View Full Version : godspeed coildovers/s13

07-04-2009, 10:27 AM
searched for reviews, couldn't find anything helpful. so if you have them or have drove them, let me know how they are. im on a budget. don't wanna go cheap if its dumb. i don't want people who haven't used them posting here. that a waste of my time. i don't drift my car regularly. i may go every once in a while. im really looking for more of a lower stance and a decent ride. not to concerned about the ride tho.

comparisons are welcome but if your going to bash on godspeed i don't want to hear it


...hopefully this can help the people like me who are on really tight budgets and are in school at the same time.

edit:if you dident like godspeed but have liked another set, please let me know

07-04-2009, 11:33 AM
You sure you searched? On teh first page of searching I fucking found a review thread about godspeed coilovers that is four pages long

You said you wanted to lower your car and don't care about ride, just cut your springs.

07-04-2009, 05:50 PM
dont modify your car if you dont have money....

07-05-2009, 10:06 AM
If you have to get cheap coilovers, save for AT LEAST Megan Racing.

Definitely, no matter what, don't get the Godspeed Hyper RS. Don't know about the type RS though, at least they're more adjustable than the Hyper RS.

PS. I got some Hyper RS as a gift, and sold them within a week. Now I use DMAX.

07-05-2009, 12:46 PM
read that, no review. he got rid of his car after a month.(read it to find out why) just said how to put them in and everybody argued about how cheap they were. id like to be able to adjust them if need be also.

just wanted some insight on it. ill have enough for godspeed soon, just wondered if they were worth it

your probly the only 1 of the 3 of you that helped at all.. somebody offered me a set of SS for 475. so i unno if ill get anybody thats used those or no, but there what im looking at. megan was probly the next best option for me. did you use the hyper rs? why did you get rid of them?

as far as the money issue goes, i can wait and get a good set if ned be. im just tired of a shot suspension. and if godspeed will get the job done and there cheap i could care less is its knock off or brand name. if they work fine for street use ill get them. my school budget limits my car budget alot. i know alot of you understand that. im not trying to cut corners at all, im just trying to spread my money across the whole car, not just one part.


07-05-2009, 01:13 PM
I personally would save longer, like I said, to buy Megan Racing. I've used them, and they're good for the price.

I used the Hyper RS for like 5 days. They rode okay for being soooo cheap, dampening adjustment didn't do much (big surprise). The lower mount bugged me, if any of Godspeed's mediocre welds broke it would have messed up a lot of stuff. I just didn't trust them. They had no height adjustment, and they made the car sit really high, even with the tender springs removed. They also got surface rust reallllyyyy fast.

I know you want to save money, but really...

Buy Megan Racing instead. Don't bother with Godspeed coilovers.

07-05-2009, 01:24 PM
suspension is a vital part of the car. Thats the one part you shouldn't cheap out on. You want cheap turbo manifold, header, bov, intercooler, even radiator, I guess you can, but going cheap on suspension doean't make sense to me. logic is off there. If you have 4-500 dollars saved up for godspeed, save up another 6-700 dollars and buy some teins or some other suspension specialist.

I have driven on godspeed, not because I wanted cheap crap to ride on but a friend close to those guys wanted me to test them out. But I already knew what they were going to ride like.

Cheaper suspension company, (Megan included), uses stiff spring rates to cover up shity valving. Godspeed adjustment knobs didn't really feel like anythign to me.

The best way I can describe the way the coilovers is that is that small bumps disturb the car. I guess in way it feels like wheel hop, like the coilovers not absorbing anything. I thought something was wrong with the car or the install at first.

I have also tested the spring rates on them, well Megan and BC springs too. They are trash I don't know where they get their spring rate numbers from. because the way they show up on the graph they could literally pick any spring rate they want for their springs.

Here is a little fact because I tried to get into this industry,
Now some people defend chinese coilover brands but it doesn't make sense to me (again megan). The cost of the coilovers themselves aren't what makes them cheap. What these guys do to save money is make one monotube shock and one inverted, and then they make different brackets for every application. you can have a wrx or an s2000 you would have the same shock, which is insane because one is full macphereson suspension and one is full doube wishbone (suspension is completely different.....am I the only one taht thinks thats crazy) , If you were to pull these coilovers out brandnew from the box and shock dyno each shock every corner would have different numbers. Yeah they feel like coilovers still, but I'm not going to lie it will feel better than the stock blown suspension on our cars, but if I had brand new OE shocks, Ill gladly run lowering springs over these dumb coilovers

-I refer to megan's alot because they are shitty coilovers, but the godspeed ones are just a tad worse, hehe, didn't think it were possible, but it is, This comparison is through daily driving with the godspeed's.

So essenstially they advertise the coilovers to be valved for these specific spring rates but the shocks are all the same thing. The springs are also all trash, so what does it leave the consumers with. It's a good thing that most of the people that run them knows nothing about suspension in the first place, because you try giving these coilovers to a real race team, they would be super pissed even if they were free because it would be a waste of time.

Now JIC for example, has hundred of different shocks different sizes, because the stroke limit is different on cars, and different valving. This is the kind of stuff people need to be spending money on it's a noticeable difference. Im sure companies like Tein, and Zeal does the same thing.

07-05-2009, 01:54 PM
ive had these before. i thought they were alright for dd. i kept them on my delivery car anyway and roughly put about 70-80 miles of city driving a day and held up pretty good. my friend's stances went out on him after about 2 weeks after installation; we both had our suspension done at a shop and both deliver pizza about 4 days a week. on the softest setting they felt like a spring/shock combo. on the stiffest setting, they were SUPER stiff. its true tho, they did seem to rust pretty fast. however, i dont have them anymore because during a session i slid into a guard rail and found that the front drivers side snapped in half, like at the lower perch. possibly because of the rust...despite that, id still buy it again, just spray some kind of rust preventive thing on it lol.

07-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Stance went out after two weeks?

Ultra bs.

07-05-2009, 02:23 PM
i dont have them anymore because during a session i slid into a guard rail and found that the front drivers side snapped in half, like at the lower perch. possibly because of the rust...despite that, id still buy it again, just spray some kind of rust preventive thing on it lol.


Seriously, if you have suspension that is SNAPPING in half in a minor accident, you shouldn't be using it.

07-05-2009, 04:55 PM
I personally would save longer, like I said, to buy Megan Racing. I've used them, and they're good for the price.

I used the Hyper RS for like 5 days. They rode okay for being soooo cheap, dampening adjustment didn't do much (big surprise). The lower mount bugged me, if any of Godspeed's mediocre welds broke it would have messed up a lot of stuff. I just didn't trust them. They had no height adjustment, and they made the car sit really high, even with the tender springs removed. They also got surface rust reallllyyyy fast.

I know you want to save money, but really...

Buy Megan Racing instead. Don't bother with Godspeed coilovers.

ive had these before. i thought they were alright for dd. i kept them on my delivery car anyway and roughly put about 70-80 miles of city driving a day and held up pretty good. my friend's stances went out on him after about 2 weeks after installation; we both had our suspension done at a shop and both deliver pizza about 4 days a week. on the softest setting they felt like a spring/shock combo. on the stiffest setting, they were SUPER stiff. its true tho, they did seem to rust pretty fast. however, i dont have them anymore because during a session i slid into a guard rail and found that the front drivers side snapped in half, like at the lower perch. possibly because of the rust...despite that, id still buy it again, just spray some kind of rust preventive thing on it lol.

thanks for the reveiws/suggestions guys. Lovely10, did u have the SS? Ninjlao, thanks for explaining all that. im kinda split on what to do. i mean, if they hold up for DD then there good for me but ill probly save a little longer. and they come with a warentee. so if they broke i get my money back, if i remember correctly. ill look again. but ill keep my stock suspension just in case. i unno, im still thinkin. and i still have about a month to figure out what im gunna do anyway. thanks alot for everything guys. much help:) if anybody has anything else theyd like to contribute im listening


07-05-2009, 05:41 PM
Most warranties mean that you get ANOTHER item back, not your money back.

07-05-2009, 06:07 PM
Buy PBMS fuck the rest of the B.S.
Megans and Godspeed lick my balls.

07-05-2009, 06:07 PM
Don't buy them.

Seriously. Save for a while longer. They're janky. Take our advice.

07-05-2009, 06:38 PM
cheap ass godspeed shit.
suspension is the most important thing on the car. you do not want your suspension failing on you do you? that shit is the only thing holding your car up. if it were to fail, your life is on the line. do you want to take that chance?

07-05-2009, 08:50 PM
well now that we've reestablished the fact that godspeed blows. what are my options? note the fact that im on a collage budget. just looking for reliability mostly

07-05-2009, 09:16 PM
New megans, or used teins, stance etc. would be my choice.

07-05-2009, 10:24 PM
Oh here we go, quit being such a bunch of girls and knocking something cheap when you have no idea what your talking about and have never drifted on them. I was getting the same load of crap when i was looking for coils from people with stance and tein when they had never even heard of godspeed." Dude theres nothing good under $1000." The car is my daily and makes it to atleast one drift event a month. The coilovers are the non-dampening adjustment 12k/10k
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9378/35103972.th.jpg (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/35103972.jpg/)
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http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/5521/71236616.th.jpg (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/71236616.jpg/)
http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2042/65128122.th.jpg (http://img190.imageshack.us/i/65128122.jpg/)
http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/120/89120194.th.jpg (http://img11.imageshack.us/i/89120194.jpg/)
http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1503/t11b.th.jpg (http://img190.imageshack.us/i/t11b.jpg/)
http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3416/t12a.th.jpg (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/t12a.jpg/)
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/9673/t13x.th.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/t13x.jpg/)
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/3852/t14o.th.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/t14o.jpg/)
http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/6543/22566344.th.jpg (http://img190.imageshack.us/i/22566344.jpg/)
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/397/t10f.th.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/t10f.jpg/)
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2743/t15r.th.jpg (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/t15r.jpg/)Look closely at this pic

07-06-2009, 08:21 AM
Oh here we go, quit being such a bunch of girls and knocking something cheap when you have no idea what your talking about and have never drifted on them. I was getting the same load of crap when i was looking for coils from people with stance and tein when they had never even heard of godspeed." Dude theres nothing good under $1000." The car is my daily and makes it to atleast one drift event a month. The coilovers are the non-dampening adjustment 12k/10k

Godspeeds suck bro. Have fun with them all you want. This isn't about being girls it's exactly for the fact that it is cheap, and it is crap. Godspeed doesn't even offer a shock dyno. Do you even know WTF you are riding on?
If you can't spend the money on a good suspension set up you shouldn't be getting into motorsports for the fact that it is an expensive hobby to be in.
Don't cheap out on suspension and braking, it could kill you!!!!
FACT: GODSPEED is not a reputable company
FACT: GODSPEED started out on egay
FACT: GODSPEED does not test there product line for defects (PBM, stance, tein, etc. do)
FACT: you get exactly what you pay for (without safety testing, without shock dyno's, and wiothout reputable customer service and satisfaction, and warrantee)

If you like shit with a high spring rate that's great for you. But then all you are paying for is shit with springs.`

07-06-2009, 11:51 AM
I didnt say they were great or even good for that matter, however they are a HUGE upgrade from stock or dropsprings and are a awesome coilover FOR THE PRICE. I got mine for 500 shipped new and they ride better than my buddies' k-sport slide control($1000) and megan track/streets($850).

For people that want a daily, ride height adjustable, occasionally tracked suspension setup, i would highly recommend them. I hate when people hear ebay and start talking shit, they do have a bad name with most but out of THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE godspeed coilovers i have never heard a bad review. People dont expect them to be Tein super drifts. I will somewhat agree with you on "you get what you pay for" but look at all of the coilovers that are one step above godspeed from $700-few$1000, godspeed can compete.

What does it matter if they started out on ebay or arent a "reputable company" to you.:gives:I didnt come here to start a pointless argument, if you dont agree then atleast post something helpful to the thread instead of "Godspeed sucks."

07-06-2009, 01:30 PM
What does it matter if they started out on ebay or arent a "reputable company" to you.:gives:I didnt come here to start a pointless argument, if you dont agree then atleast post something helpful to the thread instead of "Godspeed sucks."

that was basically the point of the first half of my post. just curious, are tanabe any good? again, id like people that have used them to tell me about them

07-06-2009, 03:09 PM
let me redirect you here little review im doing on godspeed coils...

godspeed coils what what: Tires, Wheels, Brakes and Suspension: Nissan Forums / Infiniti Forums - NICOclub (http://forums.nicoclub.com/zerothread/432923-godspeed-coils-what-what)

07-06-2009, 04:29 PM
What does it matter if they started out on ebay or arent a "reputable company" to you.:gives:I didnt come here to start a pointless argument, if you dont agree then atleast post something helpful to the thread instead of "Godspeed sucks."

You've never owned a business to see the many problems that are associated with ebay sellers.

The problem isn't ebay. It's the seller of the product. When vendors and shops don't want to back up a product that has no warranty, testing, or reliability it goes on ebay.
Same situation with megan over 6 years ago. Same with OBX. These were all manufactured products that didn't perform to testing, to prove reliability or the strength of the product. It's scary to alot of shops and vendors that would want to take a risk on a product that has nothing to reinforce it as a good product to sell the consumer.
I feel warm and fuzzy to own PBM's, Tanabe's, KYB's, Tokico, Tein, KTS, etc and so on because it took these companies years to establish re pour with the consumer, and through trial and error building superior products. Godspeed on the other hand is no where near the satisfaction of companies that have been in the business of selling you a suspension for over 20+ years.

07-06-2009, 05:03 PM
thanks for that link, that's the kind of review i need:)

a company cant really have the rep of 20+ years if it hasn't been around.. but i understand were your coming form. have you owned a set of Tanabe's? im curious about those as well. the 2 reviews i read, full reviews, haven't had any complaints tho. i don't really see why everybody rips on them... but i still would like more feedback.

thanks alot everybody thats contributed. most of you were alot of help:)

07-06-2009, 05:13 PM
I have not had the coilovers but I did buy the suspension arm package cause I figured It would help me get my s14 up and running faster and after I was driving it I could get better suspension down the line. Big mistake, all the arms were shitty spot welded and already rusting. The toe arm connectors were like tack welded onto the toe arms, the 'bushings' were cheap as all hell. Needless to say I was scared to put that crap on my car, I went ahead and sold it all on craigslist and actually made more money than I spent on it. Next month all SPL arms. The car still is not running but at least it's not smashed into a guard rail either.

07-06-2009, 06:01 PM

a company cant really have the rep of 20+ years if it hasn't been around.. but i understand were your coming form. have you owned a set of Tanabe's? im curious about those as well. the 2 reviews i read, full reviews, haven't had any complaints tho.

I believe Tanabe is the sister company to KYB. Tanabe's are extremely reliable and carry many patents from KYB which has been in the strut/shock business for 40+ years.
Tanabe's are reliable, and dampen nicely I was about to buy the series 7 which I had tested before, until I cheaped out on the Powered By Max.

07-06-2009, 07:34 PM
how much less are powered by max? did you like them? the whole point of this thread is to find cheap, reliable coils. Tanabes probably what im goin for atm, but if the powered by max 1 are cheaper and good il look into them

07-06-2009, 07:55 PM
Why don't you help us by saying how much money you make, and how much money you have?

Do you NEED suspension right now i.e. is your current suspension about to fall apart, or is the minuscule amount of money you have right now burning a hole in your pocket?

From what it sounds like you're a pretty smart guy by being able to defend yourself without typing in all caps or swearing excessively.

Use your intelligence and privilege to take advice from experienced members to purchase a reputable and reliable suspension component.

We've all pinched pennies before while wanting to mod our cars, but TRUST, if you buy some garbage ass suspension set up, its going to cost you more in the end.

Tow truck, downtime, borrowing rides from friends, taking the bus, getting ANOTHER alignment, replacing whatever is broken. I've been there and done that over broken parts, and it really is a pain in the ass.

Just do it right the first time.

Shit I know doesn't break (*means I've owned stuff from them)






Powered by Max*

If you want to find these brands either search the for sale section or this forum in general!

There are a ton of people parting out their cars due to the economy.

07-06-2009, 09:06 PM
i make roughly 300-500 every 2 weeks, hence my school being a problem with the car.

swearing in all caps is just going to give me a bad name on here... that's dumb.

im relatively new to cars. i no some stuff but im learning alot. the point of this thread wasent just to help find me some cheaper coilovers, but its also to help others. i couldent find anything helpfull on godspeed coils at all on Zilvia. im sure somebody else has been wondering about them. so im trying to help the other kids like me find something a little cheaper worth the money.

as for my suspension, it works... kinda. its shot. its old. its rusty. its stock. and moneywise, ive got maybe 400 in the bank right now. but ive got rent to pay and insurence and a phone bill(i no its not much for most, im not complaining). and i need to get tools for school(dont know if my loan will cover them yet) so really im trying to get a feel for what my options are with out spending a fortune in the process.

07-06-2009, 09:24 PM
I'd rather drive on blown coils made by a legit manufacturer than roll on new Godspeeds.

Have you SEEN the spot welded lower brackets? Holy shit, no thanks, DO NOT WANT.

07-06-2009, 11:46 PM
Exactly. Those lower mounts scare the shit out of me.

To the guy defending godspeed with all those pics up there, wtf? You could drift if you just welded a solid piece of metal where your struts used to be and take some pictures that would look cool, but that doesn't make that a "good" idea.

I did own Godspeed, and I'll tell you that my Dmax are sooo much better. Worth the extra money for sure. I know people complain about all the sub $1000 coilovers, they may not be perfect, or have ideal dampening. But they do what I need them to do for my driving level. I still think if you're on a super tight budget go with Megan Racing. I like them a lot for their price. If you can spend a little more, go with PBM, Stance, or DMAX IMO. I like all three of those a lot. If you can spend even more, go for it. I've never tried anything in the $1500+ price range though. So I have no say. But everybody says there is some amazing stuff.

Anyways, OP, I'd roll on your horrible stock stuff and save for another month or two. In the long run it will be worth it. Godspeed will just end up making you mad.

07-07-2009, 04:44 AM
I too think you should wait, buying those coils on such a limited budget really sounds like more of a risk than you should be taking, especially if you only have one car.

It sounds like maybe you should just buy a set of used good condition coils maybe Stance or PBM (but people rarely sell those...)

07-07-2009, 11:14 AM
Exactly. Those lower mounts scare the shit out of me.

To the guy defending godspeed with all those pics up there, wtf? You could drift if you just welded a solid piece of metal where your struts used to be and take some pictures that would look cool, but that doesn't make that a "good" idea.

Its to show that they've held fine for the past 10 drift events, and bad daily streets also.

07-07-2009, 12:48 PM
how do i know if there in good condition? used coils that is. Megan and Tanabe is the next set ill be looking at that are new also. ive heard good about both, so ill probably look into those.

thanks alot everybody, your all a huge help:)

EDIT: looking at the Megan site, what set should i be looking at? ir dies it really matter.. suggestions?

07-07-2009, 12:51 PM
how much less are powered by max? did you like them? the whole point of this thread is to find cheap, reliable coils. Tanabes probably what im goin for atm, but if the powered by max 1 are cheaper and good il look into them

PBM's IMO are the biggest bang for the buck for $1000. spring rates are selectable from 12/10, to 10/8. The 12/10 is a little tough on street, but super awsome for the track. If you do both street and track I would go with a 10/8 spring rate.

07-07-2009, 02:22 PM
how do i know if there in good condition? used coils that is.

The coils don't leak, aren't bent, don't have excessive rust, or missing parts.

You can look at the person, the coils, and their car and how complete the items are to tell whether or not they're responsible and take care of the items while they're in possession.

07-07-2009, 03:00 PM
thanks for telling me what to look for:)

ill look at em. thanks for the suggestion

07-09-2009, 07:03 PM
looking on eBay for used coils, just curiously. for this. do they look legit? or just like a a rip off pos kinda company?

JDM Nissan Cusco Tein Drift Spec Coilovers S13 240SX 91:eBay Motors (item 130317584003 end time Jul-15-09 19:00:00 PDT) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-Nissan-Cusco-Tein-Drift-Spec-Coilovers-S13-240SX-91_W0QQitemZ130317584003QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_ Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item1e57888683&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1171)

that's 1 of there posts, there was another for a set of teins too, looked pretty rusty tho.

08-29-2009, 10:48 AM
when i started college i knew i was going to be driving a lot. i went to godspeed's shop and talked to the guys there. i looked at all their different set ups they had. the type ss, type rs. i ended up stricking a deal with them and i got to use their suspension for testing. i have drivin on many different suspensions. i have taken my car tp autocross events with the godspeed type rs. it held up well. the suspension did what it should. ive put 50,000miles on them in 1 year. (i drove at least 100 miles a day). they r still on the car. i just took them off to inspect them and everything is still good. my lower brackets were not spot welded and the coilovers are 32 way adjustable dampining and ride hieght adjustable. its important that you dont just throw coilovers on without changing control arms.tension rods and toe arms. those are all very important pieces. without good adjustable control arms,ect.. all coilovers would be bad. remember ur suspension is only as good as your weakest link.
replace your bushing as well. go to polyurathane..nismo makes a nice set for the 240's..

i hope it helps you out.

08-29-2009, 11:35 AM
whats going on man.. I dont do the whole two piece suspensions haha i have a nice 1pc in both my EG hatchback and my S2000.. and when i bought my s13.. i was in LA and came accross these godspeed coil overs and seemed good.. i saw the 16way adjustable dampening, adjustable camber plates and easy hight adjustment.. i barely put them on 3 days ago but seem really good so far.. i got em for $500 out the door :cool:

08-29-2009, 01:10 PM
when i started college i knew i was going to be driving a lot. i went to godspeed's shop and talked to the guys there. i looked at all their different set ups they had. the type ss, type rs. i ended up stricking a deal with them and i got to use their suspension for testing. i have drivin on many different suspensions. i have taken my car tp autocross events with the godspeed type rs. it held up well. the suspension did what it should. ive put 50,000miles on them in 1 year. (i drove at least 100 miles a day). they r still on the car. i just took them off to inspect them and everything is still good. my lower brackets were not spot welded and the coilovers are 32 way adjustable dampining and ride hieght adjustable. its important that you dont just throw coilovers on without changing control arms.tension rods and toe arms. those are all very important pieces. without good adjustable control arms,ect.. all coilovers would be bad. remember ur suspension is only as good as your weakest link.
replace your bushing as well. go to polyurathane..nismo makes a nice set for the 240's..

i hope it helps you out.

that did help alot, thanks for the reply. i still have yet to get anything really for my car. ive had money problems lately and i can even afford godspeed at the moment. but justdgeing by ehat you and everybody thats had them has said ill probly get them when i get the money

whats going on man.. I dont do the whole two piece suspensions haha i have a nice 1pc in both my EG hatchback and my S2000.. and when i bought my s13.. i was in LA and came accross these godspeed coil overs and seemed good.. i saw the 16way adjustable dampening, adjustable camber plates and easy hight adjustment.. i barely put them on 3 days ago but seem really good so far.. i got em for $500 out the door :cool:

haha sweet deal man, let me know how they are! i only daily my car so im not to worried about the track use. althought i may track my car someday... lol

thanks the the replies guys, much help:D

08-29-2009, 03:54 PM
haha no problemo, but on the softest damp. level their nice even as low as i have them right now.. and when im about to lay down some rubber i turn them all the way up in the back and almost all the way in the front and theres actually a good difference.. im just crossing my toes that the shocks dont go bad or anything.. but yea.. so far so good.. already put them through hell :D

08-29-2009, 07:41 PM
Just for an update.

The guy I sold the GOdspeed coilovers I had for ~1 week still has them. One is blown. They are under 8 months old. Have less than 15,000 miles on them.

My Tanabe Sustec Pro 7 and DMAX are both going strong!

08-29-2009, 07:56 PM
haha no problemo, but on the softest damp. level their nice even as low as i have them right now.. and when im about to lay down some rubber i turn them all the way up in the back and almost all the way in the front and theres actually a good difference.. im just crossing my toes that the shocks dont go bad or anything.. but yea.. so far so good.. already put them through hell :D

how low is the lowest setting? is it slammed? or just closes the gap? pics?

Just for an update.

The guy I sold the GOdspeed coilovers I had for ~1 week still has them. One is blown. They are under 8 months old. Have less than 15,000 miles on them.

My Tanabe Sustec Pro 7 and DMAX are both going strong!

ouch... thats no good:\ u track ur car often? like i said, i just daily mine so they may get beat on a few times every once in a while. but not too often

08-29-2009, 09:42 PM
Yeah. I have 2.

Both are street legal, both get daily driven and tracked.

I drive A LOT too.

08-30-2009, 09:53 AM
interesting.. i was considering pbm too. i unno, like i said, im not to concerned at this point in time because i dont have the $ for either of them :(

08-30-2009, 11:36 AM
Just save your money until you're ready to make a GOOD decision.

Haste makes waste.

08-30-2009, 04:40 PM
indeed. i put as much aside from my pay checks as i can twords the car, but im in debt with tools and school and such...

09-02-2009, 01:48 AM
ya save money drift better

09-02-2009, 06:22 PM
most of the car money just went to 2 DAs>.<

05-11-2010, 12:12 PM
A lot of guessing on here & no real experience. Shame shame!

I can tell you first hand that Godspeeds are just as good as Megans... for $300 less! These things are so cheap that there is no excuse to ride on old stock suspension.

05-11-2010, 12:23 PM
A lot of guessing on here & no real experience. Shame shame!

I can tell you first hand that Godspeeds are just as good as Megans... for $300 less! These things are so cheap that there is no excuse to ride on old stock suspension.

U must be Jesus Christ ....

05-13-2010, 10:33 PM
U must be Jesus Christ ....

I would say he is more of the anti christ since its the ignorance hes spewing on the forums on cost comparisons and doesnt know jack shit about a decent coil over.

05-14-2010, 12:08 AM
just save up and get some legit coilovers.

05-15-2010, 03:13 PM
A lot of guessing on here & no real experience. Shame shame!

I can tell you first hand that Godspeeds are just as good as Megans... for $300 less! These things are so cheap that there is no excuse to ride on old stock suspension.

Your the kind of person that adds to the depriciation of the 240sx, cheap is what cheap does, just like would you hire a contractor to do a job right on your home, or would you hire cheap labor with no warranty, and defective parts along the way.

Seriously if you can't afford the best for your car to begin with you shouldn't go after generic water down imitations that dont suit the needs of the car better.

Cheap is well cheap and ryhmes with heap as in heap of shit
Affordable and reliable are both able and willing to work in conjunction
Expensive is just to be impressive

Understand the terms son, good day.

05-15-2010, 03:47 PM
eric castro rocks godspeed and he drifts, ask him.

i think johnny (crimsonrockett), or his brother had a set of godspeed coils on the car but decided to sell since they were stiff.

i'm no suspension guru, but i'd personally stay away from used coils. but that's just me. good luck finding the info you need, but this thread was doomed from the start-any kind of thread that asks this kind of questions just spirals out of control and becomes a waste of time to read.

05-16-2010, 04:38 PM
i have the godspeed coils and i like them. i dont daily my 240 anymore cause i have a titan now. when i did drive it everyday and track it on the weekends the coils held up well for drifting and auto x. since i got mine like 5 other people on my team got them and love them and thank me for being the test dummy to buy them and track them. i do wish they would go lower but thats not what they are for. funny thing is that i am gonna sell them for 500 to a guy i know and get a set of pbm b/c i am gonna make my car into a track car. so if you want something cheap and ok for the track get them but if you want to do it right and not have to buy a different setup later just save up and get a better set

05-17-2010, 11:28 AM
i do wish they would go lower
I have the rears on my S14 up as high as I can. Any lower & my wheels touch the top of the well. Perhaps the S13 offers more clearance?

05-17-2010, 05:46 PM
the only expression i can say about godspeed is my infamous "But Why?...."

But Why...

-would you cheap out on your safety?
-wanna spend more money in the future?
-buy the absolute worst and expect reliablity for a daily driver?
-mod a car if you have no money?
-do you insist on getting better reviews on shit?

05-18-2010, 12:07 PM
Well i had ksport coilovers i got them for 800 and i loved them. People talk all the shit in world but maybe you should think about which coilovers have like a lifetime warranty i also drove my friends 240 and he has megans and they ride nice too i mean there not stance or kw's but if a drop and a better ride quality is what your looking for then

05-18-2010, 12:30 PM
Even HKS & TEIN only offer a one year warranty... same as Godspeed, Ksport, etc!

Besides, I would not count on anyone's warranty. I am yet to find a manufacturer that replaces wear items 100% after they are installed. Factor in the cost of shipping a coilover or two to Japan...

05-30-2010, 08:45 PM
I'm running on Silkroad/Tanabe Sustec Pro 5 Coilovers atm. No problems at all
Also have them for sale

05-31-2010, 08:21 PM
Dont waste your money buy some bc if you want cheap coilovers havent had problems with mine yet