machine guns spraying and praying.

if you can get over that and it has evolved since. Then it should be a blast to play, and with BF : Bad Company 2 coming out next year, that may give you some incentive to play the first as they revamped the frostbyte engine a tad for the new game.

07-13-2009, 05:21 AM

Almost hit it on the money. The demo for Bad Company was fun and the dialog had me laughing a lot. Was thinking about getting one to stay up to date with the story for two. And it's time for me to get a new game or two anyways.

Hold me over til Modern Warfare 2. :D

07-13-2009, 09:39 PM
bad company's multiplayer is pretty addicting, my friends and I will play it for hours.