View Full Version : Fresno PD sucks

07-10-2009, 06:22 PM
Woman shot by police sues Fresno
She was hit as officers confronted boyfriend.
Published online on Wednesday, Jul. 08, 2009
By Pablo Lopez / The Fresno Bee

A Fresno woman has sued the city in federal court, accusing a police officer of shooting her for no reason at a New Year's Day party.

Fresno police have said an officer shot Gabrielle Rodriguez unintentionally. He fired at the woman's boyfriend, who was reaching for a semi-automatic handgun, and one bullet struck her, police said. Officers said they found the gun nearby.

But Rodriguez's lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Fresno gives a different account.

The lawsuit publicly identifies Robert Chavez as the officer who shot the couple. It says that neither Rodriguez nor her boyfriend, Danny Hernandez, was armed. And the suit alleges that neither Chavez nor officer Derek Avila identified themselves as police before Chavez recklessly fired his gun in an apartment with women and children nearby.

"Police shot an innocent bystander," said San Francisco attorney Michael Bracamontes, who represents Rodriguez. "It was an unreasonable use of excessive force. We have the police reports to prove it."

Rodriguez, 20, is seeking damages for medical bills, emotional distress and lost wages as a retail-sales clerk.

Chavez, a four-year veteran of the Fresno Police Department, is a patrol officer in the central district.

Police Chief Jerry Dyer said Wednesday that "it's unfortunate that Ms. Rodriguez was shot."

However, the chief said, "it was the actions of her boyfriend, Danny Hernandez, that forced the officer to fire his weapon."

The couple were shot inside an apartment on East Princeton Avenue in central Fresno early on Jan. 1.

After the shooting, Dyer told reporters that police went to the apartment in response to a call of a gang member waving a handgun and shooting into the air.

Hernandez was outside the apartment when he saw the two officers, Dyer said. He then ran into the apartment with both officers in pursuit, Dyer said.

Rodriguez was standing next to Hernandez in the living room when he reached into his waistband, which held a semi-automatic handgun, the chief said at the time.

"One of the officers, fearing for his safety, fired two rounds, striking Hernandez in the shoulder and hip area," Dyer said after the shooting. "Both rounds went through, and one of the rounds struck Hernandez's girlfriend in the lower abdomen."

After Hernandez was wounded, a handgun fell to the ground and was recovered by police, Dyer said.

The lawsuit, however, contends that Hernandez saw two men in dark clothing pointing guns at his face -- guns with flashlights attached in a fashion "similar to those used by gang members in the area."

Fearing he was going to be shot, Hernandez ran into the apartment, where he and Rodriguez were shot without warning or provocation, the lawsuit said.

A Fresno police report says Chavez and Avila did not see Hernandez with a firearm.

The report says Avila and Chavez both said "stop, police" when they confronted Hernandez outside the apartment. It says Chavez told Hernandez "stop, police" inside the apartment. But according to the officer who wrote the report, Avila said: "Everything else happened so fast, no other commands were given until after the shooting took place."

In the report, Chavez said he fired his weapon because Hernandez "was reaching toward his waistband" and he believed "the suspect was going to shoot him and his partner, causing serious injury or death."

After the shooting, Dyer said Hernandez has Bulldog gang tattoos, associates with gang members and has been convicted of several crimes, including domestic violence, possession of drugs for sale, burglary and auto theft.

Court records show that Hernandez was charged with several felonies in connection with the New Year's Day incident, including resisting arrest, possession of a firearm and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.

Fresno defense attorney Roberto Dulce, who is representing Hernandez, said his client wasn't armed when he was shot.

Dulce said that Hernandez's trial is pending because he is still waiting for test results from the gun that the two officers recovered.

"I don't think they will find his fingerprints or DNA on the gun or gunshot residue [from his hands], because it's not my client's gun," Dulce said Wednesday.

Regardless of whether Hernandez was armed, Rodriguez remains an innocent victim, Bracamontes said.

After being shot, Rodriguez said she was hospitalized for a week and underwent two surgeries.

She said she has trouble walking and lifting things and suffers from depression, anxiety and fear.

"These feelings will never go away," she said.

I love Fresno.

07-10-2009, 06:57 PM
dumb bitch was hangin out wiht a gang banger, she should know to expect shit to go down.. Sue the individual cop, not the dam city.

I like how women surround themselves in this shit, and think they are all innocent out of this shit

07-10-2009, 07:08 PM
sounds like the cops were actually in the right, to be honest.

07-10-2009, 07:53 PM
It's hard to say.

On one hand, the chick was just guilty of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
There are also inconsistencies within police paper-work, in terms of whether there was a legit provocation to fire the weapon to begin with.
Yeah she wasn't smart to hang around a gangster, but does that alone legally & ethically justify her being shot?
I think not.
If I was the girl, I would most certainly speak to a lawyer to exact retribution.

As for the cop, if the threat really was there (really is a matter of judgment call), he was in the right.
I do think he fucked up with the police report listing that he didn't think there was a threat there & then,
and later decided to change his statement.
Had he (and/or his dept) covered their ass, it would have decreased the likelihood of there even being a case to begin with.
They deserve to get in trouble for their sloppiness after-wards.

Ultimately, it's a matter of 'he said, she said'.

I'm going to have to side with the cop here, pending further info.
You're in a bad area, dealing with a gangster who refuses to cooperate.
I think I would be hard pressed to keep my cool in the same situation.
better to get sued & fired, than to be shot dead in Fresno .
(there would be a bit more dignity being killed elsewhere)

07-11-2009, 12:17 AM
I hate going to Fresno, especially at night around Tower District. Cops harass there way too much. I also think the cop
was in the right in this one.

<--- going to school in Visalia

07-11-2009, 01:12 AM
There are a lot of stupid people here on earth, and i mean a lot of stupid people. Most of these stupid people carry guns and try to shoot our police officers. That jackass is lucky she wasn't killed.

07-11-2009, 02:28 AM
+1 for the Cops on this one.

These guys claim innocent lives daily... would you prefer "2 Cops dead, Fresno"? The Cop was obviously aiming for disablement or these 2 suckers would be dead... and the girl... having a gangster boyfriend isn't bad ass anymore is it? She should learn from this and just move to a foreign country or something...

It's something called personal responsibility. Something a lot of people still don't have, everything has it's consequences and if you choose to take the risk... you deserve every drop of punishment.

Thanks Fresno PD!

07-11-2009, 02:55 AM
I can think of three off hand that no one would miss.

One stole a car. The other two beat near to death a homeless man that was known to be mentally unstable(nonviolent schizophrenic) and harmless.

All three got off. The car was "found" to be stolen by an unnamed informant. The two who beat a homeless guy were caught on film and still got off.

07-11-2009, 04:04 AM
i fucking hate gangsters....bunch of wannabe's. feeling all tough behind their bunch of homos, sorry homies (thats what they call themselves right?). I think the cops should have just shot him dead. as for the gangsters gf (probably some skank with sharpy marker eyebrows. ewww, lol) she deserves that shit too, maybe in the future she will learn that there is more to life than being with low life shits.

07-11-2009, 04:18 AM
Yessir, I got mugged by once when I was younger... I stay out of their game though... what makes you better than everyone else... cause you rock the Maple Leafs? Thank you so much! Tupac and Biggie would be alive today if it wasn't for you!

The U.S. brought organized crime upon themselves though... prohibition... stupidest idea since the Ming Dynasty.

07-11-2009, 04:27 AM
cops were right on this one......(its a rare occasion)

07-11-2009, 05:06 AM
too many variables to declare who is at fault. starting with was there really shot being fired or just a paranoid person calling cause it's new years? Then next would be how the cops addressed themselves. Can't go just by what they say in some report online, they'll always be biased towards cops.

S-Nation S13
07-11-2009, 09:31 AM
wanna find a krooked cop..just call 911!!! lol no matter what the situation is anybody and everybody would lie out there @ss if they were gettin sued human nature to ..lol i personally hate cops they there to give a exhaust ticket, but rarely there to give out red light tickects lol

07-11-2009, 09:38 AM
Ya, I'm sure cops just bust into some apartment, unidentified, and start shooting unarmed men and women.

Cool story lady.

It's a shame it's completely fictional.

07-11-2009, 11:26 AM
Except that Fresno PD does bullshit like that all the time.

A few months ago two officers unloaded two clips each into a guy claiming he shot at them. The only bullets found at the scene were their own plus the dead guys gun was never found. Non of the witnesses saw a gun.

07-11-2009, 02:46 PM
cops were right on this one......(its a rare occasion)

Cops are normally right believe it or not.

It's just that you don't hear about the cops who are justified in what they do, bet it anything from a parking ticket, to a shooting.

Americans just like to bitch about everything and blow things out of proportion.

07-11-2009, 03:33 PM
There are a lot of stupid people here on earth, and i mean a lot of stupid people. Most of these stupid people carry guns and try to shoot our police officers. That jackass is lucky she wasn't killed.

exactly what you said

07-11-2009, 05:10 PM
and its not like they shot her, the bullet went through her boyfriend and hit her.

07-11-2009, 05:17 PM
exactly, it's going to be tough to prove that the cop was being 'reckless'
2 shots only were fired, both non-lethal hitting the target.
bullet probably rebounded off the gangsters' hip bone or something.
Even the most elite special forces marksmen probably could have so much control of how the bullet travels.

all things considered, the cop seemed to have not only made the right choice, but did so exceptionally well.

07-11-2009, 07:01 PM
Everything happens for a reason y'all.

08-05-2009, 04:37 PM
everyone says that the fresno pd does stuff like that all the time, but it is because of the ammount of gang activitie and all the low lives who live there. It is always the asshole with a gun or a gang member who commites crimes on the hour, who wants to sue the cops, yeah sometimes they use excessive force but not on too many decent people, the regular people are almost always caught in the middle of this shit. There are gangs through out the entire town, and you really need to watch what you do and how you look at people. But anyway, people get what they deserve.

I love fresno too. lol.

If anyway is around there, like just a little north of tower district like sheilds and blackstone, you should stop by the Fresno Donut shop, they have really good donuts and are open 24 hours. The stuff is fresher at night like after 730. The guy who is part own and baker has a sr20 s13.

08-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Isn't this like guilty by association or somewhat like that. She was hanging with a guy who has a gun and was going to use it against the cops, what did you expect? The guy probably wanted to use her as a human shield in the first place to get away i bet Dumb ass people.

08-05-2009, 11:52 PM
I love how people bump old threads just to give their opinion a month LATE.

08-06-2009, 03:47 PM
since when do threads have experation dates? And not everyone can live on the forum.

08-06-2009, 07:23 PM
dumb bitch was hangin out wiht a gang banger, she should know to expect shit to go down.. Sue the individual cop, not the dam city.

I like how women surround themselves in this shit, and think they are all innocent out of this shit

Yes, its the woman's fault. Women generally are the reason behind gang violence, police brutality and so on.

Why would you sue a brokeass rookie cop when you can go after his employer?

08-06-2009, 11:22 PM
since when do threads have experation dates? And not everyone can live on the forum.

thread DO have expiration dates. especially when its an old news subject. it just makes you look dumb by giving opinion to something so old and.....dead.

08-06-2009, 11:41 PM
Fresno sucks.

You had too many letters in your thread title

08-06-2009, 11:42 PM
Not to mention something that every member here, that does not reside in California......Are sick and tired of seeing

Dirty Habit
08-07-2009, 08:03 AM
"It is better to be alone than in bad company."
-- George Washington

I.e. If you hang out with bad people, bad shit happens to you.
Every sword has its other side.

1700 posts. Im lame. lol.